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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Hmm, the star QB for UCLA hates Donald Trump and keeps saying that Trump is a bad person and that the NCAA is a bad organization for not paying its players... And this has gotten football coaches to compare him to domestic abuser Johnny Manziel.

..... Honestly not sure if football coaches are smart enough to be employed outside of football.

Football is so weird politically.


it's encouraged by the prevalent attitude among her supporters that the reason she isn't making any headway is because everyone is sexist, or because all millennials are dumb, or because the media isn't on her side, or whatever other one of various excuses is selected. There's this pretty harmful notion that literally none of the fault for this rests with Clinton herself or her campaign strategy, which means that obviously there's nothing she needs to change about the way she's campaigning. Like, obviously some of the problem rests with those things. But all of it? Are we really going in that deep? Would it not be easier in that case for the Clinton campaign to dissolve the people and elect another?
hi benji

I agree with the idea that the campaign seems reluctant to adjust strategies, but I don't think that's the fault of her supporters. I mean, it's difficult to believe that this tweet:


wasn't in response to some of the criticism she's been getting from her supporters recently about being so focused on Trump, and not reaching out to her base to keep them motivated.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hmm, the star QB for UCLA hates Donald Trump and keeps saying that Trump is a bad person and that the NCAA is a bad organization for not paying its players... And this has gotten football coaches to compare him to domestic abuser Johnny Manziel.

..... Honestly not sure if football coaches are smart enough to be employed outside of football.

Football is so weird politically.

Um hello, men are the issue. Anywhere you have groups of men with no women you get unchained tribalism and malfeasance. Catholic Church? ISIS? Football? No Man's Sky? Mmmhm.

This country needs way way way way more black women.
I mean, like, I'm pretty sure that Hillary isn't as honest as Trump is most of the time. Because, you know, she would probably love to go out there and call people poors and stupids and messes. Because, like, most people that she has to deal with on a daily basis are pretty much insufferable assholes. Of course, as a woman in politics, she's already less honest because she has a vagina. But, that honesty thing isn't that surprising. She does politician speech because shes not batshit crazy like Trump. Trump just wraps his lies in crazy and people pretend it's honest.

But, ya, I'd say a lot of the shit Trump spews is 100% honest, because he's fucking terrible.
it actually isn't. In person GOTV efforts have much more impact on turnout than ads do, and there is a direct correlation between number of offices present for GOTV efforts and margin of victory in 2008 and 2012. Romney's campaign specifically addressed this one as one of the reasons they lost in places they did not expect to.
You're right, both are important. And the offices obviously show they're less of a priority, but the Clinton camp wouldn't be throwing money at ad buys if their internals weren't showing an opportunity there.

Yes, I did- for a very good reason. There isn't reliable polling in those places- and much of the reason there isn't a lot of reliable polling is because its not contestable. This is every poll in Arizona since the beginning of august:


Not only is there an extremely sparse amount of polling there, no pollster has bothered to run a poll there more than once. The only pollster who has run more than one poll there at all was OH insights, going back to june. There's not enough here to conclude that any kind of polling there is legitimate in any direction.
PPP has actually run several polls in AZ that aren't included in RCP's aggregate for whatever reason, and they've shown a range of Trump leading by 2-4 points.

Your post doesn't suggest anything about the state of the race in Arizona other than that we need more polling.

9 points in 2012 isn't "R leaning", that's solid R, until we see some kind of shift in the electorate that says otherwise. it doesn't exist.
A state can be Solid R in 2012 and merely R leaning in 2016, that's what a trend is. Bush carried Virginia in 2004 by 8.2%, North Carolina by 12.4%. Guess how they voted in 2008? We already are seeing a shift in the electorate in the polls which you are arbitrarily ignoring.

I'm going to need to see the receipts on this. CO, NM, NV were all carried easily by democrats in more than one election, and all of those have democrats at varying levels of elected office. AZ does not.
I'm not talking about political trends, I'm talking about demographic trends, and demographics are destiny. Arizona is projected to be a majority-minority state by 2027. It has the makings of a swing state, it just needs a presidential campaign to capitalize on that, which Obama largely did not.

This is a terrible argument- Obama was well known to compete everywhere he possibly could in 2008 and 2012. If he didn't put resources in arizona, it was because it was a lost cause, much as it is this year.
It was a lost cause because McCain was the Republican nominee in 2008. It was a lost cause in 2012 because Obama's campaign played it very safe and wrote off any state they didn't win in 2008, including states like Missouri where he just barely lost and Indiana which he actually won.

"Obama was well known to compete everywhere he possibly could in...2012" is a baffling statement and reeks of revisionist history. His 2012 re-election campaign was a completely defensive one. 2008? Yeah, he played mostly everywhere. 2012, absolutely not. It may have only seemed that way because his starting map was so huge.

The point you're missing is that NC and VA didn't happen overnight- both of those two states have a clear pattern of demographic change overtime as well as demonstrable history of an increase in democratic voting that's putting democrats into elected office at the state level. This does not apply to AZ or GA.
Arizona was well on its way there, Democrats picked up two Congressional seats and held the gubernatorial seat in 2006, McCain's candidacy and two disastrous midterms put that on hold. Even then when Arizona gained a seat in 2012, it was a Safe D one. Meanwhile Flake barely got elected in an open seat contest that I firmly believe Democrats would have won had Gabby Giffords been able to run.

Voting history in North Carolina and Virginia is more complicated because the coalitions that elect Democrats have shifted. Southern Democrats used to enjoy downballot success because white voters hadn't completely abandoned them yet even while firmly voting Republican at the presidential level. I compared them to Georgia because Georgia has similar trends at play, even if it's a cycle or two behind. Similar to how Arizona is behind Colorado and Nevada.

Oh shit here comes day boi student loan forgiveness waddup
I would suggest Clinton coming out in favor of legalization of pot might not be a bad idea, but I could see it backfiring somehow.


Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Sunday that it’s high time for Donald Trump’s former primary challengers to come on board and support his campaign—and suggested there could be trouble for them in 2020 or 2024 if they don’t.

“Those people need to get on board,” he told CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “And if they’re thinking they’re going to run again someday, I think that we’re going to evaluate the process – of the nomination process and I don’t think it’s going to be that easy for them.”

Several of Trump’s former Republican primary opponents, including Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush have not endorsed Trump in the months since the GOP businessman secured the nomination. Asked explicitly whether that meant there would be penalties for the handful of 2016 Republican hopefuls who have not endorsed Trump if they opted to run again in 2020 or 2024, Priebus said nothing has been decided but that it’s something the party will “look at.”
“People in our party are talking about what we’re going to do about this. I mean there’s a ballot access issue in South Carolina. In order to be on the ballot in South Carolina, you actually have to pledge your support to the nominee, no matter who that person is,” Priebus said. “So what’s the penalty for that? It’s not a threat, but that’s just the question that we have a process in place.”

“And if a private entity puts forward a process and has agreement with the participants in that process, and those participants don’t follow through with the promises that they made in that process, what-- what should a private party do about that if those same people come around in four or eight years?” Priebus continued.
o i see
Reince threatens Kasich and Cruz and says they'll try to blackball them.

"We're a private party. We're not a public entity. Those people need to get on board [with Trump]. And if they're thinking they're going to run again someday, I think we're going to evaluate the nomination process, and I don't think it's going to be that easy for them. I think these are things that our party's going to look at in the process. I think people who gave us their word, used information from the RNC, should get on board," he added.


"People in our party are talking about what we're going to do about this. There's a ballot access issue in South Carolina. In order to be on the ballot in South Carolina, you actually have to pledge your support to the nominee ... So what's the penalty for that? It's not a threat. It's just a question," Priebus said.

Reince, it's not a threat because you're a coward and have no spine and will never do anything.


Priebus wants to run for another term as chairman. He's making the smart move for himself, especially if Trump wins or the people who came in with Trump remain in key positions in the state parties.


I don't like Kasich and disagree with him on most issues but one thing you can't deny about the guy is that he has principles, a spine and actually cares about this country. His refusal to support Trump has given me a lot of respect for him.

If he were to come and endorse Hillary... man that would be nuclear.


I don't like Kasich and disagree with him on most issues but one thing you can't deny about the guy is that he has principles, a spine and actually cares about this country. His refusal to support Trump has given me a lot of respect for him.

If he were to come and endorse Hillary... man that would be nuclear.

Deep down I hope he does. I don't think he will though but he should. He knows Trump shouldn't be President.


Based on his personality, I think it's more likely Kasich is just pissed off he lost and hates the Party and the voters for not giving him what he goddamn was entitled to. Those fuckers deserve everything they get for rejecting him.


Also, like if Jeb Bush endorsed Trump would Trump even publicize it. Would he reject it? That would be awesome. "I reject his sad endorsement just like I rejected David Duke's. The difference is Jeb is a bigger mess."
Reince is chained to the SS Trump, in reality it's a toothless threat because if Trump sinks he goes down too and the next leader will a lot more forgiving to those who broke with Trump.


Based on his personality, I think it's more likely Kasich is just pissed off he lost and hates the Party and the voters for not giving him what he goddamn was entitled to. Those fuckers deserve everything they get for rejecting him.

I can see that. But he's done a few things over the course of the election cycle that make me thing he's at least a little different from the rest of the party. Like when he called them out for announcing their refusal to arm Ukraine against Russia and how he's actually working with President Obama on TPP (whether you agree with it or not, it's rare these days to see that type of cooperation).

He reminds me of Boehner where I really don't like the dude and his stances on most things make me cringe, but you can count on him to do the right thing when it matters.


Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump’s current campaign manager, said on Sunday that Donald Trump’s flip-flops on his signature issue of birtherism and a wide array of other issues do not matter because he had made the comments back when he was a private citizen.

Yaaaaaas Kellyanne. You do that spin, gurl! you do it!



So I don't pay much attention to Gary Johnson, but is the guy just really dumb? I heard about the Aleppo comment and this morning he was saying how he's grateful nobody got hurt in the Chelsea explosion. I mean at least look at the news once in a while guy.


So I don't pay much attention to Gary Johnson, but is the guy just really dumb? I heard about the Aleppo comment and this morning he was saying how he's grateful nobody hurt in the Chelsea explosion. I mean at least look at the news once in a while guy.

I don't know if he's stupid I just don't think he's prepared at all.

And I personally think Jill is playing a character.
Interesting. Mad respect to him if he does this. Of course, unfortunately even if he did and he somewhere got Johnson to do the same, they're going to be on the ballot regardless at this point and so the people who want to vote for them will vote for them regardless, but still, good on him if he goes through with that.


I don't know if he's stupid I just don't think he's prepared at all.

And I personally think Jill is playing a character.

I read a story the other day that he went to do an event of some sort in the "Harriet Tubman room" and he didn't know who she was.


So I don't pay much attention to Gary Johnson, but is the guy just really dumb? I heard about the Aleppo comment and this morning he was saying how he's grateful nobody hurt in the Chelsea explosion. I mean at least look at the news once in a while guy.
Gary thinks he's as good as Bill Weld off the cuff. Except he's not. And he never prepares for media appearances because he never had to when running for Governor and thinks it'll ruin his game. It's like Gary, man...

He's even worse at trying to play serious "know-it-all" politician because he can't bullshit well. That's how Austin Petersen constantly tore him up in the debates even when Gary agreed with him because he was trying to do that "above the fray" thing but he's better at just being dopey and goofy. And Petersen is that asshole libertarian who does "know-it-all" and won't ever let go of anything and has no sense of humor.

Really, Gary's best media coverage this entire campaign was on Samantha Bee. He embraced his dopeyness.


She can't. That's the image and you can't turn that around in your 70s. The best example for this was the fracking answer in the debates. The answer was perfect, but it was perceived as duplicitous.
Then she has a big problem. There is no way to dance around it. I fear this will contribute to lackluster turnout.

Maybe not, but every day from here to Nov 8 Clinton and her campaign need to ask themselves what they can do to try.

I'm growing increasingly concerned that the campaign is just writing off areas where they assume they can't make headway.

Young people? Nope.

Trust/favorables? Can't change it.

That's dangerous.


What can you do combatting the GOP baked accusations of her as a liar. I think people's perception are just so maligned that Hillary literally has to dumb it down to the audience.

Sadly, I honestly think she can't do anything about it in her lifetime.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
It's interesting that Trump is doing so well among Evangelicals and Ohioans despite his biggest Republican enemies being Cruz and Kasich.

Eh, not really. These people will always return to the republican.

The bigger surpise to me was Trump's evangelical numbers dropping the more often the person attended church. Actually, it isn't surprising. Most of the republican garbage is actually anti-Christian.
Cruising rural Ohio flea markets today. Lots of Trump signs in the towns, lots of Hillary Sucks shirts and giant Trump flags for sale at the fleas.


it's encouraged by the prevalent attitude among her supporters that the reason she isn't making any headway is because everyone is sexist, or because all millennials are dumb, or because the media isn't on her side, or whatever other one of various excuses is selected. There's this pretty harmful notion that literally none of the fault for this rests with Clinton herself or her campaign strategy, which means that obviously there's nothing she needs to change about the way she's campaigning. Like, obviously some of the problem rests with those things. But all of it? Are we really going in that deep? Would it not be easier in that case for the Clinton campaign to dissolve the people and elect another?
hi benji

I think you (well not only you but I picked you 'cause you're cute) equate the campaign with the fans a bit too much.

The campaign has not given up on anyone or anything. They're still running on making her the best candidate out there, while also pushing back on some of Trump's shit. They will make a play for those demographics. But...

What I believe and some people here agree is that she can't do much about it in reality. Is part of that her fault? Sure, she's been guarded and not forthcoming and that hits directly to the "believe me" part of the personality. But a lot of the hits are stupid, like the fracking example that I gave a page back.


Cruising rural Ohio flea markets today. Lots of Trump signs in the towns, lots of Hillary Sucks shirts and giant Trump flags for sale at the fleas.

Flea markets are always like this though. It's literally an economic dead end.

Last time I went to the local flea market some dude was ranting about the Jews and the food vendor still had "Freedom Fries" on a menu that hadn't been touched since 2003.


They're going to keep fighting in Ohio no doubt but I've been thinking for awhile that Iowa may not be worth the resources. I see it going the way of Missouri sooner than later.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
My goodness Mike Pence stated that Dick Cheney is a role model.

Instant disqualification.
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