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Poligaf episode 2010: The Empire Strikes Back

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RustyNails said:
Executive Order bitches.



LovingSteam said:
I know that certain states who were suing based on individual mandate were allowed to proceed by the courts. This eventually will hit the Supreme Court. If for no other reason than the Right will not give up until it does hit the court.

It will go to the SC but it will likely not be a problem as the "mandate" is simply a tax on people who don't have health insurance. Despite republican campaign ads, there is no jail time or anything like that.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
empty vessel said:
The amount of money that individuals have in 401(k)'s is minuscule compared to institutional and wealthy investors. I didn't think I'd really have to post this again:


Note that the top 1% has a controlling interest in this form of wealth. While the chart does not break down the top 2%, you can rest assured that most of that 90-99% chunk is owned by the next 1%. The rest is effectively peanuts, certainly in terms of control and amount of profit.

Thanks for the chart, but it doesn't matter to me if the top 2% own say 65% of the stock market. The fact of the matter is if I have $50,000 in my 401k and the market goes up or down 10% in a year, that will affect me big time.


mckmas8808 said:
Thanks for the chart, but it doesn't matter to me if the top 2% own say 65% of the stock market. The fact of the matter is if I have $50,000 in my 401k and the market goes up or down 10% in a year, that will affect me big time.

Actually, it doesn't affect you at all unless the market goes up or down 10% over the 40 or so years your money is in there. It could affect you if you are withdrawing from your 401k during the year in question, but even so the long term numbers are what really matter.
mckmas8808 said:
Thanks for the chart, but it doesn't matter to me if the top 2% own say 65% of the stock market. The fact of the matter is if I have $50,000 in my 401k and the market goes up or down 10% in a year, that will affect me big time.

It won't affect you big time. It will affect you little time. Even if you have $50,000 in the stock market, the overwhelming amount of income you earn is from wages. The income/profit you make from that $50,000 in stock isn't even comparable. You would do well, then, to focus on the economy as it affects your wages and benefits.

Unless the income stream you earn from investments is sufficient to live on (without touching the capital), it's peanuts. Having some relatively small amount of money in the stock market does not make you an investor or part of the capitalist class. You're a worker and wages and employee bargaining power are much more important to your standard of living than the stock market.
mckmas8808 said:
Thanks for the chart, but it doesn't matter to me if the top 2% own say 65% of the stock market. The fact of the matter is if I have $50,000 in my 401k and the market goes up or down 10% in a year, that will affect me big time.

Keep in mind that your original point is far different than what you're saying now.

mckmas8808 said:
Looks like the market likes QE2 and the GOP taking back the House. It's funny yet sad that they love the fact that less regulation and lower taxes for the top 2% are great.

In response to EV saying that the top 2% is the market

mckmas8808 said:
Not true at all. Unless you consider 401k (and similar) plans to only support to the 2%....

And I'm sure you don't right Empty?

These are totally different assertions. You initially were surprised at the markets gains on the news that "less regulation and lower taxes for the top 2%" are more likely now.

Now you're saying you'll be affected by the market because of your 401k, which you exert little to no control over...


LovingSteam said:
I know that certain states who were suing based on individual mandate were allowed to proceed by the courts. This eventually will hit the Supreme Court. If for no other reason than the Right will not give up until it does hit the court.

I thought the issue of its constitutionality was given some additional protection through an amendment that allowed states to opt out of the mandate.

turnbuckle said:
I thought the issue of its constitutionality was given some additional protection through an amendment that allowed states to opt out of the mandate.


Hmm. Perhaps. Although I think what is the tricky part is what others have stated; the dependency of the rest of the bill's benefits is attached at the hip with the mandate. Although Oregon is supposedly looking at opting out of the mandate in order to do its own health care thing so who knows.


Puddles said:
One more thing:

Since the Democrats still have the lame-duck session, why not just play hardball on letting the tax cuts expire for the top 2%? They have literally nothing more to lose at this point.

The GOP and the useless media will blame them for "raising taxes". That would be politically disastrous IMO.

Then again, I wonder if there's some way the Dems can let it expire then introduce middle-class tax cuts right after?


LovingSteam said:
Hmm. Perhaps. Although I think what is the tricky part is what others have stated; the dependency of the rest of the bill's benefits is attached at the hip with the mandate. Although Oregon is supposedly looking at opting out of the mandate in order to do its own health care thing so who knows.

Sounds a lot like people want all the benefits but none of the burden. If the benefits attached outweigh the mandate, then repeal talk is dumb unless they're masochists or just want to score political points (shock). If the benefits don't outweigh the burden of a mandate, opt out.
dysonEA said:

You're kidding, right...

Please PLEASE tell me that you're kidding. You do realize thats the equivalent of cutting out a cup of coffee and expecting it to help you get out of a million dollars of debt. Right? So please, tell me what programs you would cut that actually contribute to our trillions of debt. Defense? Social Security? Medicare? What?

Here, I made it easy on you


So you have Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Defense, Unemployment benefits as the key contributors to our debt. What do you cut.

Edit: Oh crap, I just realized that the program you mentioned above all others cost a little more than 400k. LOL!!! I was wrong. Thats like cutting out a cup of coffee when your hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars in debt and expecting it to make a difference.




NightBlade88 said:
OK, so you cut that then. Great, you still have 98.99 percent of the deficit left to cut, that didn't help us in the long run.

98.99? There's hardly a 1.01% savings there.

And well, why does that research cost money in the first place? Probably because it's paying people to do the research, although the government doesn't create any jobs. I keep fucking forgetting.


dysonEA said:

Maybe you should stop using Fox News as your source. Let's start with the actual topic of the study:
The project aims to understand the relationship between condom application and loss of erections and decreased sensation, including the role of condom skills and performance anxiety, and to find new ways to improve condom use among those who experience such problems.

From there I'd like to point out that this money was granted in June, 2008. Remind me who was President at the time? http://newsinfo.iu.edu/news/page/normal/11085.html


turnbuckle said:
98.99? There's hardly a 1.01% savings there.

And well, why does that research cost money in the first place? Probably because it's paying people to do the research, although the government doesn't create any jobs. I keep fucking forgetting.
Oh, shit, :lol I meant 99.999


empty vessel said:
So you don't think preventing disease is worth spending money on but the Iraq war is? You need to get your priorities straight.
Killing brown people is very important. I thought that was universally accepted.
dysonEA said:

You are a fountain of garbage.

I love the progression . .

federal government brings in tax money.
Tax money given to national institute of health.
NIH gives some money to Kinsey Institute for a study in 2008 (during Bush administration).
Kinsey Institute does some random study.

So obviously,
Obama is wasting $423K of your tax dollars to find out why men don’t like to wear condoms!
As if Obama even knows the study exists.


cartoon_soldier said:
Unless America is ready to realize it doesn't need to spend what it does on defense, deficit reduction is a pipe dream.

Most Republicans I know start foaming at the mouth if you mention reducing defense spending.


Cloudy said:
The GOP and the useless media will blame them for "raising taxes". That would be politically disastrous IMO.

Then again, I wonder if there's some way the Dems can let it expire then introduce middle-class tax cuts right after?

All they have to do is say a tax cut for the rich is an added tax on everyone else, so they're bringing taxes back on the rich to what they were so the rest of America doesn't have to foot the bill for them.

Should run this thing on the slogan "The middle class has paid enough for the rich class already!".


I know I said I was avoiding politics for awhile but, how the hell can people believe that $800 million trip bs. Logic and common sense kicks in at some point, right?


^Why would you expect logic and common sense from Fox News and Bachman?

Stop feeding the troll. LovingSteam, you act like he is interested in intelligent debate :lol


Ether_Snake said:
All they have to do is say a tax cut for the rich is an added tax on everyone else, so they're bringing taxes back on the rich to what they were so the rest of America doesn't have to foot the bill for them.

Should run this thing on the slogan "The middle class has paid enough for the rich class already!".

You can't win with that argument because the corporate media will roll out the usual stooges to say a tax on the richest 2% is a tax on "job creators" and hammer it home 24/7.
Cloudy said:
You can't win with that argument because the corporate media will roll out the usual stooges to say a tax on the richest 2% is a tax on "job creators" and hammer it home 24/7.
Also they'll say the Democrats are starting class warfare on the poor defenseless rich people.
thekad said:
^Why would you expect logic and common sense from Fox News and Bachman?

Stop feeding the troll. LovingSteam, you act like he is interested in intelligent debate :lol

Even if he isn't, there may be lurkers in the thread that actually believe the same nonsense that he is spouting.
stressboy said:
Most Republicans I know start foaming at the mouth if you mention reducing defense spending.

Which is why Republicans can never redice the deficit and they haven't in the past 25 odd years they have been elected anyway.
DysonEA lets make this easy. Do you support cutting socialized programs like Medicare, VA healthcare and Social Security? These are the biggest cash cows that will yield the most benefit. Cutting the condom program has negligible benefits.

Zero Hero

Cloudy said:
You can't win with that argument because the corporate media will roll out the usual stooges to say a tax on the richest 2% is a tax on "job creators" and hammer it home 24/7.

Point out that they've had the tax cut for 7 years and tens of millions of more people are now unemployed. Pretty easy to shoot down IMO. Double bonus points for saying they only create jobs in China.


dysonEA said:

It's 423,000 dollars. The salary of a handful of people together. Are you fucking kidding? Did you read that as 423,000,000 dollars???

Cloudy said:
You can't win with that argument because the corporate media will roll out the usual stooges to say a tax on the richest 2% is a tax on "job creators" and hammer it home 24/7.

And if I was Obama I'd reply "We'll give them tax cuts when they start hiring again!".
dysonEA said:

Great example of how ignorant some conservatives are about spending, and why the GOP is so effective at riling them up. Meaningless stuff like this (which was commissioned by the Bush admin btw), or a trip to India, or a study of volcanoes - all meant to define wasteful spending while actual wasteful spending is never touched. I don't remember conservatives complaining about the medicare part D legislation adding billions to the deficit. Instead the first example of out of control spending you link is for 423k.

People like this make conservatives look bad. There are real conservatives who actually care about spending, like Mitch Daniels or ToxicAdam. Then there's the folks who only complain about spending when it's aimed at poor people, or some type of research, or foreign trips, etc. Pathetic


sex vacation in Guam
Fking He said, She said bullshit!!!! Anyone can make things up and then not get called out.

Call republicans out on all their lies. Look what they do to ignorant people like Dyson... They come into poligaf and make a fool of themselves and then GAF is forced to humiliate them thus causing other right wing gaffers from posting in fear that all of their facts are actually made up.

I learned critical thinking throughout High School and College. Do they not teach critical thinking in the middle of the country in order to avoid people from losing their faith in religious dogma?
PistolGrip said:
Fking He said, She said bullshit!!!! Anyone can make things up and then not get called out.

Call republicans out on all their lies. Look what they do to ignorant people like Dyson... They come into poligaf and make a fool of themselves and then GAF is force to humiliate him thus causing other right wing gaffers from posting in fear that all of their facts are actually made up.

I learned critical thinking in High School. Do they not teach critical thinking in the middle of the country in order to avoid people from losing their faith in religious dogma?

Like Ghal said earlier, I too have stopped watching cable news and am much happier for it. All BS. Whether its MSNBC, Fox News, or CNN. No news, just a constant array and supply of blabber.


LovingSteam said:
Even if he isn't, there may be lurkers in the thread that actually believe the same nonsense that he is spouting.

Yup, if people want to spew bs and not get called on it, they should just do it via status updates on their facebook and set their profile to private.


PistolGrip said:
Call republicans out on all their lies. Look what they do to ignorant people like Dyson... They come into poligaf and make a fool of themselves and then GAF is forced to humiliate them thus causing other right wing gaffers from posting in fear that all of their facts are actually made up.

I learned critical thinking throughout High School and College. Do they not teach critical thinking in the middle of the country in order to avoid people from losing their faith in religious dogma?

:lol :lol

I literally spit beer down my shirt after reading this. So stupid, haha.
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