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Poligaf episode 2010: The Empire Strikes Back

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The Cast:
The President- Barack Obama

Senate Leader- Harry Reid

House Leader- John Boehner

Expectations for 2010-2011:

With the Republicans having taken back the House and the Dems barely holding on to the Senate, here is what we should expect for the next couple of years:

Repeal Health Care Reform
Repealing Financial Regulatory Reform

Extending Bush tax cuts for everybody, even the rich

PoliGAF's Rich Political Conversation and Debate Historical Index
PoliGAF 2010: Whoever wins, we lose
PoliGAF 2010: On our way to November 2
2010 - PoliGAF 2010: HOPE Fades, but CHANGE doesn't happen in a day

President Obama's First Year
2009 - PoliGAF Thread of PRESIDENT OBAMA Checkin' Off His List | Posts: 46,835 | Views: 1,390,139
2009 - PoliGAF Thread of PRESIDENT OBAMA's First 100 Out of the Way | Posts: 25,681 | Views: 967,487

The 2008 Election
2008 - PoliGAF After Party Thread of Harsh Realities | Posts: 11,623 | Views: 433,164
2008 - PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America | Posts: 16,858 | Views: 623,393
2008 - PoliGAF Interim Thread of 2008 Early Voting | Posts: 22,020 | Views: 925,562
2008 - PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP) | Posts: 20,508 | Views: 574,791

The 2008 Campaign
2008 - PoliGAF Debate #3 Thread of Hey Joe, where you goin' with that plunger in your hand | Posts: 7,013 | Views: 286,013
2008 - PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot) | Posts: 13,895 | Views: 544,879
2008 - PoliGAF Thread of Post #7323 (LAST DAY TO REG. IN CO,FL,IN,MI,OH,PA,TX,VA) | Posts: 8,422 | Views: 341,146
2008 - PoliGAF Thread of VP Debate 2008 Trainwreck-in-slow-motion Popcorn Party Edition | Posts: 5,951 | Views: 224,876
2008 - PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit | Posts: 9,359 | Views: 334,198
2008 - PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts | Posts: 25,810 | Views: 812,183

2008 Primaries, Conventions, and He Said/She Said
2008 - PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions
2008 - PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)
2008 - PoliGAF Thread of THE END and FIST POUNDS (NYT: Hillary drop out/endorse Saturday)
2008 - PoliGAF Thread of Obama's Victory Lap and Smoking Hopium in Internet Dens
2008 - PoliGAF Thread of toothless Hill-Billys (75,000 in Portland for OBAMA post #3599)
2008 - PoliGAF Official May 6th Primary Thread (All I need is a Hirracle, all I need is you)
2008 - PoliGAF Official April 22nd Primary Thread (Democrat Apocalypse)
2008 - PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)


im hungry


It's time to take back America!

I don't know what the fuck we're taking it back from, but we gotta take it back!
Awww, now I'm not going to be able to see how far my really old prediction was off.... lemme dig it out and post in here.

(Original Post made: 07-21-2010, 09:48 PM)
Time to pony up for a new thread subscription.

Predictions for the election just because:

Dems hold a 6 seat advantage in the house. 2 Seat advantage in the senate (4 counting Sanders and Lieberman). This is counting Crist as a Republican, but having him win over Rubio.

Harry Reid hangs on to his seat.

Dino Rossi loses yet again up here in WA.

Well, I think I was wrong about Crist at least...


Professional Schmuck
Freaking awesome OP, LS. Keep up the good fight.

Also: you may keep this post to note that I predict the Democrats will lose neither house in 2010.


With only a few weeks before the elections I recommend to the weary that if you have not done so yet please turn off you televisions..


PantherLotus said:
Freaking awesome OP, LS. Keep up the good fight.

Also: you may keep this post to note that I predict the Democrats will lose neither house in 2010.
I'll cosign that prediction.

*swallows hard*


My hometown (and where I'll vote from college) is in Wisconsin's 7th district, and this year is going to be really weird for me. I'm very conservative in the Lutheran-/Catholic-/Orthodox-/Calvinist-conservative mold, and I've had Dave Obey, Russ Feingold, and Herb Kohl representing me for years. It's sucked, but things will totally change this year.

Dave Obey retired and would have probably lost to Sean Duffy, anyway. I think he's very shady. I don't HATE politicians, mostly, but he's so irresponsible in a bipartisan way that he gets closer than most.

Russ Feingold, on the other hand, will lose to Ron Johnson (whom I like), but I really, really respect him. I'm sure NeoGAF appreciates an intelligent, independent actor like Feingold, and he's whom I'd like all liberals to emulate. I wish Kohl was up instead. I haven't even sent my absentee ballot yet. It's the 1st time I've been undecided within a quarter of the election. I feel like 1 of those "moderates" that are actually "uninformed and witless people." ARGH.


I'll make my prediction:
Democrats barely hold onto the Senate, 51-49.
Republicans take control in House, 224-211.

Diaper fetishist and hypocrite David Vitter will still represent Louisiana in the Senate.
Old thread retired?

I'm with Soros on this . . . I think we've created Japanese style zombie banks.

Larry Summers, the outgoing director of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, was surprisingly upbeat about the economy in an address Thursday morning at The FT's Future of Finance conference. George Soros isn't so sanguine.

Despite stubbornly high unemployment rates, ongoing stress in housing and low capacity utilization, "we are in far stronger shape than could have been imagined two years ago," Summers said. (Of course, two years ago the financial system was teetering in the wake of Lehman's bankruptcy. The economy is clearly not nearly as strong today as the administration expected in early 2009, when they predicted the president's stimulus plan would keep the unemployment rate below 8%.)
While lauding the stimulus program, Summers cited the "central importance" of the "little mourned TARP" program and predicted taxpayers will ultimately make a "substantial" profit on the AIG bailout.

Soros, on the other hand, believes the government made a huge mistake with TARP, and he continues to believe temporarily nationalizing the banks -- or at least forcing them to take write-downs -- would have been a better long-term solution.

"The banks suffered huge losses -- most of which has not been worked off," Soros said, citing particular concern about commercial real estate loans. The "choice was made to allow them to 'earn their way out'" of the crisis, he said.

In sum, rather than forcing banks to write down toxic assets -- or declaring them insolvent where appropriate -- the Fed allowed banks to swap them for Treasuries or bought them in its $1.25 trillion asset-backed purchase program. Meanwhile, the Fed's easy money policies allowed banks to garner huge "risk-free" profits by borrowing at near-zero rates and reinvesting in higher-yielding assets, like Treasuries.

The choice to allow the banks to "earn their way out" of the crisis is a "tremendous drag on the economy," and helps explain why bank lending remains dormant, Soros said. "They were saved ... and we are paying the price for it."


PoliGAF2011 - Where Zombies Tread, and Brains are hard to find. :lol

Looking forward to this November, it'll be nice to shake things up a bit.
I get to choose between Patty Murray and Dino Rossi. While Murray has voted correctly IMO for a number of important bills (health care, fin reg, deployment out of afghan), she also voted against regulating the swaps during the fin reg. All in all I don't have a problem voting for her though, especially with Rossi as the other option.


LovingSteam said:
I get to choose between Patty Murray and Dino Rossi. While Murray has voted correctly IMO for a number of important bills (health care, fin reg, deployment out of afghan), she also voted against regulating the swaps during the fin reg. All in all I don't have a problem voting for her though, especially with Rossi as the other option.
I'm getting tired of getting their ads in my state.... so which of the two are the less evil?

The Crimson Kid

what are you waiting for
I'm optimistic that the so-called Democratic bloodbath won't be as bad as Fox and the rest of the media is predicting. It's not like the Republicans are suddenly well-liked again, it's just that they are so worked up against the Dems that they have to vote for the Pubs by default.

However, If a majority of Americans have such a short term memory that they are willing to vote Republicans back into power, then they deserve the gridlock and the lack of solutions that will inevitably be brought with it.

Rosencrantz: That's it then, is it? We've done nothing wrong. We didn't harm anybody, did we?
Guildenstern: I can't remember.
Rosencrantz: All right, then. I don't care. I've had enough. To tell you the truth, I'm relieved.
Guildenstern: There must have been a moment at the beginning, where we could have said no. Somehow we missed it. Well, we'll know better next time.
The Player: Till then.


I should start reading PoliGAF again. That is, after the elections are over and if the Dems keep Congress.
NullPointer said:

Rosencrantz: That's it then, is it? We've done nothing wrong. We didn't harm anybody, did we?
Guildenstern: I can't remember.
Rosencrantz: All right, then. I don't care. I've had enough. To tell you the truth, I'm relieved.
Guildenstern: There must have been a moment at the beginning, where we could have said no. Somehow we missed it. Well, we'll know better next time.
The Player: Till then.

God I love that play


LovingSteam said:
Patti Murray. She supported very important bills including financial regulation, health care, etc.

It'll be interesting having Dudley as a Governor of Oregon. Been just over 20 years since we've not had a democrat running our state.

Len Dontree

Animator. Respect knuckles.
I never post in these threads, but I just want to say I love reading PoliGAF. Informative, depressing, inspiring and entertaining! Thanks everyone for your contributions! <3

lunatic pam geller wading in bullshit again

Boycott Campbells, I say. From the Campbells website:

In the coming months, all our Halal-certified products will have the ISNA logo directly on their labels, so you can easily identify them at your grocery store

Good in the Muslim Brotherhood. Warhol is spinning in his grave.

Campbell's Soup goes halal with approval from Hamas-linked ISNA

as usual, comments section is where the money is.

I will be boycotting all so-called Halal foods. When a food is designated Halal, it means that the food is acceptable for Muslims to eat. That means that in many cases, processing of foods is changed to make it acceptable for Muslims, including how animals are slaughtered, the elimination of alcohol, pork, etc, in the ingredients, the reciting of the Bismallah during certain processes, etc. That means the food has been made acceptable to the requirements that Islam's idol named allah has set (via the Quran and Hadiths). In other words, it is food that has been offered and made acceptable by an idol. For me, that makes all Halal food unacceptable because the partaking of this food means validating a false god.

Campbell's soup is almost as American as apple pie. I say "almost" because any company that acquieses to the demands of those who wish to impose Shariah law on the citizenry of this country, such as those companies who become "halal" certified, are not American anymore. They have become blindly submissive to the dictates of The Muslim Brotherhood and other radical groups. Why Islamize a great soup? I always liked Campbell's. I am sorry to say I will refrain from purchasing any Campbell's product from now on, though I had enjoyed Campbell's most of my life. I will not buy Campbell's as long as it is "halal" certified.

Obama uses pocket veto for foreclosure bill

WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama won't sign into law an overlooked piece of legislation that critics say would make it easier for banks and others to process foreclosure proceedings without human signatures, a person familiar with the matter said.

Mr. Obama will send the bill back to Congress using a process known as a "pocket veto." It's his second pocket veto, but the first one designed to scotch a bill the White House opposes. In December, Mr. Obama declined to sign a spending bill the White House said was unnecessary because Congress had passed another.

President Obama this afternoon joined the gang of Democrats and liberal groups alleging that the US Chamber of Commerce is using foreign funds to influence American elections.

Referring to a study by the liberal group ThinkProgress that – correctly – notes that the US Chamber of Commerce has some funding sources abroad, including foreign corporations and American Chambers of Commerce around the world (or “AmChams”), the President said, “just this week, we learned that one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign corporations.”

The president then took this step, saying, “groups that receive foreign money are spending huge sums to influence American elections, and they won’t tell you where the money for their ads come from.”

Chamber officials say that money coming from foreign donors cannot be used for political activity under the 1907 Tillman Act, and that the charge is false.

Tita Freeman, vice president of communications at the Chamber, said “this coordinated effort is a desperate attempt to silence those who support free enterprise and a diversion from their lack of progress on job creation.”
Incognito said:

Tita Freeman, vice president of communications at the Chamber, said “this coordinated effort is a desperate attempt to silence those who support free enterprise and a diversion from their lack of progress on job creation.”

Wait a minute. I thought private enterprise--represented by the US Chamber of Commerce--was supposed to create jobs. Now I have representatives of the US Chamber of Commerce telling me that the government is supposed to create jobs?
US midterms set to become most expensive elections in country's history

Five times as much to be spent than in presidential race of 2008, as Democrats look set for mauling at polls

Article said:
The US midterm elections are on course to become the most expensive in history next month, estimated at well over $5bn (£3.15bn) – an indication of how much is riding on the outcome of the biggest test of US public opinion since the 2008 White House race.

With the Democrats facing electoral disaster and Barack Obama battling to save his presidency, the Republicans are resurgent, their campaign chests bursting with money from big corporations whose spending power has been unleashed by a supreme court ruling earlier this year providing anonymity for donors.

The estimated $5bn dwarfs the $1bn spent on the White House race.
Source: Guardian UK
NullPointer said:
US midterms set to become most expensive elections in country's history

Five times as much to be spent than in presidential race of 2008, as Democrats look set for mauling at polls

Source: Guardian UK

American democracy may seriously be in jeopardy. Perhaps the candidates can start wearing suits that look like NASCAR driver suits with sponsor emblems all over them.
speculawyer said:

American democracy may seriously be in jeopardy. Perhaps the candidates can start wearing suits that look like NASCAR driver suits with sponsor emblems all over them.

I've been hoping they'd do this for years :lol

Or at the very least, something like a MMA-style poster with tons of sponsor logos behind them every time they talk.


NullPointer said:
US midterms set to become most expensive elections in country's history

Five times as much to be spent than in presidential race of 2008, as Democrats look set for mauling at polls

Source: Guardian UK
That would be the SCOTUS decision in action. It's also worth noting that the flood of untraceable corporate money is going against the Dems by 6-1, according to the article.
GhaleonEB said:
That would be the SCOTUS decision in action. It's also worth noting that the flood of untraceable corporate money is going against the Dems by 6-1, according to the article.

Which is sad, since Democrats are the only party attempting to save capitalism from itself. That's another of the problems with high inequality: it encourages exuberant irrationality. It will be the capitalists who kill capitalism. And, hey, as long as somebody does it...
GhaleonEB said:
That would be the SCOTUS decision in action. It's also worth noting that the flood of untraceable corporate money is going against the Dems by 6-1, according to the article.
The idea that corporations are considered people is one of the most anti-democratic decisions ever made. The fact that we're a plutocracy shouldn't be questioned by anyone.
PhoenixDark said:
Dems lose 4 senate seats, 40 house seats
So we just gotta swing two. Alrighty.

Legitimate predictions -

No matter how the election turns out, the media will proclaim this as a "great night for the Republicans." This will be true of any scenario, whether they gain 60 seats in the House or 6.

House - 230 Dem, 205 GOP
Senate - 55 Dem (+2), 43 GOP
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