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Senran Kagura Community Thread: Cuteness Is Justice, Ninjas Are Life


I just cant with the yurigoggles and just hating the male characters in the game. I mean really? Hanzou is great. Murasame is legitimately attempting to connect to Murasame.
Yomi was a complete scumbag in burst and they basically retconned her personality.

It's almost like people have different opinions. Weird.


Neo Member
Hmm yes. There are some good things in that book. Read the interview in the back! Its fantastic!

It has nothing to do with "Yuri Goggles" It has to do with the fact that all the male characters are really weak. Honzo is the most relevant of the four male characters in SK and they still fall into the stupid trope of making him a horny lecherous old man instead of just making him just straight up a bad-ass shinobi like he should be. I just really think they wasted a lot of potential with Honzo.

I meant yuri goggles in reference to the Homura and Asuka thing. But I guess when people still ship Sanji with Zoro and other things of the like, it happens.

Weak in terms of what? Character? Do you want them to create chapters and stories just about the male characters? Do you want them introduce a male shinobi school? Because that's not where the focus of the game (ninjas with boobs) I personally think. And wouldnt deviating from that change its selling point? Some here say Murasame is terrible. I feel he's made great strides with trying to cope and get along with Ikaruga in SK2 and SV. He's certainly not the trash that Yomi is towards the rich and frankly, I can see more where Murasame is coming from by failing to live up to his parents' expectations than from Yomi. I dont know any poor people with such an irrational hatred for the rich. Would I like some more male NPCs just to enlarge the world? sure, but you arent going to see some just take major parts in the series. Hanzou is great as a mentor and everything in Burst and Gessen's SV storyline. And when males and females get introduced, its extremely easy for the writing to turn to a romantic line. I find it hard to believe you can make multiple friendships with the other sex without some of it turning sexual or romantic, so it's a lot easier to write about friendships with one gender like you see in most shonen or shows like Girls und Panzer and Strike Witches. If you make the guys badass and cool, they then become waifu stealers. I think it's the reason the most active on screen male character is an old man.

It's almost like people have different opinions. Weird.

No need for the sarcasm.


It was up a few weeks ago I think, but yes, always glad to be able to use that GCU

I think it's less it's a terrible trope and more they need somebody capable to make it fresh and awesome.

Some themes are ripe for great stories, but seeing how it's written I think to force them to change next games should be them outta highschool.

I don't think there's any reasonable way to make "pervy old dude does pervy things, is old" fresh and awesome. The Shinovi Versus switcheroo and "judging" sections of bon Apetit are probably going to be the highlights of his existence.

Would be fine with them graduating--they're "Anime" enough that they could easily "age" 4 years with zero physical difference if the artists don't want them to change. Mostly I just want them there to not be this super awkward thing where there are actually ninjas 1000x more badass than we are and everything we do is nearly pointless. IMO Shinovi Versus is majorly harmed by that one scene where the "real" ninjas pop in and it's clear you're basically toddlers and nothing you do matters because the "real" ninjas can do stuff you never dreamed of in a fraction of a second at any time.

It'd be like DBZ without the ever-increasing progression of enemy strength--start off with Perfect Cell in the background and it turns out Goku is a tiny pissbaby for 95% of the series.

Unrelated but now that I think of it, DBZ has a ridiculously Gamey progression of enemy strength


If they progress them into doing things that the real ninja can do by proper progression it would be fine. Main reason I want them out of hogh school is because of the tropes they are locked into, I see some great things they can expand on. You point to the real ninjas making the girls look like silly little school children (They are, that's the point) but it makes some of the conflicts the characters have much more understandable, why Murasame is salty they picked Ikaruga, why Miyabi,Yumi and Asuka are under great stress to live up to their legendary grandfathers, when you have to rank up THAT much I see where it comes from. I gives credence to the fact to be shinobi is to understand sacrifice.

Put them in a place not really explored and see where they can go from there. The story progression would look hella silly if they been in the second or last years in highschool for a few years, if they expand into Youma stuff.

And of course dbz looks kinda gamey, it's the template most games with power progression is built on it's a bedrock of popular culture.
Weak in terms of what? Character? Do you want them to create chapters and stories just about the male characters? Do you want them introduce a male shinobi school? Because that's not where the focus of the game (ninjas with boobs) I personally think. And wouldnt deviating from that change its selling point? Some here say Murasame is terrible. I feel he's made great strides with trying to cope and get along with Ikaruga in SK2 and SV. He's certainly not the trash that Yomi is towards the rich and frankly, I can see more where Murasame is coming from by failing to live up to his parents' expectations than from Yomi. I dont know any poor people with such an irrational hatred for the rich. Would I like some more male NPCs just to enlarge the world? sure, but you arent going to see some just take major parts in the series. Hanzou is great as a mentor and everything in Burst and Gessen's SV storyline. And when males and females get introduced, its extremely easy for the writing to turn to a romantic line. I find it hard to believe you can make multiple friendships with the other sex without some of it turning sexual or romantic, so it's a lot easier to write about friendships with one gender like you see in most shonen or shows like Girls und Panzer and Strike Witches. If you make the guys badass and cool, they then become waifu stealers. I think it's the reason the most active on screen male character is an old man.

Murasame isn't a bad character, he's just badly written

The first time we saw him, he acted like a colossal ass to Ikaruga before dropping from the plot entirely (thus becoming a mere plot device instead of a character) so is really hard to take at face value his change of heart on both Versus and Deep Crimson because it happened off screen. This is very different with Yomi because she has a proper character arc on Crimson Girls, justifying her change in mentality. You're also being way too harsh on her Skirting Shadows version since you're ignoring that the only Hebijo girl with an actual arc was Homura, all the other girls had a characterization but were mostly static, barely changing through the story. And understable (if dissapointing) choice given they weren't the focus.

Hanzo was a pretty great character on Skirting Shadows since he actually challenged the usual pervy master trope and while Crimson Girls and the anime upped his perviness he was a magnific mentor. Sadly, Gessen's plot on Versus throw that out the window and reduced him to another pervy master more. EV Hanzo is even more of a scumbag (and keep in mind he doesn't even show personally on the story!)


I think the story would be best if we force the writers away from the tropes they feel comfy with. Could also go wrong but I'd love a story away from that so they can go more into the characters.
The profiles for some Mermaid and Bhikhuni characters have been translated here

Of note:

-Mirei is a girly girl deep down

-Mamori has a huge complex about her aspect (huge boobs, small height) and she hates being called "virgin" due her last name

-Lady J (sexy sorceress) and Rein (sexy Biker) are couple.


The profiles for some Mermaid and Bhikhuni characters have been translated here

Of note:

-Mirei is a girly girl deep down

-Mamori has a huge complex about her aspect (huge boobs, small height) and she hates being called "virgin" due her last name

-Lady J (sexy sorceress) and Rein (sexy Biker) are couple.

Wait, Mamori? Huge boobs? Bruh.


In a world where this woman exists, I don't think anyone call call Mamori's breasts huge.


Neo Member
Murasame isn't a bad character, he's just badly written

The first time we saw him, he acted like a colossal ass to Ikaruga before dropping from the plot entirely (thus becoming a mere plot device instead of a character) so is really hard to take at face value his change of heart on both Versus and Deep Crimson because it happened off screen. This is very different with Yomi because she has a proper character arc on Crimson Girls, justifying her change in mentality. You're also being way too harsh on her Skirting Shadows version since you're ignoring that the only Hebijo girl with an actual arc was Homura, all the other girls had a characterization but were mostly static, barely changing through the story. And understable (if dissapointing) choice given they weren't the focus.

Hanzo was a pretty great character on Skirting Shadows since he actually challenged the usual pervy master trope and while Crimson Girls and the anime upped his perviness he was a magnific mentor. Sadly, Gessen's plot on Versus throw that out the window and reduced him to another pervy master more. EV Hanzo is even more of a scumbag (and keep in mind he doesn't even show personally on the story!)
Hanzo was amazing in SV though with his talks to Homura and Gessen. Like I said, you're not going to get a lot of time for male characters having development arcs because people will want to see the boobs. It'd probably be fine for him and Ikaruga to have more scenes but there is a lot of characters to cover. Besides, I find Murasame's initial dislike for Ikaruga much more palpable and understandable than Yomi's, who thinks everyone with money is trash.

Hanzo didnt show up in EV outside of Asuka's story which was set up just to have a sayuri and hanzo confrontation. I dont think shinobi hearts have a place in canon aside from some character interactions and such and they wanted Sayuri and Hanzo to confront each other in some way. Couldnt do it in the story so they just made him possess Asuka.


The profiles for some Mermaid and Bhikhuni characters have been translated here

Of note:

-Mirei is a girly girl deep down

As long as she fights like a badass, I'm fine with that

-Mamori has a huge complex about her aspect (huge boobs, small height) and she hates being called "virgin" due her last name

Not surprised by her being mad at being short, lol

-Lady J (sexy sorceress) and Rein (sexy Biker) are couple.

Oh man, if they have naked yuri action, I'll be VERY happy in the pants.
Is not said but is obvious that XSEED has stretched itself too thin this time with so many projects (Tom himself has a lot on his plate) and with SC and now SK2 being delayed is simple logic.


I'm not surprised tbh. When they came out and just rapid fire announced all these projects I was pretty stunned. Especially jumping on EV and Nitroblasters so soon.


This SK2 situation is pretty weird, since the game is releasing the 27 in Europe, and Marvelous is using XSEED's work.
Is not said but is obvious that XSEED has stretched itself too thin this time with so many projects (Tom himself has a lot on his plate) and with SC and now SK2 being delayed is simple logic.

I wouldn't take SC's progress as indication for anything and SK2 never had a release date so it can't be delayed. XSEED always gives "best guess"/placeholder dates and the actual release is always later than the first one they give.

That games come out a few months after the first placeholder date isn't anything new
This SK2 situation is pretty weird, since the game is releasing the 27 in Europe, and Marvelous is using XSEED's work.

Probably just takes a while to produce the bonus stuff and get it out to retailers. Marvelous EU is currently only selling the game on their own webstore so that makes things easier.


Gives all the fucks
Part of me wouldn't mind a delay with Danganronpa AE on the first, Project Mirai DX on the 8th (still figuring out if I want this or wait for a sale like with Project Diva f & f 2nd), Super Mario Maker on the 11th, and Persona 4 DAN on the 29th.

If they're aiming for mid-Sept., I'm guessing the 15th or 22nd (which would work out since it'd be the day after my birthday & I'm getting it free via gift cards).
I wouldn't take SC's progress as indication for anything and SK2 never had a release date so it can't be delayed. XSEED always gives "best guess"/placeholder dates and the actual release is always later than the first one they give.

That games come out a few months after the first placeholder date isn't anything new

You're right, is nothing new. But the fact Europe has an earlier release date despite XSEED doing the actual localization does raise a lot of eyebrows.

Anyways, it seems this is the plot for the Valkyrie Drive mobile game

“The girls’ feelings will become their most powerful weapon.”

There exists a man-made island floating in the sea called Siren. Girls that have been infected by a mysterious virus have been isolated there. There are two types of girls; those that have the ability to turn themselves into weapons, the “Exstar”, and girls that wield those weapons, called “Liberators.” The lives of those imprisoned girls are controlled by the powerful governors of Siren, the “Elizaveta.” In response to the Elizaveta’s tyranny, a small band of resistance has formed. However, against the extremely powerful Elizaveta, the upcoming battles will be full of strife and struggle. In the midst of the battle-ravaged Siren, a lone young man is found, with no records of him ever being teleported there. With only the prisoner girls at his side on Siren, that single young man begins to change the face of history…


Ok, I didn't see this coming. Meet Tamsoft-chan


She will be part of the cast on the Blanc game, now if they would add Marvy as well...

Can anyone identify what series are alluded on her design? I think she has more in common with Onechaanbara than Senran Kagura.
Maybe I'm alone here, but I can't help but feel that the SK games are really begging for a create a character feature. Would make great use of all the additional hairstyles and outfits.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Eh, like 3/4ths of the fun of SK is the writing and characterization, which is unfathomably strong for a fan service game. Create a Character would be fun considering how many options there are, but might ruin the best part of the game.

That delay sounds fine to me, I guess.


Gives all the fucks
I'm kind of content with how much customization you're allowed with clothing, accessories, & such. Considering there's a decent amount of effort put into the characters and making them unique, I don't see the need for making your own unique character.

Though if anything, it kind of makes me wish 90% of the girls didn't seem like their bodies were copy/pasted & they just swapped heads.
Eh, like 3/4ths of the fun of SK is the writing and characterization, which is unfathomably strong for a fan service game. Create a Character would be fun considering how many options there are, but might ruin the best part of the game.

That delay sounds fine to me, I guess.

Totally agree with the create a character bit, the potential to kill the series appeal is HUGE with it.

Anyways, something that was just pointed out to me on another forum is how the shipping logistics are hugely different between XSEED and Marvelous Europe.

Marvy is shipping from a single location while XSEED has to set the distribution of the game with retailers all through the US and Canada (and likely Mexico and South America), so the game is available to EVERYONE on the SAME DAY. This explains pretty neatly the schedule slip between the two, don't you think?
Marvy is shipping from a single location while XSEED has to set the distribution of the game with retailers all through the US and Canada (and likely Mexico and South America), so the game is available to EVERYONE on the SAME DAY. This explains pretty neatly the schedule slip between the two, don't you think?

Yeah I said the same thing a few posts above :3

Marv EU is pretty much using their office as a warehouse and will be able to just get it out to customers when it's done.


Finally received my SK Design Works! 3 days earlier than what amazon (UK) said too, so I'm pretty happy.
Speaking of Takaki's twitter, has anyon else noted his current handle?

高木 謙一郎 ©EV/VD/UP @kenichiro_taka

The hell is UP?


Here's the actual Ryoki card, since it deserves to be shown in all it's sexy glory

Can't wait to chaingun some fools with this foxy mama
So you are saying I can have a Scrooge McDuck styled vault filled with pantsu?

No man is poor who can do what he likes to do once in a while! And I like to dive around in panties like a porpoise! And burrow through it like a gopher! And toss it up and let it hit me on the head!

...wait, doesn't it sound like Takaki ?


Here's the actual Ryoki card, since it deserves to be shown in all it's sexy glory

Can't wait to chaingun some fools with this foxy mama

Oh, well I didn't embed it because I figured it was a little too risque and I know a few people here like to browse while at work.
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