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In silence, since they can't talk about it without being banned
The irony of places like Era and Reddit and Twitter effectively banning all discussion of it was that the places where it was allowed to exist and be discussed saw improvements in quality of discussion because all the insane blue hairs were too busy silencing themselves and each other. Fate loves irony, or so they say.
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Outside of owning the libs, was this game even that good? Be honest.
It was good yes.

I'm a huge HP fan and was expecting it to be not so great based on past games made by Avalanche Software. It is very loyal to the books and you can tell the people who made it really cared about them and bringing the world to life.

The game has flaws and lots of room to improve but for their first attempt a major open world RPG game? They done an amazing job. At times it reminded me a lot of Skyrim/The Witcher 3 which are considered classic games now so that alone is impressive. I wouldn't rate Hogwarts Legacy as a classic but if this is the first game then I can't wait to see what they do next.
Outside of owning the libs, was this game even that good? Be honest.
It is a PS4/XBO generation Ubisoft checklist game with a half-decent story and decent enough combat system. It should be seen as 7/10 game, but due to it being a beloved property that never had a great video game, the social media mudslinging, and overall attention online, it was oddly elevated to being seen as a potential Game of the Year candidate by many.

The potential bad cause and effect from this is that more companies might think it's a good thing to politicize their games more or the marketing more, in order to do increase sales figures from stupid controversies.
It is a PS4/XBO generation Ubisoft checklist game with a half-decent story and decent enough combat system. It should be seen as 7/10 game, but due to it being a beloved property that never had a great video game, the social media mudslinging, and overall attention online, it was oddly elevated to being seen as a potential Game of the Year candidate by many.

The potential bad cause and effect from this is that more companies might think it's a good thing to politicize their games more or the marketing more, in order to do increase sales figures from stupid controversies.
I think you nailed it. It's not a bad game but it's not great. It's average/decent but all the other factors take it to another level in a way. If it didn't have so much controversy and wasn't based on HP it'd be quickly forgotten.


We Did It Impeachment GIF by FX Networks


I haven't played this game.
But I'm always happy when a third party (not M,N,S) single player game sells well. Even if it's a game I have zero interest in.
It's a good thing for the health of the industry. And it helps to further divert future resources away from shitty movies and tv and towards more ambitious gaming projects.


Gold Member
It is a PS4/XBO generation Ubisoft checklist game with a half-decent story and decent enough combat system. It should be seen as 7/10 game, but due to it being a beloved property that never had a great video game, the social media mudslinging, and overall attention online, it was oddly elevated to being seen as a potential Game of the Year candidate by many.

The potential bad cause and effect from this is that more companies might think it's a good thing to politicize their games more or the marketing more, in order to do increase sales figures from stupid controversies.
really think you're downplaying the fun of running around hogwart's itself. while i tired of the game the further i got from hogwarts, whenever i'd return i'd begin enjoying it all over again. it's one of the more cleverly realized & memorable central areas i've seen playing games...


Neo Member
but it has Sirona Ryan so
its ok now i think

Is there anything in the game itself that says Sirona is trans? I don't recall even the letters fetch quest saying anything concrete, just vagueposting about difficulties growing up and fitting in at Hogwarts. Call her an androgynous (biological) female & lesbian/bi with a really shitty voice actor and all's good.
Still playing it, but I have a feeling I am in the final stretch. I like it, despite its open world checklist isms.

Hogwarts School is genuinely impressive from a level design, set dressing POV. Just a staggering attention to detail. The rest of the map is decent as well to be fair, it's nice just flying around. I'd have preferred less of the checklist items, not to throw them out completely, but make less of them, but more involved. Like, treasure caves more akin to reasonable subterranean detours, a bit like the pyramids in Assassin's Creed Origins, or the tombs in Tomb Raider reboots.

The story I've yet to conclude, but it seems to be alluding to what I consider classic Harry Potter type tropes. Overall, it's an amazing first entry. I will probably get shot down for this, but I felt like the devs must have been drawing some inspiration from Witcher 3 for it.
really think you're downplaying the fun of running around hogwart's itself. while i tired of the game the further i got from hogwarts, whenever i'd return i'd begin enjoying it all over again. it's one of the more cleverly realized & memorable central areas i've seen playing games...
I'm not. The castle itself and the town where you shop for goods(including their secrets) are both the funnest, most creative sections of the game. It's everything else(which takes up for about 70-80% of the game) that's the issue. That 'everything else' is built by-the-numbers in a very Ubisoft way. There's more I can get into regarding the game's problems but I'm being light on it because this is a celebration thread and not a critique thread. I'm simply being as honest as possible to that poster who asked and I don't want to sell him a game that sounds greater than what it actually is.

Edit: A 7/10 means somewhat above average. Not sure what scale you use but I wanted to clarify.
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Is there anything in the game itself that says Sirona is trans? I don't recall even the letters fetch quest saying anything concrete, just vagueposting about difficulties growing up and fitting in at Hogwarts. Call her an androgynous (biological) female & lesbian/bi with a really shitty voice actor and all's good.
Of course it's "vague", there was no such thing as "trans" in the 1800s, when the game takes place.


Outside of owning the libs, was this game even that good? Be honest.

It was one of the first games in years I couldn't stop playing. I loved it and appreciated that it didn't try to overstay its welcome. It was an enjoyable 20-30 hour experience that didn't shower me with microtransaction ads, daily events, whatever. There's plenty of things they can improve in a future sequel, but yeah - it was more than good.
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12million "transphobes" according to those wingnuts over at Ree... Also we'll done Eurogamer for ignoring 12million players because you're scared of 120 purple haired keyboard warriors on twitter... Still makes me angry lol
To be fair to Eurogamer, those 120 purple haired keyboard warriors are the last audience they have left. Normies stopped reading shit on gaming websites 20 years ago. They all watch Youtube and Twitch and TikTok for gaming info now.


Gold Member
In silence, since they can't talk about it without being banned
Someone should make a suicide amount thread with some style: Post this report in a very serious manner congratulating the devs and wishing for more in the future, without mentioning anything about boycott, just in a very normal informative and positive way... Then see fire set


I didn't understand the logic of the boycott.
JK Rowling created some beloved books with actually wholesome stories, yet she said some things people felt were insensitive so suddenly we should boycott all of Harry Potter? People are too vengeful these days and have very limited control over their emotions, a bit like children, except children are often not that vengeful (they are still little shit disturbers and bullies at times).

I wonder if I should get this game. I never really found Harry Potter too compelling, a little on the childish side even when I was in middle school. Would I enjoy the game if I treated it like a random wizard ARPG?


Outside of owning the libs, was this game even that good? Be honest.
Good combat and an amazing realisation of the world dragged down by a boring story and a Ubisoft 'quantity over quality' approach.

A good first attempt but I dropped off around halfway.
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Well deserved, great game considering the history of the studio that made it. Can't see them not funding a sequel now so hopefully they can improve on its few minus points.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I told my best friend this thing would move at least ten million units in the first month, he called me crazy. But those books enraptured an entire generation of kids who are now in their prime earning and spending ages. There was no way this wasn't going to be a massive hit so long as it was decent. It even out did my high expectations.

Well deserved. My fingers are still crossed for some DLC.


To quote Stephen Fry: "My only problem with political correctness really, apart from the fact that it's po-faced, sanctimonious, self-righteous occasionally, is that it's not effective. I believe one of the greatest human failings is to prefer to be right than to be effective. And political correctness is always obsessed with how right it is, without thinking of how effective it might be."

PC is incredibly fucking effective. This drivel is actually believed by about 2% of the western population, yet it controls virtually everything.

What a fucking moronic criticism that is. Total misunderstanding: the POINT is control. If you believe the point is kindness or whatever, you're already their prisoner.
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