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Halo |OT12| Last One Out, Get the Lights


Mission 2's music and variety of it was standout for me, it seemed to fit every scene in that particular level.

Also, I'm seeing a lot of surprise praise for team regicide, from people who apparently hate FFA regicide, I guess I'll give it a try at least before condemning it. Anyone here tried it?

I played about 6-8 rounds of it this morning and it was actually a lot of fun. It played much better than FFA Regicide. They should replace it with this version.
Just an idea: keep Team Regicide and add in Infinity FFA Slayer.

Also, try and change the layout so that it displays all playlists if possible. It's going to get to a point where it's something like Reach and the lower listings are going to fade into obscurity whether we like it or not, so we might as well try and get them all on the screen at once.


Game is fantastic, just has some issues here and there along with some baffling decisions in feature implementation that ultimately seems to stem from time constraints in building a studio and building a AAA game at the same time.
I am hoping we will hear about the December TU in this weeks Bulletin because even though I do like it I wont act like it doesn't have issues that need to be resolved.

My ideal list

-Netcode overhaul
-Red X's back
-Proper Kill Cams
-Boltshot nerf
-Zoom for Forge
-Waypoint/File Share function to actually work
-Adjust the DMR a bit
-New game modes like assault using the extraction bomb, Classic Infection (which has been done thanks to modders) and 1 flag CTF
-Ranks to also be seen in game rather than on Waypoint when that system launches
-Limited lives on Spartan Ops

Silly request

-Forge Lobbies to test/play custom games like Far Cry 3

I know that would be a lot for 1 TU but I feel like if all these things are done this game will be amazing.
I wonder if you even earn EXP that counts towards the later levels when you're stuck, or if you just zero out until they decide to let you advance.

Reach gets absurd at the later levels (I'm not sure I'm ever going to advance out of Eclipse) but having a faster ranking system that just goes "Stop playing here" would seem to have some problems to me.
Your Xp earned doesn't apply until you enlist in a new specialization. That has been my experience so far. Meaning it is wasted...

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but this is what I've seen.


I am hoping we will hear about the December TU in this weeks Bulletin because even though I do like it I wont act like it doesn't have issues that need to be resolved.

My ideal list

-Netcode overhaul
-Red X's back
-Proper Kill Cams
-Boltshot nerf
-Zoom for Forge
-Waypoint/File Share function to actually work
-Adjust the DMR a bit
-New game modes like assault using the extraction bomb, Classic Infection (which has been done thanks to modders) and 1 flag CTF
-Ranks to also be seen in game rather than on Waypoint when that system launches
-Limited lives on Spartan Ops

Silly request

-Forge Lobbies to test/play custom games like Far Cry 3

I know that would be a lot for 1 TU but I feel like if all these things are done this game will be amazing.

Netcode overhaul? You realise that would be a huge task, yes?
I am hoping we will hear about the December TU in this weeks Bulletin because even though I do like it I wont act like it doesn't have issues that need to be resolved.

My ideal list

-Netcode overhaul
-Red X's back
-Proper Kill Cams
-Boltshot nerf
-Zoom for Forge
-Waypoint/File Share function to actually work
-Adjust the DMR a bit
-New game modes like assault using the extraction bomb, Classic Infection (which has been done thanks to modders) and 1 flag CTF
-Ranks to also be seen in game rather than on Waypoint when that system launches
-Limited lives on Spartan Ops

Silly request

-Forge Lobbies to test/play custom games like Far Cry 3

I know that would be a lot for 1 TU but I feel like if all these things are done this game will be amazing.
dude. I love your completely reasonable list. It's nice to see a voice of sanity every so often. You aren't asking for anything that would significantly change the game (remove jetpacks and camo derp!), just proper fixes that will enhance it.

I agree with all of your points. I would also add being able to check the score in-game without it preventing your movement. Great post!


The core game's solid, but there's only two maps that are actually worth playing, and there's too much frustrating, superfluous fat filling out the package to even be bothered playing. I'll turn it on, join a game of Haven, lose immediately because of JIP, play Haven next game, kill a guy and have him respawn and kill me instantly, rinse and repeat.

But I'll literally play about five games of Haven in an hour.
My typical experience with Halo 4 as of late.

Get online, everyone is playing black ops, so I go into regicide by myself. JIP into a haven game, which is good because I don't want to be in first place anyway. Hold down a position and stay in second place the entire game, avoid killing the king unless he attacks me or if you're behind more than 35 points.
A few games on Haven and adrift, I'll go like 20-5 and get 5th place on average every match. Then I'm done with my session. Its fun but underwhelming.


I am hoping we will hear about the December TU in this weeks Bulletin because even though I do like it I wont act like it doesn't have issues that need to be resolved.

My ideal list

-Netcode overhaul
-Red X's back
-Proper Kill Cams
-Boltshot nerf
-Zoom for Forge
-Waypoint/File Share function to actually work
-Adjust the DMR a bit
-New game modes like assault using the extraction bomb, Classic Infection (which has been done thanks to modders) and 1 flag CTF
-Ranks to also be seen in game rather than on Waypoint when that system launches
-Limited lives on Spartan Ops

Silly request

-Forge Lobbies to test/play custom games like Far Cry 3

I know that would be a lot for 1 TU but I feel like if all these things are done this game will be amazing.
You forgot to remove flinch and global ordinances.


Anybody want to be a doll and list the new challenges?

Is SWAT gone now?
War Games

Spartan Master Killer: Kill 15 players in a single War Games match.
Deadeye: Kill 20 players with a headshot.

Up Close And Personal: Earn 12 CQC medals in a single match.
The Kingslayer: Earn 50 regicides.

To The Victor Go The Spoils: Win 70 matchmaking War Games matches.

Spartan Ops

Creeping 'N Crawling: Kill 80 Crawlers.
Watchful Avenger: Kill 20 Watchers.
Knightmare: Kill 10 Knights.


Reclaim This!: Complete Reclaimer solo on legendary difficulty.
Stormy Vengeance: Complete any campaign mission on heroic or higer difficulty with the Mythic and Thunderstorm Skulls.


Off topic but... In Far Cry 3 there's a mission where you burn weed with the flamethrower. As you're doing it this track is playing... it all works so well! Maybe the most fun I've had in a mission in years.

To try and bring it back on topic... In Halo 4, the music didn't really seem to fit the scene. That one moment in the campaign when you see the Cryptum for the first time was memorable (anyone have the name for that track?), but it certainly wasn't loud enough and only lasted a few seconds.

I think it's as simple as a lack of really close collaboration between Davidge and 343i. I imagine it's much harder scoring a game than a film based on the interactive elements and last-minute tweaks that go on, but it just felt like the music was in places just roughly timed out and hadn't had a final pass (this is irrespective of the actual *quality* of the music, which I liked but not as much as O'Donnell's. In terms of execution, however, there's no comparison.)
I am hoping we will hear about the December TU in this weeks Bulletin because even though I do like it I wont act like it doesn't have issues that need to be resolved.

My ideal list

-Netcode overhaul
-Red X's back
-Proper Kill Cams
-Boltshot nerf
-Zoom for Forge
-Waypoint/File Share function to actually work
-Adjust the DMR a bit
-New game modes like assault using the extraction bomb, Classic Infection (which has been done thanks to modders) and 1 flag CTF
-Ranks to also be seen in game rather than on Waypoint when that system launches
-Limited lives on Spartan Ops

Silly request

-Forge Lobbies to test/play custom games like Far Cry 3

I know that would be a lot for 1 TU but I feel like if all these things are done this game will be amazing.

Campaign Theater? Fileshare?


You forgot to remove flinch and global ordinances.

Actually I would only want the de-scope/no flinch option to be in some game modes but I do think they should add the option for that but I think this thread has made that clear enough lol

As for Global Ordinances, I am pretty sure you can already do that with Forge?

Campaign Theater? Fileshare?

Already an issue 343 is looking into and I did say File Share :)
I'm still curious about the reason for this. Other than to turn active players away from the game, or from dividing the community into haves and have nots.
Maybe to give the LE some meaning? Other than that, I can't think of anything.

Yeah, that baffles me. Like the guy I posted about last night at level 117. He's played 7.5 days of Halo 4. The game's only been out for a month tomorrow. People are insane.
A friend of mine is up to 118, and he's logged less time than that.


The design decisions we've always disagreed on. The features (Theater, Firefight, etc) I really do think can be attributed to time issues. I don't think this development went smoothly. I think they may have tried to implement Firefight but struggled with it, and couldn't afford to spend more time on it if they wanted to ship, so they cut it. Same with a lot of missing features. Makes sense when you think about how they came out upon launch and said "we are really looking at adding full features in through patches, not just fixes."

Doesn't this argue my point, though?

Firefight was cut because 343 dedicated their resources to Spartan Ops. That's their overriding decision that affected feature inclusion in this respect more than time constraints. That's a gutsy decision, and one I praised them for pre-release, when Spartan Ops sounded like the sort of paradigm shifting addition you'd expect from a new Halo game, given what we've been used to from Bungie.

I wanted Spartan Ops to change our perceptions of co-operative gaming, as well as content distribution. The idea of an evolving, weekly story is something that I was very interested in, especially after how much enjoyment I've received from The Walking Dead. The caveat being that the experience has to be compelling enough to push me from week to week, to make me care, to have me invested in the plot line and the characters.

And then I saw some videos and a few fears began to sprout. Then I played the game and they blossomed. Spartan Ops is nothing more than minor combat scenarios stitched together with trite narrative devices like button pressing, and pelican evacuation. It's not an evolving narrative, no matter how many radio voice overs imply otherwise, or how many nav points feign some overarching objective. The narrative meat is separate from the gameplay, relegated to CG cutscenes, of which again don't tell a particularly engaging story with characters that people have consistently disliked (Palmer).

I don't take any pleasure in this, these are just my honest thoughts. Forget time constraints, Firefight was thrown onto the chopping block for this, and given its execution I hope for Halo 5 that it's the other way around.
War Games

Spartan Master Killer: Kill 15 players in a single War Games match.
Deadeye: Kill 20 players with a headshot.

Up Close And Personal: Earn 12 CQC medals in a single match.
The Kingslayer: Earn 50 regicides.

To The Victor Go The Spoils: Win 70 matchmaking War Games matches.

Spartan Ops

Creeping 'N Crawling: Kill 80 Crawlers.
Watchful Avenger: Kill 20 Watchers.
Knightmare: Kill 10 Knights.


Reclaim This!: Complete Reclaimer solo on legendary difficulty.
Stormy Vengeance: Complete any campaign mission on heroic or higer difficulty with the Mythic and Thunderstorm Skulls.
Thanks TO1!


I made a mate some avatars for a different forum and these are the three that he didn't want (if anyone wants them).





Actually since EU and soon the US will run out of IPv4 Addresses I wonder how IPv6 will effect gaming and netcode since everyone will basically have no NAT and have a direct connection to eachother. Ping will still be a problem but I imagine No NAT/Direct connections will help out a lot still.

Will be pissed if the "720" doesn't have support for it but I understand why the 360 doesn't.


Actually since EU and soon the US will run out of IPv4 Addresses I wonder how IPv6 will effect gaming and netcode since everyone will basically have no NAT and have a direct connection to eachother. Ping will still be a problem but I imagine No NAT/Direct connections will help out a lot still.

Will be pissed if the "720" doesn't have support for it but I understand why the 360 doesn't.

I've never understood a "NAT". Just doesn't make sense
I'm still curious about the reason for this. Other than to turn active players away from the game, or from dividing the community into haves and have nots.

1. You can sell Specializations access as a LE bonus. (A ridiculous idea. I feel like the LE offerings were announced and then every annoucement after that devalued the LE. "Oh, btw you can buy the Map Pass separate at a discounted price. And we're selling FUD on blu-ray. Oh, and you can still get the specializations if you just play in the first two weeks." The Infinity briefing packet was cool, but not worth the premium.)

2. Just when the casual players start to move on to other games, you unlock another specialization and flood the usual gaming news sites with a manufactured story. "We've raised the level cap to 80! Come back and play!"

I can't think of anything but marketing reasons... it can't be a balance thing or they wouldn't let LE owners bypass it. (Seriously, preventing standard edition users from unlocking Stability is insane.) Specializations are a neat idea in theory (picking the order you unlock stuff in is nice), but the execution has just been confusing. I still see players convinced that each specialization gives you a passive bonus (instead of another perk to choose from) and I can't blame them because the in-game description does nothing to tell them otherwise.
1. You can sell Specializations access as a LE bonus. (A ridiculous idea. I feel like the LE offerings were announced and then every annoucement after that devalued the LE. "Oh, btw you can buy the Map Pass separate at a discounted price. And we're selling FUD on blu-ray. Oh, and you can still get the specializations if you just play in the first two weeks." The Infinity briefing packet was cool, but not worth the premium.)
Nailed it.

I do regret getting the LE, even though I would have still bought all 3 map packs day one. We basically paid 20 extra dollars for a bunch of uninteresting lore documents and a steel DVD case. The white case is sexy though. But not cat helmet sexy. That thing still impresses me.


played a bit of team regicide. i like that its a team based slayer gametype with no personal ordnance. almost there, 343. now make a playlist just like that, but without all this king nonsense and call it team slayer.
people have created modded gametypes for classic infection. im sure 343 never anticipated people would want zombies to spawn with a weapon besides the sword.



people have created modded gametypes for classic infection. im sure 343 never anticipated people would want zombies to spawn with a weapon besides the sword.


I REALLY don't understand that one, I mean there is absolutely no way they didn't know it was used for pretty much every custom game type unless they never played customs a lot.
Yeah, still seems crazy. I've played more than the average player probably and am at 60. That's with double XP. I do wonder if they'll add more ranks later on though.
"Once you complete your Specializations (SR-130), you* will be given access to numerical ranks that are directly tied to the trueskill system"

* - Iceland only
Has anyone tried to do the first mission solo? Pretty damn impossible if you ask me. Just soooooo many enemies are thrown at you at once. Really not fun.

The prologue? you can avoid the 40% of the mission, The first mission you can pass at the 30% too

Yeah, still seems crazy. I've played more than the average player probably and am at 60. That's with double XP. I do wonder if they'll add more ranks later on though.

Spartan Ops gives you the most EXP, 5k and the last week you can do it every 5 mins.
I've never understood a "NAT". Just doesn't make sense
NAT settings allow you to have multiple devices appear as 1 IP address to an external network (in this case, the internet). This is usually achieved through the use of a router using port forwarding and other techniques. The open/closed stuff has to do with how strictly this service is implemented. NAT is important to IPv4 because without it we would have run out of IPs long ago. We're referring to the publicly accessible ranges of addresses of course.
1. You can sell Specializations access as a LE bonus. (A ridiculous idea. I feel like the LE offerings were announced and then every annoucement after that devalued the LE. "Oh, btw you can buy the Map Pass separate at a discounted price. And we're selling FUD on blu-ray. Oh, and you can still get the specializations if you just play in the first two weeks." The Infinity briefing packet was cool, but not worth the premium.)
I do regret buying the LE, a lot.
I was even unhappy with the tin. Looked a lot more silver and impressive in the concept shots.


played a bit of team regicide. i like that its a team based slayer gametype with no personal ordnance. almost there, 343. now make a playlist just like that, but without all this king nonsense and call it team slayer.

when was this added today? does it have radar?
I do regret buying the LE, a lot.
I was even unhappy with the tin. Looked a lot more silver and impressive in the concept shots.

Next time give us a making-of DVD, soundtrack, art book etc. Nothing wrong with traditional LE content.

Hell, I'd even take a patch like the one that came with Halo Wars LE over the crap that came with the Halo 4 LE. The thing is damn cool and makes a nice iPod coaster.


when was this added today? does it have radar?
Most additions/updates to anything on Xbox Live happen at 2am Pacific.
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