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World’s Biggest Weeb

Did nobody listen to this review by Wired’s sex toy reviewer?
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Tears of Nintendo
make a good game about a beloved franchise and people buy it, go figure
If we'll be counting what was released before that by EA (except the first one during PS2 era), it's the 2nd good HP game, I gave it that, but at the same time it's not saying much cuz outside of what they did great (the world, the feel of it and it's design, the art and the atmospehere) it's mediocre, bland and dated at its core and it also fails completely as an RPG with needles, pointless and extremely limited dialogue system, Destiny like loot, terrible inventory restrictions, pointless exploration with crap rewards throughout the whole game, which makes you not want to waste your time exploring...

I hope they'll be given another chance to make truly something greatm something way better and not for 5-6 year old kids.
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Neo Member
Let's be real. The game is okay. But it's an excellent Harry Potter game.

My take as well. A good game, but not a great one, giving an excellent presentation of the world, and capturing the HP vibe really well, which I'm sure is what a lot of fans wanted as much as anything. I've not played it for a while, as I found myself getting bored after many hours, but I'm not a huge Potter head. Anyway, glad it did well, as the devs clearly put effort into it and deserved the success, even if some wanted it to fail.

I wish the planned TV series would look to the game for what can be added to the franchise, without re-hashing what has already been done in the films.


World’s Biggest Weeb
the purples are not happy for sure lol

I hope execs fire him/her/it after they see their review about the game by this mentally ill individual and the sales it generated.
Lol nah, Wired’s relevance and integrity are ancient history. Now they’re just desperately trying to keep the lights on with barely-disguised advertisements and social justice-infused clickbait.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Does that work all the time? Maybe it worked at one time but doesn’t seem like like it’s so effective anymore. Lightyear snd Strange World both tried that in 2022 and they both flopped.

The project\content has to be good first and foremost. If it is, it works everytime!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

Did nobody listen to this review by Wired’s sex toy reviewer?

I hate the fact that this writer is so far up their own butt (social media algorithms), that they can't realize how off-putting the start of this article was. This is my biggest issue with social media in general. It's all echo chambers on all sides and about every issue. The algorithms make it so you're only talking to people that agree with you. This writer seems to have had NO IDEA that others that disagreed with them or slightly agree with their overall point, would view this as horrible writing and off-putting.

They made the Hogwarts Legacy game into Hilter wanting to massacre all Jews on Earth. They are speaking as if this game is equal to America's 250-year cattle slavery or something. Geez! Everytime I see that article it pisses me off.


Gold Member
I hate the fact that this writer is so far up their own butt (social media algorithms), that they can't realize how off-putting the start of this article was. This is my biggest issue with social media in general. It's all echo chambers on all sides and about every issue. The algorithms make it so you're only talking to people that agree with you. This writer seems to have had NO IDEA that others that disagreed with them or slightly agree with their overall point, would view this as horrible writing and off-putting.

They made the Hogwarts Legacy game into Hilter wanting to massacre all Jews on Earth. They are speaking as if this game is equal to America's 250-year cattle slavery or something. Geez! Everytime I see that article it pisses me off.
What makes me laugh is the outright lack of perspective on this.

This is a reaction to a major difficult life event… death of a parent. A divorce, getting fired..

This… this is for a video game.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Brilliantly executed PR plan, gotta say.

Everything which they ban on "wokescold 4chan" is certified hit. After all, it is filled with game companies execs.

Curious situation.


Gold Member
I hate the fact that this writer is so far up their own butt (social media algorithms), that they can't realize how off-putting the start of this article was. This is my biggest issue with social media in general. It's all echo chambers on all sides and about every issue. The algorithms make it so you're only talking to people that agree with you. This writer seems to have had NO IDEA that others that disagreed with them or slightly agree with their overall point, would view this as horrible writing and off-putting.

They made the Hogwarts Legacy game into Hilter wanting to massacre all Jews on Earth. They are speaking as if this game is equal to America's 250-year cattle slavery or something. Geez! Everytime I see that article it pisses me off.
Like everything in life, a small number of people are super loud, while the rest dont give a shit. It's like the 80/20 rule, but in this case the crybabies are more like 2/98 vs the norm.

The fact despite all the anti JK and HP rhetoric still lead to giant sales beyond probably everyone predicted goes to show how insignificant the protesters really are. I think it was Manabyte who even did a snapshot of a group of Reee anti-JK users and their game status showed like half of them were playing HP, even one of the main mods on the board was playing too.

All talk.

It's like a high brow snob bitching an moaning about grimy Walmart. Then one day you see the guy at the store or parking lot buying shit.


It was good. Not without flaws, primarily the underdeveloped dungeons and a terribly designed and unrewarding loot system, along with other redundant systems it feels like they threw in just 'because'. Like solving an ancient wizards long lost magical door lock puzzle in a hidden underwater cave and finding....a common green or brown shade school jumper in his locked treasure chest...is erm crap. It needed far more unique and interesting loot.

All the repeated open world 'things to do' there was about 50% too many, hell you would actually unlock the reward for completing them when you were only half way through the total available for some with the quest giver going 'yey, well done, here's a reward, there's still tons more out there, but for some reason I don't give a fuck about those ones'. The world lacked some variety too. All those critiques aside it was a solid game, and a great Harry Potter universe game.

As for owning the libs, it was always a dumb premise, hell its probably the most representative and diverse game ive played, and certainly is the most representative among AAA games. It has trans characters, gay characters, you can be a non binary wizard if you want to be, and it has representation from every ethnicity you can think of, and trans/gay actors... Really the LGBT community should have been shouting from the rooftops about how an amazing an example it was and how great it was for the community, and for how positive it would be for young gamers struggling with their identity, and being able to see themselves represented in such a major property...instead they tried to cancel it and everyone who dared to play it or work on it. Freaking bizarre situation. The fact they went so hard on actively trying/demanding that countless millions of people should feel bad about something they love (including my wife who had people on her socials saying if anyone they knew played it, they are a disgrace and are no longer their friend and should unfriend them) is so fucked up, given that is exactly what their community is supposed to be against and has campaign on (and rightly so) for decades. I'm genuinely of the opinion the campaign against the game has likely done some lasting damage to the LGBT community as it will have alienated a huge number of people who will now as a result will be more receptive to right wing messaging (in a coming election year where gender politics is a big factor).
Impossible to satisfy these people. This game was pretty woke in my opinion. I played it and mostly enjoyed it, but the pandering was very noticeable. And all for nothing. This game should be THE example not to pander to these people. Make the game you want to make and let them whine. It seems to help with sales.


Hogwarts Legacy has shown Ree's true colors so, now it's having its little therapy sessions in the daylight and they're afraid to go out at night.

the dark knight joker GIF
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256% of their planned sell through. 100% would be selling within expectations. The word above or more is never used

But he mention 'above', and the word 'above' is not separated. The correct, as you mention, need to be 'Hogwarts Legacy sold 256%. Sales are above the expectation.'

He need to at least tell what are 'this' expectation and than make the calculation based on the current number. Is just like saying 'sold 100% more'.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Like everything in life, a small number of people are super loud, while the rest dont give a shit. It's like the 80/20 rule, but in this case the crybabies are more like 2/98 vs the norm.

The fact despite all the anti JK and HP rhetoric still lead to giant sales beyond probably everyone predicted goes to show how insignificant the protesters really are. I think it was Manabyte who even did a snapshot of a group of Reee anti-JK users and their game status showed like half of them were playing HP, even one of the main mods on the board was playing too.

All talk.

It's like a high brow snob bitching an moaning about grimy Walmart. Then one day you see the guy at the store or parking lot buying shit.

I try to tell others on GAF this same logic when it comes to some of those same people complaining about other things (how women are dressed in games, there not being enough people in color in the game, etc), but most don't want to believe me and think these companies have to roll over and change their game like Capcom did with RE5. They DON'T! And Hogwarts proves it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Impossible to satisfy these people. This game was pretty woke in my opinion. I played it and mostly enjoyed it, but the pandering was very noticeable. And all for nothing. This game should be THE example not to pander to these people. Make the game you want to make and let them whine. It seems to help with sales.

Also, how do we make people like this......stop saying and believing the bolded?
Impossible to satisfy these people. This game was pretty woke in my opinion. I played it and mostly enjoyed it, but the pandering was very noticeable. And all for nothing. This game should be THE example not to pander to these people. Make the game you want to make and let them whine. It seems to help with sales.

How you know the devs were pandering? Like what proof you have that they didnt make the game wanted to?


Gold Member
Again, its almost as if the "controversy" is just comin from a vocal minority. And your average Harry Potter fan doesn't care.


Not surprising. The game itself was pretty good and is based off of one the most popular property's in the world.

The amount of people complaining or boycotting this game in comparison were just a very loud but small minority.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
But he mention 'above', and the word 'above' is not separated. The correct, as you mention, need to be 'Hogwarts Legacy sold 256%. Sales are above the expectation.'

He need to at least tell what are 'this' expectation and than make the calculation based on the current number. Is just like saying 'sold 100% more'.

He states that during the launch window, apparently the first two weeks after release from their perspective, it sold 12m units. So if it over performed by 256%, that means they were only expecting to sale about 4.7m units during that window.
But he mention 'above', and the word 'above' is not separated. The correct, as you mention, need to be 'Hogwarts Legacy sold 256%. Sales are above the expectation.'

He need to at least tell what are 'this' expectation and than make the calculation based on the current number. Is just like saying 'sold 100% more'.

Where did he mention above? All he said in broken english was

"achieved 256% to plan sell-thru at launch" === achieved 256% of planned sell through at launch === Planned sales + 156%


That doesn't make any sense. Then why not say 156% instead?

Because that would mean it only sold 56% more than their planned sales...
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The game is run of the mill .it's nowhere near as good as its sales are. It's not gta content worthy. It's actually hard to find intrssting stuff to do because it' was all cut during development. Thibg such as classes mattering .point system and quitich all gone. All your left to do is a generic third person shooter with quests. Boooooring Ben there done that


The game is not quite as good as one would hope, the storytelling, characters and writing in general is just weak, which is a waste of potential given the source material. But overall it is still pretty good game and I am glad it is a success to show the terminally online mental patients that their boycotts are just irrelevant.


Where did he mention above? All he said in broken english was

"achieved 256% to plan sell-thru at launch" === achieved 256% of planned sell through at launch === Planned sales + 156%


Because that would mean it only sold 56% more than their planned sales...
Never heard of % working like that. If someone says it sold 20% more than expected, and assumes 1 million was the expected, then it means the final sales ended up being 1.2 million. If it was 150%, it would ended up being 2.5 million and so on.

NEVER seen someone use 100% as the "basis" and then go from there. Makes no sense, because if you have an expected sales, that's ground zero, or 0%. If something sells 100% more than expected, then its doable the ammount they expected, and spo on from there.

I don't know. I get what you are saying, but it just don't make any sense. It makes far more sense to say "we sold 256%(3,6 times) more than we expected", rather than what you are implying which is "We expected to sell 100% of the stock we sent, but we sold 156% more than that, achieving 256% sell through". Just extra confusing for the sake of it.


I gotta say, I think Hogwarts Legacy is a rare game that absolutely lived up to the hype. It's also one of the few games I think really benefited from its photorealistic look (I tend to prefer much more stylized aesthetics).

I'd honestly consider it a masterpiece.
Never heard of % working like that. If someone says it sold 20% more than expected, and assumes 1 million was the expected, then it means the final sales ended up being 1.2 million. If it was 150%, it would ended up being 2.5 million and so on.

NEVER seen someone use 100% as the "basis" and then go from there. Makes no sense, because if you have an expected sales, that's ground zero, or 0%. If something sells 100% more than expected, then its doable the ammount they expected, and spo on from there.

I don't know. I get what you are saying, but it just don't make any sense. It makes far more sense to say "we sold 256%(3,6 times) more than we expected", rather than what you are implying which is "We expected to sell 100% of the stock we sent, but we sold 156% more than that, achieving 256% sell through". Just extra confusing for the sake of it.

It does make sense, otherwise their expected sales would only be 4.7 mill copies.
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