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Nintendo Direct 5/17 4PM CEST, 7AM PST, focus on First Party Wii U Summer Titles


the holder of the trombone
The buss was for this small direct... lets make the huge e3 Nintendo direct Train..

Here is the template..


So it'll have frequent delays and constant hitches?

Fuck metro.


Junior Member
Not really. There is of course going to be a concentration as no other major events are ongoing -- but as you can see now -- all those trending topics have faded. Mere minutes after (if not seconds). Meaning there is no staying power -- no real trend. Neither is GAF's stability against a tepid spike of interest. GAF has gone down easily and frequently as of late.

Why downplay the achievement? "Worldwide" is never something minor.

Nintendo knows what they are doing with the Nintendo directs.
I don't know if this has been mentioned before in other ND threads, but I agree with NinjaScooter's sentiment that this ND did not need to exist. I know Ninty is attempting to change how they promulgate gaming information, but I think audiences are so conditioned to associate "presentations" and anything "official" with some type of meaningful announcement. I get people like the intimacy the videos bring, but if Nintendo had a simple press release, do you know how big that thread would be? A fraction of this one. But I guess that's what they want?
The whole point of these is direct communication. A press release goes to the media first, giving them control.

Anyone who expected megatons from this particular direct is an idiot.


Nintendo could've announced most of this "Nintendo Direct" with a Press Release, yet they didn't. I really wonder what the point of it is when they release this "thing" I just watched with either no significant info, or no elaboration. "Here's Wonderful 101's release date, lol."

Because press releases don't come DIRECTLY to fucking people owning the machines. Are you guys even thinking sometimes?
That's the fucking point of these, not hype and "surprises" to entertain internet.


Nintendo could've announced most of this "Nintendo Direct" with a Press Release, yet they didn't. I really wonder what the point of it is when they release this "thing" I just watched with either no significant info, or no elaboration. "Here's Wonderful 101's release date, lol."

Nobody's forcing you to watch these live... watch part of it later if something grabs your interest.


May I have a cookie?
Am I the only one really disappointed by the choice to focus on collecting fruit in the next pikmin?

I loved all those trinkets and parody descriptions of real items....


So it's worse than I thought, now Wonderful 101 got the boot to Fall for North America and not even Wii U Play and Wii U Fit are out for Summer. Not even news about the next system update or a new Wonderful 101 trailer. Nintendo Direct did not deliver this time. :(
The whole point of these is direct communication. A press release goes to the media first, giving them control.

Anyone who expected megatons from this particular direct is an idiot.

Because press releases don't come DIRECTLY to fucking people owning the machines. Are you guys even thinking sometimes?
That's the fucking point of these, not hype and "surprises" to entertain internet.

I'm not sure if this level of animosity is really necessary. The argument being presented here is that the "event" nature of a Nintendo Direct suggests something more eventful than humdrum news. You think that it's their channel to communicate to end users however they desire, and that's fine. But I don't think people hoping for good news are complete nincompoops for hoping that such an "event" carries with it news worth being excited about, particularly given the current dire situation of the Wii U.


Because press releases don't come DIRECTLY to fucking people owning the machines. Are you guys even thinking sometimes?
That's the fucking point of these, not hype and "surprises" to entertain internet.

Few people own the Wii U, having these Nintendo Directs with lackluster content to potentially interested parties is damaging to Nintendo whether or not you want to believe it. If Nintendo wants people to watch their directs for E3 instead of expecting a huge press conference, they need to put in information that will seem interesting to non-owners of Nintendo consoles, otherwise they don't want people like me to watch future Nintendo Directs.


So waited to make a decision to sell my wii u today, yep selling.

Of course you did ...I mean you can't possible wait 3 weeks until the time you know for sure you'll be getting all the big Nintendo news..

...like it wasn't made clear in advance this was simply an update Direct for titles we knew about.


Unconfirmed Member
It was an above average direct. Three exclusive Sonic games, release dates(especially Luigi on June 20th), and some more details on some upcoming games. Not too shabby.


So it's worse than I thought, now Wonderful 101 got the boot to Fall for North America and not even Wii U Play and Wii U Fit are out for Summer. Not even news about the next system update or a new Wonderful 101 trailer. Nintendo Direct did not deliver this time. :(

I tell yea, they are going to rebrand WiiU at e3 and Wii U Fit and Wii U Play will lose the 'Wii' name.


Few people own the Wii U, having these Nintendo Directs with lackluster content to potentially interested parties is damaging to Nintendo whether or not you want to believe it. If Nintendo wants people to watch their directs for E3 instead of expecting a huge press conference, they need to put in information that will seem interesting to non-owners of Nintendo consoles, otherwise they don't want people like me to watch future Nintendo Directs.

What is "damaging" is people with no brains spamming bullshit. The number of people owning the wii U is irrelevant, the concept of the Direct is what it is, be it for 3Ds or WiiU or whatever.

The press will relay the releases dates in any case.
The Directs serve to show games and interest people in games for their systems. That's it. You can spin whatever you like.

And regardless, Direct or not, that's not the issue here. They announced something yesterday and we had it. Summer release dates. That's fucking it. People bitching for more are in dire need of medication or a life. Seriously. How can people not even see the stupidity in their comments.
This board is all for Hype and Announcements nowadays.



EDIT: Gaf admins might want to look into using Cloudflare so the board doesn't go down so much.

Cloudflare would probably way too expensive for the needs of Gaf. They don't need to rely on a third party for redundancy and caching, they need to configure their server architecture to handle the heavy loads. They have Nginx running so that's step 1 at least.
What is "damaging" is people with no brains spamming bullshit. The number of people owning the wii U is irrelevant, the concept of the Direct is what it is, be it for 3Ds or WiiU or whatever.

The press will relay the releases dates in any case.
The Directs serve to show games and interest people in games for their systems. That's it. You can spin whatever you like.

And regardless, Direct or not, that's not the issue here. They announced something yesterday and we had it. Summer release dates. That's fucking it. People bitching for more are in dire need of medication or a life. Seriously. How can people not even see the stupidity in their comments.
This board is all for Hype and Announcements nowadays.


calm down, lil' warrior. It'll be alright.


I dont understand the notion that this ND didnt need to exist, its absurd and petty to some degree. The focus was always gonna be about getting stuff out of the way to focus on new announcements at E3, now they wont need to speak about those games.

We also got a kind of important arrangement with Sega that might have been lost in the E3 insanity.


Why people are being bitter about this direct since they already emphasized that they will only show Spring and Summer games.

That's not the problem. Nintendo's pretty much confirmed that there's little reason to own a Wii U until Fall now that several games are not coming out this Summer. Also, the ND itself didn't provide any exciting new trailers or inform us on things like the Summer system update.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Well that was very exciting. Lots of new releases to think about and play over the coming months. What a turn around. Well done Nintendo.



calm down, lil' warrior. It'll be alright.

I'm sorry I can't stand the absurdity. It was already there when people bitched about no Vita news during the PS4 Reveal. What the hell.
And those Directs are happening far more often.

At least bitch for something real and true.


Other than Lost World Sonic, the rest was pretty awful. So this Direct basically means you won't be playing your Wii U this Summer? Really doubt TW101 will release this summer. So I guess all you have is Pikman 3.



I was thinking about a Hype Hovercraft.
That baby can hold plenty of members and can't derail. That way, you don't have to worry about disappointments.
I'm sorry I can't stand the absurdity. It was already there when people bitched about no Vita news during the PS4 Reveal. What the hell.
And those Directs are happening far more often.

At least bitch for something real and true.

Then you calmly reply that there wasn't really any reason to expect anything exciting from this event? I don't know why you're getting worked up about this.
Just got in from working.

Can someone give me a rundown?????

Mario? Zelda?

What games did they talk about?

Nintendo talked about what they said they'd talk about (their summer games).

Minor announcements included a Nintendo/Sega partnership for Sonic, with another one of those Olympics games for Wii U, an exclusive Sonic platformer, and at least one more unannounced exclusive.

Japan is getting the Yakuza HD collection for Wii U.

Release dates for W101 and the Luigi DLC for Mario U, which can be bought on the eShop for $20 or as a physical package for $30.

E3 Demos will be available to play at Best Buys.

Reminder that big unannounced titles will be at the next Direct, since this one was just about summer releases and focused mostly on first-party.
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