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New Nintendo 3DS Hardware Info (Conference At 10 PST/1 EST Today)

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It's plenty good enough for what it's outputting at, and totally able to dial into that $199-$249 price range.

I'm a happy camper with that.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
KAL2006 said:
That is true. But I got tired of DS graphics in year 2. Wii graphics were poor since day 1. GB had poor graphics since we seen the GameGear. It seems Nintendo don't give a fuck about having a console that is future proof. But and the end of the day it's the games that count, and thats were Nintendo delivers. It seems to hold true for the 3DS.

The issue with his statement wasn't specifically graphics. It was "surviving a generation." All of these easily survived a generation with lower-grade technology and affordable prices.
Mudkips said:
The 3DS specs as we know them are fine and dandy for 2010, but I seriously question if this base design can remain competitive 6-8 years out. Sony is not retarded enough to pass up 3D for the PSP2. The only thing the 3DS will have over the PSP2 looks to be Nintendo games and first out of the gate / user base. 3rd parties hate Nintendo games, and the user base lead simply resulted in a major shit storm of shovelware on the Wii and DS.

I'm still in on day fucking 1, of course.

Are you serious?! How many times does this question need to be asked and proven irrelevant before you guys finally get it?!


Mudkips said:
The 3DS specs as we know them are fine and dandy for 2010, but I seriously question if this base design can remain competitive 6-8 years out. Sony is not retarded enough to pass up 3D for the PSP2. The only thing the 3DS will have over the PSP2 looks to be Nintendo games and first out of the gate / user base. 3rd parties hate Nintendo games, and the user base lead simply resulted in a major shit storm of shovelware on the Wii and DS.

I'm still in on day fucking 1, of course.

you forgot

2 Screens
A touch Screen
Motion Sensing
3 Cameras
And a Microphone

and that's only including the shit we already know about


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'll say this: I've been firm in my belief that the system would retail for $229. That was because I was expecting a bit more horsepower than the rumored specs.

Now, I'll be pissed if it's over $200. $199 is the perfect price point with this technology.
brain_stew said:
The 4MB framebuffer will definitely not be cheap. That's 40% of the dedicated RAM that the 360 has, the same amount of dedicated RAM the PS2 has an more than the GCN/Wii has. Considering the resolution is much lower than any of them systems, its bloody massive. That 4MB of dedicated memory will do a lot more for performance in games than shifting upto 128MB would have done with in a GPU in this performance range.

Again, its an example of Nintendo spending their budget in the areas that will most directly benefit the quality of its gaming performance.

Oh and again since people really don't seem to realise. The 3DS has more RAM than the Xbox. Its pointless comparing it to the Iphone just as its pointless comparing the 256MB of system RAM in the PS3 to the 4GB/6GB of system RAM in most PC rigs. The Iphone is a general multitasking computing device, the 3DS is a dedicated gaming device. Big difference.

Yeah, sorry, I didn't know the 4MB a VRAM was such a big deal....

I'm happy with the specs after your explanation....damn I should have been happy with was actually shown, and didn't try to look into specs from my noob tech standpoint. :lol :lol
Mudkips said:
I just don't see these specs lasting a full handheld generation.
The PSP2 is simply going to one up the 3DS in every category (except software, lol).

The DS lasted a full six years using sub-N64 technology. The GameBoy lasted even longer with technology even less powerful for its time.

Mudkips said:
2 front-facing cameras for 3D video chat.

Video chat is never going to take off, and the little market it will gain will be limited to actual phones and Skype.

Mudkips said:
Cameras that weren't VGA. At least 1.2 MP, come on!

It's a gaming machine, not a dedicated camera. The camera's resolution already exceeds that of either screen and it more than adequate for the purpose in which they'll primarily be used: gameplay.

Mudkips said:
Resolution that didn't suck. Because I hate shitty scaling, I would want 4x the resolution on both screens (2x in each dimension). ("It doesn't matter on such a small screen!" I completely disagree.)

That's fine, but I don't this this will matter to most people. The 3DS's resolution was fine when I played it at E3.

Mudkips said:
More RAM. You can never have enough RAM.

This is a demand that's impossible to fill then.

Mudkips said:
Better processors. This one's a duh. I like how Nintendo focuses on battery life, but I have to tip my hat to the PSP's design allowing games to set the clock to 333 vs 222 or whatever it was.

Yeah, except it comes at the user's expense whether they want longer batter life or not.

Mudkips said:
Storage space I don't give a fuck about. As long as it's enough to hold a decent OS and provide the rumored installation option, proper SD support makes any storage space issue moot.
True, except for the OS, which really should use on-board memory. Besides, it's nice not to have to deal with the hassle of SD Cards if it can be avoided (though the option is welcomed).

Mudkips said:
The 3DS specs as we know them are fine and dandy for 2010, but I seriously question if this base design can remain competitive 6-8 years out.

The Wii wasn't even competitive when it launched! So, your point?

Mudkips said:
Sony is not retarded enough to pass up 3D for the PSP2.

We don't know that. 3D comes with a whole host of performance related issues--if the PSP wants to trounce it graphically (which Sony has been apt to do before), they'll avoid 3D entirely to maximize performance.


Jin34 said:
All the screenshots in the world as well as people pointing out those videos were realtime have not convinced people. I think even after the 29th there will be doubters.

I really wished Nintendo showed someone playing a game on 3DS (ingame with hud and etc) that had graphics as good as RE4, Mario Galaxy, FFXII and etc. Then there wouldn't be doubters. It's a shame they only showed Kid Icarus and Nintendogs which didnt really showcase impressive graphics.
KAL2006 said:
That is true. But I got tired of DS graphics in year 2. Wii graphics were poor since day 1. GB had poor graphics since we seen the GameGear. It seems Nintendo don't give a fuck about having a console that is future proof. But and the end of the day it's the games that count, and thats were Nintendo delivers. It seems to hold true for the 3DS.

Nintendo has hit a sweet spot between battery life, graphical capability and cost. Games are going to look great. Will it look competitive with whatever iPhone people are carrying around in 2013? Probably not.

At the same time, I can handle five or six years of 3DS games that rival or outdo Wind Waker, Prime, Resident Evil: Revelations, DoA, MGS, etc. Even the Gamecube games I mentioned still look great. I'm glad to be free of assy pixelated 3D ala DS, N64 and some poorer GCN-era games.


H_Prestige said:
Well it would kind of suck of online multiplayer is no different than it is on the Wii. Nintendo needs to work on that.

considering my stance on online play, the Wii is good enough for me. I don't need all those fancy features and whatnot. just give me friend play and random play and I'm happy


Mudkips said:
I have to tip my hat to the PSP's design allowing games to set the clock to 333 vs 222 or whatever it was.
I would have tipped my hat when I was (honestly) excited about the same thing, but I was too busy replugging in my charger. It was a major reason I stopped playing my PSP. That, and the size, and clunky UMDs which got in the way of portability. I loved everything else about PSP, but really, when it came down to real life usability, DS won out for me. I still have a PSP in the corner that has gone untouched for about 3 years now simply because it ceased being a portable, and I like my HDTV consoles more for home gaming. I played my DS last week. Even my old abused DS Fat still has the battery life I need for it to be a proper portable system. Battery life was a fairly big worry of mine for 3DS, as it seemed Nintendo was biting off quite a bit when looking at videos/screenshots. Now I see they really had their priorities straight, and those games I was impressed by weeks ago aren't any less impressive.


Please help me with my bad english
redbarchetta said:
(Emphasis added)

And I'm saying it's full of BS, for the aforementioned reasons.
1) I was wrong. I should have use the word leak instead of rumor.
2) I repeat, Nikkei leaked DSi and the 3DS info weeks before they where revealed with very specific information which were all true.


Parmesan et Romano
Seems pretty impressive. I'm glad my fears were quelled too. Seems like it will make Metal Gear Solid 3 even better looking than I remember it. And that's more than good enough.
ILikeFeet said:
considering my stance on online play, the Wii is good enough for me. I don't need all those fancy features and whatnot. just give me friend play and random play and I'm happy

It's not just about features. Look at games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom - I wouldn't care if the online modes had the same features they do now if they (the online modes) ran as well as fighting games do on the other two consoles.


you guys need to calm down. its gunna come out. we're all gunna love it and the ridiculous games for it. and nintendo will continue to print money.
Vic said:
1) I was wrong. I should have use the word leak instead of rumor.
2) I repeat, Nikkei leaked DSi and the 3DS info weeks before they where revealed with very specific information which were all true.

We'll find out soon. I firmly believe that won't be an option Especially considering it really makes no damn sense--it seems it'd be more of a hassle to install the games than simply carry 3 pint-sized cartridges around. Plus a single game has the capability to exceed the 3DS's entire system memory.

So no. It's not going to happen, imo.


Nintendo has already hinted strongly that the 3DS would introduce a new online system. Capcom has suggested a new system for multiplayer when asked about online multiplayer while talking about Street Fighter 4. They went on to say they could not expand on it but wait for the Nintendo event
Veal said:
Even though the 4MB framebuffer seems like a lot, do you think color banding is going to be an issue?

It shouldn't be, there's more than enough room to fit the framebuffer in there and have copious amounts to spare without resorting to 16 bit rendering.


Sega said:
I would have tipped my hat when I was (honestly) excited about the same thing, but I was too busy replugging in my charger. It was a major reason I stopped playing my PSP. That, and the size, and clunky UMDs which got in the way of portability. I loved everything else about PSP, but really, when it came down to real life usability, DS won out for me. I still have a PSP in the corner that has gone untouched for about 3 years now simply because it ceased being a portable, and I like my HDTV consoles more for home gaming. I played my DS last week. Even my old abused DS Fat still has the battery life I need for it to be a proper portable system. Battery life was a fairly big worry of mine for 3DS, as it seemed Nintendo was biting off quite a bit when looking at videos/screenshots. Now I see they really had their priorities straight, and those games I was impressed by weeks ago aren't any less impressive.

they are aiming for DSi battery life. so that should last a flight across the Pacific on low brightness


Mudkips said:
I just don't see these specs lasting a full handheld generation.
The PSP2 is simply going to one up the 3DS in every category (except software, lol).

Nintendo squeezing every fucking penny tighter than Scrooge McDuck's water-tight anus pisses me off. I would have loved:

2 front-facing cameras for 3D video chat.
Cameras that weren't VGA. At least 1.2 MP, come on!
Resolution that didn't suck. Because I hate shitty scaling, I would want 4x the resolution on both screens (2x in each dimension). ("It doesn't matter on such a small screen!" I completely disagree.)
More RAM. You can never have enough RAM.
Better processors. This one's a duh. I like how Nintendo focuses on battery life, but I have to tip my hat to the PSP's design allowing games to set the clock to 333 vs 222 or whatever it was.

Storage space I don't give a fuck about. As long as it's enough to hold a decent OS and provide the rumored installation option, proper SD support makes any storage space issue moot.

The 3DS specs as we know them are fine and dandy for 2010, but I seriously question if this base design can remain competitive 6-8 years out. Sony is not retarded enough to pass up 3D for the PSP2. The only thing the 3DS will have over the PSP2 looks to be Nintendo games and first out of the gate / user base. 3rd parties hate Nintendo games, and the user base lead simply resulted in a major shit storm of shovelware on the Wii and DS.

I'm still in on day fucking 1, of course.

I would've loved higher res cameras and 3D video chat too, but the screen, seriously? that screen is the same resolution that you'll find in high end smartphones (800x480). Thing is, the 3D filter on top of it splits the image into two, one for each eye, which results in half the perceived horizontal resolution, and in order to maintain the aspect ratio, they double the vertical pixels so that the effective resolution of 400x240 in 3D. If you still want the 3D effect, the image will be lower resolution, but the screen itself is plenty hi-res.

while full vga resolution on the bottom screen would've been cool, you have to consider that your GPU would need to render 4x as many pixels for that screen, which means more VRAM, more powerful GPU, which increases costs even more. You want an affordable device, they're giving it to you.

and that 333 MHz thing... at first sony underclocked the CPU for battery life, but eventually unlocked it for games like God of War, I don't see how that has anything to do with the 3DS.


not tag worthy
ILikeFeet said:
considering my stance on online play, the Wii is good enough for me. I don't need all those fancy features and whatnot. just give me friend play and random play and I'm happy
This, if SSFIV runs lag free online then I am as happy as larry


Jin34 said:
All the screenshots in the world as well as people pointing out those videos were realtime have not convinced people. I think even after the 29th there will be doubters.
This boggles the mind. How can people have such short memory.
antonz said:
Nintendo has already hinted strongly that the 3DS would introduce a new online system. Capcom has suggested a new system for multiplayer when asked about online multiplayer while talking about Street Fighter 4. They went on to say they could not expand on it but wait for the Nintendo event
It is almost certainly still going to be Friend's Codes, but we can hope they are at least integrated intelligently this time.


delirium said:
Weren't same arguments used against the DS when it was released?

It makes even less sense for the 3DS as its far more powerful than the DS was relative to the time for its release. If someone came up and asked if you could port games from PS2/GC/Xbox to the DS you'd be met with nothing but :lol :lol :lol . If you asked if you could port 360/PS3 games/engines to the 3DS Capcom already answered that with: oh yeah we did that in like 2 months, no biggie.


H_Prestige said:
This thing will produce games that look practically like ps3/360 games. It's plenty future proof IMO.

Then why do the current ones look like they're from PS2 era? Unless the architecture lends itself to vast improvements over time like the PS2 then its pretty much going to always look on a similar level to what we're seeing now with Icarus etc.


Sir Ilpalazzo said:
It's not just about features. Look at games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom - I wouldn't care if the online modes had the same features they do now if they (the online modes) ran as well as fighting games do on the other two consoles.

ah yes, the lag thing is important as well. but I guess that has to do with how well the developers optimize (is that the right word) it and your service


ShockingAlberto said:
It is almost certainly still going to be Friend's Codes, but we can hope they are at least integrated intelligently this time.

I would expect they might finally move to a system code. Its the most logical way to keep the code system in place. I know its nintendo and logic isnt a strong suit at times but I think they got enough feedback from the Wii and DS
KAL2006 said:
Does this mean it is unlikely that the 3DS will have a good OS similar to PS3 and 360. I would have liked a web browser, video player, in game menu and etc.

It means precisely that. There won't be a big ingame dashboard and extras like web browsing will be limited and probably provide a pretty miserable experience. Its not going to replace your smartphone.


Parmesan et Romano
redbarchetta said:
We'll find out soon. I firmly believe that won't be an option Especially considering it really makes no damn sense--it seems it'd be more of a hassle to install the games than simply carry 3 pint-sized cartridges around. Plus a single game has the capability to exceed the 3DS's entire system memory.

So no. It's not going to happen, imo.
The DSi prototype was originally going to have 2 DS Card slots because Miyamoto felt that people didn't like switching cards to play different games. I'm pretty sure Nikkei is on th money this time (As they usually always are)


ShineALight said:
Nintendo has hit a sweet spot between battery life, graphical capability and cost. Games are going to look great. Will it look competitive with whatever iPhone people are carrying around in 2013? Probably not.

At the same time, I can handle five or six years of 3DS games that rival or outdo Wind Waker, Prime, Resident Evil: Revelations, DoA, MGS, etc. Even the Gamecube games I mentioned still look great. I'm glad to be free of assy pixelated 3D ala DS, N64 and some poorer GCN-era games.

I actually agree with that, the blocky 3D graphics on DS was terrible (though I didn't mind 2D games), but if the graphics match GC, then that is more than enough for me. Metroid Prime and RE4 still look great to me, and on a small screen it would only look better.

Plinko said:
I'll say this: I've been firm in my belief that the system would retail for $229. That was because I was expecting a bit more horsepower than the rumored specs.

Now, I'll be pissed if it's over $200. $199 is the perfect price point with this technology.

I have mentioned a iPod touch with 8GB flash memory which is much more powerful than 3DS is only $200 (most placed sell it for $170). I really hope 3DS is at least $200, but I have a feeling they will charge more, they don't give a fuck about how much the tech cost, they want to make a huge profit margin. Just look at the Wii, that sold for so much at launch and it was just a stronger GC.


Sir Ilpalazzo said:
It's not just about features. Look at games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom - I wouldn't care if the online modes had the same features they do now if they (the online modes) ran as well as fighting games do on the other two consoles.

Well I imagine 3rd party devs have had some input on the online capabilities of the system. I mean there is that quote from the SF4 3DS interview the other day.

RG: How will the multiplayer be? Will it have online or local play using only one cartridge?

Ono: That's a very, very good point! (Laughs) First of all, it's Street Fighter, so of course it's going to have multiplayer. We're currently working on cutting edge technologies in order to bring best fighting game to everyday life, so that's something you have to think and specify time come how it's going to be part of your life, and we're going to make that easy. So Nintendo will be announcing exactly how that's done sometime soon, and Super Street Fighter IV will be there when they announce the features, so you might have to wait until then (Laughs).

Seems like SS4 will be the big game to kick off the new online system maybe?
defferoo said:
I would've loved higher res cameras and 3D video chat too, but the screen, seriously? that screen is the same resolution that you'll find in high end smartphones (800x480).

Not sure if your "800x480" is referencing the 3DS or smartphones. For clarification's sake, the 3D screen runs at the resolution of 800x240, with the horizontal resolution then being halved for the 3D effect, resulting in a 400x240 image for each eye.
Serenade said:
The DSi prototype was originally going to have 2 DS Card slots because Miyamoto felt that people didn't like switching cards to play different games

Right, then they came to their damn senses.


KAL2006 said:
I actually agree with that, the blocky 3D graphics on DS was terrible (though I didn't mind 2D games), but if the graphics match GC, then that is more than enough for me. Metroid Prime and RE4 still look great to me, and on a small screen it would only look better.

re:Coded looks pretty damn good for the DS. but the 3DS looks like it can do BBS with better textures/shaders. that's the minimum for me and it looks like it will provide
Instro said:
4MB VRAM is nice.

Its much more than I expected. The Wii has to push more than twice as many pixels (yes that includes the bottom screen and both viewpoints) and only has a 3MB embedded framebuffer.


H_Prestige said:
This thing will produce games that look practically like ps3/360 games. It's plenty future proof IMO.

I'm skeptical. I'm remembering this right now:


7 days till the blowout! Excite!
Sega said:

Just a little reminder of how pumped you should be. The sub-week period is only a few hours away.
It is 7 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 18 seconds until Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at 10:00:00 AM (Tokyo time)

Are we expecting an early afternoon conference?


Sir Ilpalazzo said:
It's not just about features. Look at games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom - I wouldn't care if the online modes had the same features they do now if they (the online modes) ran as well as fighting games do on the other two consoles.

THIS, it is really important for me to be able to play games online, if online is weak then I will pass on the 3DS. SSFIV 3DS needs to have online matches as lag free as the console versions.


Plinko said:
Is this a quote from every naysayer before:

A) The Game Boy
B) The Nintendo DS
C) Nintendo Wii
D) Nintendo 3DS

Because honestly I can't tell the difference.

Because honestly you like the 3rd party situation on the Wii and DS?
The original GB had no competent competition, and was never truly updated until other handhelds forced them to release the GBA. (Let's just go ahead and skip discussing the VB for the sake of sanity.)

You've got three major players other than Nintendo gunning for pieces of this pie, and people's time on-the-go is taken up by other things. People don't need a handheld gaming device during plane trips or long car rides like they needed a Gameboy. They have phones, mp3 players, portable video players, etc.

In 2 years the 3DS hardware will be doable in moderately-priced smartphones (much of it already is), devices people will want to buy regardless of whether or not they want to play games.

I laughed 8 years ago when people talked about playing shitty Java games on their cell phones. I laugh every time Steve Jobs trots out sharts talking about game downloads for the iPhone / iPod Touch. Nothing fucking comes close to the DS in terms of raw handheld gaming market $$$$$$. But all that can and will change if Nintendo becomes complacent.

You can't point to superior devices failing in the past as any indication of what will happen in the future. The market is fundamentally different now than it was in 2004. People are conditioned to a 2-year cycle for mobile hardware. Nintendo is conditioned to an 8-year + cycle for handheld systems. The GBA was an exception and so short-lived because Sony forced their hand with the PSP. Nintendo put out a half-hearted competitor with the DS, calling it a fucking "third pillar", but it ended up owning the market. I don't think they can do that again with the 3DS when you have Apple, Sony, and likely MS looking to encroach on that market, none of whom are dumb enough to underestimate Nintendo again.

The fact that they're so tight-lipped about their online services makes me think that they're planning to make everything account-based, and release hardware upgrades every couple of years (rather than cosmetic redesigns), while allowing you to properly transfer everything tied to your old 3DS. The fact that it's Nintendo, and it has to do with online, make me worry.

I just don't think the known/rumored specs will be competitive long term. The system will sell hundreds of millions. Nintendo will make billions on hardware and software. But as a gamer, I see developers scrambling to try and make sense out of the ever-moving handheld market, splitting resources between the platforms, and generally making a mess of things. I sure as fuck don't want the 3DS to be seen as the lowest common denominator in terms of hardware a few years down the line, to the point where it receives Nintendo titles, shovelware, and the random 3rd-party hidden gem.


not tag worthy
BMF said:
I love the lead up to new platforms. It's such an exciting time to be a gaming enthusiast.

This, the other I was thinking to myself that we haven't anythign to get batshit excited about in a while, but now we do.
Mudkips said:
I just don't see these specs lasting a full handheld generation.
The PSP2 is simply going to one up the 3DS in every category (except software, lol).
They'll try, but this little experiment will end in tears, my friend.

Even if the PSP2 is technologically superior I don't think it will be able to compete with the 3DS as far as gaming is concerned. It will surely have a higher launch cost, considering Sony's track record so far, and even if it's a phone that means it will be competing more with the iPhone in a different market.
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