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If i LOVED The Witcher 3, should DA: Inquisition be my next RPG or i must skip it?

Don't expect the same experience. If you go into DA:I expecting ANYTHING similar to Witcher, yeah, it's awful.

I liked both. Witcher is a vastly superior game in general. But DA:I could still be fun for me. I liked the classic story,even though I'd never really played DA II and never played Origins at all. It's a solid, solid, B- game.


I actually find the combat and leveling system in DA:I to be better than The Witcher 3. Leveling in Witcher 3 is such an uneventful let down that it tarnishes a wonderful experience, and ends up putting It and DA:I in much closer competition.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
I mean, do you like older games? Some people can't stomach older graphics etc. I don't get that myself, but I'm trying to give good advice.

If you don't expect 2015 production values out of everything, I'd play Origins before looking at Inquisition

Divinity is an amazing, just rock-solid turn-based RPG. Totally worthwhile

Wild card/palette cleanser: RE0 looks really pretty & with the wesker stuff it's definitely more than just a port/upscale. If you like classic RE play style that is.

Or DS II SOFS, divisive title but if you enjoy that type of combat there it is
I prefered Witcher 3, but the combat was a cakewalk, even on the highest difficulty. Inquistion can actually be challenging though.
Only because certain enemies do an obscene amount of damage on Nightmare. Greater Terror, Arcane Demons, Red Templar Horrors, and Wyverns are bastards on Nightmare.


I thought it was great. If The Witcher 3 is a 10/10, DA:I is an 8/10. The combat is definitely better, at the very least. The main story is as good as The Witcher 3, which is to say they both were meh. The Witcher 3 at least had good side stories though like The Bloody Baron which DA:I lacks, except for maybe some of the companion stuff.


If you loved The Witcher 3, you owe it to yourself to build a nice PC and play The Witcher 2.

I know that often comes across as incredibly obtuse and elitist but in this instance, I couldn't recommend it more.
It's inferior in pretty much every way to TW3 but it still has great characters and parts of the main quests were pretty epic.

Basically, ignore all the filler content as much as possible (which is possible, contrary to some ignorant posts here) and just focus on the main quests and character interactions. I feel like that's enough to have a good time.


I loved the Witcher 3 and liked DAI. I'll admit I was thirsty for a new RPG when DIA was released and I totally loved my romance, Dorian. However, the world hubs were bland and the main story was boring. The frostbite engine is beautiful to look at but I wish they had a seamless open world. I'd still recommend playing the game if you are in the mood for a fantasy RPG.


lmao some of the shit I'm reading



If you loved The Witcher 3, you owe it to yourself to build a nice PC and play The Witcher 2.

I know that often comes across as incredibly obtuse and elitist but in this instance, I couldn't recommend it more.

I heard the 360 port was pretty solid. Loved Witcher 2 to death myself, was my second favorite title of all last-gen.


Dragon age has an incredible varied and inclusive cast. None of the women are sexualized either. You have to respect that. Game got recognized for that too.


ehhh its not a bad game, just a really bland & boring one. The best part of the game is the OST and you can listen to that on youtube
Inquisition is still very much worthy of a playthrough, even if it does have its issues. So does W3, and anyone claiming its combat is better than in Inquisition hasn't really delved that deep into them.

W3 is unresponsive and frustrating with it's combat controls and there's nothing you can do about it. Even when Geralt deigns to move where you want him to there's not much depth or fun to be had regardless of difficulty or build selection.

Inquisition had some problems balancing the action and tactical views, but I very much enjoyed playing through inquisition on nightmare and 90% tactical view with a controller (m/kb had issues). Of course it can also be played on normal with "press A for awesome" which is probably what all the people complaining did, and I do get it why people didn't find it fun, it's a mess you can't control. There's tons more depth to the party combat and skills using tactical mode (and appropriate difficulty) in Inquisition compared to the drudge that is combat in W3.

If you do play Inquisition, my recommendation would be to skip anything that smells like an mmo fetch/kill quest because that's exactly what it's going to be. There's little to be gained in delving deeper into the side content because ultimately it's a kids pool compared to ocean of W3. Skip any rifts you don't have to destroy because you'll probably be sick of them by the end of the game anyways.


Quest are so fucking boring compared to the witcher 3 imo, but i remember the combat fondly.
the Skill tree is one of the best i have seen in recent years. Definitely going back to play inquision though.

Did you play Witcher hos ? if you didnt you need to play that asap.
I liked DAI but much about the game can be off putting if you try to do it. Sounds unintuitive but that game is best enjoyed skipping pretty much all the meaningless content when possible.

Picking a random direction on the map and just going exploring is still fun though.
It's so easy to spot the people who've played maybe an hour of the game. Power is handed out so generously that you would have to actively avoid collecting it to not have enough for main quests.

If you enjoy running around clearing shit on the map maybe.

It is impossible to beeline through the story and that's by design because there are only 8 quests or so.


Inquisition isn't a game I'd recommend to anyone. It looks pretty enough but it's not much more than a giant time sink of boring quest design.

If you do get it, I'd strongly recommend against playing a mage character. Combat is some of the dullest I've ever experienced.

And this is coming from someone who played through the whole damn thing and got the platinum.


I just bought inquisition on ps4 last week. In my opinion that game is garbage.

How this game won any goty awards I'll never know.


Unlimited Capacity
Skip the shit out of it

It's so easy to spot the people who've played maybe an hour of the game. Power is handed out so generously that you would have to actively avoid collecting it to not have enough for main quests.

It stopped me from doing main missions basically every step of the way and I made it to Skyhold.


DA:I has better combat and RPG class customization.

W3 sidequests are mostly repetitions of Batman detective mode anyways, it's not far off from DA:I.


Skip it , if you must , play DA:eek:rigins on PC instead . DA:I is very bland and repetitive , most of the quests are fetch quest unlike Witcher 3 . Characters are generic and not memorable in DA:I too , to me they felt like the lifeless NPC you seen in early 2000's bad RPGs .


I'd just play Origins and leave it at that. I love that game, and that's what really pisses me off about Inquisition. All I wanted was another game in the vein of the original Origins, and Bioware let me down fucking twice. Really has soured this series for me.

Origins was the last 'great' Bioware game in my opinion. The game took 7 years to make, and it really shows with the amount of dialogue and choices you have in the game. Dragon Age 2 doesn't actually exist, sadly.

OP, get Origins if you loved everything about TW3. The combat is tactically old school, and feels great.


When i played DAI in 2014 i thought it was pretty amazing. I loved the stories and the characters and the world design. I enjoyed the combat system, but not as much as i enjoyed the first, mostly due to the glaring omission of the detailed tactics from the original. I found myself dictating every action that my party memebers did, and it got repetitive. Winters grasp and shater with a combo...

After coming from witcher 3, i can't play da i any longer.


Not sure about Dragon Age, but i would recommand Divinity. But i think i made the mistake of not finishing Dinivity, jumping in Witcher 3, and now, Divinity is collecting dust. I will probably pick it up again once i finish Witcher.
People hate it but I found it pretty fun, Graphics are sick and sound effects/quality of audio are unreal. Kind of forced myself to beat it by the end, didnt play the dlc but definitely a great game.
When i played DAI in 2014 i thought it was pretty amazing. I loved the stories and the characters and the world design. I enjoyed the combat system, but not as much as i enjoyed the first, mostly due to the glaring omission of the detailed tactics from the original. I found myself dictating every action that my party memebers did, and it got repetitive. Winters grasp and shater with a combo...

After coming from witcher 3, i can't play da i any longer.

This post warms my heart. It was awful to see people praising DA:I and giving it goty awards. If nothing else, TW3 has put it in the proper context, which is an insultingly bad piece of crap.

OP spurn it as you would spurn a rabid dog.


DA:I isn't a bad game by any means, but not much of it stuck with me. The only thing I'd recommend it for are the pretty graphics.
I love the lore and world-building of Dragon Age more than the Witcher's, but that is a sentiment that is really only enhanced from having DA:O and DA2 played before it. There are some great characters in DA:I, and a wonderful soundtrack. As people have mentioned it already, DA:I does a better job than the W3 with the treatment of its female characters. W3's are wonderfully written (Queen Yen!), but not always the most sensibly designed.

DA:I quests will feel extremely, extremely flat after coming off W3. DA:O and DA2 would be closer to the W3 experience. Hilariously, DA2 is probably the closest to W3 in terms of interesting side-quests.

I'm a hugeeeeee fan of DA2 (I can feel your judging stares, GAF), but I'd recommend DA:O over DA:I, it's probably the closest to a Witcher quality experience out of the three. Combat is an entirely different topic, of course, which is a bit of a YMMV. If you don't mind going back a gen or on PC, I'd recommend DA:O. If you want to stay on PS4, Divinity, maybe?


It's not a horrible game , but compared to Divinity Original Sin it is. Especially if you have a partner to play with.


DA:I it's kinda ruined after playing The Witcher 3.

I tried to play a second playtrough after beating Witcher 3 and I just couldn't play DA:I anymore.

But go for it, maybe you'll enjoy it.


Just go straight to Divinity and don't look back.

Inquisition is okay, but after Witcher 3 it's going to be hard to find it especially interesting, particularly if you're not already pre-invested in the setting and characters from having played the previous two. The world has moved on.
I love the lore and world-building of Dragon Age more than the Witcher's, but that is a sentiment that is really only enhanced from having DA:O and DA2 played before it. There are some great characters in DA:I, and a wonderful soundtrack. As people have mentioned it already, DA:I does a better job than the W3 with the treatment of its female characters. W3's are wonderfully written (Queen Yen!), but not always the most sensibly designed.

DA:I quests will feel extremely, extremely flat after coming off W3. DA:O and DA2 would be closer to the W3 experience. Hilariously, DA2 is probably the closest to W3 in terms of interesting side-quests.

I'm a hugeeeeee fan of DA2 (I can feel your judging stares, GAF), but I'd recommend DA:O over DA:I, it's probably the closest to a Witcher quality experience out of the three. Combat is an entirely different topic, of course, which is a bit of a YMMV. If you don't mind going back a gen or on PC, I'd recommend DA:O. If you want to stay on PS4, Divinity, maybe?
^yeah in general, DAI has horrid quests. even most of it's main quests are bad. W3 and DIA are night and day in that regard.

for me, Witcher 3 was often about the parts... I actually didn't care that much about the main story, and it was mostly the individual moments, stories, hunts, quests that were just phenomenal.

DAI though, it's really about the sum of its parts.

most of the quests kinda such, and even a lot of main missions are underwhelming. what made me care about them though was I began to care about building up my army and about the politics and stories of my characters.

I think that's why DAI is so divisive. if you get hooked on your 'Inquisition,' then the shitty parts are still worth it because you care about the sum they add up to and what that means for your allies and army. But if you get never 'get into' the story, then yeah... it'll feel like a boring grindfest with crappy quests.

Witcher 3 has rather optional side quests that are better than most of DAI's main quests. But there are 'moments' in DAI, which only exist because you had to work so hard toward them (and get so vested in your inquisition) to were as good as anything in W3 to me. but again, that highly hinges on your caring about the sort of 'sum of parts' or Inquisition theme.
Mileage may vary but I had a ton of fun with it. It has a huge, beautiful world to explore and the central story quests are good. You can have a pretty good time with it as long as you don't feel compelled to complete every little collection quest that pops up in your log.


I beat Inquisition before The Witcher 3 and I distinctly remember telling the wife that I couldn't wait to be done with the game and just see the ending, as I've been on board since Origins which is still one of my favorite RPG's of all time. In contrast, when Witcher 3 ended I was pining for more so I watched my wife play through the whole damn game and make completely different choices than me and enjoyed it just as much. I'm also going to be starting a new game here soon to play the whole story over again and play through both expansions as well, whereas I couldn't be bothered to even reinstall Inquisition to check out the expansions as I just didn't care. I just simply didn't like Inquisition much, and I'm a big fan of the franchise in general, but Witcher 3 is neck and neck with Shovel Knight, Donkey Kong Country 2, FF Tactics, Megaman X, and Chrono Trigger for my favorite games of all time. Just my experience, your mileage may vary.
You can get it for so cheap these days that it's definitely worth it in my opinion.

I really enjoyed it, TW3 trumps it in so many aspects but that doesn't mean you won't like the game, it's very different and still pretty fun.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I liked Inquisition more than most and I wouldn't recommend it at all in relation to Wild Hunt's strength.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
It's so easy to spot the people who've played maybe an hour of the game. Power is handed out so generously that you would have to actively avoid collecting it to not have enough for main quests.

It can't be that easy if you're failing at it this hard. I played all the way through the end of the game. Power is not handed out generously, not if you're trying to do most of the quests on the board.


If you enjoy combat in any shape, way, or form...

No. Run for the hills, and never look back.

What? The combat in DA:I is significantly better than in TW3.

That said It's hard to say OP. I enjoyed DA:I and I used to think most people did too. Then 2015 happened and everyone started hating it.

I had a great time though! The story was very by the numbers but I had fun playing through it nonetheless.
I fucking love Divinity:OS, but that's probably the last rpg I recommend for an experience similar to The Witcher. I mean, not only has a great turn based combat, but also a story that you could ignore and don't miss much.

To me that's like," hey did you really love Saving private Ryan? Then you should watch Shoa".

Yeah, you should play it, and I recommend it, but not by comparison.
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