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"Tidal" struggling hard against competitors

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Well yeah, I know all about the wonderfully healthy relationship between Spotify and the old labels/music industry of old. To me calling out Spotify is the same as calling out labels, they're working hand in hand.

Right, exactly. Taylor Swift can probably pull her music from Spotify with no consequence because she's fucking Taylor Swift - not to say she isn't misguided for that. Everyone else is screwed.

It's not even like it's Spotify's fault, or anything - there's literally no other way to grow your fanbase to the levels Spotify needs to operate at in order to remain successful.



I love seeing this service tank. Whole thing reeked from the beginning of greed and arrogance.

Will be interesting to see if Jay-Z keeps throwing money at it to keep it alive for a little while longer to save face or if he will just bow out and let the thing die within 6 months.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I still don't see why won't the artist agree to donate the stuff necessary to make every subscription a chance to win monthly concert tickets, exclusive downloads, T-shirts, etc. In 2015 nobody is going to pay a shit load of money just for music. They might pay a shit load for music, a poster, and some other swag.... especially if there is the chance that shit could go up in value and be resold for their own profit.



I really don't understand this woman.

Who told her that is how to be sexy?


Pretty glad this service is not going to plan. Its honestly not even a bad idea but the way they decided to launch and promote it was wrong and deserves all the backlash it gets.
The best part about this is that all of these rich people have to live this down in the future any time this sort of subject comes up in interviews etc.

I'll need a second helping of popcorn to read their spin on the time they told the world they aren't rich enough and it's our fault.
Well it's been a lynch squad just to watch him fail and hail a king when the same thing people are mad at him about doing, the other "competitor" they are cheering isn't doing the same thing either. Spotify isn't wealthy musicians crying about getting paid fairly, but there sure isn't any musicians backing Spotify either so....Idk...

I'm really not sure why anyone really wants this to fail outside of ...It's Jay Z. Tone def marketing or not, Apple could of did the same thing and people would of still bought it. It is what it is.

You have no clue what you are talking about. I'm pretty sure most people, including myself, had no issues with Tidal besides disinterest until we saw their egotistical, scummy, disingenuous marketing campaign.
Everyone knew it was going to fail. Just pack it up and forget about it. No one wants anything other then Pandora/spotify/iTunes for the most part.
This is the Tidal press conference, I don't know if it's been linked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egShCjfvi9s

First time I'm seeing this. Cringing hard

So awkward and terrible.

What made it all the more worse was some of the co-owners trying to defend themselves on social media after the conference, like Madonna saying comparisons to the Illuminati were a compliment. So egotistical. And isn't kind of funny that Deadmau5 was trying to defend Tidal by talking about how unfair his first record deal was? Tidal is still enabling the same shit; they haven't changed a thing concerning how unfairly big labels treat new artists.


Well it's been a lynch squad just to watch him fail and hail a king when the same thing people are mad at him about doing, the other "competitor" they are cheering isn't doing the same thing either. Spotify isn't wealthy musicians crying about getting paid fairly, but there sure isn't any musicians backing Spotify either so....Idk...

I'm really not sure why anyone really wants this to fail outside of ...It's Jay Z. Tone def marketing or not, Apple could of did the same thing and people would of still bought it. It is what it is.

You need to disconnect yourself from the idea that anyone gives a shit that its JayZ doing this. I would shit all over this poorly executed hot mess no matter who was behind it. The idea that Jay has anything to do with it is a figment of your imagination.

This is the Tidal press conference, I don't know if it's been linked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egShCjfvi9s

First time I'm seeing this. Cringing hard

I mean damn.... how anyone could look at that and not see the failure just over the horizon is beyond me. Nothing about it was interesting, cringe fest from the copied UI, to the over the top and corny 'presentation'. Even the pricing was wrong when they launched it prompting a change.

Hot mess.


why do I need an app and subscribe to a service to listen to shit top charts MTV music? I think that the radio does already that, and for free. Spotify is the only option for variety and discovering things.
Honestly, I only started using Spotify when it came to PS4

Wow that conference was really cringey. Basic b.s. about the "music is art, it's not a product" shtick that means nothing and has been sung forever.

And it's all done by Jay Z and his crew of pals, and the advertisement actually advertises to the musicians and not the customers, lol
These were my thoughts from an earlier Tidal thread:

This right here. This is why I've responded negatively to this service and yet still hold Spotify in such high regard. The message and marketing here feels like a monolithic wall of Blue-themed bullshit that's hiding their true financially driven and greed motivated intentions. They're acting like they're music messiahs for doing this when this is effectively a Spotify clone that Jay-Z bought with his vast financial resources to act as a catalyst at making him and his friends more money. Then there's the control aspects of it. If Jay Z has the leading music streaming service then he has an element of control over the music industry. The motives, the intentions; everything that's powering and driving this behind the scenes comes across as a shadowy money driven initiative that's being fake marketed as something positive and good for listeners. Their intentions do not seem honest and true.

One positive to derive from this is that competition is great and this market was previously uncontested so hopefully this forces Spotify to adapt, evolve and ultimately become a better service.

However I'm actually surprised. I didn't expect Tidal to set the world on fire but I did believe it would become a modest success with the artist backing and marketing behind it. Competition is good so I would have liked to have seen Tidal have become a competent competitor just so Spotify would fight back and become a better service.

Consumers have evidently outright rejected everything about Tidal and given the pretentious and dishonest marketing behind it rightly so.


It is.

She's also always been this way. Calling her out for it just because she's older isn't cool, either.

Its not even about acting her age.

Its just embarrassing that she would choose to do that at the time where she is signing for a percentage of a service which was apparently supposed to revolutionize the industry.

It adds to the whole backlash and if I was Jay Z I'd be fucking pissed.

If any other female or even male did that at that presentation the reaction would still be "why?".

The argument "s/he has always been like that" doesn't make it less embarrassing.
For $19.99 a month you can help feed the egos of starving artists like Beyonce, Jay Z, Kanye West and Madonna.

"in the arms of the angel
fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
and the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckage
of your silent reverie
you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort here"

Each month you will get songs of your sponsored artist singing about how much money they have. Call now and you can help end humility. #Tidal4All


As a matter of fact, something curious can be seen in Spotify’s download performance right after Tidal media campaign started bashing its allegedly meager payouts. Spotify surged back into the iPad Top 40 download chart on March 31st, right when Tidal’s anti-Spotify invective hit fever peak in American media. This had not happened since November 2014.

I'd say that Spotify coming to Playstation on March 30th was a reason for its boost.


Even Facebook rappers In 2015 don't "Join me in making music history. Change starts today #therevolution" type shit come on HOV. It could still work but as of now they're just wealthy people throwing money at aat half baked idea.


I actually would love to hear opinions about the service divorced from the horrible marketing, the "war" on Spotify, and the debate regarding the validity of lossless. Is the streaming quality on par with lossless tracks that can be brought? Is it feasible to take advantage of the higher tier when on a limited data plan? What devices would be best to pair with the service? And so on. Simply want to know how it is as a "lossless Spotify" for people who actually buy into the lossless. Is it any good or should we be hoping that Spotify, Google Play, and Beats introduce a lossless tier also?


I actually would love to hear opinions about the service divorced from the horrible marketing, the "war" on Spotify, and the debate regarding the validity of lossless. Is the streaming quality on par with lossless tracks that can be brought? Is it feasible to take advantage of the higher tier when on a limited data plan? What devices would be best to pair with the service? And so on. Simply want to know how it is as a "lossless Spotify" for people who actually buy into the lossless. Is it any good or should we be hoping that Spotify, Google Play, and Beats introduce a lossless tier also?

It is a meaningless feature for 99.9% of the population while eating up costly bandwidth.
The marketing was all wrong.

If Tidal was truly about the music, why didn't they showcase some upcoming singers/bands? Spotify is great because you can discover music you've never listened before.

Rolling out 15+ millionaires to complain how they're not getting enough money from sales is unbelievable naive and insulting.

Glad it has failed. If they thought the only way to save the music industry was to give the artists more money, severely mistaken.

The issue is with the labels, not the consumers.
Why would anyone switch from what they are currently using?
Because a lot of the artists who have a share in the company are removing their content from the other streaming services as well as releasing new exclusive music/music videos on Tidal. While not some revolutionary concept, I won't understand the amount of hate Tidal gets. It's a $10/$20 a month streaming service launched by a bunch of big name artists. I don't see the big deal and why so many people on here have such strong reactions other than they don't get to listen to *insert popular artist* on their streaming service. If the artist doesn't release music on the other service that's their prerogative. Even if it's a cash grab, who cares.
The super pretentious audiophiles aren't going to use a subscription based system.

Or internet streaming, for that matter.

Anecdotally I can attest to this sentiment, myself being somebody who has been gradually turning into this kind of annoying audiophile over the years. I'll download FLAC and other high-quality formats, or I'll do rips, but if I'm just going to stream (such as while at work) I stick with my amazon cloud drive.

Tidal was destined to fail as anything more than a curiosity.


Gold Member
Oh man, I do love a good old hot mess bomba

It's incredible how quickly Tidal went through all this, I looekd at them in December when considering lossless audio for my Devialets, they were a high end brand. The suddenly *boom* Madonna on a table
I lost respect for every single artist involved.

Their plan to rebalance the way they're paid is to take more money from their fans.

Is there a list of every artist who signed this so I can never give them my money ever again?
Enjoy not paying money to all of these:
  • Kanye West
  • Madonna
  • Nicki Minaj
  • Beyonce
  • Jack White
  • Alicia Keys
  • Rihanna
  • Chris Martin (Coldplay)
  • Usher
  • Daft Punk
  • deadmau5
  • J Cole
  • Jason Aldean
  • Calvin Harris
  • Jay Z

Source for this list, and including the text of the declaration they signed is here:


I pay half price for Spotify and it has 320kpbs, how is it better?

Google does better quality encodes.

I paid for Spotify and for Google Music.

A/Bed a bunch of tracks to see if I could tell a difference. The Spotify tracks consistently had more audible compression artifacts.

Do it yourself. If you're paying for Spotify, sign up for the Google Music trial. Pick the same songs. If you think Spotify sounds better, stay with it. But even my GF (who is a casual listener) noticed the difference after I switched.
I lost respect for every single artist involved.

Their plan to rebalance the way they're paid is to take more money from their fans.

Is there a list of every artist who signed this so I can never give them my money ever again?

We should sign a declaration to never listen to them again.

Except maybe Daft Punk, I like them.
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