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Silicon Valley leaders U-turn on Donald Trump

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The fuck? Why are people being so hyperbolic? Trump is a horrible president elect. He was a horrible candidate. He has the chance to fuck basically the entire world in the ass. How the hell is it Mark Zuckerberg's responsibility to keep reverberating that when Trump won the election? He won. We've all got to live with it. It doesn't make Trump any better for having won, but it sure as hell isn't Mark Zuckerberg's fault.

Yeah, you live with it, but you can do other things as well. I'm not particularly interested in anyone normalizing a candidate like this. You either stick to the "he's terrible, fear-mongered, and emboldened the worst of us", or you lack balls and say let bygones be bygones, forget about the disgusting circus you just put us through.

I choose the former, and I hope the anti-trump passion/energy we're seeing continues untethered.. Republicans can get bent, just like they essentially said to Obama 8 years ago, when he set records in the popular vote. (unlike Trump, who lose it)



I have nothing against right wing economics, beyond preferring leftist ones. Economics end up being compromises anyway, due to practicalities.

But human rights, social equality cannot be and should not be compromised.

Trump Campaign was run on hate. Its victory has emboldened racists and hate crimes. Trumps cabinet may well consist of people who further want to reduce rights of minorities, possibly advocate torture and war crimes, etc.

None of that is acceptable.

Acknowledgement doesn't require congratulations.
I wasn't talking about trump just republicans. Everyone has lumped everything into one category when people are way more complex.


Junior Member
"Donald Trump ran a very hateful campaign on a lot of principles I don't believe. As a powerful person with an outlet, I must lead the way against the bigotry he espoused. We here at [Company X] will continue to do our jobs and respect people's creed, class, gender, orientation, and race.
"Though Donald Trump has principles I strongly discourage, he is the president of the United States. We will be forced to work together. It is my hope to help him see things and act differently."

Damn, I don't know. Just pulled that from my ass.
So the key difference between that and the OP is that Sacca said "are willing to work with" and your version says "We will be forced to work together?"
If that's the "only" difference you see, there is nothing I can do to help you.


Junior Member
"Donald Trump ran a very hateful campaign on a lot of principles I don't believe. As a powerful person with an outlet, I must lead the way against the bigotry he espoused. We here at [Company X] will continue to do our jobs and respect people's creed, class, gender, orientation, and race.
"Though Donald Trump has principles I strongly discourage, he is the president of the United States. We will be forced to work together. It is my hope to help him see things and act differently."

Damn, I don't know. Just pulled that from my ass.

What the fuck? Every company in America should take a political stand to have principles? I don't think companies and politics should be mixed. Saying "congratulations" is about as neutral as it gets. It's acknowledging the change, getting ready for what it might be. Shit, if I was running a company, I'd make sure our stance on the entire thing was "Congratulations, president elect", whatever my personal feelings might be. He's soon president of your country. You shouldn't not respect your president, because he is the sum of a democratic process. Refusing to respect him, is refusing to respect the people.


They might be trying to protect their employees from persecution?

Or maybe they're just cowards like everyone else who caved so easily.


What the fuck? Every company in America should take a political stand to have principles? I don't think companies and politics should be mixed. Saying "congratulations" is about as neutral as it gets. It's acknowledging the change, getting ready for what it might be. Shit, if I was running a company, I'd make sure our stance on the entire thing was "Congratulations, president elect", whatever my personal feelings might be. He's soon president of your country. You shouldn't not respect your president, because he is the sum of a democratic process. Refusing to respect him, is refusing to respect the people.

Nothing is apolitical.


Junior Member
What the fuck? Every company in America should take a political stand to have principles? I don't think companies and politics should be mixed. Saying "congratulations" is about as neutral as it gets. It's acknowledging the change, getting ready for what it might be. Shit, if I was running a company, I'd make sure our stance on the entire thing was "Congratulations, president elect", whatever my personal feelings might be. He's soon president of your country. You shouldn't not respect your president, because he is the sum of a democratic process. Refusing to respect him, is refusing to respect the people.
As always, you are employing selective reading and responding.

These men publically took a side against Trump when it seemed to suit them.

They have publically taken a stance and backtracked what hey previously said because it suits them.

They put themselves in this position.


Let's be real. The biggest reason Silicon Valley was so pissed off is Trump was talking tough on H-1B visas. Trump will end up doing nothing about the abuse in the H-1B visa program and if anything will just help them make it more common.

Just like how people act like the Silicon Valley twats who originally talked about turning California into a bunch of new states based on poverty/rich lines etc. yet now they are now suddenly great citizens because they talk secession.

These people do what benefits their wallets.


I wasn't talking about trump just republicans. Everyone has lumped everything into one category when people are way more complex.

Then why are the Republicans who support Trump still Republicans? Even if they don't leave the party, why don't they speak against him and his policies publicly?

Sitting aside and being silent is acceptance.

I really don't think all Republican are racists. Indeed, most probably voted for Trump for economical reasons. But that they never condemn the racism, xenophobia, sexism, that the campaign was run on... that implies they accept it.
The could just stand up and say they're against that.
But i don't see that. All i see are people who ignore that while being OK with Trump, or worse, try to "explain" the anti-minority stances.


Junior Member
I see your Strawman and raise you one Argument by Dismissal.
It's not an argument.

It's simply a dismissal.

I have no time to teach you comprehension.

Actually working for equality and rights for all is much more pressing.

Meanwhile, you built a straw man, admitted it, and tried to place the burden of proof of your ignorance on me. Nah. No time for you and your bullshit.
I think some of you are trying to spin this isn't something it isn't. I don't think this is an acceptance of Trump, his viewpoints, or what he represents. Rather, it's an acceptance that whatever they want to achieve, if it involves the President, will involve Trump


Junior Member
Yeah, you live with it, but you can do other things as well. I'm not particularly interested in anyone normalizing a candidate like this. You either stick to the "he's terrible, fear-mongered, and emboldened the worst of us", or you lack balls and say let bygones be bygones, forget about the disgusting circus you just put us through.

I choose the former, and I hope the anti-trump passion/energy we're seeing continues untethered.. Republicans can get bent, just like they essentially said to Obama 8 years ago, when he set records in the popular vote. (unlike Trump, who lose it)

It is completely misplaced, though. The fuck good will come out of fighting an election that's already lost? There's something terribly wrong about the US, and it is what lead to Trump being able to become your president. That's some shit you should fix. But, suck it up, you lot. This is your guy. He's a bigoted, loudmouthed, shortsighted, egocentric cheesedoodle. He was elected by your democratic process, and that democratic process stands arguably even higher than your first amendment. Get with the times and accept that your democracy, which is the foundation of any free country, has chosen Trump. Respect that. Disagree with his policies, but don't force it on everyone else to have to stand up against him.

Do you have any idea for how many years the rest of the world has had to look on as you lot have continued to give more and more to the richest people? How terrible we feel it is to see your laughable health-care system and how terrible it is to know that people go medically bankrupt on a scale never before known to man? To have falling ill be a stress in even a financial sense? To not be able to afford medicines? To see people struggling to make ends meet while working three jobs and never seeing their kids?

Take it from the rest of the world: Wake up and smell the coffee, your country was shitty for a long time, and it has culminated in fucking Donald Trump being your president. Get with it. He's there for at least four years. Suddenly it's the responsibility of every company to take a stance opposing Trump? Despite him winning the democratic process? Why? Why is this suddenly not OK, but the repeal of Glass Steagall isn't outrageous? Why is the fact that the American people voting for a bigot suddenly something companies have to react to? Why the hell should companies suddenly be responsible for shit while they have been allowed to lobby their assess of for nearly two decades?

There's nothing against principles behind fucking not being vocally against Trump.
What the fuck? Every company in America should take a political stand to have principles? I don't think companies and politics should be mixed. Saying "congratulations" is about as neutral as it gets. It's acknowledging the change, getting ready for what it might be. Shit, if I was running a company, I'd make sure our stance on the entire thing was "Congratulations, president elect", whatever my personal feelings might be. He's soon president of your country. You shouldn't not respect your president, because he is the sum of a democratic process. Refusing to respect him, is refusing to respect the people.
But SV companies donate to political parties. They are political. Peter Thiel is board member of Facebook, has donated 1.25 million to the Trump campaign and may even join the cabinet in some way. (at the least he gets a favor from the most powerful man in the world)


Junior Member
Keep dismissing any person who challenges your ideas as an ignorant bigot and we'll be looking at 8 years of Trump.
You didn't challenge the ideas.

You built a straw man, then played dumb.

And you're still shifting the blame for bigotry to people who aren't bigots while not actually calling out bigots.


Junior Member
As always, you are employing selective reading and responding.

These men publically took a side against Trump when it seemed to suit them.

They have publically taken a stance and backtracked what hey previously said because it suits them.

They put themselves in this position.

All which makes tremendous sense while not being against their principles. It makes sense to fight the good fight, but what the hell kind of good will come from them continue to fight it, now that the election is over? Can't you lot just accept that he won? Respect that he won, because that is respecting your democratic process. They didn't want Trump to be president, but he's won. The right thing to do is congratulate the winner, because you not agreeing with who is elected has fucking nothing to do with the fact that he has now won. There's nothing against anyone's principles to congratulate on that.


It is completely misplaced, though. The fuck good will come out of fighting an election that's already lost? There's something terribly wrong about the US, and it is what lead to Trump being able to become your president. That's some shit you should fix. But, suck it up, you lot. This is your guy. He's a bigoted, loudmouthed, shortsighted, egocentric cheesedoodle. He was elected by your democratic process, and that democratic process stands arguably even higher than your first amendment. Get with the times and accept that your democracy, which is the foundation of any free country, has chosen Trump. Respect that. Disagree with his policies, but don't force it on everyone else to have to stand up against him.

Do you have any idea for how many years the rest of the world has had to look on as you lot have continued to give more and more to the richest people? How terrible we feel it is to see your laughable health-care system and how terrible it is to know that people go medically bankrupt on a scale never before known to man? To have falling ill be a stress in even a financial sense? To not be able to afford medicines? To see people struggling to make ends meet while working three jobs and never seeing their kids?

Take it from the rest of the world: Wake up and smell the coffee, your country was shitty for a long time, and it has culminated in fucking Donald Trump being your president. Get with it. He's there for at least four years. Suddenly it's the responsibility of every company to take a stance opposing Trump? Despite him winning the democratic process? Why? Why is this suddenly not OK, but the repeal of Glass Steagall isn't outrageous? Why is the fact that the American people voting for a bigot suddenly something companies have to react to? Why the hell should companies suddenly be responsible for shit while they have been allowed to lobby their assess of for nearly two decades?

There's nothing against principles behind fucking not being vocally against Trump.

With great power (and privilege) comes great responsibility. The responsibility to speak out when a fascist is elected leader of your country and his policies threaten to end the human species. Especially when the only reason not to do so is to make more money. And ESPECIALLY when your business model of hoovering up people's data puts them in danger at that man's hands.
Ah, blaming people who fight against bigotry for bigots.

Wonderful world you live in.

Remember, pointing out racism is worst than actual racism. Pointing out racism and hate is the reason they voted Trump! Stop complaining that Trump made really racist/sexist/homophobic statements; we're all in this together, compromise and put your feelings aside and understand their feelings!



Junior Member
All which makes tremendous sense while not being against their principles. It makes sense to fight the good fight, but what the hell kind of good will come from them continue to fight it, now that the election is over? Can't you lot just accept that he won? Respect that he won, because that is respecting your democratic process. They didn't want Trump to be president, but he's won. The right thing to do is congratulate the winner, because you not agreeing with who is elected has fucking nothing to do with the fact that he has now won. There's nothing against anyone's principles to congratulate on that.
Congratulating him and speaking out against his ideals and principles are not mutually exclusive. I addressed that.


The fuck? Why are people being so hyperbolic? Trump is a horrible president elect. He was a horrible candidate. He has the chance to fuck basically the entire world in the ass. How the hell is it Mark Zuckerberg's responsibility to keep reverberating that when Trump won the election? He won. We've all got to live with it. It doesn't make Trump any better for having won, but it sure as hell isn't Mark Zuckerberg's fault.
It is in part. Facebook did nothing to stop the flood of Macedonian misinformation from propagating.


Sound like yall want them to do something extreme. If you were in their position what would you do?

Oppose Trump:
Donate and support organizations that are against bigotry, racism, xenophobia, etc. Be public about it.
Publicly denounce Trump's and Republican's policies, specifically the aforementioned ones. Hell, if they don't say anything about economic ones, whatever, my issue is social equality more so than economics.

When money talks, that puts pressure on politicians.


Junior Member
With great power (and privilege) comes great responsibility. The responsibility to speak out when a fascist is elected leader of your country and his policies threaten to end the human species. Especially when the only reason not to do so is to make more money.

"With great power comes great responsibility" is abused when it is attempted to mean that all influential people need to use their influence for some greater good. I admire those that do, but it is not Facebook's responsibility to be opposed to Trump. It is myopic to say that it is only out of self-interest that they do something as fucking basic as congratulating someone on their victory.

This is really silly.


Junior Member
Remember, pointing out racism is worst than actual racism. Pointing out racism and hate is the reason they voted Trump! Stop complaining that Trump made really racist/sexist/homophobic statements; we're all in this together, compromise and put your feelings aside and understand their feelings!

This election I learned that bigots can time travel.

"Those minorities called me a bigot. I better go back in time and become a bigot."


Let's be real. The biggest reason Silicon Valley was so pissed off is Trump was talking tough on H-1B visas. Trump will end up doing nothing about the abuse in the H-1B visa program and if anything will just help them make it more common.

Just like how people act like the Silicon Valley twats who originally talked about turning California into a bunch of new states based on poverty/rich lines etc. yet now they are now suddenly great citizens because they talk secession.

These people do what benefits their wallets.
It's this.

Most of these guys don't care for more money.

Bezos could retire today and live a life of luxury until death. Same with Tim Cook, Nadella, and Zuck.


Junior Member
Congratulating him and speaking out against his ideals and principles are not mutually exclusive. I addressed that.

But speaking out against his principles makes a lot of sense during a campaign. It doesn't make sense to do that in the time we're in. They have said what they wanted to say about Trump. They shouldn't have to repeat it every day for it still to stand. Congratulating him also doesn't cancel out what they've previously said.


Junior Member
But speaking out against his principles makes a lot of sense during a campaign. It doesn't make sense to do that in the time we're in. They have said what they wanted to say about Trump. They shouldn't have to repeat it every day for it still to stand. Congratulating him also doesn't cancel out what they've previously said.
You seem to have employed selective reading.

They didn't just say "Congratulations Trump."

Yes, they should have reiterated their original stances post election, but they didn't because we know they don't actually care.
You shouldn't not respect your president, because he is the sum of a democratic process. Refusing to respect him, is refusing to respect the people.
We get it. You voted for Trump.
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