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Revenge Season 4 |OT| We’re going back to the Hamptons - Sundays 10/9c

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(contains major series spoilers)


This is not a story about forgiveness; Revenge is a show about retribution, based loosely on The Count of Monte Cristo. Meet Emily Thorne, the newest resident of The Hamptons. When she was a little girl (and known as Amanda Clarke) her father, David Clarke, was framed for a horrific crime and subsequently sent to prison. While serving his time, the conspirators plotted and murdered David in order to prevent the truth from coming out. Emily is now back with a new identity and ready to take vengeance on the people that murdered her father and stole her childhood.

Central to all the conspirators are Victoria and Conrad Grayson. Conrad is CEO of Grayson Global, David’s old employer, and Victoria is Conrad’s wife (David’s old lover to boot). At first we believe these two power players are the masterminds of the cover up, but we soon realize that they are only the tip of the iceberg.

Emily’s friend, Nolan Ross, is there to aid Emily in her plans. Most notably, Nolan provides assistance to Emily is the areas of electronic surveillance and espionage and keeps Emily’s childhood friend, Jack Porter, out of harm’s way. Nothing will stop Emily’s pursuit of justice and no one is off limits.

Season 1

Emily Thorne rents the Hamptons home she lived in when she was known as Amanda Clarke. Her father was framed as being a terrorist by the woman he loved—Victoria Grayson. Emily begins her plan of revenge by exposing an affair by Victoria’s husband, Conrad. She also gets engaged to Victoria’s son, Daniel. Emily is loaded, as she owns 49% of a billion dollar company started by computer genius Nolan Ross. A young Jack Porter promised to take care of her dog, Sammy, when she was ripped away from her childhood. Emily cares for Jack but can’t let him know that she’s the little girl he used to play with on the beach. This is especially true when woman she asked to pose as Amanda Clarke becomes pregnant with his baby. As for Victoria, she cuts a deal with the government to destroy Conrad. The government plane she was taking explodes shortly after takeoff. This incredible event had everyone wondering what life will be like in The Hamptons without its queen. For detailed recaps please visit Revenge’s Season 1 Episode Guide.

Season 2

Victoria Grayson never got on the plane that was bombed. Emily continues to weave her way into the Grayson family, while dealing with the return of her mother as well as a former lover, Aiden Mathis. Jack Porter marries Amanda and then tragedy strikes. Amanda dies in an explosion at sea leaving a devastated Jack to care for their child. He also embarks on his own plan of revenge against the Graysons, who are also facing retribution from a dangerous group known as the Initiative as Conrad makes a run for governor. When tragedy strikes again for Jack, Emily has no choice but to tell him the truth. She’s Amanda Clarke. For detailed recaps please visit Revenge’s Season 2 Episode Guide.

Season 3

Emily continues with her plan to marry Daniel Grayson, who begins work with past acquaintance Margaux LeMarchal to launch Voulez magazine. Victoria enjoys the return of her long lost son, Patrick, who engages in a relationship with Nolan. Jack begins a romance with Margaux while Emily and Aiden continue navigate many obstacles. Daniel shoots Emily on their wedding night, but that doesn’t mean she’s leaving him. She learns that a key conspirator against her dad was Margaux’s father, Pascal, who dies at the hands of Conrad, who is eventually exposed. His punishment is sealed when he fatally learns that the man he framed so many years ago is still alive. Aiden is murdered by Victoria, who is locked up in a mental institution unable to make anyone believe that her nemesis, Emily Thorne, is really Amanda Clarke. For detailed recaps please visit Revenge’s Season 3 Episode Guide.



Emily Thorne (Portrayed by Emily VanCamp)
Emily's every social overture has been carefully planned to bring the opulent lives of her enemies crashing down around them. But now, having achieved her goal of taking the Graysons down, a new truth has come to light... her father is ALIVE! How will she continue when the biggest motive behind her revenge is no longer true?


Victoria Grayson (Portrayed by Madeleine Stowe)
The love of her life has been murdered... her family destroyed... her freedom taken away...what will Vicky do now? Whatever it is, a Herve Leger bandage dress will most likely be involved.


Conrad Grayson (Portrayed by Henry Czerny)


Daniel Grayson (Portrayed by Joshua Bowman)
Unfortunately, poor Daniel closed out the third season by unwittingly having sex with a prostitute who was paid in cocaine to sleep with him. Worse, said prostitute OD'd and died in bed next to him, and pictures were definitely snapped. Looks like the prodigal Grayson son will begin this season with another skeleton in his closet...and I mean that in the most literal way possible. Will he ever realize his continuous pawn status in these twisted games, and finally assert himself into a position of his own making?


Jack Porter (Portrayed by Nick Wechsler)
The (continuously grieving) punching bag of The Hamptons, Jack seems to never catch a break. Despite being the one member of Emily's Revenge Squad who actually cared that Charlotte Grayson was abducted and used as leverage, it looks like poor Jack Porter is taking the fall—Charlotte recognized Jack as her captor, and immediately set the FBI on him! What fresh indignities await Jack?


Nolan Ross (Portrayed by Gabriel Mann)
Nolan Ross loves nothing more than taking down Daniel Grayson, and it looks like he's found a friend with common interests—aka Gideon LeMarchal. Nolan and Gideon will likely spend much of this season lording Daniel's fatal tryst with a prostitute over his head while seizing control of Voulez. But with three psycho ex-boyfriends (one deceased), and a dead girlfriend to boot, will Nolan ever find love?


Charlotte Clarke (Portrayed by Christa B. Allen)
The (still) bratty daughter of Victoria Grayson and David Clarke, Charlotte is always losing things: she lost her boyfriend and her unborn baby all in less than two months; her stepfather is dead; her mother is sectioned in a local psychiatric ward; her baby nephew isn't her baby nephew anymore; and her bother-in-law victimized and terrorized her. Dispossessed of everything she cares about, will Charlotte finally grow up and vacate the shadows of her insane life?


Episode 1, “Renaissance” (Sept. 28)
Episode 2, “Disclosure” (Oct. 5)
Episode 3, “Ashes” (Oct. 12)
Episode 4, “Meteor” (Oct. 19)
Episode 5, “Repercussions” (TBD)
Episode 6, “Damage” (TBD)


season 4 trailer
promo teaser
sneak peek of episode one

special thanks to Hours Left, the revenge wiki and abc.com for their contributions; the OP wouldn't be possible without them
Speculation: Emily becomes the villain, Victoria becomes the hero, Conrad stays dead, David Clarke helps Victoria/is disappointed with what Emily has become, Charlotte and David grow close, Jack is cleared from all charges thanks to help from Nolan, Jack and Emily become lovers with Jack becoming a pseudo-Conrad to Emily's-pseudo Victoria, and Nolan's house is still ballin'. Emily and Charlotte are still hot as is the entire male cast of the show.


Vicky already getting her wig snatched


...by Lisa Simpson.

(Not really enjoying this episode; the whole
un-killing of David Clarke, and apparent killing of Conrad
last season is putting a lot of my goodwill to the test.)

Guessing a last-minute reveal is in the offering for the re-pilot.

EDIT: Why does Nolan have Clay Aiken hair?


with david clarke back from the grave, and seemingly not at all emotionally and psychologically stable, I'm thinking whoever gets to him first will be at an advantage; victoria will probably have him believing emily killed amanda or something by episode four tbh


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I hate this David back from the dead twist. Season 3 was such an improvement over Season 2's dreadful Initiative nonsense. But then they jumped the shark in the finale and this first new episode doesn't instill much confidence. Glad Vicky got out of the mental hospital quick, was worried they'd drag that along.

I'm still holding out hope that this is actually David's disturbed twin or something, still stupid but at least it wouldn't make the whole revenging over the last 3 years a complete waste. Glad Conrad's dead (until the expected "twist" *eye-roll*) and still pissed they killed off Aiden, best male on the show :(

Oh and Charlotte still sucks and pairing her with the vile Gidian? UGH. I almost wanna give up at this point but I wanna see how this trainwreck ends (assuming this is the final season). I just want more of Emily and Victoria snatching each other's wigs.
I don't really know what to think after this first episode. Victoria just escapes and that's it?!?! I kind of hope that Charlotte and Giddian OD really, really soon.


Hmmm... not sure what to think after one. I generally enjoyed it. Jack being a cop seems kind of random even with their explanation. I think all the Emily/Nolan stuff was good and there is some good potential in this new twist on the Emily/Victoria dynamic. Meh on the rest of the characters. They still have to prove to me that this whole David Clarke being alive thing isn't a huge mistake. They didn't dissuade me from that notion in this first episode.


and still pissed they killed off Aiden, best male on the show :(.

I'm glad that Aidan was killed instead of being ditched by Emily. Now, no other guy will match him since he gives her the new mission to exact revenge on Victoria and her family.

And besides, I can't see this series ending in anything than Emily and Victoria trying to kill each other while the house they're fighting in is burning to a crisp.


Episode was so fucking ridiculous, and I enjoyed damn near every minute of it. Victoria's escape was hilarious.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I have a friend who watches the show and we occasionally joke around about how the story could get even more crazy and somehow this episode managed to trump anything we've ever dreamed up. Fantastically ridiculously insane opening, hope the rest of the season is this crazy.

I think my favorite part of the show is how they manage to start up a bunch of storylines near the end of the season (and in the finales in particular) and then kill most of them in random conversations in the first episode of the season. Never change Revenge.


I shot people I like more for less.
Quoting myself from the s3 thread:

Didn't think the premiere was that great. Not sure if the new characters they introduced are recurring, but they didn't really do much for me. Also, wtf at Jack becoming a cop. He must not sleep much, with that, a baby, and owning the bar. And Charlotte is still awful. I don't know, after the season 3 finale I just expected more I guess.


Quoting myself from the s3 thread:

Charlotte needs to head down the path of Ashley. most useless character on the show. but naw, they made her the sister to serve a purpose now. so looks like she won't be going anywhere anytime soon
I really liked the premiere. The new cop guy is hot, he's probably Emily's new love interest, but I liked that Nolan showed interest in him too. (Nolan needs a man.)

I'm really intrigued to see how they handle the role reversal between Emily & Victoria. (Her prison break was HILARIOUS.)


I really liked the premiere. The new cop guy is hot, he's probably Emily's new love interest, but I liked that Nolan showed interest in him too. (Nolan needs a man.)

I'm really intrigued to see how they handle the role reversal between Emily & Victoria. (Her prison break was HILARIOUS.)

New cop is so hot. He better be permanent.
New cop is so hot. He better be permanent.
He's supposed to be a new major recurring character.

The actor, Brian Hallisay, is really attractive. I'm glad he's on another show I watch after The Client List got cancelled. (It wasn't the best show, but it has lots of beefcake.) The actress that played Nancy in the premiere was also on that show.


I don't get how Victoria was locked up without the ability to contact her family in the first place....they can't just "lock her up again" if she manages to contact them first.

Yes I know, I need to suspend disbelief with this show :p
Margaux new haircut is horrible.

I didn't think it could get worse than last season, but it did. Nolan's hair sucks too actually.

Anyway, fun first episode. So glad Aiden is dead by the way; I know people here loved him but he annoyed the shit out of me. I look forward to Victoria enacting successful revenge on Emily and I'm officially rooting for Victoria to win at this point. Yeah, Victoria is evil, but Emily is worse.


New episode tonight!


Emily is faced with former friends and a longtime enemy as she desperately searches for Victoria; a dark secret comes back to haunt Victoria.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
10 min til new ep :)

I hope this week is better than the premiere, they need to pick up the speed a bit


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Was a good episode this week, much better than last week :) Margeaux taking down her vile brother was great, and the Vicky/David stuff was well done

BTW does anyone hate Charlotte as much as I do? She's always been absolutely terrible, but after this episode, I hope she meets a grisly end :mad:


I shot people I like more for less.
Was a good episode this week, much better than last week :) Margeaux taking down her vile brother was great, and the Vicky/David stuff was well done

BTW does anyone hate Charlotte as much as I do? She's always been absolutely terrible, but after this episode, I hope she meets a grisly end :mad:

She's fucking awful.
Charlotte taking over the role of Victoria in the last 5-10 minutes there. I look forward to her eventual imprisonment for arson/attempted murder.


Ok Amanda was horrible to Charlotte if you really think about it so Charlotte certainly has reason to hate her. But burning her alive? Really? I had hopes Charlotte would eventually get over it, looks like that's out. I wanted to keep watching this show but I'm not going along for the ride if it's going to be Amanda vs Charlotte.

I think the show is losing steam. It's like the writers are worried and trying to think of ways to keep the show interesting so they keep doing extreme things. Did we really need a lovesick puppy dog David back? Nope. Nor do we need any more reasons to hate Charlotte.

I'll tune in next week but I'm not so sure I can take any more. I really liked the first two seasons though.
Charlotte needs to go now, thanks. I tried to by sympathetic towards her, but I'm over it now. (At least awful Gideon is out of the picture.... I hope.)

Every episode needs a cop locker room scene. DAMN.

For the love of god, please fix Nolan's atrocious hair, and get him a man.



Emily's life is on the line as Victoria orchestrates a family reunion with deadly potential, regardless of who gets caught in the crossfire.


So is this still worth watching? Trying to cut down on my TV time (Ive already culled The Blacklist) . I watched it up to the season 3 finale, and almost spit my drink at the screen when david clarke appeared.


Given the ridiculous premise, I don't think David Clarke was really acting out of character or as a "dumbass". From his perspective, Victoria is absolutely innocent, so why wouldn't he believe what she says about Emily?

Also remember, David heard the "news" that Amanda Clarke died. So of course he has no reason to believe that Amanda is still alive and living as someone named Emily Clarke.

It's definitely clear that David recognized Amanda though.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I wish Emily would ditch that mediocre Jack (who am I kidding, we know damn well the show is gonna push them together in the end because of their "childhood" ugh) and get with that nice looking, tall new cop they've got on this season, you know the one that was flirting with her by her car? :)
I may end up liking him as much as Aiden R.I.P.
Still paitently waiting to see nolans epic house again, him bunking with Emily just isn't the same.

So is this still worth watching? Trying to cut down on my TV time (Ive already culled The Blacklist) . I watched it up to the season 3 finale, and almost spit my drink at the screen when david clarke appeared.

If that's the case I'd give it a miss.

It's okay Officer Hunter, I'll go for a walk in the woods with you, and you can show me any hard wooden objects you'd like. :3
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