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WWE Elimination Chamber '17 |OT| Wait, Another PPV Already?

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Bray is keeping that title until Mania...2018. If they can keep him strong for a year, that could make Cena's record breaking title win come against someone who had a 13 month reign.

Bray reign will last until Mania when he will lose it to a face Orton
And probably will take some years until Bray wins a title again



He's losing the title to Ambrose.

They were scheduled to feud last year when Ambrose was champion but they held off on it. Now we see Wyatt's champion so Ambrose will eventually face him for the belt. People can hate on Ambrose all they want but he's still the strongest most protected guy on SD.


Welp. There it is.
have the Usos help him cheat to win and then beatdown Taker, it writes itself. Samoan super stable, hell put Nia Jax in there aswell

They're on different brands though.


He's losing the title to Ambrose.

They were scheduled to feud last year when Ambrose was champion but they held off on it. Now we see Wyatt's champion so Ambrose will eventually face him for the belt. People can hate on Ambrose all they want but he's still the strongest most protected guy on SD.

No way. Meltzer said himself that Ambrose is not considered a priority for a hyped match at WM because they don't see him at that level.


The only reason I can see for Wyatt retaining is that an RKO can be easily reversed into a Sister Abigail, the opposite is not true. Orton goes for the rko, literally sets himself for the Abigail, eats it, one two three.


No way. Meltzer said himself that Ambrose is not considered a priority for a hyped match at WM because they don't see him at that level.

Who said at WM?

Meltzer also said Wyatt's going to have a big 2017 so if he loses the belt to Orton he'll likely win it back and then eventually feud with Ambrose.
Who said at WM?

Meltzer also said Wyatt's going to have a big 2017 so if he loses the belt to Orton he'll likely win it back and then eventually feud with Ambrose.

If they don't see him at that level, then they don't see him at that level, WM or not. Even if he does take the belt from Bray at some point, it'll either be to transition to someone else, or a bump in the road for Bray. Ambrose isn't gonna be the centerpiece guy.


Bray is keeping that title until Mania...2018. If they can keep him strong for a year, that could make Cena's record breaking title win come against someone who had a 13 month reign.

Bray at max gets a 6 month reign so Cena get beat Flair's record at Summerslam.

He's losing the title to Ambrose.

They were scheduled to feud last year when Ambrose was champion but they held off on it. Now we see Wyatt's champion so Ambrose will eventually face him for the belt. People can hate on Ambrose all they want but he's still the strongest most protected guy on SD.
While they're struggling to get Reigns and Rollins over, Ambrose is the only guy who keeps his pop when he comes out. Hasn't been injured or popped
And has been the workaholic but gets nothing. Fuck Raw.

Tom Nook


He's losing the title to Ambrose.

They were scheduled to feud last year when Ambrose was champion but they held off on it. Now we see Wyatt's champion so Ambrose will eventually face him for the belt. People can hate on Ambrose all they want but he's still the strongest most protected guy on SD.

Damn it!


If they don't see him at that level, then they don't see him at that level, WM or not. Even if he does take the belt from Bray at some point, it'll either be to transition to someone else, or a bump in the road for Bray. Ambrose isn't gonna be the centerpiece guy.


Are you saying the company can't switch their opinion on guys due to the current angles they're in and the date of said angles? You do know everything he's stated about the company's opinions on Ambrose right? It's changed a good amount of times. An example is he was saying Ambrose was going to turn heel which he's been saying for the past 2 years. Next, Meltzer's comments towards the company's opinion towards Wyatt has changed since he's been on the main roster, changed a lot. It happens for all wrestlers but for some reason you seem to think if they have an opinion on one guy it'll stick with that heavily, that's ridiculous. It changes on what angles and what they're planning at that moment and time. Secondly, who said centerpiece guy?

And finally I stick by my statement, Ambrose is the most protected guy on SD. He beat Cena clean on a random SD, Styles has never pinned/submitted Ambrose clean and hell furthermore the only reason Ambrose lost tonight is because an eliminated Corbin was attacking Ambrose after the match. There's literally nobody booked as strong as Ambrose on SD right now. If Ambrose was as low as you're stating he would have lost clean a lot more or at all for that matter since the brand split. He's being kept strong for a reason.

Should be common sense. Same people who think Ambrose is nothing or won't be getting the title again are those who never thought he'd be champion or those who don't see he's the strongest booked guy on SDL.


While they're struggling to get Reigns and Rollins over, Ambrose is the only guy who keeps his pop when he comes out. Hasn't been injured or popped
And has been the workaholic but gets nothing. Fuck Raw.

Shame he isn't better in the ring. He'd easily be the MVP of The Shield were that the case.

He's losing the title to Ambrose.

They were scheduled to feud last year when Ambrose was champion but they held off on it. Now we see Wyatt's champion so Ambrose will eventually face him for the belt. People can hate on Ambrose all they want but he's still the strongest most protected guy on SD.

Why did you have to smear all that grease on my monitor.
Shame he isn't better in the ring. He'd easily be the MVP of The Shield were that the case.

Nah, the Stone Cold Podcast killed any chance of the WWE ever trusting Dean to be the top guy anytime soon. I mean, imagine him rambling like that on a Good Morning America or Tonight Show?


Nah, the Stone Cold Podcast killed any chance of the WWE ever trusting Dean to be the top guy anytime soon. I mean, imagine him rambling like that on a Good Morning America or Tonight Show?

Which is really bullshit really considering what that podcast is supposed to be and you had guys like Lesnar shooting and not towing the company line on it and then stuff like the State of the WWE Address or whatever it was where Bryan and Foley were going apeshit and looked awful...
Which is really bullshit really considering what that podcast is supposed to be and you had guys like Lesnar shooting and not towing the company line on it and then stuff like the State of the WWE Address or whatever it was where Bryan and Foley were going apeshit and looked awful...

There's a difference between not towing the company line or shooting and acting like you don't want to be there. That was Ambrose's chance to grab the brass ring and when Stone Cold can't walk you to water, you're likely a lost cause for a while in Vince's eyes.


Nah, the Stone Cold Podcast killed any chance of the WWE ever trusting Dean to be the top guy anytime soon. I mean, imagine him rambling like that on a Good Morning America or Tonight Show?

Oh he absolutely shouldn't be the face of the company. However bad Dean might be in the ring, he's that much worse in interviews.

I'm just saying it'd be nice if at least one of the Shield boys didn't have some glaring weakness or hadn't fallen prey to horrendous booking.

Which is really bullshit really considering what that podcast is supposed to be and you had guys like Lesnar shooting and not towing the company line on it and then stuff like the State of the WWE Address or whatever it was where Bryan and Foley were going apeshit and looked awful...
It's not about towing the company line. Ambrose is just legit one of the most socially awkward people on the roster. He never looks comfortable in interviews or media appearances, which is a real issue for someone at his level in the company.

He's still one of their biggest stars and is treated as such. But that podcast appearance probably put on a cap on just how far they're willing to go with him.


It's a misunderstanding that the Austin podcast damaged Ambrose in the company's eyes. If that were true, he would have lost clean by pin or submission since he was champion but he hasn't yet.

As of right now there's no real "top guy" in the company like before and that includes Reigns, Cena (since he's part-time) and anyone else. It's just dudes who work for the company.
It's a misunderstanding that the Austin podcast damaged Ambrose in the company's eyes. If that were true, he would have lost clean by pin or submission since he was champion but he hasn't yet.

As of right now there's no real "top guy" in the company like before and that includes Reigns, Cena (since he's part-time) and anyone else. It's just dudes who work for the company.

Yeah I mean look at how he got eliminated from the chamber tonight, they protected the fuck out him,, only guy not pinned clean in the whole damn match
Oh he absolutely shouldn't be the face of the company. However bad Dean might be in the ring, he's that much worse in interviews.

I'm just saying it'd be nice if at least one of the Shield boys didn't have some glaring weakness or hadn't fallen prey to horrendous booking.

The actual problem is none of the Shield guys are good at WWE-style 20 minute promos. Notice how they were all their most over when the most they did was kill SOB's, do quick promos in the back, and have awesome matches?

I mean, Roman's issues are well known on the mic, Seth continually does his best Triple H impression as a heel and fails at that, and Ambrose is again, perfectly fine in short bursts but terrible in long form promos.

Now, of course, a smart company would realize this and think, "oh, maybe we should change our style."

It's a misunderstanding that the Austin podcast damaged Ambrose in the company's eyes. If that were true, he would have lost clean by pin or submission since he was champion but he hasn't yet.

As of right now there's no real "top guy" in the company like before and that includes Reigns, Cena (since he's part-time) and anyone else. It's just dudes who work for the company.

They're not going to job him out, but they're not going to trust him to be the new Guy like some people thought during his initial face push. He's going to be a Jericho-like figure in the early to mid 2000's - protected, pushed well, but never trusted with the top guy position.


Yeah I mean look at how he got eliminated from the chamber tonight, they protected the fuck out him,, only guy not pinned clean in the whole damn match


Ambrose really hasn't lost clean since he's become champion, at all. Not even against Styles, Cena, nobody has beaten him clean in a televised match. People just don't remember that but it's a fact. I mean he's regularly beating Styles clean on house shows.
They're not going to job him out, but they're not going to trust him to be the new Guy like some people thought during his initial face push. He's going to be a Jericho-like figure in the early to mid 2000's - protected, pushed well, but never trusted with the top guy position.

I don't remember anyone saying Ambrose was going to be the next Guy. All I remember was people saying he was losing the triple threat and then saying he was losing to Styles and was going to not be protected anymore and moved down the card. He won the triple threat, Styles cheated to win and Ambrose is still as protected as he was when he was champion. He'll never be "the Guy" but that guy isn't always holding the belt.


Remember the lumberjack match with Miz? Ambrose was giving the fade to whole SD roster.

That boy is going to be fine. Just don't give him a live mic unless it's to cut a promo.
Ambrose is best when he's in 3-8 short segments throughout the show rather than one big one...

He's performance in Ottawa where Shane banned him but he kept coming back was brilliant


Dean was part of the Shield, is over and a workhorse.

He has to royally screwup to be dropped.

Of course, he will never reach Seth or even Roman levels, but he is going to be fine.


I'd be totally cool with Dean dropping the IC belt to Corbin.

Corbin is kind of......better than Dean?

Feels weird to say but I think it's true in 2017.
The only reason I can see for Wyatt retaining is that an RKO can be easily reversed into a Sister Abigail, the opposite is not true. Orton goes for the rko, literally sets himself for the Abigail, eats it, one two three.

Bray grabs Orton in the Sister Abigail position, kisses him, Orton punches him in the head, Bray is dazed Orton twists out of his clutches RKO

Bryan looks like he hits Sister Abigail but Orton actually rolls through the move, gets up bam RKO outta nowhere


Nah...anyone that holds the title for a year is most likely going to end up holding it for even longer just to beat Punk's record.

Just like what they did with Nikki and New Day.
They gave AJ Lee and Charlotte long reigns too. It's to cover up garbage, non-existent writing.


I am calling it now. With all of this build up between Miz and DB I see DB signing a "waiver" to wrestle Miz at WM in his last match in WWE. There's way to much smoke for there not to be fire.


I am calling it now. With all of this build up between Miz and DB I see DB signing a "waiver" to wrestle Miz at WM in his last match in WWE. There's way to much smoke for there not to be fire.

We already know what Miz is doing at Mania though.
I thought Orton winning the Rumble may set up a Bray vs. Orton championship match considering how much they've built this Wyatt Family storyline, which has been a very interesting one.

And now it looks like it's really happening. Awesome.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like

I really envy wrestling fans that don't follow the dirt sheets. I wish I could close that Pandora's box for myself. I'm starting to understand why wrestling fans on the internet are such hateful smarky assholes.
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