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Wolverine Trailer [Leak]


Forced diversity is not real diversity, especially when your definition of diversity is simply someone's skin being a different color or their sexual orientation.

"Forced", "pandering" or "checking boxes". These are all just labels for diverse characters that you don't like.

What exactly separates a "natural" diverse character from a character "unnatural" ones?

If I as a game developer, want to have a diversity of characters, because I like diverse cast of characters; then is that forced, or is that literally just my creative decision.


"Forced", "pandering" or "checking boxes". These are all just labels for diverse characters that you don't like.

What exactly separates a "natural" diverse character from a character "unnatural" ones?

If I as a game developer, want to have a diversity of characters, because I like diverse cast of characters; then is that forced, or is that literally just my creative decision.
Real diversity is creative and not political.
And real diversity doesn’t focus on it. It’s accidental to the story
"Forced", "pandering" or "checking boxes". These are all just labels for diverse characters that you don't like.

What exactly separates a "natural" diverse character from a character "unnatural" ones?

If I as a game developer, want to have a diversity of characters, because I like diverse cast of characters; then is that forced, or is that literally just my creative decision.
If those choices are accompanied by good constructive gameplay or thoughtful narrative connections, then more power to you. But if you just shoehorn in a deaf PoC girl and force us to play with her in the most abysmal gameplay section I've played in the last year to complete 100% of the game, then you're just pandering and checking boxes because that section has no ludonarrative weight and just drags the product down.


If those choices are accompanied by good constructive gameplay or thoughtful narrative connections, then more power to you. But if you just shoehorn in a deaf PoC girl and force us to play with her in the most abysmal gameplay section I've played in the last year to complete 100% of the game, then you're just pandering and checking boxes because that section has no ludonarrative weight and just drags the product down.

So you're saying diverse characters MUST be accompanied by gameplay/narrative that appeals to you directly, to be considered "natural"?
That really doesn't make any sense.

If you didn't like the sections, that's fine, that's just your opinion.
But that doesn't have any bearing of the creative decisions of the game.


i don't know, graphics it looks plastic... but it's still far from the release date... so.. we will see
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They do a great job. They actively make quality stories with memorable characters from diverse backgrounds.
They treat minorities as actual characters and push the boundaries of what audiences are comfortable with. They threat sensitive subjects with respect and nuanced.

In my opinion; the people who cry about their work, are the same people who cry about anything that promotes diversity.
And? Token diversity is worth attacking. But you are woke as fuck who cares what you have to say.
So you're saying diverse characters MUST be accompanied by gameplay/narrative that appeals to you directly, to be considered "natural"?
That really doesn't make any sense.

If you didn't like the sections, that's fine, that's just your opinion.
But that doesn't have any bearing of the creative decisions of the game.
It's not just about appealing to me directly, it's about creating a coherent world and story with engaging characters that will appeal to most of your target audience.
Ideally, this should be the case so that it feels natural (narratively or gameplay-wise), or make that character diverse and interesting enough that players will sympathize with them through their actions, mannerisms, and dialogue, especially if you are trying to force an original character into a comic book story.

And I hate to break it to you, but this is not just my opinion.
It was the opinion of the majority of people who played the game, and that section in particular. The developers could have left that section out and it would have made no difference to the final product, but because they had to shoehorn it in, it made for a worse final product because the gameplay and narrative they provided for that section was out of touch with a comic book superhero game where players want to play as Spider-Man, not a boring, deaf character who also happens to be the most one-dimensional supporting character in the game.

To give you a better perspective on this, what are some of the character traits you would assign to Hailey? She has been in two main titles now and the only one that comes to mind is: Deaf.


I wonder if the gaming audience will collectively erase Godhand from memory as the game that started this TPS behind-the-back close-up camera angle for melee games, and instead just give that credit to Sony.

One difference is that the game was linear and used it to its advantage, I never felt like I was at a disadvantage at any point in time in God Hand like I do with any of the exclusives that think putting you in 360 battle arenas with limited view is a good thing
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The X-Men books started as a civil rights metaphor; it would be strange if all the characters in Wolverine are straight, white, etc. The key point is not whether there are diverse characters but rather whether those characters are there as part of the story or there to lecture the player on having the correct politics.

For example, in the comics Wolverine and Jubilee went on a lot of missions together and he was a mentor to her. If she's in the game, and they still have a student-teacher relationship because he is so much more experienced, that's great. But if the game is full of "Wolverine needs to be learning from her" type scenes because she's a strong independent woman, or Asian (to many leftists today, Asian Americans are "white adjacent" but that's another discussion), then fuck that.

(And a lot of real life women HATE the "strong independent woman" trope.)
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One difference is that the game was linear and used it to its advantage, I never felt like I was at a disadvantage at any point in time in God Hand like I do with any of the don't exclusives that think putting you in 360 battle arenas with limited view is a good thing
This is half true. Godhand was guilty of the same issue if you did the special challenges mid stage and the coliseum/arena. As a matter of fact even during the main campaign I remember the boss fight with the twins being especially annoying due to one of them being way more mobile.

However it was less of an issue during general stage navigation like you’ve stated.

Mister Wolf

The X-Men books started as a civil rights metaphor; it would be strange if all the characters in Wolverine are straight, white, etc. The key point is not whether there are diverse characters but rather whether those characters are there as part of the story or there to lecture the player on having the correct politics.

For example, in the comics Wolverine and Jubilee went on a lot of missions together and he was a mentor to her. If she's in the game, and they still have a student-teacher relationship because he is so much more experienced, that's great. But if the game is full of "Wolverine needs to be learning from her" type scenes because she's a strong independent woman, or Asian (to many leftists today, Asian Americans are "white adjacent" but that's another discussion), then fuck that.

(And a lot of real life women HATE the "strong independent woman" trope.)

From the man's own mouth.



From the man's own mouth.

Yeah, it was Chris Claremont who it felt really started making the metaphor more of a thing, and for that matter, wrote some of the most iconic X-men stories to this day. His new cast of characters brought onto the team were very racially/ethnically diverse, it seemed pretty deliberate on his part.

Also it’s worth noting that the X-men’s very existence is likely partially owed to DC’s creation and premiere of a very similar team mere months before X-men premiered: the Doom Patrol. Quite a few writers/artists were working in both companies, and the Doom Patrol creator did suspect for a while Stan plagiarized his idea, but eventually he realized it was far more likely Stan had overheard minor elements of the concepts of the Doom Patrol and unintentionally incorporated them into the X-men and the other similarities were just coincidental, and he also admitted he took influence from the Fantastic Four and that Stan probably also drew influence from F4 as well. Plus this would hardly be the first time either company created a character influenced by a character from the other company. I mean, they weren’t even being subtle when DC had the character Deathstroke/Slade Wilson and then Marvel later created Deadpool/Wade Wilson.
My god people this is a leak from a Major unfinished unpolished game.can’t believe people are criticizing it to funny.And one last thing some of you didn’t learn.Insomniac delivers and exceeds most of the time.Same happened with Spider man 2 with trailer with water finished games slapped everyone around.
WTF happened in this thread?!?

We just got a trailer for a Wolverine game where a comic-accurate Wolverine is ripping through and slaughtering dudes left and right in some fucking great, visceral action scenes, and ya'll motherfuckers are out here arguing over whether Stan Lee's X-men started as a metaphor for the racial civil rights movement in the US....!?!?
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They do a great job. They actively make quality stories with memorable characters from diverse backgrounds.
They treat minorities as actual characters and push the boundaries of what audiences are comfortable with. They threat sensitive subjects with respect and nuanced.

In my opinion; the people who cry about their work, are the same people who cry about anything that promotes diversity.
kanye west wtf GIF

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
WTF happened in this thread?!?

We just got a trailer for a Wolverine game where a comic-accurate Wolverine is ripping through and slaughtering dudes left and right in some fucking great, visceral action scenes, and ya'll motherfuckers are out here arguing over whether Stan Lee's X-men started as a metaphor for the racial civil rights movement in the US....!?!?

We’re talking about the game


Shows how shallow and short sighted you are.

I could give 2 shits about Spiderman and this is the one I want to try. I don't understand how someone can correlate Spiderman and assume you're going to get the same energy and feel with this.

I'll watch a trailer like this in the proper quality to give it the right judgement.
Spider-Man 2 did temper my expectations for any future Insomniac games, before that I was all in on them taking on the whole X-Men franchise(my favorite comics). I don't really want to support a studio that is heading the direction they are and as consumers our wallets is the only way we can really protest.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
"Forced", "pandering" or "checking boxes". These are all just labels for diverse characters that you don't like.

What exactly separates a "natural" diverse character from a character "unnatural" ones?

If I as a game developer, want to have a diversity of characters, because I like diverse cast of characters; then is that forced, or is that literally just my creative decision.
You asked the perfect question. Many don't want to see the gaming scene the way you, I, and others see it.


"Forced", "pandering" or "checking boxes". These are all just labels for diverse characters that you don't like.

What exactly separates a "natural" diverse character from a character "unnatural" ones?

If I as a game developer, want to have a diversity of characters, because I like diverse cast of characters; then is that forced, or is that literally just my creative decision.
I grew up in the deep south, I was watching Will and Grace, the Cosby show, Family Matters, and others with my family most of my childhood and nobody ever made a big deal about any of it. Never once did I ever hear anyone, the viewer or the actors publicly announcing how proud they are of these gay and black characters being allowed to grace our TV screens and represent the people watching who need someone to identify with. For some reason in the past few years people are pretending as if they are championing a new tomorrow by forcing it down our throats from a purely politically driven agenda. The country has moved so far past all this nonsense but a lot of young people with no actual talent or two brain cells to rub together who didn't read history want to feel like they are having an impact on the world. Which by the way they absolutely are, it's just not the cultural shift they think. When any entertainment product starts with ensuring it hits every box on the DEI checklist, that is why it feels forced and most of those projects turn out to be shit, cause the things that actually matter take a backseat to some college student with pronouns in their bio and people in the room are too afraid to speak up.
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What exactly separates a "natural" diverse character from a character "unnatural" ones?
A norse / greek god being played / portrayed by a black actor is an unnaturally diverse character, and no amount of handwaving or whataboutism will ever prove this to be false.


hide your water-based mammals
Spider-Man 2 did temper my expectations for any future Insomniac games, before that I was all in on them taking on the whole X-Men franchise(my favorite comics). I don't really want to support a studio that is heading the direction they are and as consumers our wallets is the only way we can really protest.
I'll judge this as I do others. It definitely looks a cut above Spiderman for me.

We'll see.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable

Haha, I think I've given up on trying to talk about certain things on here. Occasionally there's a spark where I want to say "but why does that bother you?" As got through there before I edited, but I don't think it'd be a good use of my time. :)

Cool gif though, perfect.


That’s very clearly an internal rough draft of what they could do with a trailer.
The actual trailer will more dynamic cinematic pieces with voice work.

That said the “trailer” didn’t get me excited for the game. It’s Wolverine jumping around and slashing enemies and using Wolverine vision. I did that over ten years ago.
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Haha, I think I've given up on trying to talk about certain things on here. Occasionally there's a spark where I want to say "but why does that bother you?" As got through there before I edited, but I don't think it'd be a good use of my time. :)

Cool gif though, perfect.
ill tell why it bothers me , i can have a decent conversation without insults or name calling

so these groups of people have an idea about how life should be , i feel like im a woman even though im a man so i want everyone to act and talk to me as they would to a woman instead of a man , i feel like a woman so i should be allowed to compete in womans sports , i feel like a woman so i should use womans bathrooms/showers

for me this kind of mentality is an illness and i will never accept it , if i buy a game from a company that promotes this kind of behaviour then i support their mentality , i will never use my money to buy a product from them , the game can be a success for all i care and sell tens of millions of copies


Haha, I think I've given up on trying to talk about certain things on here. Occasionally there's a spark where I want to say "but why does that bother you?" As got through there before I edited, but I don't think it'd be a good use of my time. :)

Cool gif though, perfect.
It bothers me when lore and characters are changed in order to pursue an agenda.

For example, I don't have a problem with Miles Morales leaving Peter's tutelage and becoming his own (Spider-)man. That is supposed to be the whole point of the character. The kid, inspired by a hero into becoming a hero himself. It's a great and beautiful message.

I have a problem with the execution. Peter giving up on the suit in his 30s just so that the stage is clear for Miles ruins Peter, lessens Mile's journey and has MJ end up with a cuck instead of a hero/man. It's a disservice to every character in the story and every PP/MM fan.

And it happens just so that Sweet Baby Inc. can claim they improved the game and get a paycheck. By ruining the main character and all those around him.

So, yeah. It bothers me.
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