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Halo |OT12| Last One Out, Get the Lights

Camo should be a built in load out to certain playlists. Not a permanent power up. Maybe put a default Camo class in flag and some btb objectives game types only?

It could work with some serious rebalancing. Time should burn out more quickly, you should lose motion detector, and if you are zoomed you should come out of camo. The fact that the two already weak balances for it (PV, and radar dots) stop working at long range makes it goddamn stupid.
Lol yea so I was confused about that sculpt, thinking it was sideshow's new Cortana statue(which still hasn't been shown yet). Hopefully it doesn't get canned like Koto's. Currently WETA's statue is the only statue made of Cortana. You won't find it anymore though and if you do, it will be marked up by at least %300. Such is the way of the statue collecting world.


Because players behind naturally ally against players ahead.

I doubt that. People in FFA shoot on the person they see and is fastest to be killed by them, they don't act like "oh wait let me see he is on place 1? I will help the other one instead"

And I don't even think that was what was meant, I thought it was because in Regicide not the player with the most kills or best kd gets the first place. Maybe I understood it wrong lol.


It could work with some serious rebalancing. Time should burn out more quickly, you should lose motion detector, and if you are zoomed you should come out of camo. The fact that the two already weak balances for it (PV, and radar dots) stop working at long range makes it goddamn stupid.

I could go for the "no radar" thing. That's a fair trade. Also, make power weapons visible while its user is in Camo.
lol I've never seen players ignoring each other to kill the leader.
I doubt that. People in FFA shoot on the person they see and is fastest to be killed by them, they don't act like "oh wait let me see he is on place 1? I will help the other one instead"
It is the essence of the complaints. Free-for-all games, in general, are balanced by the alliances that check players from running away with the victory. Halo is no different. If your ultimate goal is to place as highly as possible, it is in your interest to continue the game until you rise in position. If it is winner-take-all, you don't want that game to end until you are leader. This is a natural balancing mechanic common to all FFAs whether it be Halo or any other game of any kind. It's basic logic.

The reason people don't pursue these interests in a game like Halo is because they are poor players. And a poor player can greatly disrupt the natural balance on an FFA.
I was accused of cheating today in a SWAT game. I went 41 and 17 on a 3 person team.
People like you make me sick! Here I am, trying to double-exp-camo-assassinate my way to some sweet new armor and you come into MY GAME and ruin the experience by PLAYING the game to win the game. Disgusting.


Lol yea so I was confused about that sculpt, thinking it was sideshow's new Cortana statue(which still hasn't been shown yet). Hopefully it doesn't get canned like Koto's. Currently WETA's statue is the only statue made of Cortana. You won't find it anymore though and if you do, it will be marked up by at least %300. Such is the way of the statue collecting world.

Heh I have one. It's a replacement for my first one which fell off my shelf and smashed. It was a real vaderno.jpg moment. :(


That's what I'm going to say, too. Even if my GF knows, that I'm lying. Haha. :)

What the status on your car btw? I got a gift card for driving a Nissan GTR for 24 hours, on my last birthday. Still unused. Thats my favourite car and it's going to be fucking awesome. :D

Nice, you should record it with a GoPro or take pictures. GTR is definitely on my purchase list one day. Since my car exploded on the track I've been driving a turbo Miata around. Nothing like driving a boosted RWD convertible on summer tires all over New Hampshire as snow nears lol

The Subaru's built, I have the VIN, and I believe it's in the United States and on a car carrier coming from Baltimore. Should be here within a week, hopefully.



343i Lead Esports Producer
It is the essence of the complaints. Free-for-all games, in general, are balanced by the alliances that check players from running away with the victory. Halo is no different. If your ultimate goal is to place as highly as possible, it is in your interest to continue the game until you rise in position. If it is winner-take-all, you don't want that game to end until you are leader. This is a natural balancing mechanic common to all FFAs whether it be Halo or any other game of any kind. It's basic logic.

The reason people don't pursue these interests in a game like Halo is because they are poor players. And a poor player can greatly disrupt the natural balance on an FFA.

It doesn't always play out like that though, even in the highest level of matches. Yes, all players are always aware of who is in front of them and who is leading the match. You don't hunt those players however. FFA is more about opportunities. If you've got a chance to put shots on the leader, then you take that. Even if he's cross map and you know you're not going to get the kill, you make him weak so he doesn't get a kill. However, you yourself won't catch up if you don't capitalize on your opportunities to kill the other players in the match. You have to get as many kills as you can, as quickly as you can. Little wasted time. You have to play to your spawn, your positioning and your opportunities. Part of that is luck.

The problem people have with Regicide is that I can have the most kills and lose the match. And I'm fine with that because I know it's a casual gametype. It requires a different approach than regular FFA.

edit: Oh shiiiiit Kyle, I was actually meaning to ask you about the car. Make sure you take some extensive pics of that bad boy when you get it in.
Having THE most atrocious SpOps lag.

Can't believe this shit is still happening.
Probably my biggest disappointment with Spartan Ops. I've had more laggy games now than I ever did with Reach's Firefight, and I played a shitload of FF.

I had one fortunate game where everyone just quit out of the Complex mission before it started, and it was amazing fun. I'll probably never explore the inner workings of Complex more than I did that game; the AI actually gave chase and never stopped looking for me.

edit: how many people do you have to assassinate to get the Venator armor? I'm terrible at it, but I also never use camo...

gAg CruSh3r

To every one that is custom game fan! I NEED your help Halo's NeoGAF members. I need someones help to post this onto the Thread Forums to get the word out about this. Many people at the 343i forums are wanting a change to the custom game settings in Halo 4. I did posted this in the community Halo thread but I am not getting any responses about it.. Here is the site where everything is going down at...


I don't post a lot here on NeoGAF but I would really appreciate it if someone can help out with this?

From Time Glitch-

We need to have a talk, 343. You and the customs community. We need to sit down and have a real man-to-man on this one. Because what you've been up to with customs and Halo 4? It needs to stop. We need to nip this in the bud before it gets any worse.

It's our turn to talk, because we haven't gotten our say in yet. Listen. Listen very carefully. Here is what you have done with Halo 4:

- Removed Assault, Juggernaut, and Race.
- Failed to bring back VIP.
- Removed the ability to change Infected weapons and appearance in Flood.
- Cannot disable sprint.
- Cannot disable your new flag settings.
- Removed the Custom Powerup.

And that's just what I can remember off of the top of my head. I'm sure I'll add more as time goes on, but this needs to be said now: The changes you have made are leading us down a path where custom games are even more restricted than they were in Halo Reach. This is a problem. This is not something to ignore.

These decisions need to be reversed and rectified as soon as possible. These decisions, and decisions like them, are adversely effecting our ability to customize and create new content for Halo 4. And it's not just affecting us. The entire MLG community is absolutely dumbfounded that they cannot revert the flag settings to a more competitive state. These decisions are actively hurting one of the biggest, if not the biggest, Halo community out there. We need more options and gametypes, not less.

The best example is Race. You have literally killed an entire community of players by not including any options for a Race gametype. We don't even have VIP! Do you understand that entire communities are now left without any options because of this decision? Do you know how many players are now missing a huge chunk of their Halo experience?

Here is where you really need to tune in, 343. Custom gamers exist. We are a BIG community that, at one time, were thriving in happy in the Halo series. Ever since the end of Halo 3, we have been shoved aside and ignored. We thought you were different, but so far all we've seen is a further reduction in our ability to enjoy Halo in our own way.

You need to acknowledge us. You need to talk to us. You need to engage us in a meaningful way, because we are tired of being ignored. The outrage over the lack of options is finally making its way to this forum, and it is justified. This is the breaking point. You have kicked the hornet's nest, and the swarm is waking up.

Turn this around. Make this right. Acknowledge us.

And help us help you make your game better for everyone.

Thank you.


Because this thread has gathered enough attention, many people have pointed out the need for a full patch list. I want to maintain the original thread's text (It's gotten us this far!), but I do want to expand the list of problems in the form of a patch list for 343. I will put this all in a spoiler tag, as it'll be pretty damn long. If I miss something, let me know and I will add it. This list will be changing and updating as time goes on.


- Bring back VIP, Juggernaut, Assault, Headhunter, Stockpile, Invasion, Territories, and Race with all previously included options from Halo 3 and Reach, respectively. This includes things like VIP radius traits.
- Add option to all gametypes to disable Sprint.
- Bring back the Custom Powerup in Forge, and add in the option to edit it for all gametypes.
- Under the "Appearance" tab, bring back the full range of colors.
- Fix the bug where placed weapons won't show up in certain gametypes.
- Enable full File-Share options and support on Waypoint.
- Add option to all gametypes to disable "Press X to Respawn" or "Auto Respawn".
- Bring back infinite or regenerating grenades as a custom option.


- Make Flood loadouts editable.
- Fix Alpha Zombie to last more than one life.
- Make the Flood skin togglable.
- Remove all-talk so Zombies and Humans have different chat channels again.
- Bring back the option for player's chosen color scheme instead of restricting us to the lime-green color for Humans.
- Bring back percentage options for "Number of Flood".
- Fix the bug where weapons placed on the map in Forge do not show up in Flood customs. Currently the only way to get custom weapons on the map is through Ordinance drops. This is the same bug as the "general" weapon bug.
- Fix bug where Last Man Standing waypoint cannot be turned off even if it is disabled in the options.
- Give the "Number of Flood" a full range of numbers (1-15).
- Bring back Havens. Kevin Franklin actually said this existed, and it does not.


- Bring back the option to remove auto pick-up.
- Bring back option to drop the flag.
- Bring back option to turn off flag waypoints (On carrier, on ground, escort, etc.).
- Add in option to remove the Flagnum. (Better yet, give us the option to give the flag carrier ANY weapon, including none!).
- Add in option to edit how much extra damage the flag carrier weapon does. It is currently hard-coded.
- Add in option for Neutral Flag.
- Add in option for 1-Flag.


- Bring back precision Forging.
- Give us a big, open space to Forge in devoid of terrain and pre-made buildings.
- Add the "Weapon Pickup" option into Trait Zones.



From the creator of BattleTracks, and pretty much the father of the Racing community:

I really feel like crying and this decision that 343 made really divided the custom games community and will ultimately destroy the longevity of Halo 4.

Edit #2:

This thread has been hitting the front page of the forums for over a week with consistent replies every day.

I don't know what else to say, other than thank you. Thank you to everyone who has helped keep this thread alive; To everyone who has hit the thank button and shared their thoughts; To you folks out there who bothered to make an account to show your support; To those of you who don't even play Customs, but realize that something is very wrong and chose to throw your hat in the ring (It's a pile by now!).

As probably one of the first custom game creators, to see such a massive response and network of support is simply incredible. We've been ignored and smushed into the background for so long, and finally we've unified in an effort to say "We've had enough". It's so good to see this happening after so long.

So, once again: Thank you. From me, and from the custom games community.

Keep it up. 343 can't hold their breath and wait for us to go away this time.

Edit #3:

Viet Honour has made a video linking to this thread and supporting its message. Big props to him:



It is the essence of the complaints. Free-for-all games, in general, are balanced by the alliances that check players from running away with the victory. Halo is no different. If your ultimate goal is to place as highly as possible, it is in your interest to continue the game until you rise in position. If it is winner-take-all, you don't want that game to end until you are leader. This is a natural balancing mechanic common to all FFAs whether it be Halo or any other game of any kind. It's basic logic.

The reason people don't pursue these interests in a game like Halo is because they are poor players. And a poor player can greatly disrupt the natural balance on an FFA.

I've never EVER in all my time of any FFA game ignored players and gone after the leader. That's a sure way to lose.


Nice, you should record it with a GoPro or take pictures. GTR is definitely on my purchase list one day. Since my car exploded on the track I've been driving a turbo Miata around. Nothing like driving a boosted RWD convertible on summer tires all over New Hampshire as snow nears lol

The Subaru's built, I have the VIN, and I believe it's in the United States and on a car carrier coming from Baltimore. Should be here within a week, hopefully.


Good car taste


Played Halo Reach tonight and got Heavies on BTB and enjoyed it more than any game I've played in Halo 4. Never thought I'd see the day where I would appreciate Halo fucking Reach.

Halo 4 continues to fucking flop. The fact that 343 aren't speaking much about where the game is headed isn't helping also.

They most likely won't. Maybe in Feb when we're all bitching about skill ranks.

*Brb let me check to see what lvl I am on waypoint*


After looking at all the Specializations, I can't see any one other than Rogue being the right choice for me when I hit 50 tonight.
I just started with my Engineer specialization. Now 10 levels till I can see where the frickin weapons will spawn.

Anyone knows how early you can see the location of the weapons?


I just started with my Engineer specialization. Now 10 levels till I can see where the frickin weapons will spawn.

Anyone knows how early you can see the location of the weapons?

Wut? You mean you pick a specialization, commit to it, and have to level with it before its ability works? I'm confused.


tagged by Blackace
Wut? You mean you pick a specialization, commit to it, and have to level with it before its ability works? I'm confused.
Yes. Completing the last level of a specialization gives you a tactical or support package with the ability. That's the payoff.

Then you can use those packages in loadouts from then onwards whenever.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Wut? You mean you pick a specialization, commit to it, and have to level with it before its ability works? I'm confused.

Yes. You're essentially locked into that Specialization for 10 ranks. All the while you're unlocking gun skins and armor pieces. Once you complete it, you get the armor mod and then select another specialization.


Yes. You're essentially locked into that Specialization for 10 ranks. All the while you're unlocking gun skins and armor pieces. Once you complete it, you get the armor mod and then select another specialization.

Ah I see. I thought you just get to 50, pick one, and wham bam you get the armor emblem and ability. Which slot do they take up in load outs or do they work that you can eventually have them all and gain the benefits from all at once on your Spartan?


Ah I see. I thought you just get to 50, pick one, and wham bam you get the armor emblem and ability. Which slot do they take up in load outs or do they work that you can eventually have them all and gain the benefits from all at once on your Spartan?

Either Tactical, or Support.
The requiem one seems a bit off compared to the rest of them. It's a more abstract representation, whereas the other ones seem truer to what they're supposed to be.

You're not the first to say that. I'll rework it. Maybe I'll do the gravity well instead. The forerunner architecture in Halo 4 is so much more complex than in prior games.


Either Tactical, or Support.

Any word on which slot Rogue's ability will take up? My current load out has shield recharge and dexeterity for the quick reloads. I don't think I'd mind losing the shield one, but Dex is super good in this game. :p
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