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Rutgers Univ. student jumps off bridge after his makeout session is secretly taped...

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7threst said:
Didn't you get mad?? Man, that is a huge invasion of your privacy. I would be so mad, even if it was a friend doing that to me. It is a violation of trust within the friendship.. It's cool that you can laugh about it and it's all cool, but still...

Oh, I was pissed off initially. But not over the top or anything.

I've walked in on them numerous times before, and we were all good friends. Plus, no gossip was spread or anything of that sort. We've done so much crazy shit to each other before this hardly seemed earth-shattering.
The Faceless Master said:
looks like they're gonna make an example of the minority dude by throwing several books at him.

should he get invasion of privacy charges?yes.

all the ridiculous stacking? no.
How I feel. He should pay for his mistakes but that doesn't mean he should do 10+ years hard time.
I don't think the fact that the dude is a minority really has any importance when he's a total fucking asshole, which is why the books are getting thrown at him.


The New Yorker just posted a detailed account of this story:

Nothing much here that hasn't been revealed elsewhere, but a good summary for people like me who haven't followed the case.

I have conflicting feelings about how this played out. It has my disgust for bigotry and bullying fighting with my disgust for prosecutorial misconduct.

Dharun Ravi is an asshole, but no more of an asshole than a lot of kids who bully and ridicule their way through school without punishment. If not for Tyler Clementi's suicide, Ravi would have been expelled for code of conduct violations at worst. I can agree with the 4th degree invasion of privacy, witness and evidence tampering charges. But because of the public outrage, the prosecutors decide it isn't enough, so they add a 3rd degree invasion of privacy charge with no apparent evidence, and throw on some hate crime boosters.

I disagree with the bias intimidation charges for multiple reasons.

1) Ravi comes off as homophobic, but it's the childish "lol gay dudes having sex are gross" kind of homophobia exhibited by every person you've ever heard on Xbox Live rather than the "let's go beat up and harass some gays" kind that hate crime laws were written for. We have conservative congressmen and presidential candidates who have said much worse than Ravi's messages. Why aren't they being prosecuted for bias intimidation? Prosecutors say if Clementi had brought a woman to the room, it would have been a non-issue, but I'm not so sure about that, given the douchebag Indian Perez Hilton thing he had going. From his chat logs, Ravi appeared to have less of an issue with his roomate being gay than he did with his being poor, dweeby, and introverted. Ravi was kind of looking forward to rooming with the popular, good-looking gay guy he originally though was his roomate. And he was peeved that his roomate was bringing an old, shady-looking townie into his freshman dorm.

2) The two of them barely had any direct interaction at all. Ravi read Clementi's public posts on web forums and Clementi read Ravi's public posts directed at his friends on his unprotected Twitter and Facebook pages. There's no evidence of any direct face-to-face harassment, so the prosecution argues the Twitter messages were intended to publicly intimidate and harass Clementi. If the defense had countered that the Twitter messages were intended to be private and not meant for Clementi to see, I would have been dubious. But then I read this thread about people panicking over public Facebook posts they thought were private and I'm not so sure. The cognitive dissonance that you'll google for someone's secretive but public postings while never expecting the same done to you doesn't seem that farfetched.

I think the fact that prosecutors eventually offered him a plea deal with zero jail time underscores how weak they feel their case is.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Is anyone following this trial?

I know Molly Wei is supposed to be on the stand today.

The burden to prove bias is going to be hard for the prosecution.


The New Yorker just posted a detailed account of this story:

Nothing much here that hasn't been revealed elsewhere, but a good summary for people like me who haven't followed the case.

I have conflicting feelings about how this played out. It has my disgust for bigotry and bullying fighting with my disgust for prosecutorial misconduct.

Dharun Ravi is an asshole, but no more of an asshole than a lot of kids who bully and ridicule their way through school without punishment. If not for Tyler Clementi's suicide, Ravi would have been expelled for code of conduct violations at worst. I can agree with the 4th degree invasion of privacy, witness and evidence tampering charges. But because of the public outrage, the prosecutors decide it isn't enough, so they add a 3rd degree invasion of privacy charge with no apparent evidence, and throw on some hate crime boosters.

I disagree with the bias intimidation charges for multiple reasons.

1) Ravi comes off as homophobic, but it's the childish "lol gay dudes having sex are gross" kind of homophobia exhibited by every person you've ever heard on Xbox Live rather than the "let's go beat up and harass some gays" kind that hate crime laws were written for. We have conservative congressmen and presidential candidates who have said much worse than Ravi's messages. Why aren't they being prosecuted for bias intimidation? Prosecutors say if Clementi had brought a woman to the room, it would have been a non-issue, but I'm not so sure about that, given the douchebag Indian Perez Hilton thing he had going. From his chat logs, Ravi appeared to have less of an issue with his roomate being gay than he did with his being poor, dweeby, and introverted. Ravi was kind of looking forward to rooming with the popular, good-looking gay guy he originally though was his roomate. And he was peeved that his roomate was bringing an old, shady-looking townie into his freshman dorm.

2) The two of them barely had any direct interaction at all. Ravi read Clementi's public posts on web forums and Clementi read Ravi's public posts directed at his friends on his unprotected Twitter and Facebook pages. There's no evidence of any direct face-to-face harassment, so the prosecution argues the Twitter messages were intended to publicly intimidate and harass Clementi. If the defense had countered that the Twitter messages were intended to be private and not meant for Clementi to see, I would have been dubious. But then I read this thread about people panicking over public Facebook posts they thought were private and I'm not so sure. The cognitive dissonance that you'll google for someone's secretive but public postings while never expecting the same done to you doesn't seem that farfetched.

I think the fact that prosecutors eventually offered him a plea deal with zero jail time underscores how weak they feel their case is.

I had read that article when it was first published. This situation is just so aggravating.

Having read the whole thing, I was most surprised by how little of an indication there was that he would commit suicide. As I was reading the article I kept expecting that more would be revealed to justify his action but nothing ever came. He seemed like a socially awkward kid who might have been a little depressed, but he seemed to be coming out of his shell a bit at school. From what his article characterizes about him, it seems like he would have gotten over this dark period in his life if he hadn't permanently ended it so suddenly. This really seems to be a story of an unnecessary suicide than the story of a person driven to his death by a merciless bully.


It seems like Ravi is just your typical college age kid - sophomoric humor, thinks he knows more than others, and kind of an asshole.

However, I reading this article, I think its hard to prove that this was a intimidation or a hate crime.

He was offered to do hours of community service which I think is a fair deal, but he turned it down.

Worst thing is if he beats the case, but still thinks he did absolutely nothing morally wrong.


It seems like Ravi is just your typical college age kid - sophomoric humor, thinks he knows more than others, and kind of an asshole.

However, I reading this article, I think its hard to prove that this was a intimidation or a hate crime.

He was offered to do hours of community service which I think is a fair deal, but he turned it down.

Worst thing is if he beats the case, but still thinks he did absolutely nothing morally wrong.
I think his greater concern if he does a plea deal admits guilt to a significant crime he will never be able to live a normal life.


Some people here are actually defending this Ravi dude? A normal way to go about this would've been to either keep quiet about it or mention it to your friends once as nothing more than an anecdote. Better yet, set-up some guidelines about using the room with the gay kid and introduce him to other gays on campus if you feel that he could do better than some fat middle-aged guy. But you certainly don't try to set up a viewing party for everyone to see.

It's very clear that he had malicious intent. Whether he anticipated his actions would lead to this is irrelevant.


Reading the internet comments for this case is incredible. One of them is an immigrant and the other was gay so there is too much red meat for them to handle.
Hope Ravi bites it.

Electing not to testify, falling asleep multiple times during his own trial - he's a coward and can't even face what he's done. Your average sociopath.


Ravi turned down a plea deal offered by Middlesex County prosecutors that would have allowed him to avoid jail time in exchange for undergoing counseling, doing 600 hours of community service and disposing of any information that could identify the man who appeared in the web video with Clementi.

Prosecutors also offered to help Ravi avoid deportation, though they said they could not guarantee it. Ravi, who had been studying on a visa at the New Jersey university, did not testify on his own behalf.
What a dope.

Fuck this guy all around.


This story didn't surprise me at all back then, and it still doesn't. Rutgers is filled to the brim with douchebags. Granted, you could say that about most colleges, but this one is especially bad from own my personal experiences (and I live here).
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