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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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I wasn't going to drink at all, but IRC was so boring that I had to!

Tetsuwan Birdy: Decode - S2 - complete

Birdy is somewhat known for having quite a bit of action sakuga (even when nothing is happening, for instance, when Nataru walks down a hallway), and the final episode is no exception. A fight rages on for nearly half the episode and the great deal of it is fully animated - backgrounds included. However, the sakuga here exudes low-budget and time constraints - but there is some kind of charm in how simplistic the forms become when in motion. Everything sort of turns into like, a wonderful little student-like, one-man effort (whether it really is or not I don't know) while retaining a high level of energy and emotion. It really is a spectacle to see, and at times even appears borderline experimental. I wish we could get a new top talent movie out of this series, because the action is so good. Overall I'd say this show is a solid second tier series. I absolutely recommend it to anyone who has already seen all of the classic action anime out there, as it is sure to satisfy.

Some screens from the last episode

Quite frankly, I was wholly unimpressed with the action for the exact reasons you described. I liked it a lot more in Noein and it felt like a better fit there.

Eureka Seven 40

2nd OP>1st OP>4th OP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3rd OP.

Literal, total, absolute yadda yadda death on Eureka's dirty scene hogging bratlings. Seriously, people could have died or been hurt because these godawful creatures continue to do stupid crap like this. All of them should have been dropped out the Gekko's hatch a long, long time ago.

Anyway, excluding the episode ruining bull that are Eureka's curs, this was a cool episode. The Vodaraq are an interesting bunch, with their warring sects and all. Dewey's gone cray-cray, and we're about to see if Sakuya has anime colored hair like Eureka and Anemone.

There's a bunch of episodes focused on the kids coming up. Prepare yourself. Quite frankly I never hated the kids as much as you do but the episodes in the 40s did make me come around to them actually.


No one wants to talk about fiat currency.

I'm pretty sure several here would love to discuss the Economics of Maoyuu Maou Yuusha.

Rikka making noises collection. For cajun and other fans' enjoyment. I guess...


Most adorable physical abuse ever. There is a website with a soundboard on it thats pretty keen.

The social aspect is certainly a big thing, but there's also practical concerns about availability due to short marketing life-spans. Will the stream for this show still be online two years from now? Will the BDs be out of print? What store bonuses am I missing out on if I don't get them now? If I want things like sidestory comics, the soundtrack, or figures, will I still be able to get them? And that download code for the custom PSP theme that comes with the game expires in a year.

Spoilers are a problem, also, if you hang around places where people talk about anime. For example, I haven't seen Madoka yet, but at this point I know pretty much everything that happens so I've lost the ability to be surprised by most of it. That wouldn't have happened if I'd watched the original NicoNico stream at the time it was first up.

Madoka was ruined for you? I'm not gonna lie, that's fucking tragic. Its such an amazing anime.

Also, what you described is why my room looks like it does. At least that way I know I can want to see something two years from now and its right there to watch. Its worth buying a lot of series for that reason.


More Akito Stuff.

Some pre-release images in the link below. Pretty much from the preview of the last one. New promo poster?





Tragic victim of fan death
Eureka Seven 40

2nd OP>1st OP>4th OP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3rd OP.

Literal, total, absolute yadda yadda death on Eureka's dirty scene hogging bratlings. Seriously, people could have died or been hurt because these godawful creatures continue to do stupid crap like this. All of them should have been dropped out the Gekko's hatch a long, long time ago.

Anyway, excluding the episode ruining bull that are Eureka's curs, this was a cool episode. The Vodaraq are an interesting bunch, with their warring sects and all. Dewey's gone cray-cray, and we're about to see if Sakuya has anime colored hair like Eureka and Anemone.

Keep watching. You're at the boss rush!
i don't feel like this season is bad . i think it's great actually ..there are no shows that i've started that i have dropped. i'm using my gintama (2011 ) viewing to let episodes arrive so that i can see more of them..

kotoura was a nice surprise , vividread is entertaining. Unlimited ZKC is better than anyone could have predicted ...and sengan kagura is a guilty pleasure for many of us.
Heck even "Mondaijitachi" was off my radar and still managed to output good episodes so far.

Tamako market is Kyoani - tier and minami-ke is delivering as usual.

For the old shows, Hxh is still strong and robotics;notes finished the boring parts.

No this season is pretty much good IMO.


There's a bunch of episodes focused on the kids coming up. Prepare yourself. Quite frankly I never hated the kids as much as you do but the episodes in the 40s did make me come around to them actually.

So what you're saying is that I should quit the show now. I guess I'll quit the show now. Because Eureka's children are worse than a punch in the stomach.


Tragic victim of fan death
So what you're saying is that I should quit the show now. I guess I'll quit the show now. Because Eureka's children are worse than a punch in the stomach.

The last arc has one of my favorite scenes in the show. It's extremely heartwarming.


Again, there's like two episodes out of what 25? (the rest of the series might have more infodumps so who knows!) that have anything resembling a infodump. Doesn't that more or less fit with your wrath of khan comparison, which is like 6-minutes out of 90-120 minutes? :p

Seriously, you overreact about the weirdest shit firehawk12. I still don't get your thing with Sword art online what makes it any more offensive than most of the garbage anime you watch on a daily basis? and so worthy of extreme visceral reactions :p

And to be fair - I think you should watch the rest of SSY then discuss it again. Because judging from the last conversation we had about it on IRC. I think you have the "wrong' idea about what the show actually is. It's also frustrating seeing you rant about it based on your misconceptions of what you took the series to be from episode 4! :D


So what you're saying is that I should quit the show now. I guess I'll quit the show now. Because Eureka's children are worse than a punch in the stomach.

I thought they were little shits but kids that age, tend to be shits anyway. I never wanted to reach my hand inside the screen and rip their throats out though. I save that level of hatred for certain characters that either know better or just too stupid to know better. I'm fucking looking at you Truth. That said, Maurice is certainly going to make you rage before the show is over. Really the last arc is about Renton and the kids, particularly Maurice, coming to terms with each other.


i don't feel like this season is bad . i think it's great actually ..there are no shows that i've started that i have dropped. i'm using my gintama (2011 ) viewing to let episodes arrive so that i can see more of them..

kotoura was a nice surprise , vividread is entertaining. Unlimited ZKC is better than anyone could have predicted ...and sengan kagura is a guilty pleasure for many of us.
Heck even "Mondaijitachi" was off my radar and still managed to output good episodes so far.

Tamako market is Kyoani - tier and minami-ke is delivering as usual.

For the old shows, Hxh is still strong and robotics;notes finished the boring parts.

No this season is pretty much good IMO.

I feel the same. Several shows are just a joy to watch. Plus MORE CHIHAYAFURU. I mean seriously, more of a show I thought was completely dead to rights because of abysmal sales. But its back! Its so fucking BACK :D


Maturity, bitches.
Every smart studio should do the same. Seems to help BD sales. Actually gives people incentive to buy the discs, to get an improved version of a show they love.
I will admit that even someone like me would be more tempted to buy a show if they've made significant improvements to it. Of course I'm still stingy on price.


Makoto loses points. (Making a ruckus)
I didn't know reaching such a conclusion was even possible.

Ok guys. Our posting rate has declined below expected values. I will have to resort to back up #1.
Did you not read what I said the other day. I'm cutting back. When I saw I was third to reach 100 I knew I was posting too much.

Inexplicably, it seems that the latest issue of Otaku USA may have prematurely revealed that Discotek Media in fact has a license for Kill Me Baby.
WAHAHA! But wrong country! They probably had a few bob spare and wanted to round up the numbers on the balance sheet and the license fees for it were probably as cheap as the show's budget.

Why would they waste their time getting the most boring anime of winter 2012?
Er... this is about Kill Me Baby not (let me check for a show I didn't see but looks borning... hmm yeah this'll do) Inu x Boku SS!

And now it is clear the joke has gone too far. I've trapped myself in a corner so if Kill Me Baby does come out in the UK I will have to buy it day one or be exiled from this thread for being a hypocrite.


I thought they were little shits but kids that age, tend to be shits anyway. I never wanted to reach my hand inside the screen and rip their throats out. That said, Maurice is certainly going to make you rage before the show is over. Really the last arc is about Renton and the kids, particularly Maurice, coming to terms with each other.

This is the most disappointing of news and illustrative of why I hate them so much. Instead of saying "The last arc is the culmination of everything prior, principally Renton and Eureka's relationship" it's "The last arc is about those fucking kids stealing more screen time AGAIN."

So I'll just quit the show then, because 10 episodes of those fucking nightmares being the focus would ruin things for me.


Tragic victim of fan death
I didn't know reaching such a conclusion was even possible.


This is the most disappointing of news and illustrative of why I hate them so much. Instead of saying "The last arc is the culmination of everything prior, principally Renton and Eureka's relationship" it's "The last arc is about those fucking kids stealing more screen time AGAIN."

So I'll just quit the show then, because 10 episodes of those fucking nightmares being the focus would ruin things for me.

The last 10 episodes are arguably some of the best moments in the show though. You'd be doing yourself a great disservice. A lot of questionss are answered and things wrap up very well.


This is the most disappointing of news and illustrative of why I hate them so much. Instead of saying "The last arc is the culmination of everything prior, principally Renton and Eureka's relationship" it's "The last arc is about those fucking kids stealing more screen time AGAIN."

So I'll just quit the show then, because 10 episodes of those fucking nightmares being the focus would ruin things for me.

That said, the last arc also entails a lot of other stuff as well such as Eureka and Renton's relationship. There are some very poignant scenes in the 40s that sum up fears in regards to their relationship. The kids really aren't the only factor. The final couple of episodes certainly don't focus on the kids, it's more like three or four in the middle and it's really Maurice and Renton clashing. The show is especially good at one thing and that is payoff and climaxes. Most of the storylines go out in a big way.

There are also some huge moneyshots in relation to character development especially on Renton's front. Episode 50 in particular has one amazing shot that sums up all of Renton's character development. Anybody who has seen the show knows exactly which shot I'm talking about.


Gintama 57

What a strange villain to bring back. The Justaways were too. Wasn't really into this, might not be a good night for anime viewing!



The last 10 episodes are arguably some of the best moments in the show though. You'd be doing yourself a great disservice. A lot of questionss are answered and things wrap up very well.

That said, the last arc also entails a lot of other stuff as well such as Eureka and Renton's relationship. There are some very poignant scenes in the 40s that sum up fears in regards to their relationship. The kids really aren't the only factor. The final couple of episodes certainly don't focus on the kids, it's more like three or four in the middle and it's really Maurice and Renton clashing. The show is especially good at one thing and that is payoff and climaxes. Most of the storylines go out in a big way.

There are also some huge moneyshots in relation to character development especially on Renton's front.

Well then I'll stick it out, but I'm not apologizing ahead of time for the vast amounts of vitriol I will spew when forced to endure the three worst characters in my entire anime viewing experience.


The Light of El Cantare
i don't feel like this season is bad . i think it's great actually ..there are no shows that i've started that i have dropped. i'm using my gintama (2011 ) viewing to let episodes arrive so that i can see more of them..

kotoura was a nice surprise , vividread is entertaining. Unlimited ZKC is better than anyone could have predicted ...and sengan kagura is a guilty pleasure for many of us.
Heck even "Mondaijitachi" was off my radar and still managed to output good episodes so far.

Tamako market is Kyoani - tier and minami-ke is delivering as usual.

For the old shows, Hxh is still strong and robotics;notes finished the boring parts.

No this season is pretty much good IMO.

Truthfully, I'm not so negative on this season myself even if it's decidedly subpar on the whole. There's Chihayafuru 2, and then several entertaining-but-unambitious programs that are okay enough to hold me over until Spring. The Unlimited, Haganai Next, Hakkenden, and Tamako are all watchable, and there's such a surplus of two-cour stuff left over from Fall that it picks up the slack relatively well. Even if there was no backlogging I don't feel that I'd be terribly wanting for things to watch.


Well then I'll stick it out, but I'm not apologizing ahead of time for the vast amounts of vitriol I will spew when forced to endure the three worst characters in my entire anime viewing experience.

The two smaller kids aren't that bad. It's really Maurice in particular that is an annoying bastard.


Tragic victim of fan death
Well then I'll stick it out, but I'm not apologizing ahead of time for the vast amounts of vitriol I will spew when forced to endure the three worst characters in my entire anime viewing experience.

It's okay. I'd rather you watch it and say bad stuff rather than you not watch it and me regret failing to convince you. LOL

The two smaller kids aren't that bad. It's really Maurice in particular that is an annoying bastard.

I disagree. Linck is a pretty huge piece of shit.


I disagree. Linck is a pretty huge piece of shit.

I haven't seen the show all the way through in a while but if memory serves, Linck falls in line fairly quickly. It's only with Maurice that shit escalates. That said, they all were annoying.

Oh and there was some brief discussion early about whether Eureka 7 is a superoboto show, it definitely is. Nirvash itself is definitely superoboto.


I haven't seen the show all the way through in a while but if memory serves, Linck falls in line fairly quickly. It's only with Maurice that shit escalates. That said, they all were annoying.

Oh and there was some brief discussion early about whether Eureka 7 is a superoboto show, it definitely is. Nirvash itself is definitely superoboto.

Linck isn't the worst, he's just the ugliest. The worst is Mayter. She is ALWAYS saying "PUKEY" and demanding attention and she's like Other M in reverse "THE MAMA THE MAMA THE MAMA."

And E7 is def a Super Robot show. The show even divides the Archetypes and the Mecha.


Fate/Zero 22-25

Okay yeah, that was pretty awesome. Rider da boss was by far the best character in this, no question.

I liked the part where
Kirei and Kerrytugu had their showdown in Bruce Wayne's basement from the Dark Knight
. Also, was it ever explained just who the hell
Maiya was and why Kerry seemed to care more about her than his own wife
? CG Berserker is still an ugly piece of shit and the whole
Lancelot reveal and backstory
felt completely barebones and just thrown in there.

Kariya lol.

The biggest disservice with the finale is easily that they had to tie it into FSN somehow. It's understable that they pretty much had to but disappointing nonetheless.

Fuck Shirou
Gundam AGE Episode 21 or "Training at 100x Gravity!"

Due to the fact that this arc has very very little time left to go. Let's have a training episode to make Asemu stronger!

Next Episode: The Vegans go to try to capture the giant space doughnut Big Ring (Which I'm sure contains no eggs or dairy products). The episode should be more interesting than this one at least.


Tragic victim of fan death
Fate/Zero 22-25

Okay yeah, that was pretty awesome. Rider da boss was by far the best character in this, no question.

I liked the part where
Kirei and Kerrytugu had their showdown in Bruce Wayne's basement from the Dark Knight
. Also, was it ever explained just who the hell
Maiya was and why Kerry seemed to care more about her than his own wife
? CG Berserker is still an ugly piece of shit and the whole
Lancelot reveal and backstory
felt completely barebones and just thrown in there.

Kariya lol.

The biggest disservice with the finale is easily that they had to tie it into FSN somehow. It's understable that they pretty much had to but disappointing nonetheless.

Fuck Shirou

Good job finishing! Glad you liked it.
Hyakko 1-6
You don't say.

Watchable but unremarkable slice of comedic life with cute girls and far too much quality. It's better than Hidamari Sketch, but then so is having your teeth extracted.
I'm kidding, they're about equal.

Funny that someone mentioned Neptunia as part of a joke earlier, since Animate.tv published an article with some of the character designs for the upcoming Hyperdimension Neptunia anime:

More at the link.
So Neptune's got her Victory design while the other characters have their old ones.

For those who aren't overly familiar with the games, please be aware that Blanc is the best goddess. All glory to Lowee etc.


Fate/Zero 22-25

Okay yeah, that was pretty awesome. Rider da boss was by far the best character in this, no question.

I liked the part where
Kirei and Kerrytugu had their showdown in Bruce Wayne's basement from the Dark Knight
. Also, was it ever explained just who the hell
Maiya was and why Kerry seemed to care more about her than his own wife
? CG Berserker is still an ugly piece of shit and the whole
Lancelot reveal and backstory
felt completely barebones and just thrown in there.

Kariya lol.

The biggest disservice with the finale is easily that they had to tie it into FSN somehow. It's understable that they pretty much had to but disappointing nonetheless.

Fuck Shirou

I'm actually curious if that reveal is better handled in the LNs. In regards to Maiya,
I thought she was taken in much in the same manner he was. She definitely had the same reverence for him that he did his mentor. I wouldn't be surprised if some of his affection towards her came from Irisviel effectively having an expiration date. Looking ahead and all that.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
I'm starting to realise that the reason you like Yuri is her name.

Not at all! It wasn't until we got more of her backstory that I began to understand where she was coming from. That, and I love her Precure form.


HeartCatch Precure - 36

Give me more shots like these and I can definitely work the TsubomixErika angle. :D

Azusa > Makoto

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