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Windows 10 will force automatic updates and installs on Windows 7/8 Home Users

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People are overreacting. Windows updates fine in the background, with Witcher 3 running. Auto updates are bliss.



All of these have the keyword "Some" meaning it's not really all that widespread. It's like when PS3/360 would update sometimes and people would claim the update killed there system when in reality it was likely already on the way out. Some updates have bugs, but almost none of them are going to nuke your system.

They all seem to be for windows 7 too. Windows 7 sucks people, what more proof do you need?
Wow, the Verge sort of butchered the new requirement on updates and is causing some misinformation here...

You can delay when the updates get installed by a few days. That hasn't changed. What has changed is that they now require you to keep your machine on the latest version of the OS.

Here's a quick scenario for how Win10 works today:
Let's say your machine downloads an update which requires a reboot (not all of them do though). Windows will then let you schedule when that update happens. You get two options for update time (in addition to 'reboot now').

1) Windows knows when you're using it, and when you're not, so it will recommend a time when you're not using it. For my machine, it tells me 3:30am is the best time to update since I'm never up that late on the machine and it's a perfectly fine time to update. I think this is the default option.
2) You can also manually choose a date/time. I don't have an update available and can't check, but I believe you can schedule it up to 72 hours from the time the update is ready.

Windows isn't going to reboot everyone's PC's at once when they push out an update. That would be insane. That's how the Verge made it sound, and how some here interpreted it but it's certainly not the case.

Now, for "Pro" you get the option to defer an update. What that means is that you are not required to install that update within those 72 hours. You essentially have until the next OS update to make sure your business is ready. Remember, Windows 10 is going to have frequent releases. Maybe not as frequent as the monthly Xbox One updates, but certainly much, much faster than every 2 years.

Mary Jo Foley pieces together the story fairly well:

There will be three branches of Windows 10 out there at any given time.
1) Current Branch (version N) - Windows 10 Home users live here. The most up to date version of the OS
2) Current Branch for Business (version N - 1) - Windows 10 pro users can live here if they choose to defer updates. However, once a new Current Branch release happens, they will then get updated to what was the previous Current Branch release. Essentially one update behind Current Branch.
3) Long Term Service Branch - Enterprise users live here. Contains ONLY security updates, no new functionality to a build. The build is supported for 5 or 10 years I believe from when it gets pushed here. Gives enterprises time to orchestrate an upgrade, make sure all of their software will work on it, schedule training, etc.

Microsoft has the Insider program and flight rings which will greatly help weed out issues like this. If something isn't a critical fix needed to be pushed out immediately, it could potentially wait to be in the next OS update. That OS update will then go through the process the preview builds are going through. MS internal -> Insiders on Fast ring -> Insiders on Slow ring -> Public


Thats fucking awful. Whenever I have a late night, those nights when you end up browsing the internet or playing games a little longer than you should THAT'S when Windows decided to install an update. Everytime. The syncronicity was perfect. So my pc brightened up the room and sounds like an aircraft so I had to wait ages for that to install before I could go to sleep.

Thats why I turned auto install off. Whats wrong with letting users choose a convinient time for themselves?
I get the impression that I am supposed to be outraged but I'm not sure what about. Can someone clarify for me so that I can properly rouse my righteous indignation?

This seems fine.


I have 7 Pro on here, and have no little Window pane in the task area. Will it eventually pop up?
The website mentioned a W10 app, but there is nothing for me.

Ah, maybe my laptop is not compatible.


It seems many here don't have any experience with how Windows 8 and Windows 10 handles upgrades.

Windows 7 automatic updates: Windows downloads updates and pops up a window telling you that it will restart in 30 seconds, but you can postpone it.

Windows 8/10 automatic updates: downloads updates but doesn't force you to restart. Instead it has a flag in in the taskbar telling you it needs to restart and when you turn off your computer next time it installs the updates.

I get it why people hate the way Win 7 forced you out of your game or whatever to tell you it wanted to restart, but that has never happened to me in Win 10 tech preview.


Gold Member
Maybe this isn't the right thread for this, but how will the upgrade process work? Will you be able to choose between just upgrading your existing install or performing a clean install over it? I have loads of crap on my W7 laptop, and it's starting to get slow as all hell, so it would be nice if I could just wipe everything clean and start fresh when installing W10. Don't like the idea of a dirty upgrade over the mess that is my current W7 install.


Seems fine by me. Home version users are usually your average joe who doesn't pay any attention to the maintenance of his/her PC and just uses it to browse the web, play video(games), etc, etc. Making sure they get all updates is something I consider a good thing.

Pro, and higher, will still have control over the system.

I don't see any reason to be outraged by this.


Just make it so i can check a box and turn this off please. I understand the default option is for soccer moms and computer dummies. Just put an option somewhere in there MS please


A 72h delay isn't enough. It took them one month to provide a fix (KB3049563) for KB3038314 and it still doesn't work for me (waiting for a new fix).

Hopefully the option to disable/bypass an update will still be there because sometimes things don't go as expected.


If an update requires a restart there is a dialog box that pops up asking if you want to restart now or postpone it for 1 hour, 2 hours, etc.

Does the update dialog still default to restart now? I've lost tons of data in the past (using older Windows systems) because that dialog pops up exactly when I press enter or space and the default option is restart immediately.

Also some games have crashed when that dialog pops up and minimizes the game. Alternatively I've had the dialog in the background when the game didn't minimize and after 10 minutes or so, it just reboots the computer anyway because I didn't answer the question (that I didn't know even existed because I was in a game). Random situations like these are why I always prefer manual option.


Can't you just block it from checking for updates by third party firewall application?

Also....if updates are automatic...will I be able to roll back the changes if it screws my PC?


Does the update dialog still default to restart now? I've lost tons of data in the past (using older Windows systems) because that dialog pops up exactly when I press enter or space and the default option is restart immediately.

Also some games have crashed when that dialog pops up and minimizes the game. Alternatively I've had the dialog in the background when the game didn't minimize and after 10 minutes or so, it just reboots the computer anyway because I didn't answer the question (that I didn't know even existed because I was in a game). Random situations like these are why I always prefer manual option.

Yeah, Windows doesn't do that anymore since 8.1

Hardware != OS/Software, bro.

First, I was saying the users who know enough about computers to be outraged by this (including you) would not be affected by this.

Second, nice .gif. I just wish it was used when it actually applied to a situation and not just thrown out there because you think its funny. *right click->save*


I don't like this from a Twitch streamer's point of view.

What if you're in the middle of doing a Twitch stream and Windows update decides to go off?
Dropping frames are a shitty experience for the viewer and the streamer - unless Win 10 updates are far more lightweight on the system than Win 7.


I don't like this from a Twitch streamer's point of view.

What if you're in the middle of doing a Twitch stream and Windows update decides to go off?
Dropping frames are a shitty experience for the viewer and the streamer - unless Win 10 updates are far more lightweight on the system than Win 7.

Do ANY of you read the thread?


Yeah, no thanks, then. I'll stick with Windows 7 for a while longer. Had no idea saving a little money by not getting W7 Pro would come around and bite me in the ass.


I don't like this from a Twitch streamer's point of view.

What if you're in the middle of doing a Twitch stream and Windows update decides to go off?
Dropping frames are a shitty experience for the viewer and the streamer - unless Win 10 updates are far more lightweight on the system than Win 7.
Read the thread, you can delay it for 72 hours.
Also, if that's really a concern, buy the pro version.

I generally think that's a good thing, most people should get every update whenever it comes, yeah, people always post cases where updates caused problems, but really now, how many of you when they see an update ready go and actually research it?
Shit, I work in software and I can't be fucked with it.
And again, for those who do care, there's the pro version.

Yeah, no thanks, then. I'll stick with Windows 7 for a while longer. Had no idea saving a little money by not getting W7 Pro would come around and bite me in the ass.
Bite you in the ass?
You're getting an OS update for free, if that version really doesn't work for you, you can still buy a windows 10 pro.
But really, why is that a big deal, do you not update your windows within 72 hours?


I don't like this from a Twitch streamer's point of view.

What if you're in the middle of doing a Twitch stream and Windows update decides to go off?
Dropping frames are a shitty experience for the viewer and the streamer - unless Win 10 updates are far more lightweight on the system than Win 7.

You can set the update to do its thing when the computer is idle.


Bite you in the ass?
You're getting an OS update for free, if that version really doesn't work for you, you can still buy a windows 10 pro.
But really, why is that a big deal, do you not update your windows within 72 hours?

Eh, probably wasn't the best way to put it, I guess. I like having control over what gets installed on my PC, and on top of that, how I have things setup right now works perfectly, so I'm just not going to bother with the free upgrade.

I'll probably end up buying W10 Pro whenever DX12 games are common, and that'll probably be a while, so I probably would be upgrading my PC by then anyways.


Guys, the way updates work for like the 30th time in this thread.

1. Update downloads, you will have zero clue this has happened because it just does it unless you go looking in settings.

2. it will install, again you won't know.

3. It will then tell you if it needs to restart in a icon in your taskbar, and on the shutdown menu.


So unless you're the kind of person who has to leave their PC on 24 hours a day, there's a good chance you'll have time to finish the update.

I'm also positive like 3 people will read this, and 5 posts later ask this same question again.


so if an update comes out while I'm gaming on my PC my performance and ping will just go to shit? thanks MS, you always knew what was best for gaming.

You can set the update to do its thing when the computer is idle.

isn't that just for installing?


That Forbes blog post is pretty silly. Two of the 3 "major" feature removals he talks about merely involves having to reinstall something once the install is done.


hide your water-based mammals
I'm Pro anyways so it's all good.

Or is this irrelevant sue to being able to cobble things to let MW choose which updates I want?


Good thing I have pro

Imagine playing a game then suddenly your computer restarts because it must install the updates. It's a inconvenience that annoys many people.
Oh, I thought it meant that it will force the download (in the background), and next time you boot up your computer it will install it.

Yeh that sounds annoying
only a handful of windows updates force a reboot, most install while you work and then wait for you to turn the power off in the evening.
I've only done the major updates like SP1. Those small updates often took too long and one time crashed my PC so I ended up having to reinstall the OS.
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