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Bryan Fuller tweets that Netflix and Amazon have passed on picking up Hannibal

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Considering some of the vapid shit Netflix are funding this is surprising and disappointing. If only because the UK is a black hole if you want to watch US shows legitimately.


No more Hannibal :-I

But Fuller American Gods with his Full attention :-D

But... no more Hannibal >:-(

Hmmm... But, American Gods with Fuller's Hannibal artistry :-O

But... No HANNIBAL :.(

And no Hugh or Madds in American Gods :-(

I love American Gods / Anasi Boys but I still sad, Poppa. Why poppa, why?
I don't understand
Dammit. I'm so close to this:
"It's NBC. It's still good, it's still good!"
"Netflix & Amazon passed on it. It's still good, it's still good!"
"It's just a little bit cancelled. It's still good, it's still good!"

This is pretty much where I am. I mean, I do understand it's probably not gonna happen but... yeah :( HHNNNnnnggg

I could see Hannibal on Showtime.

Right After Twin Peaks.

THIS THIS THIS! You read my mind, yo!

And and!! My friend keeps mentiong that Korea loves the hell outta Hannibal, so maybe a Korean studio can pick it up? Maybe? PLEASE,God, someone, anyone, pleaseeeeee pick this uppppp


I can't believe we didn't even get weeks/months of discussions/rumours.

Just straight cold ether.



Isn't a lot of Hannibal's funding supposed to be international? Admittedly I haven't looked much into this but I figured that'd be enough for it to stay around, I guess that's wrong? :/


This is pretty much where I am. I mean, I do understand it's probably not gonna happen but... yeah :( HHNNNnnnggg

THIS THIS THIS! You read my mind, yo!

And and!! My friend keeps mentiong that Korea loves the hell outta Hannibal, so maybe a Korean studio can pick it up? Maybe? PLEASE,God, someone, anyone, pleaseeeeee pick this uppppp

A Korean remake... I can see it now!



I don't even know what the metaphor is at this point. I just...why?!


This makes me so sad :(
I better stop keeping my hopes up and start accepting the end of this great show.
It was a fun ride, guys.


Isn't a lot of Hannibal's funding supposed to be international? Admittedly I haven't looked much into this but I figured that'd be enough for it to stay around, I guess that's wrong? :/

It was, but the deal with Gaumont International was contingent on it being played on an American network. So, no network, no international funding. :(

I think Yahoo is best bet at this point, but even that is dwindling. The thing about Yahoo is they're perhaps the only "network" that got to see firsthand with Community, that Nielsen ratings are indeed completely obsolete hogwash. I'm hoping that maybe they'd have a bit more confidence in gambling on the show, given that data and experience, than anyone else.


It was, but the deal with Gaumont International was contingent on it being played on an American network. So, no network, no international funding. :(

I think Yahoo is best bet at this point, but even that is dwindling. The thing about Yahoo is they're perhaps the only "network" that got to see firsthand with Community, that Nielsen ratings are indeed completely obsolete hogwash. I'm hoping that maybe they'd have a bit more confidence in gambling on the show, given that data and experience, than anyone else.

I guess that's down to my ignorance but I don't get why a show being played on an American network has that much of an influence on international funding. Are these international funding sources associated with American networks? Is it more of a prestige factor? Sorry, I just don't know anything about these sort of things :s


I always hated Amazon anyway. Netflix on the other hand just gutted me. There is always FX though, and AMC. There's even Crackle!


Isn't a lot of Hannibal's funding supposed to be international? Admittedly I haven't looked much into this but I figured that'd be enough for it to stay around, I guess that's wrong? :/
Airing on a US network appears to have been a contingency.


Dammit. I'm so close to this:
"It's NBC. It's still good, it's still good!"
"Netflix & Amazon passed on it. It's still good, it's still good!"
"It's just a little bit cancelled. It's still good, it's still good!"


Hulu please

If Hannibal had to die to give rise to this, I'll be okay with that outcome.

Saying that, given Fuller's history of cancelled shows, maybe it's better if this doesn't happen. I mean I'd love to see Fuller's next project be Star Trek, but maybe alongside somebody else who is able to appease network TV overlords.
From Deadline

Last week, producer Gaumont International Television let the options expire on stars Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen, and the duo are already fielding film and TV offers. Their availability is only one obstacle in the way of a pickup: Despite Amazon holding exclusive streaming rights, Fuller has already segued to his next series, Starz’s American Gods. He has said he remains committed to Hannibal, but a possible fourth season has to wait for him to finish the recently ordered first season of the adaptation of the Neil Gaimen best seller. That schedule issue was a big factor in Amazon’s passing on more Hannibal, sources tell me. With American Gods starting to ramp up, Fuller wouldn’t be available for more than a year to dig into more Hannibal – a timespan Amazon were not willing to wait.
So it's a combination of Fuller's co-showrunner obligations on American Gods and Amazon's exclusive streaming rights.

The first ensured that Amazon would not be interested, and the second ensured that no one else would be.


You chose poorly, Bryan. You should have known better than to sell your soul to Starz of all networks.

You chose poorly, Gaumont. You should have known better than to sell your soul to Amazon of all networks.

NBC is the only one I can't really fault for some reason, which is odd because they're sort of responsible for this entire mess
Not a fan (never even watched it) but the moment I saw the name Bryan Fuller I knew. Now you all know how us Pushing Daises fans have felt for the past 8 years.

Hulu please

If Hannibal had to die to give rise to this, I'll be okay with that outcome.

You really want that to happen? Not ragging on the man but with his track record....What's his batting average with how many his shows have been canceled early?


So it sounds more like Fuller himself shares "blame" in that because of him wanting to do American Gods and devoting his time to that, Hannibal was not going to have his direct supervision.

Which makes sense to me, as I don't think it'd be the same show without Fuller keeping a close tab on it.

That said, was Fuller involved heavily in Season 3? Just wondering because I've not been a fan of what's been done so far and was curious if he either was the driving force behind it or he already was distracted by other obligations.


I understand Netflix not being able to, since Amazon already has streaming rights (at least for S1 that I know of). But Amazon not picking it up, that I don't get.

Edit: Now that I read that Deadline article, it makes more sense. Still feels bad.


So it sounds more like Fuller himself shares "blame" in that because of him wanting to do American Gods and devoting his time to that, Hannibal was not going to have his direct supervision.

Which makes sense to me, as I don't think it'd be the same show without Fuller keeping a close tab on it.

That said, was Fuller involved heavily in Season 3? Just wondering because I've not been a fan of what's been done so far and was curious if he either was the driving force behind it or he already was distracted by other obligations.

Fuller signed onto American Gods with the understanding from Starz that he'd split his time between it and Hannibal. NBC/Gaumont was presumably cool with this arrangement too. He probably didn't consider being cancelled and then having to re-pitch this arrangement to Amazon or whomever and sell them on it.


I was all prepared for a service to just simply pass, but passing because Fuller made himself unavailable for a year?

Come on, dude. There's no way NBC would have been cool with that :\
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