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Wkd BO 04•14-16•17 - Can't fight fate, Baby: F8 leaves WW B.O. opening record in dust

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We are ranking Cameron films again?

Terminator 2
The Abyss
True Lies

I can't get over the cheesy effects and out of place "It's the 80s" sex scene in T1 to place it above the first two. I know that the sex scene had relevance to the plot, but that plot point was forced. I might need to watch the Abyss again.
We got the same bottom three in the same order!

Even his least-good isn't all the way bad, either.

I think True Lies has a lot of sus shit regarding racial depictions and also paying Tom Arnold and giving him screentime.

but I'm not gonna lie, some of the action scenes in there are really cool and Bill Paxton was hilarious. I think his lesser films are still pretty solid blockbusters all things considered.

I still consider Avatar to be one of the better "event" blockbusters in recent memory.
I can't get over the cheesy effects and out of place "It's the 80s" sex scene in T1 to place it above the first two.

I'll take the out-of-place 80s sex in Terminator over the out-of-place '90s Bart Simpson wanna-be in Terminator 2. easy.

Also, to Ryu's list: The only Special Edition of Cameron's that improves the theatrical cut is Abyss. Every single other extended edition/special edition is just longer, and the pacing gets wrecked.

But the ALIENS: Special Edition is worth the watch for those who have never seen it. But when I return to the film, it's the theatrical. That pacing is so fucking tight.


I'll take the out-of-place 80s sex in Terminator over the out-of-place '90s Bart Simpson wanna-be in Terminator 2. easy.

I never minded Furlong's John Conner in T2. Maybe because I was 9 when the film came out (It was Rated AA in Canada instead of R/18A, so my dad took me), and he didn't seem that jarring by the time I was an adult doing re-watches.
If Avatar bombs, threads about it will be filled with smarmy shit, until it becomes a new GAF under appreciated gem, purely because it is no longer associated with the mainstream sphere of common opinion.


If Avatar bombs, threads about it will be filled with smarmy shit, until it becomes a new GAF under appreciated gem, purely because it is no longer associated with the mainstream sphere of common opinion.

Based on Age of Ultron, it's almost guaranteed that at least a faction of movie GAF is going to label Avatar 2 a failure. Trump needs to tank the USD before $2B overseas has any chance of happening again.
I'll take the out-of-place 80s sex in Terminator over the out-of-place '90s Bart Simpson wanna-be in Terminator 2. easy.

Also, to Ryu's list: The only Special Edition of Cameron's that improves the theatrical cut is Abyss. Every single other extended edition/special edition is just longer, and the pacing gets wrecked.

But the ALIENS: Special Edition is worth the watch for those who have never seen it. But when I return to the film, it's the theatrical. That pacing is so fucking tight.

I love the SE simply because it
makes the "Mommy" line feel earned and it explains Ripley's otherwise odd overreaching maternal instincts. It also illustrates that the xenomorphs are adaptive and had to "problem solve" their way into the complex.

I agree it isn't necessary to see every time but man, do I love it.
I agree it isn't necessary to see every time but man, do I love it.

The scene itself of Burke handing her the paper while she's sitting in front of the screen is really good.

If it had stayed in Weaver might have actually won Best Actress that year.

(she wouldn't have, but still)

Trump needs to tank the USD before $2B overseas has any chance of happening again.

goddammit K-Swiss.
Oh, Cameron ranking time?

Terminator 2
Abyss (Special Edition specifically)
True Lies

As much as I love all the additions to his special editions, I am like Bobby and agree that they ruin the pacing. The exception is Abyss, as the extended cut alters the movie and makes it better. Having said that, the extended editions are definitely worth seeing just for the things they flesh out.
Aliens and the first Terminator are his tightest and most ruthlessly efficient films. They are just lean and mean.
And yes, True Lies is his worst film, but still a good film. The man has yet to deliver a dud.

And gotdamn, James Horner's score on Aliens is god tier.

My gawd.

And to think, he delivered it under an insane deadline too.

So good...
Yeah, really wasn't feeling it >_< Only watched it once before, though...

Meanwhile, I fucking adored Alien, so maybe I had the wrong expectations going into Aliens.

I can see a disconnect going from the first straight into the second, yeah. How long ago was it that you watched it? Maybe give it another run if it's been a long-ass time. Or try the Special Edition if you watched the theatrical (and vice versa).


I can see a disconnect going from the first straight into the second, yeah. How long ago was it that you watched it? Maybe give it another run if it's been a long-ass time. Or try the Special Edition if you watched the theatrical (and vice versa).

I believe it was theatrical and it was around 4 years ago... watched Alien then Aliens the next weekend.

I think I'll give it another shot, I'm surprised seeing so many posts having it rated above the Terminators.
I never minded Furlong's John Conner in T2. Maybe because I was 9 when the film came out (It was Rated AA in Canada instead of R/18A, so my dad took me), and he didn't seem that jarring by the time I was an adult doing re-watches.

I still have fond memories of going to T2 opening showing with my sister. I grew up watching tons of R rated horror and action films, so my older sister and I went to the first showing of T2, sneaking it in before the neighborhood Fourth of July BBQ. We were both stupid excited to see it. I was only 11 at the time and she was in her 20s, and it was a great experience. My sister and many in the audience hadn't seen the trailers or articles revealing that Arnold was a good guy this time got were in shock when he first shot the T-1000. My sister went, "What the fuck?"
And then the collective gasp in the theater as they showed the T-1000 healing and reforming itself just to get back up...yeah, the audience at that theater in Binghamton, NY was not prepared for the ass kicking that day.


I'd bet they spent something like 143 million on it.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was $180M to be honest. If the budget wasn't that high, $143M domestic would be decent. It seems like the sort of thing that will play well overseas. The last series was popular overseas.
Nobody cares unless it is domestic.

Box Office GAF only does two things.

1. Crunch numbers
2. Throw stones at flops.

boxoffice.com has the Mummy opening to $50M, with a $143M total

I have no idea what Universal spent on the film.

$140-150 feels about right.

Now is the time to see how much heat the Cruise Missile has. Luckily, he's got Mission Impossible 6 coming next year if it flops.


I still have fond memories of going to T2 opening showing with my sister. I grew up watching tons of R rated horror and action films, so my older sister and I went to the first showing of T2, sneaking it in before the neighborhood Fourth of July BBQ. We were both stupid excited to see it. I was only 11 at the time and she was in her 20s, and it was a great experience. My sister and many in the audience hadn't seen the trailers or articles revealing that Arnold was a good guy this time got were in shock when he first shot the T-1000. My sister went, "What the fuck?"
And then the collective gasp in the theater as they showed the T-1000 healing and reforming itself just to get back up...yeah, the audience at that theater in Binghamton, NY was not prepared for the ass kicking that day.

There was a weird period in the 80s and first half of the 90s, where studios were making R-rated films that they clearly knew appealed to kids. You felt like a badass seeing these "adult" films in theatres or on video, but at the same time you had Matel/Hasbro/Whoever trying to sell you T2 action sets during Saturday morning cartoons. Like this one (which I had):


Then the kibosh was put on that, and suddenly those sorts of films had to be PG-13 for the merchandising tie-ins.
Box Office GAF only does two things.

1. Crunch numbers
2. Throw stones at flops.
3. Create narrative to make a film they love seem more successful than it really is.
4. Create narrative to make a film they loathe seem less successful than it really is.
5. Shit on Bronson
6. Mock Divergent


Avatar fucking sucks and if you unironically enjoy it, you lose all privilege to talk shit about Marvel movies for the rest of your life


If Avatar bombs, threads about it will be filled with smarmy shit, until it becomes a new GAF under appreciated gem, purely because it is no longer associated with the mainstream sphere of common opinion.
Is this what you seriously think? That GAF shits on Avatar because of mainstream opinion? Whatever makes you sleep at night bruv.


7. lurk

us lurkers don't count do we :(

8. Emerge from lurking mode when the right trigger phrases are posted.

We managed to summon sculli and wachie with the power of Avatar.

Bronson pretends to barely qualify as computer literate, but in reality he has a script set up to automatically data-scrape GAF for mentions of his his name. When the script gets a positive hit, it generates a Bronsontalk (C) reply post that alternates between asking what he did this time, threatening acts of violence, or making fun of Canada. Bronson only personally posts on GAF like twice a day.
Is this what you seriously think? That GAF shits on Avatar because of mainstream opinion? Whatever makes you sleep at night bruv.
A lot of people on here shit on anything once it gets too popular, but also have to prop up something that failed or is obscure so they don't appear too mainstream. This is the way of the internet.

8. Emerge from lurking mode when the right trigger phrases are posted.

We managed to summon sculli and wachie with the power of Avatar.

Bronson pretends to barely qualify as computer literate, but in reality he has a script set up to automatically data-scrape GAF for mentions of his his name. When the script gets a positive hit, it generates a Bronsontalk (C) reply post that alternates between asking what he did this time, threatening acts of violence, or making fun of Canada. Bronson only personally posts like twice a day.

And many times shitting on Bronson makes him say that he feels threatened.

Of course, this also implies he is a mad genius that has his own script or AI answer for him.


Bronson pretends to barely qualify as computer literate, but in reality he has a script set up to automatically data-scrape GAF for mentions of his his name. When the script gets a positive hit, it generates a Bronsontalk (C) reply post that alternates between asking what he did this time, threatening acts of violence, or making fun of Canada. Bronson only personally posts on GAF like twice a day.



If it does, universal almost certainly cans the monster universe idea, right?
I hope so. Nobody needs a The Mummy remake set in modern afgahnistan with navy seals. Frankenstein would be most likely a plastic surgeon and Dracula would be a Twilight vampire or shit like this
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