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Silicon Valley leaders U-turn on Donald Trump

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I've slowly been coming to the conclusion they have as well. I have to live in Trumps America and while I will fight him for everything he's done and volunteer my time and effort to get him and his party out of power, I'm not going to stop living. I cannot wish for the system to cripple itself. In fact I hope he succeeds in making life better for all Americans, although I have little belief he is in fact capable of this. Living in the south I am surrounded by Trump voters and I'm not going to isolate myself from them. I made that mistake and he won.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who said in October that Trump’s behavior “erodes democracy”, chimed in with a note of conciliation: “Congratulations to @realDonaldTrump. I for one give him my most open mind and wish him great success in his service to the country.”



They really want that 0% capital gains and corporate tax.

The corporate tax situation in this country does need to be addressed though. We have ridiculously high corporate taxes compared to basically any developed economy, but we pass out so many corporate tax breaks and have so many loopholes we get basically no revenue from them.

It's a situation that gives the government the power to pick winners and losers based off who they give tax breaks and encourages graft and corruption to receive those tax breaks.
The time to stop Trump from becoming president has passed.

So we won't be stopping him or the Republicans altogether, but instead tackling issue by issue as they start to emerge and become more concrete. Trump's policy prescriptions were all over the place during the campaign, and often contradictory, so there is the possibility of mitigating or helping to shape policy through engagement. If or when that fails that's when you'll see some organized opposition, and organized opposition with a particular end goal in mind.


Junior Member
Because he's an immoral prick who needs to be stopped.

Needs to be stopped? He's won the democratic process. The cornerstone of any free country. He should be president. He's chosen by the people. You can't just invalidate someone as president just because you don't agree with him. That is not how democracy works.


What the fuck? Every company in America should take a political stand to have principles? I don't think companies and politics should be mixed. Saying "congratulations" is about as neutral as it gets. It's acknowledging the change, getting ready for what it might be. Shit, if I was running a company, I'd make sure our stance on the entire thing was "Congratulations, president elect", whatever my personal feelings might be. He's soon president of your country. You shouldn't not respect your president, because he is the sum of a democratic process. Refusing to respect him, is refusing to respect the people.
I agreed with you up until you wrote this. When you're running a public business, say nice shit if you want. I don't expect Facebook the company to be political. But if you're just an average voter, fuck Trump. You don't have to respect him even slightly. He's an asshole, misogynist, bigot. His party is the epitome of smiling to your face while stabbing people in the back, except the only time they'll smile is if no cameras are in the room. The other 99% of the time they'll stab you to your face. He's the epicenter of that party. There's no reason to be cordial to them anymore. They've surrendered their rights to cordial speaking when they threw basic human rights for other people under the rug because "its an election!". They're human scumm.

I'm sure many of the people who vote for them are just misguided (IMO) really nice kinda people. Maybe a few of them can be reasoned with. But most just keep electing human piss to office. Its time to stop trying to be bigger, nice, or even work with them. On anything. They thrive on people forgetting what they said 5 minutes ago. They build entire governing plans around knowing that you'll be a sucker who lets them fuck you in order to get the tiniest consolation prize and then they'll refuse to even give that in the end. Fuck them. Fuck Trump.


I don't understand what the problem is?

Trump is steering the boat now. We should want him to do a good job and cooperate with him so that our boat doesn't sink.

I'm not saying he's not a racist bigot who has mobilized other racist bigots, but antagonizing our situation doesn't help anyone.


Needs to be stopped? He's won the democratic process. The cornerstone of any free country. He should be president. He's chosen by the people. You can't just invalidate someone as president just because you don't agree with him. That is not how democracy works.

You do need to lobby and protest when he's trying to pass something you don't agree with though, or is incompatible with the principles of this country or like morality.


Junior Member
You seem to have employed selective reading.

They didn't just say "Congratulations Trump."

Yes, they should have reiterated their original stances post election, but they didn't because we know they don't actually care.

They should have? Why? This is an arbitrary imposition that makes no sense. They absolutely don't need to do that. It's good that America just calms down and tried to unite a bit, but judging by this thread, shit is even worse than I thought. Stop saying I employ selective reading just because I don't agree with you when it comes to these companies' responsibility when it comes to reiterating what they think about Trump, especially when the election is over, and your next president is chosen.

Par Score

A bunch of rich, white dudes suddenly decide it's better to be on Trump's good side than his bad?

I'm shocked, utterly, utterly shocked.

I guess many or even most having the same fortitude as the Grubhub CEO was too much to hope for.


Junior Member
You do need to lobby and protest when he's trying to pass something you don't agree with though, or is incompatible with the principles of this country or like morality.

Well, he's not trying to pass anything right now, which is why it makes no sense to say this now.
They've very likely accepted this is the broth we all live in.

Yes, he's a danger, but he's a danger we have to live with.

There's literally no other choice. The guy is president. That's not changing. So you gotta make do and do your best to make the world a better place within those bounds.

Or post hot takes about how all they care about is money, have no principles, etc. I'm sure that'll get us far.


I mean. There is a middle ground between being antagonistic and ass-kissing. This is firmly in the latter camp.


lol the vitriol in this thread

I fully expect you guys will boycott both Facebook and Amazon, right?

I will.

Both will be frigging easy though, considering i don't use either one. But i will tell others to do this too.
Not hopeful about the results though.


Having fewer regulations and huge tax breaks probably makes it easy to lose your principles.

I'm also curious if standing against Trump was just a PR tactic to begin with.
Not surprised, they weren't looking to make enemies with the president of the united states, it's a lot easier to attack a nominee which they though had no shot in hell at winning


lol the vitriol in this thread

I fully expect you guys will boycott both Facebook and Amazon, right?

I mean yeah, I'm already cutting down my use of Amazon down to next to nil other than financial necessity, due to their general treatment of workers (I have a personal stake in this action), and I'm gradually pulling out of the Facebook ecosystem though right now I have too many contacts that are only on FB to drop it entirely, so...yeah, I am heading in that direction.


They probably realized they were adults and needed to act that way.

You don't have to agree with the President Elect. But he won the election while playing within the same rules as his opponent and the presidents before him.

It's time to look at making sure your voice is heard while accepting who the president is.

Agreed. They showed just as much decorum as President Trump showed Obama when he won the election within the same rules.

He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012

We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2012


Or maybe they have a better judge of the difference in character between a President Trump and President Obama.


I will.

Both will be frigging easy though, considering i don't use either one. But i will tell others to do this too.
Not hopeful about the results though.

I mean yeah, I'm already cutting down my use of Amazon down to next to nil other than financial necessity, due to their general treatment of workers (I have a personal stake in this action), and I'm gradually pulling out of the Facebook ecosystem though right now I have too many contacts that are only on FB to drop it entirely, so...yeah, I am heading in that direction.

I mean, that's cool and all. How about Netflix? They use Amazon Web Services for part of their cloud services.

Or any of these other companies: https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/all/

You'd be indirectly lining Jeff Bezo's pockets.


I mean, that's cool and all. How about Netflix? They use Amazon Web Services for part of their cloud services.

Or any of these other companies: https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/all/

You'd be indirectly lining Jeff Bezo's pockets.

When i tried Netflix earlier this year, i determined it was utter shit, poor image quality and lack of native subtitle system with extensive options, among other things. Didn't pay for after the trial period.

Since i'm not American, most of the AWS stuff don't seem to be applicable here anyway. And/or i'm not using anything using those services. Or at least not using their web-services if i happen to have some product.

No need to make it a slippery slope. Eg having a D-link router (which i don't have) doesn't mean you use D-link web stuff which make use of Amazon Web Services.


What? This shit is so hyperbolic, half of the people in this thread are being ludicrous. Trump winning the debate deserves all the outrage in the world. The rest of the world is shocked, and we look on in terror. We pretend January won't come, and hope for a good Christmas. But what fucking good does it do to refuse to acknowledge Trump as the president elect? That's what you're suggesting.

He's the president elect. There's nothing spineless about admitting that. There's nothing spineless in congratulating him for it. It doesn't mean you support his theories. It doesn't mean you're begging for a tax cut. It means that we all have to make due with the shithead that's not president elect. Standing by your principles has nothing to do with being polite and acknowledging the outcome of the election.

I acknowledge that he will be my president, but I'm not planning on congratulating him.


Ehh, he won and they have no choice but to work with his administration in the future, this is the mature attitude, they are bussiness men not community leaders or revolutionaries, of them depend the jobs of thousands of Americans.


ive already reached the bargaining phase tbh

4 more years of alec baldwin on SNL

congress term limits

maybe we will be ok
There is a very good chance that Republicans take a super majority in 2018 with 24 Democrats defending their seats, many in states that just went red this election.
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