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CNN/ORC Poll: Trump 44%, Clinton 39%, Johnson 9%, Stein 3%

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I think it would serve the Democrats well to have an underdog mentality right now. I'm shocked by the complacency.
There's a difference between getting complacent and panicking. You need to get out and do stuff, but acting like it's the end of the world when a poll comes out that you don't like is not good either. I don't see people viewing this thread getting determined to help the Clinton campaign, I see them panic at the thought of a Trump presidency, and there's a difference between the two. Don't act like this is in the bag, even the night before, but don't loose your minds when ever things don't look as good as they were. We did that in May as well, and when people said not to freak out, they were correct.

I'm not panicking, but a post-convention bounce doesn't always happen. Case in point :


Considering this poll was carried out during the time when the DNC email story was getting media attention, I think that may have been partially responsible for Trump getting a lead.
True, conventions have been getting less and less bounces, and the email shenanigans don't help, but regardless of the email shenanigans and whatever bounce there was, it will be temporary, as it almost always is. Even if Wikileaks released more, it would have to be far worse, because every time you re-open a news story, the reaction gets reduced significantly. I doubt they have any more incriminating stuff in that, or they would have released some of it.

Also, it's important to remember the Republican convention was after the Democratic one, meaning it may have been canceled out by the Democrats bump.

Furthermore, I wasn't singling anyone out in this thread, and I'm sure you weren't panicking, but I was addressing the mood of the thread.
Stay calm, do what you can, and don't freak out till things settle down a bit.


No Democrat will be able to start a war unless there's an army about to invade the US or a NATO ally because the party would not allow it. This is what I don't get it, Clinton panders all the time but then she will do the opposite of everything people who voted for her want?

The current administration just evaporated 85 civilians in Syria. It doesn't really have to be a declaration of war these day.
It was the white evangelical vote that put Bush over the top. White evangelical voters who had been disillusioned about the whole process before Rove introduced the same-sex-marriage wedge issue to the pot.

I won't discount that, but Kerry had a lot of issues that held him back as a candidate.

Sanders supporter just said this on TV.

Man, some Sander supporters really just live in their own little bubble, don't they?
Diablos is a regular PoliGAF poster, notorious for becoming Chicken Little the moment anything but favorable polling or events happen to his preferred candidates.
Diablos is a well know gaf user who was known to panic at the drop of a pin during the 2008 and 2012 elections. It became well known enough that the word diablos became synonymous with panic on gaf.

To Diablos is to panic, more specifically during an election year.
Kinda disappointed it's not an actual political term, but hilarious nonetheless.


There's a difference between getting complacent and panicking. You need to get out and do stuff, but acting like it's the end of the world when a poll comes out that you don't like is not good either. I don't see people viewing this thread getting determined to help the Clinton campaign, I see them panic at the thought of a Trump presidency, and there's a difference between the two. .

I'm equally opposed to both of them. At least the Dems have a sliver of a chance to change their nominee. There will be enough ammo by the end of the week to make it look legit on paper. Hell, Nixon got impeached for erasing 18 minutes of a cassette tape. I'm betting the dirt in these next 4 leaks will trump that if the DNC would look for a legal way out of this.

There are no shortage of better options in the party. In fact, I can't think of any Democrat with more unsightly baggage than Clinton. If it comes down to Clinton and Trump, which it will, I'm 99% sure I'm going 3rd or 4th party.


No Democrat will be able to start a war unless there's an army about to invade the US or a NATO ally because the party would not allow it. This is what I don't get it, Clinton panders all the time but then she will do the opposite of everything people who voted for her want?

If you don't call it a war it still can be a war. And Clinton is a the biggest hawk in the race.
I'm equally opposed to both of them. At least the Dems have a sliver of a chance to change their nominee. There will be enough ammo by the end of the week to make it look legit on paper. Hell, Nixon got impeached for erasing 18 minutes of a cassette tape. I'm betting the dirt in these next 4 leaks will trump that if the DNC would look for a legal way out of this.

There are no shortage of better options in the party. In fact, I can't think of any Democrat with more unsightly baggage than Clinton. If it comes down to Clinton and Trump, which it will, I'm 99% sure I'm going 3rd or 4th party.

Okay, well, you've played it pretty well, but I think it's pretty clear you're a Bernie or Buster here, and you're just trying to incite panic because your favored candidate didn't win in the primaries.

Of course he did. Just like Hillary Clinton.

Yes, but in different ways. I don't think they are really comparable, in the same way I don't think it's fair to compare Trump to Bush.
I'm actually seeing more and more people moving into the Trump camp, and I live in San Francisco - the liberal capital of the west coast.


The people who told Bernie supporters byebitch.gif we don't need your votes?

Even better: the militant people who tell those who are hesitant to vote for Hillary that they are racists and homophobes in an attempt to berate them into falling in line.
Even better: the militant people who tell those who are hesitant to vote for Hillary that they are racists and homophobes in an attempt to berate them into falling in line.

Even better: A whole lot of bullshit, because what the hell are either of you even talking about?


Okay, well, you've played it pretty well, but I think it's pretty clear you're a Bernie or Buster here, and you're just trying to incite panic because your favored candidate didn't win in the primaries.

Far from it. I'll take O'Malley, Biden, Kerry, Warren etc.

I supported Bernie on the contingency that most of what he wanted wouldn't materialize. Just thought we could use a good push towards taking a closer look at refining some trade deals, basic income and planning for the future of automation. Just to get the ball rolling.

CGI is in the business of selling favors. Look at Haiti.

Even better: the militant people who tell those who are hesitant to vote for Hillary that they are racists and homophobes in an attempt to berate them into falling in line.

And Amirox coming just shy of making legitimate threats against them. Not the liberal party that I use to be enthused to be a part of.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Trump has no record. That's not a good thing.

Didn't say it was. Hillary is a hawk by most liberal standards and Trump is a clown by most human standards.

I never said she was a dove.

Trokil, however, said she was a bigger warhawk than Trump.

I know. While this whole "who is the bigger warhawk" argument is hard to quantify, Hillary Clinton has earned her reputation in that regard. Donald Trump is full of nasty rhetoric. I don't really see why the comparison between the two is outlandish in this respect.

Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer a warhawk with a plan over an egotistical sociopath who just got the keys to a car he doesn't know how to drive, but Hillary wins this bout solely on the technicality that her opponent is a clown. Give any 'moderate' Republican the nomination and it's a push.


The Autumn Wind
Even better: A whole lot of bullshit, because what the hell are either of you even talking about?
I'm over them. Nothing but ridiculous nonsense followed by crying about how "unfairly" they're treated. Clueless and annoying.


For fuck's sake, Trump has called for bringing back torture and killing terrorists' families.

While Obama just throws bombs and them, still don't see that much of a difference. Yes, Trump is a stupid loudmouth, but he has until now claimed way less lives than Clinton for example.
While Obama just throws bombs and them, still don't see that much of a difference. Yes, Trump is a stupid loudmouth, but he has until now claimed way less lives than Clinton for example.

Sure he'll probably be more dangerous but since he's never had the chance to be so he's better than Clinton.


I'm equally opposed to both of them. At least the Dems have a sliver of a chance to change their nominee. There will be enough ammo by the end of the week to make it look legit on paper. Hell, Nixon got impeached for erasing 18 minutes of a cassette tape. I'm betting the dirt in these next 4 leaks will trump that if the DNC would look for a legal way out of this.

There are no shortage of better options in the party. In fact, I can't think of any Democrat with more unsightly baggage than Clinton. If it comes down to Clinton and Trump, which it will, I'm 99% sure I'm going 3rd or 4th party.

You need to take a step back and reevaluate. There is a 0% chance that the Democrats change their nominee. It's done, and over with. No amount of hoping for something damaging to come out in the next couple of weeks is going to change that. Also, since you are so sure Clinton is going to lose to Trump, and you have nearly a 100% certainty please answer this question. Given the current demographics in the U.S. how do you believe Trump will win Florida?

Edit: I picked Florida because in the majority of maps showing Trump hitting 270 it requires Florida. Florida is a must win state for Trump. Without it his narrow of victory is going to be incredible small, and it is already small to begin with.
While Obama just throws bombs and them, still don't see that much of a difference. Yes, Trump is a stupid loudmouth, but he has until now claimed way less lives than Clinton for example.

This is how you call Clinton a bigger warhawk?

This is terrible logic and you know that it's terrible logic. You just want to shit on Clinton even if it involves olympic-levels of mental gymnastics to do so.


You need to take a step back and reevaluate. There is a 0% chance that the Democrats change their nominee. It's done, and over with. No amount of hoping for something damaging to come out in the next couple of weeks is going to change that. Also, since you are so sure Clinton is going to lose to Trump, and you have nearly a 100% certainty please answer this question. Given the current demographics in the U.S. how do you believe Trump will win Florida?

Edit: I picked Florida because in the majority of maps showing Trump hitting 270 it requires Florida. Florida is a must win state for Trump. Without it his narrow of victory is going to be incredible small, and it is already small to begin with.

I think Florida is the swing state he'll have the hardest time with.

I'm the furthest thing from even a hobbyist political analyst, and most of this is what I see through my own bubble. I think the turn out is going to be insane. When has any Republican candidate had rally turn out like Trump? I can't think of one that's even in the same league.


This is how you call Clinton a bigger warhawk?

This is terrible logic and you know that it's terrible logic. You just want to shit on Clinton even if it involves olympic-levels of mental gymnastics to do so.

Oh yes, it's because I am the first person who calls her the bigger hawk. Even liberal or left leaning media does that.
I just spoke to a Bernie or bust friend on Facebook that thinks it's better to split the party and fail, kick and scream because they didn't get their candidate over getting the option to stack the supreme court in their favor or y'know not allowing Trump anything. Absolutely silly.


I think Florida is the swing state he'll have the hardest time with.

I'm the furthest thing from even a hobbyist political analyst, and most of this is what I see through my own bubble. I think the turn out is going to be insane. When has any Republican candidate had rally turn out like Trump? I can't think of one that's even in the same league.

A hard time is putting it lightly. Without Florida he can't win. The demographics in Florida don't favor him in the slightest as Cuban Americans are starting to lean more to dems, and Puerto Ricans are now almost as big as the Cuban voting block. Puerto Ricans also lean democrat. With all the bullshit he has spewed about Hispanics it's going to hurt him badly in Florida. He's going to have to win the white vote by extremely large numbers to offset the losses he's going to have with Hispanics in that state. There just won't be enough white voters for him to do that though. Just to show you how bad of a loss Florida would be Clinton could win Florida, and lose Ohio, Nevada, Colorado, Virginia, North Carolina, Iowa and New Hampshire and she could still hit 270. That's how significant Florida is to Trumps campaign.

Edit: Forgot to post these links. Just so you know I'm not talking out of my ass. Read these two links. Both are fairly short articles. After reading these two you will understand that uphill battle would be putting it kindly when it comes to Florida.


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