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CNBC: US military has launched more than 50 missiles aimed at Syria: NBC News

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After Assad started killing protesters demanding his removal. It's a civil war that got out of control and is now involving different world powers.

Israel and the wahhabists failed to spark their Arab Spring in Syria, therefore they resolved to support jihadist groups to do the job on the ground and mount a "rebellion". The US was happy to throw in their support also.

It's not like this model to topple unfriendly governments was developed yesterday.
Foreign powers were involved before the Arab spring even happened. Saudi and the other Gulf countries just went full force in as soon as they saw their first opportunity.
Israel and the wahhabists failed to spark their Arab Spring in Syria, therefore they resolved to support jihadist groups to do the job on the ground and mount a "rebellion". The US was happy to throw in their support also.

It's not like this model to topple unfriendly governments was developed yesterday.
Wait, so Israel and Saudi Arabia worked together to spark a revolution in Syria for some reason? You're heading into some conspiracy level stuff here.

Did Israel also start he Arab Spring movements in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt?

You know how crazy this sounds right?
You can't think of being taken seriously when you're using the most blatant lies and propaganda that takes a five second google search to debunk.

I expect more out of this type of defense force.
Wait, so Israel and Saudi Arabia worked together to spark a revolution in Syria for some reason? You're heading into some conspiracy level stuff here.

Did Israel also start he Arab Spring movements in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt?

You know how crazy this sounds right?

We should all know by now all the ulterior motives the West had for Libya and Egypt, and ultimately for Syria and Iraq. The 7 countries under the travel ban imposed by Trump as one of his first acts were the same 7 countries mentioned by Gen. Wesley Clark around 9/11 as the prized target list for the neocons back then.

Israel wants Iran gone (shielded by Syria), the Saudis want their radical Wahhabbism to spread all over (semi-successful in Libya), and Qatar/France want to replace Russia as the provider of Natural Gas to Europe. Of course there are many more factors involved, but these have always jumped to the top.

You may want to do your own research, but the only laughable point of view here is that the US is doing what it is doing "for humanitarian reasons". Come on people...
We should all know by now all the ulterior motives the West had for Libya and Egypt, and ultimately for Syria and Iraq. The 7 countries under the travel ban imposed by Trump as one of his first acts were the same 7 countries mentioned by Gen. Wesley Clark around 9/11 as the prized target list for the neocons back then.

Israel wants Iran gone (shielded by Syria), the Saudis want their radical Wahhabbism to spread all over (semi-successful in Libya), and Qatar/France want to replace Russia as the provider of Natural Gas to Europe.

You may want to do your own research, but the only laughable point of view here is that the US is doing what it is doing "for humanitarian reasons". Come on people...
I'm not the one coming in what conspiracy theories, so you might want to share your research to back up your claims instead of telling others to do their own. Funny how people coming in with such things always point to doing your own "research" which is probably a few Google searches that lead to blogs without sources.

There is a large difference between countries having ulterior motives in certain things, and going on about conspiracies to incite multiple civil wars and regime changes in the region in a short time, seemingly being done by countries that aren't even allies.


I don't believe assad is a good guy.

I do believe that other governments whom are our allies are pulling off a near genocide in Yemen currently. No this isn't what aboutism. This is to say that we can't forget that there are other options to deal with enemies and strikes by a terrible administration isn't optimal.

How many times can Americans fall for "he's a bad guy! Must be removed!!!!!!" As if being a bad guy is the core reason. It's not, and neither is chemical weapons use. Human rights issues aren't the reason either. There are political reasons we've been targeting the middle east for decades.. we are not the world police else we would police the rest of the genocides happening without booms of booms of opiates or fuel.

I just think the west, with bullet proof evidence, needs to convene internationally and figure out a plan for Syria to have a working government for the next decade+. Regime change and bouncing is only good for the contractors. But not the people. We've watched this movie already. We know how it ends. It's not to benefit the people, or to save our rights.
I'm not the one coming in what conspiracy theories, so you might want to share your research to back up your claims instead of telling others to do their own. Funny how people coming in with such things always point to doing your own "research" which is probably a few Google searches that lead to blogs without sources.

There is a large difference between countries having ulterior motives in certain things, and going on about conspiracies to incite multiple civil wars and regime changes in the region in a short time, seemingly being done by countries that aren't even allies.


The war on Syria is in large part about natural gas:


Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding jihadists and ISIS to topple Assad (and the US know):



The sarin gas attack was from the rebels to bring in the US


Wesley Clark and the plan for the 7 countries


So on and so forth...

The war on Syria is in large part about natural gas:


Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding jihadists and ISIS to topple Assad (and the US know):



The sarin gas attack was from the rebels to bring in the US


Wesley Clark and the plan for the 7 countries


So on and so forth...
Like I said, there are other motives from these countries and of course it is not just about helping people. Nobody believes that. But there is a major step to be going from that to saying that these countries conspired together to bring down others and start the whole Arab Spring and everything that followed.

Also, the seven countries you name leave out Egypt and Tunisia, two countries that had revolutions during the Arab Spring. But I guess that doesn't fit the narrative.

How about instead of overloading people with links, you actually present your case about this and give us the arguments? What you are doing now is following the playbook of conspiracy nuts by the letter: come in with some accusations, when confronted leave the arguments to ten thousand word articles from some unknown websites and then say you have presented "research."

That last video is also nice, and a clear template for conspiracy videos on Youtube. I also like how "Sudan / Africa" is a country now.


It is apparantly easier to believe conspiracy theories then to consider this was simply a dictator responding terrible to global warming's effect on his people. That wouldn't be a fun conspiracy theory.


Unconfirmed Member
Wait, so Israel and Saudi Arabia worked together to spark a revolution in Syria for some reason? You're heading into some conspiracy level stuff here.

Did Israel also start he Arab Spring movements in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt?

You know how crazy this sounds right?

This is standard pro regime/pro hizbullah talking points.

The war on Syria is in large part about natural gas:


Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding jihadists and ISIS to topple Assad (and the US know):



The sarin gas attack was from the rebels to bring in the US


Wesley Clark and the plan for the 7 countries


So on and so forth...

That is a pretty amazing collection of sources. For instance, the youtube channel that uploaded that Wesley Clark video also posted super factual videos like: 666 hand sign initiates Jedi mind trick



Wes Clark isn't a neocon and has nothing to do with the current republican administration. I'm not sure why we're listing him as some weird connected dot when the PNAC statement of principles is public and we know everyone who was a signatory. AFAIK none of those folks are in the current administration either.
I don't believe assad is a good guy.

I do believe that other governments whom are our allies are pulling off a near genocide in Yemen currently. No this isn't what aboutism. This is to say that we can't forget that there are other options to deal with enemies and strikes by a terrible administration isn't optimal.

Case in point about the humanitarian crisis in Yemen (dozens of millions under threat of starvation), where we are cool with providing bombs and support on behalf of Saudi Arabia, because they wanted to get the Houthis out. Again, let's forget the tidbit that Saudi Arabia is financially backing ISIS.

Joni said:
It is apparantly easier to believe conspiracy theories then to consider this was simply a dictator responding terrible to global warming's effect on his people. That wouldn't be a fun conspiracy theory.

You'd be surprised... it's actually much much easier to believe what you heard on CNN from people YOU give authority to as a voice of facts. Conspiracies require additional questions, and seeking ulterior motives from what they promote on the surface. Much more critical thinking.

How about instead of overloading people with links, you actually present your case about this and give us the arguments? What you are doing now is following the playbook of conspiracy nuts by the letter: come in with some accusations, when confronted leave the arguments to ten thousand word articles from some unknown websites and then say you have presented "research."

The next step is for you to see the evidence contained in the links I used to back up my arguments. If you disagree with the evidence and have your own, I would gladly look at that also.

That is a pretty amazing collection of sources. For instance, the youtube channel that uploaded that Wesley Clark video also posted super factual videos like: 666 hand sign initiates Jedi mind trick

So did the 666 hand signal video affect what Wesley Clark had to say? It's a low hanging fruit to go after the youtube account and not address what was said in the video.


Unconfirmed Member
Take a look at the inner workings of Syrian governance for the last 30 years and its very easy to see how things went wrong - was the uprising in Hama also a foreign conspiracy? Is the systematic violence and complete political suppression within Syria a foreign conspiracy? Was Bashars release of Islamists early on in the protests a foreign conspiracy? Do we disregard the very early events that led up to the uprising? The jailing of the teens, the defections within the Army and government?

The people who suggest foreign conspiracy either have a geopolitical bias to that set of powers (Russia/Iran/Syria) and thus seek a narrative or who have very poor understanding of Syria itself.


You'd be surprised... it's actually much much easier to believe what you heard on CNN from people YOU give authority to as a voice of facts. Conspiracies require additional questions, and seeking ulterior motives from what they promote on the surface. Much more critical thinking.

It's more a case of being so open-minded your brain falls out. Promoting a false-flag theory is the instant clincher for me that someone is febrile-minded. Someone who think's the world works the same as a low-budget movie and goes "ah, I'm too smart to believe what everyone else does, it must be all a ploy by the other side! Wake up, sheeple!"

It's a mode of thinking where a multitude of evidence with a an obvious conclusion is in itself evidence of a conspiracy put forth by some nebulous yet incredibly unified organisation that has direct control over everything. It also precludes the notion of incompetence, malice, or that someone could do something that ends up unintentionally damaging their cause.

The next step is for you to see the evidence contained in the links I used to back up my arguments. If you disagree with the evidence and have your own, I would gladly look at that also.

yeah, slapping a list of links and going "go dig through that yourself to find my arguments" is never a good sign.

I actually did read them and the first 3 are nothing that aren't common knowledge. People are concerned over the region's resources? governments are using it as a proxy conflict? you don't say! quick, call CNN with this scoop.

The 4th is a long meandering diatribe over how Erdogran controls everything, Benghazi was a coverup, and the original chemical attack in 2014 was done by the rebels. All rely on either wild leaps of logic or secret sources known only to the author.

The 5th is from a conspiracy channel and is about Wesley Clark commenting 15 years ago on countries as potential threats to the US. Those 7 countries are Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. Whoopty-doo, a list of middle-eastern countries that are known tinderboxes of conflict and terrorism. So what? Who could have thought majority Arab countries would be caught up in the Arab Spring?
So did the 666 hand signal video affect what Wesley Clark had to say? It's a low hanging fruit to go after the youtube account and not address what was said in the video.

Yes, it effects the context of an edited video of Clark speaking. There is also a reason that no reputable outlet will publish Seymour Hersh these days. Your sources are suspect and you don't get to hand wave criticism of them away as low hanging fruit.

Of course it's low hanging fruit. These sources are so bad I had to bend over to pick up this fruit. It's an easy attack because you made it that easy. I feel no need to go beyond it until you comeback with something more substantive.
I'll be back in a bit, but like clockwork, the war machine wants to silence any dissent to the war march:

Rogue One: Tulsi Gabbard vs. The Regime Change War Machine

Oh shit, liberal icon Tulsi Gabbard? I can certainly trust the opinion of someone who took a secret trip to Syria to personally meet with Assad and refused to say who payed for the trip, then had to pay for it herself after criticism.

I also love the fact that after Assad gassed his own people she boldly took a stand to muddy the waters.

(1/3) Horrific Syria chemical attack is a war crime that must be thoroughly condemned.

(2/3) Whoever is found responsible, be it the Syrian govt, al-Qaeda, or ISIS, (all have access to chemical weapons) must be held accountable

(3/3) This tragedy points to the absolute necessity that this war end now.​

I mean, Assad is the only one with an air force, but maybe ISIS stole some planes and somehow avoided Russia's sophisticated AA systems to gas that hospital. Makes perfect sense really.
The next step is for you to see the evidence contained in the links I used to back up my arguments. If you disagree with the evidence and have your own, I would gladly look at that also.
Another classic conspiracy and fake news tactic. Question the accepted view. Then when confronted, come with a bunch of links to random websites and Youtube videos. When dismissed, turn the question around and blame the other for not having evidence themselves.

You didn't back up your argument, you went to a bunch of websites that fit your views and then present them as facts, ignoring the mountains of articles to the contrary. This is the exact same thing we see in climate change denial and anti-vaxxers.

Also, you are ignoring points of my previous post that don't fit your views. You draw parallels between the seven countries on the fly ban list now and named some time ago in your conspiracy level Youtube video. But this ignores Egypt and Tunisia. So what was the interest of the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia to get rid of a stable and friendly regime there? What was the interest in Tunisia?
I'll be back in a bit, but like clockwork, the war machine wants to silence any dissent to the war march:

Rogue One: Tulsi Gabbard vs. The Regime Change War Machine
This article goes from talking about people sending her pictures on Twitter, to somehow blaming the media for... stuff I guess. What is the point of a small opinion piece of a random someone with 3 followers there?

Who sprayed the chemtrails in here
Please provide evidence there are no chemtrails! /s


If the claim is true that the country is fighting a civil war (versus a government fighting the incursion of foreign powers and their proxy funded "rebels" trying to topple it), then we would all be hearing voices of Syrians urging for the revolution.

Assad and his father are murderous dictators like you find a dime a dozen throughout the world, except the US is OK supporting those types when they align with our business interests. The plan to target Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria, etc. has been laid out since before 9/11, so now all we are seeing is a marketing push to get us to support their plans. So so many are falling for it.

The thing about govt conspiracies is that they're all predicated upon the fact that the govt is pulling wool over the peoples' eyes, when in reality, the govt isn't capable of achieving that


The thing about govt conspiracies is that they're all predicated upon the fact that the govt is pulling wool over the peoples' eyes, when in reality, the govt isn't capable of achieving that

Yes they are. Like the stealth fighter. And other black projects. Or.. CIA regime change of yesteryear. It's not hard to keep people quiet under threat of prison forever.

Thinking a government can't convince their people what is a fact is hilarious considering our slam dunk in iraq. That we are still dealing with. It's not some hard feat to feed the public a narrative via the media. Hillary was going to win the election too.


Yes they are. Like the stealth fighter. And other black projects. Or.. CIA regime change of yesteryear. It's not hard to keep people quiet under threat of prison forever.

Thinking a government can't convince their people what is a fact is hilarious considering our slam dunk in iraq. That we are still dealing with. It's not some hard feat to feed the public a narrative via the media. Hillary was going to win the election too.

I'm not saying the govt doesn't try to. The things you mentioned were all discovered. The truth eventually gets out.


I'm not saying the govt doesn't try to. The things you mentioned were all discovered. The truth eventually gets out.

Thats a way different point than you were making earlier. Their efforts last quite a while, and damage many lives while denied.

Edit; Not saying he's onto anything. At all.
Take a look at the inner workings of Syrian governance for the last 30 years and its very easy to see how things went wrong - was the uprising in Hama also a foreign conspiracy? Is the systematic violence and complete political suppression within Syria a foreign conspiracy? Was Bashars release of Islamists early on in the protests a foreign conspiracy? Do we disregard the very early events that led up to the uprising? The jailing of the teens, the defections within the Army and government?

The people who suggest foreign conspiracy either have a geopolitical bias to that set of powers (Russia/Iran/Syria) and thus seek a narrative or who have very poor understanding of Syria itself.

Assad's and his father's rule is a cookie-cutter dictatorship, and their previous actions fit in that context. You STILL can't divorce the establish fact that Saudi Arabia and Qatar have funded ISIS/Al-Nusra as a proxy force to topple Assad. The reasons why Assad being toppled is good for Israel should also be common sense by now, as detailed in this Department of State memo:

The best way to help Israel deal with Iran's growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad.


Washington should start by expressing its willingness to work with regional allies like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar to organize, train and arm Syrian rebel forces. The announcement of such a decision would, by itself, likely cause substantial defections from the Syrian military. Then, using territory in Turkey and possibly Jordan, U.S. diplomats and Pentagon officials can start strengthening the opposition. It will take time. But the rebellion is going to go on for a long time, with or without U.S. involvement.

So chalk it up to a casualty of this agenda that Syria is now overrun with jihadist rebels that behead, rape, murder, and cause chaos on the Syrian people... because reasons.

BlastProcessing said:
Oh shit, liberal icon Tulsi Gabbard? I can certainly trust the opinion of someone who took a secret trip to Syria to personally meet with Assad and refused to say who payed for the trip, then had to pay for it herself after criticism.

You mean one of the few politicians with the common sense to investigate things on the ground versus what the Pentagon was telling you? What do you have against fact-finding missions, aside from your own conjecture that she is somehow a Putin-loving Assad sympathizer? Does anyone that question the official story a treasonous pig to you? That's a scary anti-critical thinking mindset that has worked for many regimes in the past. As a military war veteran, the last thing she wants is another baseless regime-change war like Iraq (and the corporations running the media want to destroy her for that).

ClosingADoorAnother said:
classic conspiracy and fake news tactic. Question the accepted view.

You say this like it as bad thing to do... nobody ever taught you to do that?

ClosingADoorAnother said:
Then when confronted, come with a bunch of links to random websites and Youtube videos. When dismissed, turn the question around and blame the other for not having evidence themselves.

I would love to have been confronted with counter-arguments to the arguments presented in the links, but I can't expect people with tunnel vision that are not open to even read/research dissenting views to come back at me with real counter-point. Instead, people attack the sources, label me a potential ISIS drone (nice petty tactic to silence dissent), and people hunker down in the mindless "our peeps would never lie to us" position.

ClosingADoorAnother said:
You didn't back up your argument, you went to a bunch of websites that fit your views and then present them as facts, ignoring the mountains of articles to the contrary.

Show me the mountains of evidence pointing to the Syria fight not being about gas for Qatar/France. Show me the evidence that the Saudis haven't funded ISIS. Show me the evidence for Israel being the paragon of human rights that wants Assad gone because of their love of children. Show me the evidence against Tulsi Gabbard's findings that there is no such thing as "moderate" rebels being supported by the US in the region. We can go on and on...

ClosingADoorAnother said:
Also, you are ignoring points of my previous post that don't fit your views. You draw parallels between the seven countries on the fly ban list now and named some time ago in your conspiracy level Youtube video. But this ignores Egypt and Tunisia. So what was the interest of the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia to get rid of a stable and friendly regime there? What was the interest in Tunisia?

Tunisia was the base of operations to go after Qaddafi in Libya, and Egypt, as the next-door neighbor to Saudi Arabia, got their own fancy Muslim Brotherhood installed to descend the country into worse chaos than before:

Five years after Egypt’s Arab Spring: ‘We didn’t need a revolution’

Now, thousands of Islamists and scores of secular activists are languishing in jails, more than at any period during Mubarak's reign. Some have been shot dead in the streets. Freedoms have been curbed, and the police are increasingly accused of torture, forced disappearances and arbitrary arrests.

You can also read this about Saudi Arabia's fun games with the Arab Spring:

Islamists across the region are working in Riyadh's favor. As with the fall of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, the Saudis gained newfound influence with the Muslim Brotherhood and its even more hard-line Salfi allies, who reportedly take funds from the Saudis. The Muslim Brotherhood has vaulted to prominence in the post-Mubarak era. It draws hundreds of thousands to rallies. It looks set to sweep forthcoming elections. After all, it is telling that Muslim Brotherhood members took refuge in Saudi Arabia during the decades of persecution under former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Today, the party makes a good partner for Riyadh, as it never utters even a whisper of criticism of what more radical Islamist outfits denounce as the Saudi royal family's treacherous ties with the West. If Saudi Arabia desperately backed Mubarak to his last days, in post-revolutionary Egypt the kingdom is now closely connected to the country's new political power brokers.

It is all inter-connected, which I guess DOES support using the term "conspiracy".
That is a pretty amazing collection of sources. For instance, the youtube channel that uploaded that Wesley Clark video also posted super factual videos like: 666 hand sign initiates Jedi mind trick
Why does that even matter? Wesley Clark did go on Democracy Now! and give that interview. Who uploads it on Youtube is completely irrelevant.
"Either you are with us or you are against us"

Liberal leaders are calling on Hawaiians to vote Rep. Tulsi Gabbard out of office over her Syria skepticism: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/04/09/politics/democratic-leaders-gabbard-syria/index.html
Dissent/questioning/asking for evidence is not allowed. You're supposed to just shut up and not ask questions... and accept everything we say at face value.
It seems that the Alliance of Russia, Iran and 'allied' militias have stated that any further 'aggression' would be met with force.
And this is what it's come to now...


Dissent/questioning/asking for evidence is not allowed. You're supposed to just shut up and not ask questions... and accept everything we say at face value.

Shhhhh... another word and you will be lumped in as an enemy sympathizer and domestic terrorist mouthpiece against the regime. Fall in line.


CENTCOM just made a couple tweets.

U.S. Central Command‏
@CENTCOM Spox: It was not our intention to make the #Syria Shayrat Airfield inoperable (1/3)

@CENTCOM Spox: It was our intention to degrade Syrian's capability to perform chemical attacks #Syria (2/3)

@CENTCOM Spox: We targeted fuel reserves, aircraft, and did not target chemical weapons storages #Syria (3/3)
You say this like it as bad thing to do... nobody ever taught you to do that?
I say that if you want to convince people the accepted view is not true, you should probably have good evidence.

I would love to have been confronted with counter-arguments to the arguments presented in the links, but I can't expect people with tunnel vision that are not open to even read/research dissenting views to come back at me with real counter-point. Instead, people attack the sources, label me a potential ISIS drone (nice petty tactic to silence dissent), and people hunker down in the mindless "our peeps would never lie to us" position.
You know that this argument is easily turned around? Like I said, the burden of proof is on you. You again say that I should just follow "the links" but refuse to lay out an argument. People attack the sources because they do not appear trustworthy.

Show me the mountains of evidence pointing to the Syria fight not being about gas for Qatar/France. Show me the evidence that the Saudis haven't funded ISIS. Show me the evidence for Israel being the paragon of human rights that wants Assad gone because of their love of children. Show me the evidence against Tulsi Gabbard's findings that there is no such thing as "moderate" rebels being supported by the US in the region. We can go on and on...
Show me the mountain of proof that the theory I say without backing it up is wrong. Ehm... why are you turning this around? Also, I did not say those countries have nothing to do with it. I said that there is no grand conspiracy to overthrow the seven countries named and that this was all planned. Once the civil war started, of course the countries with interests in it jumped on that. That is not the discussion though, nor is it the theory you are trying to spread.

Tunisia was the base of operations to go after Qaddafi in Libya, and Egypt, as the next-door neighbor to Saudi Arabia, got their own fancy Muslim Brotherhood installed to descend the country into worse chaos than before:

Five years after Egypt's Arab Spring: ‘We didn't need a revolution'

You can also read this about Saudi Arabia's fun games with the Arab Spring:

It is all inter-connected, which I guess DOES support using the term "conspiracy".
Tunisia was the base of operations to go after Qaddafi. So... the US, Saudi Arabia, Israel, France and Qatar somehow orchestrated the revolution in Tunisia, to then have a base of operations to go after Qaddafi (ignoring that France and Italy are around the corner, and the US has a large navy, so what base of operations was needed and used exactly?). And then the Saudi's went on to destabilize Egypt, something that would be totally against Israel and US interests, but I guess suddenly they don't work together anymore? And both these countries are not on the flight ban list, but that list are the countries they tried to destabilize?

Like... what is even your argument here and do you follow it yourself? It all sounds very impressive and interesting, these conspiracies to overthrow governments and influence world affairs, I understand, but can you even tell me the goals of these things? What is the goal of changing regimes in Tunisia? In Egypt? Please explain this without throwing around links again with large reports and such, just tell me why you believe this.


Unconfirmed Member
Assad's and his father's rule is a cookie-cutter dictatorship, and their previous actions fit in that context. You STILL can't divorce the establish fact that Saudi Arabia and Qatar have funded ISIS/Al-Nusra as a proxy force to topple Assad. The reasons why Assad being toppled is good for Israel should also be common sense by now, as detailed in this Department of State memo:

There has been peace on the Syrian Israeli border for decades. Bashar is the closest thing to a friend of Israel. They resist 0 Israeli aggression.
Like... what is even your argument here and do you follow it yourself? It all sounds very impressive and interesting, these conspiracies to overthrow governments and influence world affairs, I understand, but can you even tell me the goals of these things? What is the goal of changing regimes in Tunisia? In Egypt? Please explain this without throwing around links again with large reports and such, just tell me why you believe this.

First, the interests of Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the US have been aligned since the advent of the Petrodollars (hehe one link between the 7 countries in line to be toppled is that they refused to be subjected to the global banking cartel of US dollar debt... but that's a topic for another day). Each regional power has their own interest in mind. We know that Israel wants Assad gone to get to Iran, as they know they can control a wahhabist Saudi Arabia expanding its influence in the region. For Saudi Arabia, they get to spread their ideology and influence across the remaining secular non-Sunni Muslim states. Access to oil, gas, and other resources are just cherries on top. Both Israel and Saudi Arabia get to expand the territory they can influence, which is the most basic carrot tied to the stick of geo-politics. A country like France (at least under Hollande) was in bed with Qatar, and they got sweet deals in Libya and if they can get rid of Assad (gas for Europe from Qatar versus from Russia). For the US? our bankers, our military contractors, our big oil cartels, etc. etc... no need to explain why the US would support a plan to conquer the remaining dissidents of the US empire since before 9/11.
First, the interests of Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the US have been aligned since the advent of the Petrodollars (hehe one link between the 7 countries in line to be toppled is that they refused to be subjected to the global banking cartel of US dollar debt... but that's a topic for another day). Each regional power has their own interest in mind. We know that Israel wants Assad gone to get to Iran, as they know they can control a wahhabist Saudi Arabia expanding its influence in the region. For Saudi Arabia, they get to spread their ideology and influence across the remaining secular non-Sunni Muslim states. Access to oil, gas, and other resources are just cherries on top. Both Israel and Saudi Arabia get to expand the territory they can influence, which is the most basic carrot tied to the stick of geo-politics. For the US? our bankers, our military contractors, our big oil cartels, etc. etc... no need to explain why the US would support a plan to conquer the remaining dissidents of the US empire since before 9/11.
So basically the classic theories, got it. So, the seven countries you again name, leave out Egypt and Tunisia. Two countries I specifically asked about. What is the interest of the US and Israel of removing two regimes they had either friendly or peaceful relations with (Syria and Egypt), one of which bought US arms by the billions also.

Also, you mention oil as important to this all. So I guess the idea is to either control oil interests in these countries, or remove them as oil producing factors to drive the price up. But the US and Saudi Arabia already control most oil and decide the price in that. Plus they are competing against each other, with the Saudis trying to remove US shale field by driving the price down and them out of business. So why suddenly would these two conspire to control relatively small players. Egypt produces 5% of the amount Saudi Arabia does, Tunisia even less. What is there to gain here for the oil businesses exactly?

You bring this all like these countries have planned this shit, but that is simply not the case and impossible to do.
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