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Justice League Official Heroes Trailer


Double Toasted got the most important thing right, what Marvel has done that DC hasn't is make you care about the characters. You can nitpick their nitpicks all you want but they are 100% correct in that gripe and they aren't alone in that feeling.

I could write essays (and pretty much have) on how a lot of the criticisms if the DC films are objectively wrong.


Double Toasted got the most important thing right, what Marvel has done that DC hasn't is make you care about the characters. You can nitpick their nitpicks all you want but they are 100% correct in that gripe and they aren't alone in that feeling.

If the movie is good, you will care about them. I think people care about Superman, WW, and even Batman. Korey is clearly a Marvel guy. His complains about now knowing the villain are just stupid.
Also the GAF does not represent the whole interweb. Elsewhere online people seem very excited.
If the movie is good, you will care about them.

Too bad only one film in the DCEU deserves to even be called good.

I think people care about Superman, WW, and even Batman.

Critic reviews and 2nd weekend drops suggests otherwise for Supes and Bats.

Korey is clearly a Marvel guy. His complains about now knowing the villain are just stupid.

I'm a DC fan and even I had to be reminded who Steppenwolf was. Imagine the more casual fan who probably hasn't even heard of Darksyde.

Also the GAF does not represent the whole interweb. Elsewhere online people seem very excited.

ROFLMFAO I heard this EXACT same bullshit line right before BvS came out...


If the movie is good, you will care about them. I think people care about Superman, WW, and even Batman. Korey is clearly a Marvel guy. His complains about now knowing the villain are just stupid.
Also the GAF does not represent the whole interweb. Elsewhere online people seem very excited.

People are complaining that we don't know the villain? Why would that be a negative? It's an invasion, aliens are coming. A big dude narrated the last trailer and you see him being a badass. What more do you need

Too bad only one film in the DCEU deserves to even be called good.

- How does that disprove his quote? If a movie is good, you care about the characters. It still applies.

Critic reviews and 2nd weekend drops suggests otherwise for Supes and Bats.

- They can still care about the character

I'm a DC fan and even I had to be reminded who Steppenwolf was. Imagine the more casual fan who probably hasn't even heard of Darksyde.

- Why does that matter? You will find out IN THE MOVIE

ROFLMFAO I heard this EXACT same bullshit line right before BvS came out...

- And it's still true no matter how much you ROFLMAO. The movie will have a big OW because people are excited. Whether or not it has any legs depends on the quality of the movie


Sort of, but mostly just untrue. Especially if you do a like-for-like comparison, which is where there's a weird divide people can't rectify. Because their mindset is stuck on seeing everything as a competition, they don't account for one universe being four movies in and the other having sixteen. It's also telling when you see things referred to as "Marvel" and "DC," but it's the internet and it's gonna be that way.

Basically. The way we've turned discussing these movies into team sports has gotten in the way of criticizing them. And that's regardless of what company whose logo appears before the title screen.

Their CG complaint is fine. The CG doesn't bother me all that much, but I can see where it's a problem for others.

The complaints that they've shown nothing but "quips and fights" are pretty off base. One, that's basically how these kinds of movies are marketed. Two, we've seen over the trailers snippets of conversations. Bruce talking about Superman, Diana meeting Cyborg, Alfred expressing fear over how the world has changed. It's clear we're going to get more of those character moments. The desire to "already like the characters" again comes from the comparison to Marvel and The Avengers, where we were already exposed to everyone. And even then, they admit to liking Aquaman and Wonder Woman from what we've seen. So I really wasn't getting way it was such a big sticking point in the video.


Too bad only one film in the DCEU deserves to even be called good.

Critic reviews and 2nd weekend drops suggests otherwise for Supes and Bats.

I'm a DC fan and even I had to be reminded who Steppenwolf was. Imagine the more casual fan who probably hasn't even heard of Darksyde.

ROFLMFAO I heard this EXACT same bullshit line right before BvS came out...

I'll say it forever and a day, but there's no chance a Marvel film as slated as Suicide Squad or BvS makes half as much money as either of those films made. People give DC the benefit of the doubt.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
TV Spot (YouTube link)

Might just be the cutest thing I've ever seen.


People are complaining that we don't know the villain? Why would that be a negative? It's an invasion, aliens are coming. A big dude narrated the last trailer and you see him being a badass. What more do you need

People also complained they didn't know why Batman and Superman are pissed of with each other, a few years prior they also complained about all the MoS collateral damage. Why would Batman be upset at a child left orphaned as well as his friends and work colleagues left killed or injured?Heaven knows! Why would Superman judge a teched out fascist that scares some people walking the streets at night?

What annoys me most about these dumb criticisms is that I fear we will be left with worst films as a result. I don't know how good David Ayers original cut of Suicide Squad was but look at how many people complained about BVS being too dark and how it neutered a lot of the final product in Suicide Squad. Leaked footage showed The Joker smacking Harley around, Margot Robbie talking about co dependency in an abusive relationship, allusions and descriptions of the more villainous aspects of the Squad in the novelisation based on a early shooting script. People complained the Joker/ Harley romance was sanitised, and the squad were too nice and it would have been interesting to see new and darker themes explored.

Hell I can give an example using the Marvel films of how complaints affect using the films though arguably for the better depending on your view. The Avengers movie was spared a lot of the complaints regarding collateral damage purely cos the script allowed them to be able to save people, whilst MOS showed Superman to be incapable of taking people away from the fighting. The damage in MOS lead to expectations in audiences where they'd apply extra scrutiny to superhero fights and the Avengers are shown taking extra steps to prevent collateral damage and the Avengers are even shown to be unable to save people. This leads to discussion about the role Avengers play in the world (Sokovia accords). That's a positive but then it leads to and the writers having to find creative excuses to have them flight in an empty area (airport was evacuated cos they saw Iron Man or some shit). I feel the genre should be pushed forward and dumb criticism will stifle it since producers may be more risk averse and learn the wrong lessons.


I'll say it forever and a day, but there's no chance a Marvel film as slated as Suicide Squad or BvS makes half as much money as either of those films made. People give DC the benefit of the doubt.
Pretty much all the evidence you need to kill the notion that people don't care about DC characters. DC is loaded, and there's no restrictions for WB. The movies have done alright regardless of critical reception because the characters are that big.

Don't mistake the Disney/Marvel machine for the average person actually giving a shit about the characters. You're not gonna see ensemble/supporting characters turned breakout cultural stars like Harley Quinn over there. They just don't have it.
The Physics of Cyborg is just brilliant the way he's flying with blue thrusters bursting out of his various sides is some next level dopeness
Plus the texture of Aquaman's suit sets cleanly with the invasion tone and with the personality that Momoa carries it's like just Bread on butter
I'll say it forever and a day, but there's no chance a Marvel film as slated as Suicide Squad or BvS makes half as much money as either of those films made. People give DC the benefit of the doubt.

As I've said many times, WB/DC's ceiling is much higher than Marvel's. They just keep making films that don't resonate with audiences.

Don't mistake the Disney/Marvel machine for the average person actually giving a shit about the characters. You're not gonna see ensemble/supporting characters turned breakout cultural stars like Harley Quinn over there. They just don't have it.

Deadpool is the exact same thing as Harley Quinn. The list of breakout, culturally relevant characters at both publishers since the early days is exceedingly small. You argue against poor argumentation with your own.
Double Toasted got the most important thing right, what Marvel has done that DC hasn't is make you care about the characters. You can nitpick their nitpicks all you want but they are 100% correct in that gripe and they aren't alone in that feeling.
I don't know who these guys are but you just have no sense what you said nearly every DCEU movie have them saving saving ppl right from start to the finish and that's what drives our caring of them because if not what's the whole point spitting jokes, review your words bro


Don't mistake the Disney/Marvel machine for the average person actually giving a shit about the characters. You're not gonna see ensemble/supporting characters turned breakout cultural stars like Harley Quinn over there. They just don't have it.

I'd wait abit before making that statement. While Harley Quinn has a lot of agency and character development in the comics/cartoons to the general public she's still a sexy female Joker in the Batman universe. DC has a deep bench of relatively unknown supporting characters but I'm curious who the next breakout cultural star is gonna be. They have a good chance with Aqua Man and they seems to be pushing Cyborg pretty hard so who knows.

Also Deadpool has been said but it'd be silly to mention Marvel not having breakout supporting characters without mentioning Guardians of the Galaxy.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
good to see you are all still obnoxious man children

incapable of enjoying movies without using them to defend your favorite large media conglomerate

why cant good movies just be good and bad movies be bad?

anyway, i hope Cavill comes back as a recognizable Superman. reading his greatest hits has really made me love the character.


I am so sick of world invasions by alien mooks without a single interesting design feature. If you put a picture of the Justice League mooks next to the Avengers mooks I'm not sure I could tell the difference. They're just so boring and lacking in any kind of visual hook.


This is complete hyperbole from me and is pretty much the “PS2-era graphics” equivalent from gaming, but I hate the look of these films so much. The cgi makes me think of Kung Fury.
I don't know who these guys are but you just have no sense what you said nearly every DCEU movie have them saving saving ppl right from start to the finish and that's what drives our caring of them because if not what's the whole point spitting jokes, review your words bro
Personally I don't care about any of them. Because Flash is new. And Aquabro too. I don't know them, I cannot care about them. The origin stories are missing.

Batman saved like Martha because shes Martha, other than that he came of as an old grumpy dude on a killing spree. I don't know why so I cannot care about him being grumpy because we saw a costume for 2 seconds that had "hahaha jokes on you" written on it. And if you have to explain to me now why I should care, or if I have to research why Batman acts like that and why I should care, then the movie didn't really do a good job at making me care.

The difference between DCEU and Marvel is that DC is basically the reverse-flash of the cinematic universes. They do all backwards. There is no real introduction to Batman, or Steppenwolf, no build up to the super villain through multiple movies except for a few seconds in BvS. They are Marvel-on-steroids and try and go through the emotions in 1/10th of what it took marvel and do the necessary character building later.

It's like you want to bake the same cake like your competitor but in less time so you crank up the oven, but what you get is a burned cake.

The only character I can care about is Superman because he had his origin movie, but the character is totally botched even though Cavill, if given the chance by a good director, could totally nail it.


They are Marvel-on-steroids and try and go through the emotions in 1/10th of what it took marvel and do the necessary character building later.

What good is that for Marvel when they seem obsessed with throwing any believable character trait or backstory through the window with the obligatory cringeworthy over the top no-stakes action sequence followed by a predictable quip?

Then again the DCEU had Superman die in his second movie only to be revived in the following one. Out-nostaking the entire MCU with 2 movies. But what can you expect from Snyder.

Who the fuck can even remotely care about what happens to Superman now if he literally revived after being pierced through with a fucking cryptonite spear?

I mean how utterly horrible of a screenwriter/director you must be to go ahead with that in a second movie. Snyder/10.

Imagine this being Gina Carano ���� fucking internet.

Yeah because the most essential thing they had to nail with Wonder Woman was being able to be a cute blushy 100 years old girl. "fucking internet" that only tolerates women being anime pretty and having model-like features, indeed.

It's like you want to bake the same cake like your competitor but in less time so you crank up the oven, but what you get is a burned cake.

True. Aquaman and especially Flash origins being relegated to an ensemble movie is just embarrassing.


Wow, this looks truly awful. I'm really not into dudebro Aquaman. That shit is lame. Its mainly Snyder anyway so I suppose I shouldn't have expected much.


I'm a DC fan and even I had to be reminded who Steppenwolf was. Imagine the more casual fan who probably hasn't even heard of Darksyde.

Personally I don't care about any of them. Because Flash is new. And Aquabro too. I don't know them, I cannot care about them. The origin stories are missing.


The only character I can care about is Superman because he had his origin movie, but the character is totally botched even though Cavill, if given the chance by a good director, could totally nail it.

You worry about general audience not knowing/caring about a villain or characters that are new in the movie? Well, that's what the movie is for - to introduce characters and make you care for them (or fear them) while telling the story. Whether it does it well, is another problem.

It still impress me that there are people who thinks the Marvel way (give each character an origin story before you let him/her fight with others, tease a villain for few movies before finally giving him the time to shine) is the only way to do franchise movies. Otherwise "I don't care about those new characters because no origin" or "casual fans haven't heard of him".

I've just rewatched The Fellowship of the Ring recently and that movie: introduced you to high fantasy world, gave you the whole Middle Earth backstory, introduced 8 brand new characters (and a fuckton of others) that you would then follow for the next two movies. And somehow people managed to not be overwhelmed and managed to care; even people who up until then weren't really interested in fantasy genre at all.

But with comic book movies? You have to have an origin story, because otherwise how could possibly people get those deep characters and their deep, noteworthy backstories.

I'm finding peoples responses to this to be borderline creepy.

Well, she's cute. And whoever montaged that trailer sure knew what he/she is doing putting that clip there.
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