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What is your most memorable Final Fantasy moment? [Spoilers, kupo.]


The first Jenova boss fight on the boat to Costa del Sol in FFVII.
Encountering fake Nibelheim and the failed Jenova clones.
The death of Aeris and the second Jenova fight.
The North Crater.
Learning the truth about Cloud.

FFVII is one of my favorite FF games.

The first encounter with the Black Mages.

The Wedding Ceremony
Fighting Sin

The trip to Jeuno
The trip to Sky (Hall of the Gods is still one of my favorite locations in that game)
The trip to Xarcabard

When combat finally *clicked* for me.

Opera house in FF6


Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Probably the intro sequence in Final Fantasy X. Not the video, necessarily -- just that whole sequence in Zanarkand, and the part where you meet Rikku. The music, the atmosphere... all of it is perfect. That whole section actually made me feel lost in a strange world, which... is exactly what they wanted to do.


FF 8 ending. My appreciation for the game grows every year. Not just the best final fantasy game but an all time great.



boot up FF7 demo

"Why can't I block?"
"Why are my guys standing in a line?"
"Ah must not have found the button to dodge attacks yet..."
"Why do the graphics look better when Im fighting?"
"I don't understand, how did I miss?"
"This is dumb I don't get it"

even approaching 20 year since then I still don't like turn based games very much... which really hurt because since FF8 I looooved how Final fantasy looked.
Cecil becoming a paladin.
Rubicante fight.
Golbez is a brother.
The Giant of Babel.

Hell everything about 4. The best FF period.

Tend to agree, though I would top the list with the #1:

Fighting the Calcobrena, nuke em all.
Golbez attacks right after.
Golbez paralyzes your entire party and has a dragon consume all but Cecil.
*mist blows in*
*party gets cured* "You can move now!"

In walks the most badass Summoner and Black Mage the series has and ever will see, who proceeds to absolutely STOMP Golbez. And it turns out it's Rydia, who was a child mere weeks/months prior, but was lost at sea and presumed dead.

There are plenty of moments in 6 and 7 and even 10 or 10-2, but this one takes everything and is burned into my brain.

Took me a long time to find out you could prevent that sequence

It was actually harder to prevent than just letting it happen. I'm still convinced it's canon that she jumps off the cliff.


Not my favorite, but I'll throw this out there since I didn't see it yet and it's awesome...

That first Seymour summoning Anima cutscene. At the time? Insane.


Let's be friends.

My list:

1) Cecil becoming a Paladin - They were expressing that you need to stand against darkness, not fight it.

2) Tellah solo-ing Golbez so hard that he dies.

2) Celes attempting suicide.

3) Gau's father.

4) Rachel dying.

5) Cyan accepting the loss of his family.

6) If Final Fantasy Adventure counts, there are too many to list. God, that ending.

Edit: Seeing that FFT is part of it, I'll add the FFT killing of the brothers. Ramza had to deal with some SHIT in that game, and, through the course of it, ended up as one of the noblest characters in all of FF.

Tellah casts Meteo. Oh shit son! It just got real.

More: Trying to find a cure for Rosa.

Fuckin Calcobrena!


Cid going out like a boss.

Rydria grew up!

Oh no the twins sacrificed themselves!
Oh yes, and the last part of the last dungeon in FFIV.

Every fight was the equivalent of a boss fight. They even had boss music. That game really tested your mettle.


The final battle with Zeromus. Wipes your whole party. You are doomed until all of your friends back on earth pray for you. Then it's time to fight.

My best friend and I beat that for the first time together and screamed ourselves horse.


- Every second I've spent playing FFXI
- FFXI ending cutscene
- FFX lake kiss and spirit sejd off
- FFVII Aeris' death
- many, many more!


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

Tifa's running downstairs
Where's Cloud??
Cut to FMV
Music starts
Sound of motorcycle revving.

My younger self couldn't handle it. Just all around cool and badass. What an exciting sequence.
At the moment of viewing, this was the best moment in any game ever.

That experience has yet to be topped, but much of its appeal was in my youthful enthusiasm at the time
The ending of FF VIII is awesome.

The psychedelic and extreme conditions of the areas they show is really cool.

Then showing all the important characters and where they are, Seifer looking up at Garden and smiling.

Closed the game so well.

A user after my own heart.

FFVIII's ending is only second to Persona 4's as my all time fave endings in video games go.


I will say this about he end of 8, it finally delievered on that kiss. The whole game I needed him to kiss her and they hold off on it until the very last scene. Made me work for that shipper pay off.


Because I've just finished up FFVII on the PS4, that's fresh in my mind. After playing it countless times there's still certain scenes that are so memorable.

-Nanaki discovering his father's sacrifice (the whole Cosmo Canyon set piece is just fantastic)

-Weapons emerging from the Northern Crater to wreak havoc on the world, shortly followed by Tifa and Barrett in captivity, with the cut scene transition to showing Meteor for the first time. I genuinely don't feel any game has come close to representing impending doom.

-Most iconic death in any video game ever.

and last but not least

-The plate falling on Sector 7 (I think it was 7?) and the loss of countless civilians including members of Avalanche. I think this could be the most emotional and biggest impacting scene of Part 1 of the remake if done correctly.


1) The Final Battle against the Kefka Pallazzo (Final Fantasy VI)
God, after reuniting all of your allies that were dispersed around the globe because the bad guy won and more or less destroyed the world you invade his main base and then you have one of the best marathon bosses ever escalating a tower comprised of abominations inspired by the Divine Comedy and Dante journey trough Hell, Purgatory and Heaven.


And once you beat all that you then are confronted with the bad guy who basically became a mad god and he is chilling out atop heaven


2) Ashe meeting the Occuria (Final Fantasy XII)

During the middle point of the game your team decide to go and talk to a group of beings called Occuria who are basically the gods of this world and then after a lengthy and grueling dungeon you are treated with one of the most intense scenes in the series ever in which Ashe discovers that not only the Occuria have been manipulating humanity all this time but they are not as good or benevolent as they see themselves and are indeed very VERY disturbing even asking her to kill one of their own members who went rogue just because that one member decided to give mankind the ability to reign their own destiny.

Is one of my absolute favorite moments because the voice acting and writing is simply outstanding and I weep every time I think about this scene and how it compares to the next games in the series.

Just... just watch it. Is amazing and the part where they say "Venat is a heretic!!!" is jusT. Ugh.

3) The Falling of Cocoon (Final Fantasy XIII)
After beating the bad guy who was fused with the power source of Cocoon the whole thing is starting to fall down towards Pulse. The party are all trying to hold hands to stay together (while also becoming crystal because they completed their Focus) but Fang and Vanille decide to save them all by fusing and becoming the beast Ragnarok who jumps from the Floating Capital of Eden directly to the hell that is the lower half of Cocoon and then using lava and magic stop the fall by creating a massive pillar of crystal.

The whole thing is surreal and trippy and I love the final shot showing that the logo of the game was Cocoon embraced by Fang and Vanille.

The ending scene after that was also flawless giving complete closure to every character and it was so perfect that Square-Enix decided to make it trash retroactively when they decided to make sequels for the game.


-The plate falling on Sector 7 (I think it was 7?) and the loss of countless civilians including members of Avalanche. I think this could be the most emotional and biggest impacting scene of Part 1 of the remake if done correctly.

With their plans to make Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie more fleshed out characters in the Remake, absolutely.


Knows the Score
Either FF8 where the disc was scratched and it took 45 minutes to load the area where there were some missiles, or 13 which was a mess of explosions that sent me to sleep.


No love for FF VIII Battle of the Gardens? The real time control while CG chaos is going on really knocked me for six when I first saw it and I always look forward to getting to it in my runs.

Kinda reminds me a bit with FFX and the airship ride into bevelle. Just really high octane and wild sequence :)
FFVI World of Ruin until the party really starts getting back together and back on its feet again. It just feels so hopeless.

Others I agree with IV paladin Cecil, VII leaving Midgar, IX black mages, X arriving at Zanarkand
Not a story moment, but I was fighting Zeromus, and everyone's HP ticked down to 0 from Big Bang, and it should have been game over...except Kain was still airborne. He came down, killed Zeromus, and I won the game.

EDIT: Runner-up: getting the Pink Tail for the first time.

EDIT 2: First fight against Trema in FFX-2. "What the fuck was that?"


FFIX, that scene where the winged Black Mage blasts Vivi's 'siblings' off the ship.
Still gives me goosebumps.

I should probably actually finish that game now that it's out on Steam.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
It's not my most memorable, but an underrated moment is Galuf basically prolonging his death out of sheer willpower to save his granddaughter. Exdeath throws every high level spell in the book at him. His HP hits 0. And he still doesn't go down.


At the moment of viewing, this was the best moment in any game ever.

That experience has yet to be topped, but much of its appeal was in my youthful enthusiasm at the time

You just know this is going to be their climax for the first part of the Remake.

Can't think of a stronger finish for the first episode.


Everything about Midgar in FF7. They absolutely nailed the atmosphere in every scene, and a large part of that is thanks to Nobuo Uematsu. Lots of favorite moments there but one that always stood out to me was the train ride after the first bombing mission, on the way back to their base. The moody oppressive tone here really struck me hard.


The moment you replace FFVII Disc 1 with Disc 2 in tears

Too bad about that garbage snowboarding minigame that happens pretty much immediately after you start Disc 2.
The controls of that minigame are where the real tears started flowing, not to mention the tonal whiplash.

If there's any portion of the game that needs to be reworked for the Remake, it's that one.


The Black Mages dying on the way to Lindblum. Always gets me.

Also when Sephiroth rips off the mechanical head of Jenova.

Too bad about that garbage snowboarding minigame that happens pretty much immediately after you start Disc 2.
The controls of that minigame are where the real tears started flowing, not to mention the tonal whiplash.

If there's any portion of the game that needs to be reworked for the Remake, it's that one.

And how can Cloud hold on to the snowboard with his hoof hands? Makes no sense!

They should find a way to license SSX just for that section.


Most of the obvious have already been said, but Teraflare in FFXIV hasn't. Fitting the actual encounter version is just as good as the End of an Era cinematic.

Unfortunately, all the videos of just it are wipes. :p


You fight a mini-Bahamut inside Bahamut as the actual Bahamut is huge. To put it in perspective, you can see one of his wings in the first turn of the raid, and you fight on one of his claws in another turn of the raid. And the entire raid storyline is a race to shut down the systems repairing Bahamut before his body is fully healed.

And then T12 is also a runner up as you get a CG cutscene after beating it that explains what happened in the white space between Louisouix fading away and the "A Realm Reborn" part of the CG trailer that debuted when ARR launched showing how Bahamut came to be in this state.


Stepping out of Windurst for the very first time and seeing East Sarutabaruta...



Im very very fond of my beginning FFXI time...


Tend to agree, though I would top the list with the #1:

Fighting the Calcobrena, nuke em all.
Golbez attacks right after.
Golbez paralyzes your entire party and has a dragon consume all but Cecil.
*mist blows in*
*party gets cured* "You can move now!"

In walks the most badass Summoner and Black Mage the series has and ever will see, who proceeds to absolutely STOMP Golbez. And it turns out it's Rydia, who was a child mere weeks/months prior, but was lost at sea and presumed dead.

I love this scene as well. That Golbez fight was my favorite moment of FF IV by a fair margin, which is saying something considering how many memorable moments there are in that game.

-The twin's "sacrifice"
-Tellah going HAM on Golbez
-Everyone praying for you at Zeromus's fight.
-The aforementioned Golbez fight.

-The opera scene.
-The entire ghost train sequence. (not just the infamous possibility of suplexing said train)
-The destruction of the world.
-Kefka's final boss battle and the ending.

-The entire Midgar section is a favorite of mine; Highlights include the sector 7 plate falling, the wall market segment, infiltrating Shinra's HQ, whenever Anxious Heart plays.
-The Nibelheim flashback.
-The whole segment when you get to the center of the crater and the Weapons awaken and shit hits the fan.
-The sequence inside Cloud's mind.

-The entire first disc is just my favorite FF adventure ever pretty much.
-The ending.

-When I was finally done with the game forever and could move on to good games.

By far and away the most effective, impactful use of eidolons as a plot device in the series (this game and FFX are tied for that, I guess). Some beautiful CG, and, to be honest, I think the plotting and pacing from the Triple Triad tournament downtime through to the end of this segment is literally the best the series gets; the tension is incredible.
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