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Legendary Shipping Meltdowns (SPOILERS)

Do not remind me of that awful, awful story. To speak its name is to give it power.

To give some context to you people who have no idea about how insane this was, here's a page from the comic.


One of these characters is an innocent victim, the other an abusive monster if you ask some people.


i hate legend of korra so much but Legend Asami won in the end so whatever

edit: and ppl fume about it to this day. iconic
I was there for that. Basically there were those who could not fathom a gag series without some sort of 'reasoning' behind it. They then equated Akane's slapstick for honest rage and turned her into a rage monster with a hair trigger temper.

This really started in 2000-2001 as prior most stories weren't that bad until the darkfic The Bitter End came about. And then there was a large wholesale change.

After reading PataHikari's post I was sitting here trying to remember the name of that awful fanfic where Ranma's mom gives Ranma and Akane a sword as a wedding gift and symbolically dooms them all. Even as someone who was a huge Ukyo fan I couldn't wrap my head around why someone would write that story.

Ranma as a property made people kind of weird though. I remember a fair amount of backlash just around the idea that the end of the series didn't really solve much beyond implying that Ranma and Akane would eventually get married. Like the entire point of it was to goof around and have fun but because some of the comedy involved people liking each other the internet went crazy and demanded closure on their terms.
After reading PataHikari's post I was sitting here trying to remember the name of that awful fanfic where Ranma's mom gives Ranma and Akane a sword as a wedding gift and symbolically dooms them all. Even as someone who was a huge Ukyo fan I couldn't wrap my head around why someone would write that story.
Because the guy shipped Ranma with Ukyo and was dared to write a Ranma/Akane fanfic.

That... story... was the result.

Ranma as a property made people kind of weird though. I remember a fair amount of backlash just around the idea that the end of the series didn't really solve much beyond implying that Ranma and Akane would eventually get married. Like the entire point of it was to goof around and have fun but because some of the comedy involved people liking each other the internet went crazy and demanded closure on their terms.

Technically there's a chapter where Ranma and Akane put their names on magic bamboo which is said to guarantee a couple gets married happily, but nobody actually talked about that one in any shipping wars I ever saw, because it was late enough in the manga that nobody knew about it.
Yeah that's it. He's literally massacring people who haven't done shit to him so he can kill the leaders of every village. Again, they're not Hitlers here; they're pretty standard leaders and he wants to murder them all because he's mad about shit.

The guy is a psycho.

It was just so out of nowhere I don't understand it. The only thing killed worse than those samurai in that arc was Sasuke's character.
Voltron is doing a much better western version/reboot and that show seems to be popular enough, it keeps getting new seasons

The thing with Voltron is that the popularity is a double edged sword. In that there are those in the fandom who love to spread the good word about the series while also in the fandom, there are entitled morons who feel that TPtB should heed to their whims regarding ships.

Hell, there are those in the fandom who are also shipping Lance x Lotor in VLD, and those two have not even crossed paths in this series yet. Even in the previous versions of Voltron ('85, 3D, Nickelodeon reboot), there was never (or perhaps barely) a ship for those two.
Poor Akane (Who's my favorite character) got the brunt of this hate because as the girl int he middle of the ship war that's what usually happens. (Seriously, ever noticed that? Kind of creepy). So people started doing all these insane stories portraying her as some awful abusive monster who beats Ranma for no reason, while every other possible character is portrayed as some saint that will do no wrong. (This in a comedy where every character would be considered mildly psychopathic at least if they were in the real world)

I read so much KH fanfic back during the period when 1 and 2 were released and oooohhhh boy Kairi got this treatment for daring to exist when clearly Sora and Riku were meant for each other. I liked RikuxSora as much as the next 13 year old girl on ff.net but it was nuts the lengths some people would go to to write Kairi as some ungrateful, abusive (sometimes homophobic) bitch just to get her out of the way, despite her being portrayed as a sweet girl in canon. Thankfully I see this less (although with different fandoms and I don't read nearly as much fanfic as I used to), but I pretty much blacklist authors that can't write their ships without distorting characters into OOC monsters.


I read so much KH fanfic back during the period when 1 and 2 were released and oooohhhh boy Kairi got this treatment for daring to exist when clearly Sora and Riku were meant for each other. I liked RikuxSora as much as the next 13 year old girl on ff.net but it was nuts the lengths some people would go to to write Kairi as some ungrateful, abusive (sometimes homophobic) bitch just to get her out of the way, despite her being portrayed as a sweet girl in canon. Thankfully I see this less (although with different fandoms and I don't read nearly as much fanfic as I used to), but I pretty much blacklist authors that can't write their ships without distorting characters into OOC monsters.

The best KH ship is Xion X Pinochio

They have so much in common!!

KH is a shipping wasteland, but I'd be lying if I said Lea doesn't feel way more for Roxas than fucking Namine


Speaking of KH, it seems like no two characters are off-limits, even when the two characters are technically the same person. Such as: Xion/Roxas or Roxas/Sora.

You know you're in there deep when you find a "discussion" on a board where people are arguing if it's incest, masturbation or what have you.

KH is a shipping black hole.

Kid Ying

This was during Sasuke's dramatic I'm suddenly evil phase, that had no build up to it.
It certainly had a build up. Sasuke had so many chapters to show he was turning into a psycho with time it wasn't endurable. One of the worst parts on the manga since Sasuke is a pretty bad character.

I still think Naruto was pretty great overall though. My favorite shonen ever apart from HXH, but Sasuke parts were awful.

Also, i never understood why people got so mad about narusaku. Romance was so minimal on the series that their interactions were almost non existant. It's not like kishi changed the rules to put Hinata in there.

Also, Naruto is much better with Hinata. I wish they showed How Sasuke and Sakura got together though.


I think the worst story that i've shipped was Midori no hibi. Maaaan, why i endured that. Ranma was also godawful.

In school Rumble my ship never sailed, but i was happy with how It ended. It's funny how a gag manga turned into full romance with time.
Yeah that's it. He's literally massacring people who haven't done shit to him so he can kill the leaders of every village. Again, they're not Hitlers here; they're pretty standard leaders and he wants to murder them all because he's mad about shit.

The guy is a psycho.

but it's okay he wants to help now and become hokage, by force... Oh he cut Naruto's arm off for no reason, all is forgiven.

Fuck Kishi.
Shipping is all fun and games until you force your beliefs onto other people and send death threats to other fans or to the creators for not appealing to your fantasies.

This is my take as well. This is why except for Beast Boy and Raven I do not ship anyone other characters across any fictional media or get involved with the shipping. Some people takes these things too personally.

In terms of shipping Meltdowns, can you use RWBY yet? I feel like they plenty of shipping wars going on there.


That reminds me.

Superboy and Robin.

The Connor and Timothy Drake versions.

People seriously seriously SERIOUSLY wanted that as a thing once.
They were good together goddamnit.
Sora/Riku shippers are fighting Sora/Kairi shippers and Sora/Roxas shippers are like the encroaching darkness.


The meltdown I had when I found out Sora x Yamato (Matt) was canon at the end of Digimon S2. Wew....

I always wonder how old the people that are hardcore shippers and on tumblr are? I mean I was like 11 back then. I look back on it now and a small part of me will still hate on it but I'm over it.

To go on huge rants, attacking artists/creators and whatnot, as an adult, you've got to be a tad crazy.


Upfront I don't entirely enderstand the shipping thing, but what I do know from watching Arrow are the factions around Felicity. One who hate Felicity and want her to die. One who only accept her with Ollie and want rival love interests to die.

The anti-Felicity group is the most embarrassed I have ever been to be a fan of a show. It's absolutely disgusting in same the level as the vileness thrown at Kristen Kreuk.


A color page basically confirmed:

Nastu X Lucy (Shit)
Gray X Juvia
Elfman X Evergreen (irrelevant)
Mirajane X Laxus
Erza X Sasuke wannabe.

Wait what

When was that pairing ever a thing

Also I am legit shocked that Gajeel and Levy aren't on that page. A whole lotta people have got to be disappointed about that

While this is normally how I feel about these kinds of things (spoilers: I don't like shipping), freaking lol
Only ship that annoys me is mgs4. Why did they make snake old and Meryl end up with pants shitter.
Been fortunate that all the animes I like usually leave the pairing open ended. Was great to see bleach and naruto shippers have a meltdown though.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The only ship I care about is John McClane and Zeus from Die Hard with a Vengeance.

Makes all your dumb little anime shit look like baby nonsense


I shipped TakatoxRika for no good reason while watching Tamers. I'll always be a little salty.

We have been programmed to think that the 'lead' guy and girl are supposed to be a couple. Anime conventions have more permutations than we probably thought existed as children.
It certainly had a build up. Sasuke had so many chapters to show he was turning into a psycho with time it wasn't endurable. One of the worst parts on the manga since Sasuke is a pretty bad character.

What build up? He goes the beginning of part II fighting others but not killing them. Then he kills/absorbs Orochimaru but that was ok. Forms his own team, fights Itachi, Itachi dies, Sasuke learns the truth and he wants revenge against the leaf village, but even then he's still acting more calm and collected about all this. He and his team fight Bee and they have this big bonding experience where he feels that he is not alone. Then comes the Summit arc and he's Judge Death offing fools left and right and acting all crazy. He even just casts aside his new teammates. During the Bee fight he cared about them, next arc he just doesn't care for some reason and just goes about abandoning/sacrificing them. He's not even doing it strategically, he just up and finds them useless. Its so jarring compared to how he was acting in the previous arc.

Ray Down

Wait what

When was that pairing ever a thing

Also I am legit shocked that Gajeel and Levy aren't on that page. A whole lotta people have got to be disappointed about that
No they were confirmed long ago so I didn't bother to mention them.

It wasn't ever really aside from a color page, but since she's like the only women his age around why not.


That reminds me.

Superboy and Robin.

The Connor and Timothy Drake versions.

People seriously seriously SERIOUSLY wanted that as a thing once.
I am definitely one of those people. At the very least an unrequited crush from Tim's perspective.

Also, Ted (Blue Beetle) and Michael (Booster Gold).
I remember my sister telling me about tumbler being pissed that sherlock went to molly instead of john. From what she told me of them(they would send death threats, personally attack/bully those who thought differently) I hope they stay pissed and salty.


So it's been brought up a few times in this thread, but I wanna spell it out for the people who haven't seen it. Generally people being angry about shipping is misplaced, but I'm pretty certain the writers of Thundercats 2011 purposely bred a shipping war.


Lion-O in the 2011 reboot of Thundercats got the rawest fucking deal. Lion-O starts out the series being berated by his Dad, and treated like shit by his brother Tygra. (Mainly for not being a huge racist by the way.) Putting aside how Lion-O is nearly killed by his brother twice, does get killed once, and ends up in despair in the finale of the show, Lion-O loses in the game of love twice. The first time to his brother, almost immediately after his brother tried to kill him. (Said brother never experiences any consequences for this.)


This needless to say, made shippers pretty mad. Tygra was never likable, and the writers pulled the filmiest excuse out their asses to have Cheetara fall in love with him. There was no buildup to it, and Lion-O literally stumbles upon them in the act of making out. This is after an entire season of Lion-O and Cheetara flirting. (Coincidentally, after this Cheetara basically became a background character.) Needless to say, people were angry.

But then they introduced Pumyra in season 2.


And shippers were happy. Pumyra was cool, and bounced off Lion-O well. Then in the finale of the show, Pumyra betrays Lion-O. Not for a mysterious third party. Not for her own gain. To help Mumm-ra, the person literally responsible for killing her way back at the beginning of the show. The fact that Mumm-ra says Pumyra was literally his, body and soul, is also super weird. So Lion-O loses the second love of his life to an undead mummy.


Here, Pumyra is kissing Mumm-ra's "power gauntlet."

But wait, it gets worse for Lion-O! The show was cancelled after this due to poor toy sales, but apparently if the show had continued, Mumm-ra would have transformed Pumyra into a winged insect monster. She would later be killed by the Thundercats.

The Thundercat that would kill her?

Emmanuelle Chriqui is small screen poison. She lowkey killed Tron: Uprising too.
all I know is that the TFA Star Wars fandom is a bit too much even for me. Ppl out here shipping Kylo with anything that breathes, and a disturbing amount of fans seem to think he should end up with Rey (a girl he tried to kill???? and might be related to???) or Hux 9a guy he fucking hates???). Sad thing though is how they ignore Finn all the time, any ship with him in it tends to be the least popular....i dont even have to wonder why that might be....considering Tumblr's proclivity towards 'misunderstood' overly emotional white boys. The only real sane shippers I think are people who ship Finnpoe and Finnrey but they sure are given some shit in the fandom.
For a reverse example where most everyone was on the same page and the media itself threw a curveball before bouncing back, remember the bizarre romantic undertones between Cortana and Chief in Halo 4? That were somehow supposed to resonate in spite of, y'know, Cortana steadily going insane over the course of the plot due to mechanical failure?

To be fair, that was canon right from the start, but it was never brought up during the games.
Robin calls Jinbei handsome in a panel in Fishmen island.
Ah gotcha.
If you click on the link in the OP and scroll down a bit you see this piece from Googleplex.

It's quite amazing really.
Wow. I can't even reach that far when I'm stretching. He really thought this through.
So it's been brought up a few times in this thread, but I wanna spell it out for the people who haven't seen it. Generally people being angry about shipping is misplaced, but I'm pretty certain the writers of Thundercats 2011 purposely bred a shipping war.


Lion-O in the 2011 reboot of Thundercats got the rawest fucking deal. Lion-O starts out the series being berated by his Dad, and treated like shit by his brother Tygra. (Mainly for not being a huge racist by the way.) Putting aside how Lion-O is nearly killed by his brother twice, does get killed once, and ends up in despair in the finale of the show, Lion-O loses in the game of love twice. The first time to his brother, almost immediately after his brother tried to kill him. (Said brother never experiences any consequences for this.)


This needless to say, made shippers pretty mad. Tygra was never likable, and the writers pulled the filmiest excuse out their asses to have Cheetara fall in love with him. There was no buildup to it, and Lion-O literally stumbles upon them in the act of making out. This is after an entire season of Lion-O and Cheetara flirting. (Coincidentally, after this Cheetara basically became a background character.) Needless to say, people were angry.

But then they introduced Pumyra in season 2.


And shippers were happy. Pumyra was cool, and bounced off Lion-O well. Then in the finale of the show, Pumyra betrays Lion-O. Not for a mysterious third party. Not for her own gain. To help Mumm-ra, the person literally responsible for killing her way back at the beginning of the show. The fact that Mumm-ra says Pumyra was literally his, body and soul, is also super weird. So Lion-O loses the second love of his life to an undead mummy.


Here, Pumyra is kissing Mumm-ra's "power gauntlet."

But wait, it gets worse for Lion-O! The show was cancelled after this due to poor toy sales, but apparently if the show had continued, Mumm-ra would have transformed Pumyra into a winged insect monster. She would later be killed by the Thundercats.

The Thundercat that would kill her?

This....this feels me with....rage. Thundercats was/is ruined for me this day.
You talking about the manga right? I've heard it goes in a very weird direction.. the anime's ending is pretty fluffy and comfortable iirc.
Yeah. The anime and the live action movie basically ignore the second and last arc. Which is great! But then people stumble upon the original ending.

Here I'll just use these. SPOILERS!


Rapid Response Threadmaker
There's a filler scene in the anime where Orochimaru and Sasuke talk and ask each other how they aren't in jail or dead.


Sasuke and Orochimaru are great. Who else gets away with all the crap they did and barely feel sorry about it?

Ray Down

Ah gotcha.

Wow. I can't even reach that far when I'm stretching. He really thought this through.

This....this feels me with....rage. Thundercats was/is ruined for me this day.

Yeah. The anime and the live action movie basically ignore the second and last arc. Which is great! But then people stumble upon the original ending.

Here I'll just use these. SPOILERS!
Everything about that ending is a dumpster fire.
It's shocking a creator can absolutely RUIN a series in such a fashion.


Gold Member
After reading PataHikari's post I was sitting here trying to remember the name of that awful fanfic where Ranma's mom gives Ranma and Akane a sword as a wedding gift and symbolically dooms them all. Even as someone who was a huge Ukyo fan I couldn't wrap my head around why someone would write that story.

Ranma as a property made people kind of weird though. I remember a fair amount of backlash just around the idea that the end of the series didn't really solve much beyond implying that Ranma and Akane would eventually get married. Like the entire point of it was to goof around and have fun but because some of the comedy involved people liking each other the internet went crazy and demanded closure on their terms.

That fic was the first darkfic I read without knowing what it was and it was a sickening feeling going through that back in what? '98-'99? The only other one I looked at that had the same sick feeling was Ill Met By Starlight. I will never read them again.

The thing with Ranma as a series was that it was comedy with a romance/slapstick background. But there were just some fans who could not accept that.

The worse though are the fans/authors who write stories where Ranma is an innocent victim/has no "real" friends and the rest of the cast (sans Kasumi... sometimes) are horrible, evil people. While in canon Ranma just thrives off the attention due to his ego.


Oh it got rebooted for much bigger reasons than shipping. Lawsuits got that ball rolling

I suspect some of the writers were kind of glad for the excuse to try putting an end to the shipping wars.
Didn't they then announce that after the reboot that Sonic just wouldn't be paired with anyone ever and that was that?


How about the fact that Cortana is based off Dr. Halsey's brainscans. Dr. Halsey, aka Master Chief's mother figure?

Hello, Oedpial issues~

There's probably something in "the only person I can really relate to and have feelings about is the insane computer program inside my head based on a sexualised version of my abusive mother figure because of what she's done to me" as a plotline.

Playing it as a straight romantic tragedy ain't it.


I'll admit to being super upset for a little while about the naruto Sakura thing but bunny drops ending makes me wanna vomit.
I feel that when it comes to reactions towards shipping in Legend of Korra, people not liking ships is more complicated because the relationship writing (not just the romantic ones, pretty much all of them) was pretty awful. People not liking a relationship in the show could be down to them not liking the ship itself or them thinking the execution was terrible. I don't like shipping wars, and would never go out of my way to ship two characters, but the writing in that show was so awful that it made me turn against ships I was okay with before.

For example, I was okay with the idea of Varrick and Zhu Li getting together since they had good chemistry together in the show, however, when they did at the end of Book 4, I didn't like it (like the rest of Book 4's finale) because the writing at the end was so awful, and they managed to make a romantic relationship that basically wrote itself feel tacked on and forced.


I see a lot of people mentioning RWBY

I never saw any meltdowns

Is it because of what happened to Pyrrha?

Edit: I never really saw Usagi Drop but my GF loves it and tells me it's adorable, THAT is the ending? Makes Oreimo look like Shakespeare.

Never touching it.

Mister Wolf

So it's been brought up a few times in this thread, but I wanna spell it out for the people who haven't seen it. Generally people being angry about shipping is misplaced, but I'm pretty certain the writers of Thundercats 2011 purposely bred a shipping war.


Lion-O in the 2011 reboot of Thundercats got the rawest fucking deal. Lion-O starts out the series being berated by his Dad, and treated like shit by his brother Tygra. (Mainly for not being a huge racist by the way.) Putting aside how Lion-O is nearly killed by his brother twice, does get killed once, and ends up in despair in the finale of the show, Lion-O loses in the game of love twice. The first time to his brother, almost immediately after his brother tried to kill him. (Said brother never experiences any consequences for this.)


This needless to say, made shippers pretty mad. Tygra was never likable, and the writers pulled the filmiest excuse out their asses to have Cheetara fall in love with him. There was no buildup to it, and Lion-O literally stumbles upon them in the act of making out. This is after an entire season of Lion-O and Cheetara flirting. (Coincidentally, after this Cheetara basically became a background character.) Needless to say, people were angry.

But then they introduced Pumyra in season 2.


And shippers were happy. Pumyra was cool, and bounced off Lion-O well. Then in the finale of the show, Pumyra betrays Lion-O. Not for a mysterious third party. Not for her own gain. To help Mumm-ra, the person literally responsible for killing her way back at the beginning of the show. The fact that Mumm-ra says Pumyra was literally his, body and soul, is also super weird. So Lion-O loses the second love of his life to an undead mummy.


Here, Pumyra is kissing Mumm-ra's "power gauntlet."

But wait, it gets worse for Lion-O! The show was cancelled after this due to poor toy sales, but apparently if the show had continued, Mumm-ra would have transformed Pumyra into a winged insect monster. She would later be killed by the Thundercats.

The Thundercat that would kill her?


Cheetara flirted with Lion-O not because she was romantically interested but to boost his confidence in learning his abilities. Wasn't that basically the duty of the order she belonged to. It was a shitty thing to do but she was trying to get results. She liked Tigra from childhood just like he liked her. The feelings were always mutual.


Gold Member
I see a lot of people mentioning RWBY

I never saw any meltdowns

Is it because of what happened to Pyrrha?

Partly with Pyrrha. And that RWBY is a timebomb in itself for the other fan-pairings.

For those who don't know the series premiered back in 2013 but before that there had been a series of introduction trailers for the main cast. Each girl prior was simply a silhouette which figure was revealed when their trailer released.

The young fandom had already shipped the silhouettes. I'm not joking.

More hilarious was the meltdowns that happened when Weiss's personality was revealed as there had been those who had built up an image of her from her trailer.

But as I said RWBY is just a timebomb waiting to go off.

Not to mention the Jaune hate...
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