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Commence shitstorm.

Well, here we are. And while the journey has tested us, and has cost us greatly, we still end things in the right place. And here's why.

There have been Lost Yells of greater significance, yes, but does that make a Yell great? Or greater? The Canterbury Tales is a work of great significance, but is it more awesome than Grant Morrison's run on New X-Men? Of fucking course not.

"Well, fine, Ben. Okay. But this Yell isn't even 'awesome'. It's from the beginning of Season Three and we all know that these six episodes are the Tail Section of the series. They should all be shot or thrown into a tree. I thought we agreed on this?"

We agreed on nothing. But I understand the reticence, no matter how much a disagree with it. So, let's talk about it. What makes a Yell awesome, outside of its significance? A great Yell is lifted up, not only by the Yell itself, but by all that surrounds it. By the music, the context, the Yells of everyone else around it.

(This is not to say that this Yell is not without its own significance anyway. No matter how boring or useless you might find Kate Austen, this is, for the first time on her life, a moment where she refuses to run. A critical turning point for the character that, mysteriously and, in the opinion of this narrator, rather boneheadedly, is consistently ignored during consideration of this episode and the five that precede it.)

And by those criteria, the criteria that of course we can all agree on, there has never been a better Yell on the television series Lost. It's so awesome, it bears revisiting, en toto.

We join this yell as Pickett is about to shoot Sawyer in the side of the head. Jack is holding Ben's kidney hostage and has asked to speak to Kate over Walkie Talkie. Meanwhile, composer Michael Giacchino says to himself "Fuck this. I'm taking over."

"Jack? Jack!" Tom finally gets Pickett to let Kate speak and, in the first of many awesome moments, chucks Jack the Walkie, which he catches in a single move of deft awesomeness.

"Kate? You have about an hour headstart before they come after you."

So we've Jack, who thinks he knows all the angles and has put everything on the line to get Jack and Sawyer free, but there are two things he doesn't know:

1) Sawyer is about to be executed and both are at gunpoint.
2) They're not even on "their" island.

It's the first that is immediately troubling Kate. "Wait, where are you? Where are you?"

"You remember what I told you on the beach? The day of the crash. You remember what story I told you when you were stitching me up?" It's at this moment where the scenario really starts to blossom into Lost's most awesome. Kate's still like, Is he serious here? "DO YOU REMEMBER IT?!"

"YES! Yes, I remember!" I mean HOLY SHIT, the fucking tension here is just insane at this point.

"When you get safe, you radio me, and you tell that story."

"Jack, please."

"If I don't get a call from you in the next hour, I'm going to know something went wrong, and HE DIES!"

"I can't leave without you!"

"Yes, you are. Go!" (It's the urgency in this preliminary, almost non-, Yell that forms the rhythm that makes the Ultimate Yell as awesome as it is. One realizes this after the fiftieth or fifty-first time viewing it.)

"Jack! I can't!"

"Go, now!"

"I CAN'T!"


So you see now why I made the choice I did.

Maybe it's because the first time I heard it, it was experienced as a brutal and exhilarating cliffhanger. Maybe it's because Jack is the best Yeller on Lost. Maybe it's because Michael Giacchino is so awesome. There are any number of reasons.

But as we come to the end of this countdown, and Season Four is now just a few hours away, no matter what divisions in philosophy we may have when it comes to the greatest aspects of this show, we can all agree on this:

Season Four is now just a few hours away.

And further more, it's my list. You think it's wrong? Feel free to make your own.

Here's hoping there are dozens more Yells, all just awesome, to come in the months and years ahead. And that in fifty days leading to the release of the final episode, we can all reconvene for the Fifty Best Lost Yells Of All Time.

And then argue some more.


Once again Benjamin, great thread. You've put a lot of effort into it, much appreciated.

Btw: you can watch the fragment Kate, damnit run here. I especially like the moment when Jack says "...and HE DIES" while he turns around to face the others. Just something about the way he says it in combination with the shot itself. It's awesome.

Eric WK

Well done, Ben. At the very least you've convinced me that a case can be made and, furthermore, that a list without "Kate Dammit Run!" in the Top 3 would be far more ridiculous than one with it at the top.
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