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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 2m2 minutes ago

Fox News poll: 61% call HRC qualified to be POTUS; 54% call Trump not qualified; 59% say HRC has right temperament; 59% say Trump does not

Not qualified, wrong temperament, toxic to every demographic except uneducated whites, incomprehensible policy positions ......... dead heat. Fuck this country.


i felt like Tapper was trying to put Trump and Blumenthal as equals in the birther movement with Kaine having to answer for Sid and Chris Christie being able to lie and spin his way out of Tapper's question.

I didn't watch it, but if the media tries to go after "They are both the same" in this situation I'll be pissed.

I don't see how they do that though after this weekend, but it seems like the Trump campaign is going to keep saying that.

Clinton and co have an easy out though. It never became a big issue with them. Turn it back on Trump and ask why he even believed it in the first place and why up until Friday he never denounced it. Bring up all his tweets and videos of him talking about it like the media did. Trump doesn't get to wish this one away.


Not qualified, wrong temperament, toxic to every demographic except uneducated whites, incomprehensible policy positions ......... dead heat. Fuck this country.

It's funny. Most people know good and damn well Trump should not be President. Even most republicans. But they'll vote for him anyway lol.

Oh man Christie, are you trying to put the final nail in your political coffin?

He did that the minute he endorsed Trump.


i felt like Tapper was trying to put Trump and Blumenthal as equals in the birther movement with Kaine having to answer for Sid and Chris Christie being able to lie and spin his way out of Tapper's question.

It did seem like that was what he was trying to do, which is stupid, but Kaine wasn't having any of it.


John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 2m2 minutes ago

Fox News poll: 61% call HRC qualified to be POTUS; 54% call Trump not qualified; 59% say HRC has right temperament; 59% say Trump does not

This is the ball game. In the booth, anonymously, most will vote for her.

I'm really optimistic that a combination of 3rd party drop, distillation of policies and GoTV effort will give her a decent margin.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
This is the ball game. In the booth, anonymously, most will vote for her.

I'm really optimistic that a combination of 3rd party drop, distillation of policies and GoTV effort will give her a decent margin.

If they go to the booth at all. This is far from "the ball game."
i felt like Tapper was trying to put Trump and Blumenthal as equals in the birther movement with Kaine having to answer for Sid and Chris Christie being able to lie and spin his way out of Tapper's question.

and people were telling me Tapper is respectable. I saw his pettiness after Clinton had her health issue, and during her return press conference.
As expected, CBS/YouGov release sub-par battleground states poll:




This is the ball game. In the booth, anonymously, most will vote for her.

I'm really optimistic that a combination of 3rd party drop, distillation of policies and GoTV effort will give her a decent margin.

It's not ball game, but it does give her a lot of leverage. She needs to put out a positive message about her policies, her GoTV campaign needs to be on point. It also helps that she has people stumping for her. I believe Obama will be key in lighting a fire under the base


I think the Clinton campaign is shifting more toward positiity and why we should vote for her than strictly attacking Trump. Time Kaine was just on ABC and focused on explaining why she's a good person and pimped their policy and book and said things like...

"We believe in climate science, Trump does not"
"We think something should be done about the cost of college, Trump U suggests he does not"

Was good stuff.
Guys......this bombing in NYC thst was in Chelsea at W 23rd Street.

I'm literally leaving for vacation today to arrive in NYC....in Chelsea.....at W 26th Street.

Surreal, man.

Awful timing only in regard to security hassles in the city and airport, haha. The neighborhood will be fine. Enjoy your vacation!


Conway does a great job spewing out nonsense, it's up to show hosts to not let her distract from the question. Chuck Todd tried but was rather weak in his interview, in an effort to make his point on if it's a smear as described by his campaign, why is it okay for Trump to smear Obama for five years. But he said put aside what Hillary or her campaign did, which only gives more credibility to the idea that both sides did it.


Conway does a great job spewing out nonsense, it's up to show hosts to not let her distract from the question. Chuck Todd tried but was rather weak in his interview, in an effort to make his point on if it's a smear as described by his campaign, why is it okay for Trump to smear Obama for five years. But he said put aside what Hillary or her campaign did, which only gives more credibility to the idea that both sides did it.

No one is buying that bs nonsense that Hillary started this. The more their campaign tries to push this off on her just keep bringing up the receipts. All the facts are there and the media for two days showed Trump being the main figurehead behind this.


Hahaha this prepubescent Julian Assange talking about his anti-Trump Super Pac on AM Joy has me cracking up. Can't take him seriously looking like that.

Hillary Clinton remains the top choice for voters in the presidential race, rebounding from her brief health scare at a 9/11 ceremony a week ago. She is still leading Donald Trump by 2 percentage points among likely voters.

In a new Morning Consult survey conducted Sept. 15 and Sept. 16, Clinton leads the Republican nominee, 42 percent to 40 percent — within the margin of error — among likely voters, while 8 percent opted for Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and 3 percent chose Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

Among registered voters, the Democratic nominee leads Trump by 1 point, 39 percent to 38 percent. And in a head-to-head matchup, Clinton’s lead over Trump swells to 4 points among both likely and registered voters. Last week, she only led Trump by 1 point among likely voters and 2 points among registered voters.

Both major-party candidates benefited slightly at the expense of Johnson, who dropped 2 points among likely voters since last week. Friday’s announcement by the Commission on Presidential Debates that neither he nor Stein polled high enough to appear in the first debate on Sept. 26 will not help his case with the American electorate.

A majority of registered voters think the Democratic and Republican parties chose poorly when it comes to their respective standard bearers, who are both historically unpopular. Roughly six out of 10 registered voters (61 percent) said they think Trump is not the GOP’s best pick for a nominee, including 43 percent of Republicans. Similarly, 59 percent of voters said the Democratic party did not make the best pick by nominating Clinton, including about four out of 10 Democrats (41 percent).

Half of registered Republican voters think Trump is the best choice from an extremely crowded field of candidates, while 55 percent of Democrats think Clinton is the best pick for the party.

In a week of welcome news about the economy, the American public is also taking a rosier view of President Obama’s job performance. Half of registered voters said they approve of the president, the highest mark in Morning Consult polling since mid-May. And with him hitting the campaign trail more for Clinton — as he did a few days ago in Philadelphia — it could bode well for her chances.

Correspondingly, registered voters’ confidence in the trajectory of the United States also rose from previous months. About one-third of voters (32 percent) said they believe the country is on the right track. The last time the percentage was that high was also in mid-May.


Considering the events of the past 9 days, those YouGov and Morning Consults polls are actually really good. They mean that even at her worst Trump can only tie Clinton.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Ok, time to add new items to the statue of Hillary I have built in my closet. I currently have Bernie hair and a piece of a seat cushion I took from the Capitol movie theater that I know Claire McCaskill once sat on. I think a vial of Diablos sweat and then one of KellyAnne Conway's Brilliant and Talented Brain Cells should do it.
Considering the events of the past 9 days, those YouGov and Morning Consults polls are actually really good. They mean that even at her worst Trump can only tie Clinton.

An important thing to remember about that Yougov poll is that Yougov threw in Georgia and Arizona as "battleground" states to drag down the average recently. No one in their right mind considers either one of those a swing state- Georgia hasn't voted for a democrat since 1992, and Arizona since 1996. Neither went for Obama in 2008 (the peak of democratic turnout in the modern era) so it's implausible to think they would go to clinton outside of a complete disaster.

If those are legitimately "battlegrounds" then the race is already over and Trump has lost- there's no path forward if he loses either. They'd be nice to have for clinton, but there's no campaign strategy that depends on turnout in either state.

Removing Georgia (Trump +4.2) and Arizona (Trump +1.6) from the "battleground" column changes the picture to Clinton being ahead by a decent margin in swing states during a period generally considered to be one of the worst she's had all year.


Gary's highest polling in 2012 was 5-6% before the conventions. 4% after the conventions. He finished with 1%.

Stein's highest polling was 3%. She got 0.36%. She's only hit 4% twice in the RCP average this time post-Sanders. Hasn't been above 3.5% since August.

Barr and Nader both hit 4% multiple times in 2008. They finished with 0.4% and 0.56% respectively.


Ok, time to add new items to the statue of Hillary I have built in my closet. I currently have Bernie hair and a piece of a seat cushion I took from the Capitol movie theater that I know Claire McCaskill once sat on. I think a vial of Diablos sweat and then one of KellyAnne Conway's Brilliant and Talented Brain Cells should do it.

You still need a feather from that fucking bird.


An important thing to remember about that Yougov poll is that Yougov threw in Georgia and Arizona as "battleground" states to drag down the average recently. No one in their right mind considers either one of those a swing state- Georgia hasn't voted for a democrat since 1992, and Arizona since 1996. Neither went for Obama in 2008 (the peak of democratic turnout in the modern era) so it's implausible to think they would go to clinton outside of a complete disaster.

If those are legitimately "battlegrounds" then the race is already over and Trump has lost- there's no path forward if he loses either. They'd be nice to have for clinton, but there's no campaign strategy that depends on turnout in either state.

Removing Georgia (Trump +4.2) and Arizona (Trump +1.6) from the "battleground" column changes the picture to Clinton being ahead by a decent margin in swing states during a period generally considered to be one of the worst she's had all year.

I think it's telling that Arizona and Georgia are even considered swing states. I think that is a better comment on the state of the race than the averages.


Conway does a great job spewing out nonsense, it's up to show hosts to not let her distract from the question. Chuck Todd tried but was rather weak in his interview, in an effort to make his point on if it's a smear as described by his campaign, why is it okay for Trump to smear Obama for five years. But he said put aside what Hillary or her campaign did, which only gives more credibility to the idea that both sides did it.

Chuck continues to piss me off with his "both sides" bs. Yes let's just set an outright lie to the side here and say both candidates are awful. Kellyanne knows the press are spineless and can be counted on to buy into a false equivalence.


An important thing to remember about that Yougov poll is that Yougov threw in Georgia and Arizona as "battleground" states to drag down the average recently. No one in their right mind considers either one of those a swing state- Georgia hasn't voted for a democrat since 1992, and Arizona since 1996. Neither went for Obama in 2008 (the peak of democratic turnout in the modern era) so it's implausible to think they would go to clinton outside of a complete disaster.

If those are legitimately "battlegrounds" then the race is already over and Trump has lost- there's no path forward if he loses either. They'd be nice to have for clinton, but there's no campaign strategy that depends on turnout in either state.

Removing Georgia (Trump +4.2) and Arizona (Trump +1.6) from the "battleground" column changes the picture to Clinton being ahead by a decent margin in swing states during a period generally considered to be one of the worst she's had all year.

We've gotten numerous polls with Hillary leading in AZ and GA and Trump has yet to have any polls with dominant leads in them.

I don't see what the problem with including them is. I mean just going off the polling this year, you kind of have to.
This is pretty good. That Georgia and Arizona are in there and it's barely moving (or movement could be explained by noise) means we can hope this is a low bound of sorts.

Exactly my thoughts. I'd be curious to see the results of this if you removed GA and AZ. Those would be amazing, but are far from needed to even get a landslide.
CNN is talking about how American distrust in media is at an all time low. The sound is off where I am, but did I see that 51% of Democrats distrust the media versus 14% of Republicans? So much for liberal media bias, if that's true.



They were arguing whether or not the media has been fair in their coverage of Trump and Clinton. Brian tried to argue that they have the the most part, and the complaints are just people projecting their anxieties about the race onto the media.

Carl was not having that, and pointed out that while people know everything there is to know about the Clintons, Trump has largely been able to escape any real investigative, consistent and pressing journalism by tossing out outrageous statements that the media will obsess over for days.
We've gotten numerous polls with Hillary leading in AZ and GA and Trump has yet to have any polls with dominant leads in them.

I don't see what the problem with including them is. I mean just going off the polling this year, you kind of have to.

Is this true? I don't know that I recall many polls with Clinton up in those states. Close, for sure, but not up.


First tragedy, then farce.
Guys......this bombing in NYC thst was in Chelsea at W 23rd Street.

I'm literally leaving for vacation today to arrive in NYC....in Chelsea.....at W 26th Street.

Surreal, man.

The bombing was actually on my friends block. I've been drunk on many a night on that Street. Almond on 23rd and Broadway was my 2-3x a week after work spot.

The weird thing is none of my NYC friends are talking on social about it at all. I guess no one died and they wanna keep at it. The two building explosions a few years ago barely registered with anyone either though.
Damn (from CBS/YouGov):

Clinton tells the truth: 28% describes, 72% doesn't describe

Trump tells the truth: 41% describes, 59% doesn't describe
lmao @ Trump only being able to tie Hillary during the worst week of her entire campaign, and quite possibly, the worst week of any campaign in the modern era.

That video of her getting into the van was traumatizing
We've gotten numerous polls with Hillary leading in AZ and GA and Trump has yet to have any polls with dominant leads in them.

I don't see what the problem with including them is. I mean just going off the polling this year, you kind of have to.

The problem is that neither one of those states is a swing state. They're both consistently R. Arizona has a republican governor, two republican senators, and went to Romney by 9 points in 2012 53-44.

Georgia isn't much better- Republican governor, two republican senators, and went to Romney by 8.

Hillary's campaign isn't seriously contesting these as she is in places like OH, PA, VA, etc. and neither is Trump: Hillary has 1 office in GA and 2 in AZ. Trump has 3 offices in GA and 1 in AZ.
If the campaign isn't taking these two seriously as "battlegrounds" (look at the offices present everywhere else!) why is Yougov including them? The answer is "headlines and narrative" and not much else.


It's nice that polling shows AZ being "close", but state polling can vary a lot in terms of quality- there isn't a consistent pattern of good polls from a single pollster there to show the results are legitimate, and AZ in particular has an astronomically large hispanic population that is difficult to poll, as well as a constant stream of retirees moving in from elsewhere in the US.

It's BS to include either in the same discussion as VA/CO/OH/NC...Even PA (which I don't really consider a swing state either) at least has a track record of voting in republican governors and senators fairly consistently even if it has voted democratic for president every year since 1988. That's not true of GA and AZ.
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