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Dan Hsu leaves 1up


Gamer @ Heart said:
I remember him responding to a "my condolences" email i sent him after i heard he got divorced. I thought that was cool. It humanized "a dude on the internet" for me so seeing him go makes me sad.
Yeah, he always took time to reply to my messages, too. There's not many like him left. Except maybe skip.


Maybe now he can go to Journalism school and learn what it takes to be a "Serious" journalist.

Then again I think journalism of pretty much all types is awful these days.


DangerStepp said:
:D Good.

I don't know how much more I can take of everyone leaving. It's 10x harder of a blow whenever it's someone who has been in the game for such a long time. It's on par, if not worse, whenever John left.

Yeah, it's as if every one of my favorites keeps leaving. I think I've cursed them. Luke, then John, now Shoe.

I'm stuck with Garnett and Mielke now and if they leave, I'm done.

Wait, I like Jeff Green, too, but GFW is dead as well...


Wow. Shoe is who I think of when I think of gaming journalism. It'll be weird without him. I wish him luck in the future.
PistolGrip said:

Go fuck yourself and have a nice day.

God, this thread has been turned to complete and utter shit. One thing I don't get, though, is why the job was never offered to Jeff. :(


Permanent Junior Member
I'll miss Hsu, but there's obviously another opportunity waiting for him somewhere down the pipeline. I don't think he'd leave without another job waiting.


sex vacation in Guam
I AM JOHN! said:
Go fuck yourself and have a nice day.

God, this thread has been turned to complete and utter shit. One thing I don't get, though, is why the job was never offered to Jeff. :(
What do you expect from some of us? this man put down Little Big Planet, said killzone was buggy and bad graphically, said PSN would never amount to anything, , puts achievements and MS products on a pedestal.

I am sad hes leaving because I grew up with him on EGM but I agree i may be for the better.


bluemax said:
Maybe now he can go to Journalism school and learn what it takes to be a "Serious" journalist.

Then again I think journalism of pretty much all types is awful these days.

I would LOVE for you to explain what Hsu's tenure at EGM and 1-Up have to do with shrinking newsmagazine staffs and the Wall Street Journal's changes to its broadsheet format.
SPEA said:

Stay classy San Diego!

I really don't get how someone can be supportive of EGM's approach and ethos as a magazine and still dance around like an Ewok when one of the people most responsible for that leaves.


Gold Member
I AM JOHN! said:
God, this thread has been turned to complete and utter shit. One thing I don't get, though, is why the job was never offered to Jeff. :(

Totally agree about the thread. I always haven't agreed with Shoe on his opinions but at least I could see where he was coming. But I mean, for fucks sake, some of you people need to get over yourselves.

As for Jeff not being offered the job it's quite possible he was happy doing what he was doing and didn't want to be doing what Shoe was and what Sam will be doing. Even though he plays consoles PC is what he's really interested in so he's probably more comfortable there.


:( Aww man. I've been subscribed to EGM for so long, 10+ years. I've always appreciated Shoe's integrity (which is true of everybody at 1up) and dedication to his readers. Always have felt a sort of "no bs to our reader base" vibe from him. I really don't know what is going on at Ziff Davis. I've been reading far too many "goodbye" and "reassuring" blogs and posts to be filled with confidence in what's happening over there. I hope 1up and everyone there are around for many years to come, but sometimes man, I don't know...
This is too bad. I'm sorry to see him leave but hopefully he'll land somewhere where he can still write.

People whose avatars have eye patches make this thread kind of drivel, but this is a pretty big deal. At least Sam Kennedy is taking Shoe's place, because he seems to know what's up most of the time.
I can't wait to see how Sam steers this ship, I am a multi console owner this generation but from what I can tell he is more biased than Dan. Shoe loved Halo, Sam loves Sony, that is a big difference.


PistolGrip said:
What do you expect from some of us? this man put down Little Big Planet, said killzone was buggy and bad graphically, said PSN would never amount to anything, , puts achievements and MS products on a pedestal.

Are serious?! o_O
PistolGrip said:
What do you expect from some of us? this man put down Little Big Planet, said killzone was buggy and bad graphically, said PSN would never amount to anything, , puts achievements and MS products on a pedestal.

I am sad hes leaving because I grew up with him on EGM but I agree i may be for the better.

That's such garbage and you know it. As said, the moment he'll be remembered most for was having the guts to stick MS over the coals over their launch problems. For talking about some game publishers hold too much sway over gaming mags.

But no, some people still have these blinders up because he might not have been feeling a game they love.

Newsflash, none of us here (except the actual ZD employees among us) know how much he had to do with all the other things you might love about EGM, and we never will. It's ridiculous to pretend that he only ever fostered some Pro-MS agenda in every meeting, and was shouted down by every one else in the room, who were right and true and honest, the true avatars of What You Love About EGM.

What do I expect from some of you? The knowledge that someone can have personal preference and not let it interfere with their job.


Glad to hear Hsu is gone, always thought it was a bad thing for 1UP to have a halo nut running the office.


scoobs said:
Glad to hear Hsu is gone, always thought it was a bad thing for 1UP to have a halo nut running the office.

Shoe might have liked Splinter Cell as much as Halo, but that didn't stop him from calling out Ubisoft on their PR practices until Ubi banned 1up from reviewing their games altogether. Maybe other websites don't talk about it as much, but Shane on a podcast said that Shoe had done more to preserve a gaming website's integrity than anyone else he knew.
PistolGrip said:
What do you expect from some of us? this man put down Little Big Planet,
Now, LittleBigPlanet may be my most anticipated game of this year, and I disagree with Shoe, but I can totally see where he was coming from when he made his comments (i.e., the gameplay itself seems rather simplistic and who knows if the user-created levels will really deliver; this was back before we knew about things like death, object editing and creation, and a bunch of other stuff).
said killzone was buggy and bad graphically
Which Killzone was this? Since the first two are pieces of shit, and I don't remember him saying that Killzone 2 had bad graphics.
said PSN would never amount to anything
He never said that.
puts achievements and MS products on a pedestal.
God forbid someone really like Halo and achievements. God for-fucking-bid. Perhaps we should hate Giant Bomb because Jeff Gertsmann and Ryan Davis are huge achievement whores, too. Or is it just that you hate him because he's more vocal about his Halo love than other games (aside from Advance Wars), because that OBVIOUSLY MEANS THAT HE'S A MICROSOFT FANBOY OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (oh wait, wasn't EGM constantly called out last generation for being completely pro-Sony?)
I am sad hes leaving because I grew up with him on EGM but I agree i may be for the better.
So I noticed, you pathetic fucking fanboy. How about instead of justifying why you're being a cunt, why don't you just stop being a cunt?


skip said:
you put your quotes on wrong, should be "journalist."

I dunno, my attempt was to mock the notion of serious games journalism more so than games journalism.

But like I said, I do find most journalism, be it sports, political, games, science etc to be rather poor. Its made me wonder if there is a problem with journalism curriculum or if its just human nature.

At any rate, best of luck to Dan in his next line of work. I may not agree with him but he has my respect as a person.


BenjaminBirdie said:

What do I expect from some of you? The knowledge that someone can have personal preference and not let it interfere with their job.

This is Gaf. Expect the Worst. Sony fans who were irked by Shoes fandom of Halo have their moment now.

If and when The Mangod leaves i would guess its Xbox fans cheering. Overall its to be expected


squicken said:
how will this affect mgs4?

:lol :lol :lol

As for my two cents, Shoe seemed like a decent guy, but his constant achievement whoring was grating to my ears. Did you guys know Shoe considers himself a "completist?" Has he mentioned that in the last four minutes?
I always liked Hsu. Never met him, but he seemed like a nice guy and a professional. I agreed with a lot of what he had to say (although I'm not a big Halo fan), and I was a little surprised that he was leaving ZD. Good luck Hsu!
Grecco said:
This is Gaf. Expect the Worst. Sony fans who were irked by Shoes fandom of Halo have their moment now.

If and when The Mangod leaves i would guess its Xbox fans cheering. Overall its to be expected

You're right but it's annoying none the less.


scoobs said:
Glad to hear Hsu is gone, always thought it was a bad thing for 1UP to have a halo nut running the office.

Yeah, it's really horrible that he liked something so popular amoung gamers. Not sure how EGM has survived with such a misguided leader. (sarcasm)
Would you have the same opinion if he loved your favorite game/system? Would we still have console fanboys if forums didn't exist?

Doc Evils

I AM JOHN! said:
Now, LittleBigPlanet may be my most anticipated game of this year, and I disagree with Shoe, but I can totally see where he was coming from when he made his comments (i.e., the gameplay itself seems rather simplistic and who knows if the user-created levels will really deliver; this was back before we knew about things like death, object editing and creation, and a bunch of other stuff).

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