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48 people were shot [in the US] during yesterday’s 15-hour filibuster on gun control

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Yesterday, in an effort to force legislative action on gun control, Sen. Chris Murphy staged a 15-hour filibuster on the Senate floor. It lasted from 11 am Wednesday through 2 am Thursday, eventually ending with the GOP agreeing to vote on a gun control bill.

As politicians recounted stories of gun violence to the Senate, there were 38 shootings that killed 12 people and injured 36 more across America.

To put the ridiculous proportion of gun violence in the US into context, Vox noted every reported gun incident that occurred in America during yesterday's Senate filibuster in this single infographic:




Damnit, Chicago. Stop it.

Also, why is Ft Wayne, IN located in MI?

And why is Detroit, MI in IL?

And how did Chicago move around IL so much?
Seeing the picture of the autistic 6 year old killed at Sandy Hook depresses me all over again. That shit was heart breaking watching live last night.


That's a powerful graphic. Good on Vox for pointing this out. This is going to be a long fight, but as long as both sides are willing to make some concessions, I hope we can pass some legislation next term.


One in Cleveland, OH. My former hometown. One in Tampa, my present hometown.

Honestly not surprised about Cleveland. Growing up there you hear shots every day.

Just another day, er.....15 hours in America.


A pretty effective way to demonstrate the frequency of gun violence, by looking at how much there is over such a brief window of time. We recoil from incidents of mass murder such as bombings and the recent shooting, but this kind of daily carnage adds up to similar loss of life in just a few days, has become the accepted norm and seems to have been off the public radar for a while.

Glad it's getting some focus - gun control is not just about mass shootings. It's about this "normal" flow of daily violence.


News is saying the two in Mckenna, WA was a dude walking into a chiropractic center with a shotgun, shooting a doctor then himself in a murder/suicide.
Are there any numbers on how many of those shots were from legally purchased guns? Or similar data from other time periods?


Truly sad. Really goes to show how bad things have gone. There's just a complacency there until the next big tragedy.
One of my oldest friends lives in Chicago. He's always talking about stuff like this. I worry about him.

It really is mostly confined to certain parts of Chicago. Unfortunately, the nature of these parts will cause republicans to care less since they're heavily black and poor
Cable news sites should keep up a tally on shootings in the US to show how ridiculous this shit is. Websites that scan for them and graphics the Vox have created don't get enough eyes.


Ive turned over both of my guns to local law enforcement over the last year. I ate the cost of purchasing them to get them out of my house. I didnt want them anymore, and dont care to have any association with them. This shit needs to stop.
No it was just dems politicizing yet again

it's not like they were trying to do something about a legitimate FUCKING EPIDEMIC or anything..


It's gonna be super hot in Chicago this weekend. Probably going to break a record for shootings.

Lol @ "don't visit Chicago." None of this happens at the touristy spots.


And it will be a cold day in hell if one ever does. You can be assured next election, that person will be out the door before the ballots are even in the boxes.

Yes it would be DOA but it is still a statement, no one has even tried. Surely a CA, NY, MA, senator could propose it without fear of being primaried.
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