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Psycho glues a dozen razor blades onto playground equipment.

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Wonder if it was the work of idiot teens or a psycho adult.

There is something psychotic itself when one's reaction is to blame the victim. Like, "that's your take? Fuck the dad? That's what you're gonna go with?" I hope mister capslock above gets some help too. good lord.

He's not even blaming the victim for the crime itself. He's yelling at the dad for some made-up scenario he thought up.


There is something psychotic itself when one's reaction is to blame the victim. Like, "that's your take? Fuck the dad? That's what you're gonna go with?" I hope mister capslock above gets some help too. good lord.


Funny to see how people are getting shocked/calling for death penalty and yet it's cool to not take care of your kid right away when shit happens.


Professional Schmuck
Funny to see how people are getting shocked/calling for death penalty and yet it's cool to not take care of your kid right away when shit happens.

Funny that a mind like yours doesn't recognize dried blood. Dad had obviously already taken care of his kid and you're being a needless asshole for some reason.


Yeah those people should have said the dad should get the death penalty too

I'm not saying that at all, though. What I'm saying is that he should make sure the kid is good, you know? Maybe those blades were dipped into something.

I don't see the dad being calm in the situation, so I'm not trying to make him look like a bad guy,

Hell, not like anyone around here would know what to do. But let's keep trying to get mad at silly shit.


What the fuck is wrong with assholes. I remember my mom telling me about some person doing something similar in the 80s locally with gas pump handles.

When i was a kid in the 80s it was razorblades in fruit given out at Halloween.


Professional Schmuck

Why the fuck would you take a picture of your child's bleeding hand?


There's a thing called "Police Report". Or "Hospital Bill/Report". Or "Pic of child's bandaged hand or after surgery".

Shit, that PROBABLY doesn't count as evidence, tho. Cause I never heard of the term. :(

"STOP CRYING, TIMMY, GODDAMN IT! Just... hold still."

I'm not saying that at all, though. What I'm saying is that he should make sure the kid is good, you know?

I don't see the dad being calm in the situation, so I'm not trying to make him look like a bad guy,

Hell, not like anyone around here would know what to do. But let's keep trying to get mad at silly shit.

It does certainly look like you're trying to make the dad look like a bad guy to me. Maybe you're just having fun in a thread where it's not really appropriate? I don't know.
I don't see the dad being calm in the situation, so I'm not trying to make him look like a bad guy,

Hell, not like anyone around here would know what to do. But let's keep trying to get mad at silly shit.
Yeah I know that's what i think is weird. You can't imagine where it all goes down calmly, so to me it suggests that's how you would handle it yourself. (being uncalm that is)
And you are the one getting mad at silly shit


Oh my god man...if those sliced at the wrong place on a small child, they could bleed out. That's terrible.


I remember stories of this about 15-20 years ago except it was blades glued to the slides in water parks.
Freaked me out


It's sick that whoever did this is probably getting a kick at all this news coverage.

Hopefully they can check the blades for fingerprints and put them in a database. If whoever did this ever gets in trouble with the law they can trace them back to this.

Glad the child only had minor cuts.


It doesn't even look like it's currently bleeding in the picture. Pretty sure it was just took as evidence.

Anyways, I live in the area (Quad Cities), and yeah. Pretty fucked up right there.

The worst one though is this:

No, that's not bird poop. That's the putty they used to glue the razer blades to the equipment. There was a razor blade there. Someone was trying to slice a kid, coming down the slide, in the balls.

Ughh, that is so messed up! >_<
This is so freaking disturbing. Wow! Especially the blades on the slide. Hopefully the psycho who did this left some dna evidence somewhere.



Funny to see how people are getting shocked/calling for death penalty and yet it's cool to not take care of your kid right away when shit happens.

But the dad did take care of his kid right away. It says right there in the article that he took him home and treated his wound. I think you're reading too much into the fact that he took a picture of his kid's hand.

I mean, have you been around a 2 year old? First thing you gotta do is even figure out what happened cuz kid's just crying. Did he get bit did he get stung okay he's bleeding in the hand. That's weird, how did he do that. Oh there are razors glued to everything in the playground.

Honestly it's a good thing this guy didn't freak out and rush his kid off without a second's pause, because he was able to see that the entire playground was booby trapped and help keep other kids safe.

You're kind of reading negatively into what happened without cause or evidence to do so. Imagine if you were this dad and some guy who didn't know anything about you started criticizing you for the way you took care of your kid. Doesn't that seem just a bit much to you?
It doesn't even look like it's currently bleeding in the picture. Pretty sure it was just took as evidence.

Anyways, I live in the area (Quad Cities), and yeah. Pretty fucked up right there.

The worst one though is this:

No, that's not bird poop. That's the putty they used to glue the razer blades to the equipment. There was a razor blade there. Someone was trying to slice a kid, coming down the slide, in the balls.

Christ, I read the thread title and immediately thought "please not on a slide," and then lo and behold.

So no one else was hurt?


Holy shit. This is messed up. I'll check every playground with relentless vigor before letting my daughter in it from now on.
The culprit(s) should die by lightning. Zeus, make it be!

But seriously, I hope the criminals die by a tree falling on them or something. This is all kinds of fucked up.


Wow, that's some fucked up shit, god I hope they catch the person who did it.

I remember someone had a job at my local pool waterside to check it every morning before anyone rode it for things like this so I've always looked out for it, but I never thought to check things like monkey bars.
What a sick minded thing to do. I remember back when I was a young kid in the early 90's my parents would carefully inspect my Halloween candy when I got home because some sick fucks in the nation were reportedly slipping small razor blades and needles inside the chocolate bars. Fortunately I was never a victim.
What a sick minded thing to do. I remember back when I was a young kid in the early 90's my parents would carefully inspect my Halloween candy when I got home because some sick fucks in the nation were reportedly slipping small razor blades and needles inside the chocolate bars. Fortunately I was never a victim.

I thought that was made up by the wacky Jesusland types to scare families off Halloween.
What a sick minded thing to do. I remember back when I was a young kid in the early 90's my parents would carefully inspect my Halloween candy when I got home because some sick fucks in the nation were reportedly slipping small razor blades and needles inside the chocolate bars. Fortunately I was never a victim.

That shit was invented by the media or something iirc.
Scared my parents out though too. But as long as it was in its package they figured it was safe.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
When i was a kid in the 80s it was razorblades in fruit given out at Halloween.

Fortunately that never actually happened. Or blades/poison in candy.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Fortunately that never actually happened. Or blades/poison in candy.

Actually there were a few reports of it back in the days, but nothing like an epidemic that folks thought it to be.

Still always good to do a check regardless as you never know.
What the FUCK

Isn't it some kind of urban legend in the States about people leaving razor blades in apples for kids at Halloween? Turns out real life is far worse. :(


This makes me so livid.

My daughter loves to play in the playground. And I have to be concerned about this?!


What is the reason for this? It's just sadistic and messed up.

Why does the world have to be like this?


Jesus Christ. What a sick fuck. Recently in Poland we got a guy who threw razors/nails or poison into meatballs and left it on the grass for dogs to eat.
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