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Silicon Valley leaders U-turn on Donald Trump

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Eh...this sounds more like the 'hope it's not as bad as it probably will be' type stuff we saw from Clinton and Obama the day after.

Sacca at least I know criticized as soon as Trump started tweeting again. He noted the spin on the two protester tweets and wondered if why he was backing down so quickly.

The only one I consider truly spineless is Zuck.

His dismissal of the harm Facebook's fake news and propaganda machine does was disgusting.


Obama wasn't exactly very strong on the privacy front either.

Obama was dreadful on privacy, and his delivery of an all-knowing NSA to Trump is one of his greatest failings, but I wouldn't expect him to use his surveillance powers to destroy his political opponents.


Three years later, America has watched Donald Trump praise foreign dictators from Kim Jong Un to Vladimir Putin, vow to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate his opponent, Hillary Clinton, if he’s elected, and call for Russian hackers to dig up Clinton’s emails. “I wish I had that power,” he later said in a campaign speech. “Man, that would be power.” If that statement didn’t sufficiently reveal Trump’s lust for surveillance capabilities, he reportedly listened in on phone calls between staff and guests at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach in the mid-2000s. As Trump and Clinton prepare for their final debate tonight—this time focused on national security—NSA alumni as well as critics are concerned that Trump may be exactly the turnkey tyrant Snowden had in mind.

So they want to wish him congratulations, that's great. Anything else they want to say? Any steps they're taking to help ensure their customer's privacy? Any words on the rhetoric and policies that we know Trump is certain to carry into his administration from the appointments he's already made?


Junior Member
If they had human decency, they'd oppose Trump and Republicans, especially their bigoted policies. Hell, if they said they'd support him after they drop those policies, that'd be at least palatable.

But it seems most rich people are against basic human rights.

..How is saying "Congratulations" in a tweet equal to being against basic human rights?



Why would we disagree on everything else?

Are you a free willist basic income hater climate denier person?

Heh. I guess you don't remember me. Understandable. You've shouted "HERP DERP BOOTSRAPS" at me more than once, but no I don't really fit that description.

Regardless, I agree with your above post.
They can probably help persuade his views on technology by talking to him vs calling him a racist on the internet.

How about the environment? Health care? Human rights? The Supreme Court? His disgusting behavior in general, all throughout his life? Spineless, the lot of them. Stop normalizing this buffoon.
If they had human decency, they'd oppose Trump and Republicans, especially their bigoted policies. Hell, if they said they'd support him after they drop those policies, that'd be at least palatable.

But it seems most rich people are against basic human rights.
Good people get bought out all the time.
Because it's a free country and not some dictatorship where you need to be afraid of your leader?

And people are running businesses and employing people, and looking beyond what has been a fucking hurtful election campaign for the entirety of the country.

I am really anti-Trump (besides the odd joke post) but at some point people need to start sitting down and work out how they're going to deal with the next 4 years.


Heh. I guess you don't remember me. Understandable. You've shouted "HERP DERP BOOTSRAPS" at me more than once, but no I don't really fit that description.

Regardless, I agree with your above post.

I forget what the bootstraps was on, but if I could make it clear, I believe we are too eager as a society to infer freedoms and isolations far greater than they appear, and use that as excuses for environmental and social ills.

I guess I have to remember on what I called you out on in specifics, but I don't remember. :(


I have no problem with this. That's how it should be. I voted for Hillary, but Trump won, so I'm going to hope for the best with him and I'm going to view his presidency with an open mind.


Junior Member
You say "we will support our new president in any way we can while fighting against his policies of x, y, z" like someone with a backbone.

I admire people of influence that use their influence to speak out against things that aren't right, however it is not the responsibilities of these people to do so


And people are running businesses and employing people, and looking beyond what has been a fucking hurtful election campaign for the entirety of the country.

I am really anti-Trump (besides the odd joke post) but at some point people need to start sitting down and work out how they're going to deal with the next 4 years.

This. What exactly are they supposed to do, shutter the business and lay everybody off out of protest?

Some real naivete in this thread.
Or maybe because their voices are influential and they are seeing how young people in this country are twisting those words to justify violent behavior.

They play a part in unifying this country just like the President does and just like those young people need to.
All those riggers rioting the streets amIritebro? Fuck off with that shit. I'm all for living reluctantly with Trump but this is pure bull.


trump's admin looks likely to ramp up crony capitalism massively, gotta stay on his good side to see the benefits & the possibility of seducing trump into big tax breaks is surely way too appealing for them.

these silicon valley leaders think that government is a useless waste of everyone's time and that only their disruptive technologies truly improve our society, protecting themselves is in their universe the ultimate moral good.


And people are running businesses and employing people, and looking beyond what has been a fucking hurtful election campaign for the entirety of the country.

I am really anti-Trump (besides the odd joke post) but at some point people need to start sitting down and work out how they're going to deal with the next 4 years.

Here's a good start:


A hurtful election, yes. It's even more hurtful when people give in and suck it up to make themselves feel good instead of fighting to defend their freedom. What's at stake isn't people's feelings here.
And people are running businesses and employing people, and looking beyond what has been a fucking hurtful election campaign for the entirety of the country.

I am really anti-Trump (besides the odd joke post) but at some point people need to start sitting down and work out how they're going to deal with the next 4 years.

It's called building a coalition that works to make sure the republicans don't get a super majority in 2018, that does everything in their power to oppose his worst whims/policies and wipe the floor with them in 2020. (and also never forgetting just how disgusting his campaign, and many of his supporters on social media, actually was/is)
Like it or not Trump will be the next President.

What do people really expect them to do?

Of course they're going to try to deal with him - he's the person you need to deal with.


I forget what the bootstraps was on, but if I could make it clear, I believe we are too eager as a society to infer freedoms and isolations far greater than they appear, and use that as excuses for environmental and social ills.

I guess I have to remember on what I called you out on in specifics, but I don't remember. :(

Nah, let's not try to dig up a reason to not get along.


What else are they gonna say? He's the President-elect and his policies will have ramifications on their businesses.

It's diplomacy not friendship.

Are people still on the denial stage?


Junior Member
How about the environment? Health care? Human rights? The Supreme Court? His disgusting behavior in general, all throughout his life? Spineless, the lot of them. Stop normalizing this buffoon.

The fuck? Why are people being so hyperbolic? Trump is a horrible president elect. He was a horrible candidate. He has the chance to fuck basically the entire world in the ass. How the hell is it Mark Zuckerberg's responsibility to keep reverberating that when Trump won the election? He won. We've all got to live with it. It doesn't make Trump any better for having won, but it sure as hell isn't Mark Zuckerberg's fault.


Except no one said that.

You are just making a straw man.

Okay, let me walk it back then. What stance was everyone expecting them to take "on principle?"

Somebody complete the thought so I don't have to build a straw man and I can attack the real alternative.


Like it or not Trump will be the next President.

What do people really expect them to do?

Of course they're going to try to deal with him - he's the person you need to deal with.

Rule #5: Don’t make compromises. Like Ted Cruz, who made the journey from calling Trump “utterly amoral” and a “pathological liar” to endorsing him in late September to praising his win as an “amazing victory for the American worker,” Republican politicians have fallen into line. Conservative pundits who broke ranks during the campaign will return to the fold. Democrats in Congress will begin to make the case for cooperation, for the sake of getting anything done—or at least, they will say, minimizing the damage. Nongovernmental organizations, many of which are reeling at the moment, faced with a transition period in which there is no opening for their input, will grasp at chances to work with the new administration. This will be fruitless—damage cannot be minimized, much less reversed, when mobilization is the goal—but worse, it will be soul-destroying. In an autocracy, politics as the art of the possible is in fact utterly amoral. Those who argue for cooperation will make the case, much as President Obama did in his speech, that cooperation is essential for the future. They will be willfully ignoring the corrupting touch of autocracy, from which the future must be protected.



If they had human decency, they'd oppose Trump and Republicans, especially their bigoted policies. Hell, if they said they'd support him after they drop those policies, that'd be at least palatable.

But it seems most rich people are against basic human rights.
Why oppose republicans?




One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I liked them better when they were talking about secession.


How about the environment? Health care? Human rights? The Supreme Court? His disgusting behavior in general, all throughout his life? Spineless, the lot of them. Stop normalizing this buffoon.

Fight him on all of those.

Accept who he is.

Accept where he is.

Do not accept what he may do.


Junior Member
Okay, let me walk it back then. What stance was everyone expecting them to take "on principle?"

Somebody complete the thought so I don't have to build a straw man and I can attack the real alternative.
"Donald Trump ran a very hateful campaign on a lot of principles I don't believe. As a powerful person with an outlet, I must lead the way against the bigotry he espoused. We here at [Company X] will continue to do our jobs and respect people's creed, class, gender, orientation, and race.
"Though Donald Trump has principles I strongly discourage, he is the president of the United States. We will be forced to work together. It is my hope to help him see things and act differently."

Damn, I don't know. Just pulled that from my ass.


Fight him on all of those.

Accept who he is.

Accept where he is.

Do not accept what he may do.

You can accept and acknowledge that he is the president without congratulating him and telling him that you have an 'open mind' the day after he appointed a climate denier to the EPA.


Junior Member
Did you look at Trump's campaign?
That is reason enough.

Then they're not good people. Good people stand by their principles.

What? This shit is so hyperbolic, half of the people in this thread are being ludicrous. Trump winning the debate deserves all the outrage in the world. The rest of the world is shocked, and we look on in terror. We pretend January won't come, and hope for a good Christmas. But what fucking good does it do to refuse to acknowledge Trump as the president elect? That's what you're suggesting.

He's the president elect. There's nothing spineless about admitting that. There's nothing spineless in congratulating him for it. It doesn't mean you support his theories. It doesn't mean you're begging for a tax cut. It means that we all have to make due with the shithead that's not president elect. Standing by your principles has nothing to do with being polite and acknowledging the outcome of the election.


Why oppose republicans?


I have nothing against right wing economics, beyond preferring leftist ones. Economics end up being compromises anyway, due to practicalities.

But human rights, social equality cannot be and should not be compromised.

Trump Campaign was run on hate. Its victory has emboldened racists and hate crimes. Trumps cabinet may well consist of people who further want to reduce rights of minorities, possibly advocate torture and war crimes, etc.

None of that is acceptable.

Standing by your principles has nothing to do with being polite and acknowledging the outcome of the election.

Acknowledgement doesn't require congratulations.


Junior Member
Why do people asking for unity usually sound like they're instead asking for ass-kissing?
To white moderates, "equality" and "unity" mean minorities accept their place as less than."

NeoGAF has made that perfectly clear.


"Donald Trump ran a very hateful campaign on a lot of principles I don't believe. As a powerful person with an outlet, I must lead the way against the bigotry he espoused. We here at [Company X] will continue to do our jobs and respect people's creed, class, gender, orientation, and race.
"Though Donald Trump has principles I strongly discourage, he is the president of the United States. We will be forced to work together. It is my hope to help him see things and act differently."

Damn, I don't know. Just pulled that from my ass.

So the key difference between that and the OP is that Sacca said "are willing to work with" and your version says "We will be forced to work together?"


I don't think this is sincere congratulations, more of a worried fig leaf. I mean, what choice do they have? And do they further panic an uneasy populace? This is honestly the biggest "wait and see" they may have ever experienced in their lives in terms of politics.
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