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Fallout 4 Spoiler Thread (Stay away if you hate spoilers)

You can return the egg to the Deathclaw instead. You know, complete the quest the way you want.

Ya I retuned mine. There was this cool moment where the deathclaw mother comes out to defend the nest. But does not attack you if you retuned the egg. Also I collected a cool dethclaw weapon from next to the nest.
And yeah, there are no 'good guys' in this game. Railroad is short-sighted, Brotherhood is too fanatical and the Institute is just plain weird.

And that's what irks me. Minus the weirdness in their total dismissal of the question of AI sentience, and choice to replace people with synths (wtf for) they're perfectly okay. They are the good guys, without question, so Bethesda added dumb bullshit you can't dissuade them from to make them morally ambiguous. Tough choices.


Need help/Have a question about the Silver Shroud missions. Spoilers follow for mission:

I killed Kendra and I swear I left my calling card but I still have that part of the mission left to complete on my log. When I go to Good-neighbor to leave the calling card it just has a quest marker above an empty part of the floor without her body. What do I do? Do I even need to put the calling card to complete the mission?
Need help/Have a question about the Silver Shroud missions. Spoilers follow for mission:

I killed Kendra and I swear I left my calling card but I still have that part of the mission left to complete on my log. When I go to Good-neighbor to leave the calling card it just has a quest marker above an empty part of the floor without her body. What do I do? Do I even need to put the calling card to complete the mission?
Normally the quest would advance by listening to the radio, if it doesn't you're probably locked out due to a scripting bug. I had at 4 or 5 quests become uncompletable in my playthrough, it happens a lot in this game.


Normally the quest would advance by listening to the radio, if it doesn't you're probably locked out due to a scripting bug. I had at 4 or 5 quests become uncompletable in my playthrough, it happens a lot in this game.

Found her body but it doesnt give me the prompt now to place the calling card. When I try to do it manually it tells me I cant remove quest items.

Edit: Nvm, I was able to advance the quest anyway. So how do I get the Silver Shroud outfit upgraded? Im level 26 now so I should be good but I cant enter the guys room to talk to him.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
How do you start the silver shroud quest? I've listened to like 3 episodes now and been carrying the suit/script etc for awhile.
Okay I need some answers, I feel like my ending is stuck in some absolutely fucked state... here we go...

So I do the Battle of Bunker Hill quest, The Brotherhood of Steel, Railroad and Institute Synths are all fighting for the location, none of these factions are hostile towards me, so I just let it play out and do the objectives. All seems well, meet Father at the top of CIT and have a chat with him, apparently my only option is to shun the Institute, which of course blacklists me from traveling to the Institute, thus failing a bunch of quests.

So then I go talk to Preston to see what the rub is and he tells me we should attack the Institute, which I didn't think the Minutemen had a problem with until just at the that moment, but I digress. So we get everything we need to attack the Institute and go in, I fight my way through synths until I come across Father, who is on his death bed/iron lung thing and we get some shit out in the open and I tell him I'm sorry that it had to happen this way because I really irl didn't want it to happen like that, so I convince him to help me save the synths by shutting some down and go about my way, presuming I will have a chance to either say goodbye or help him later in the quest.

Well I put the bomb on the reactor and go back to John Travol.. I mean Sturges and he tells me I should wrap anything up I need to before this place is blown to hell, I think great, let me go drag Father's old ass down these steps or let me talk with him again. Wrong, I can't get back up stairs, everything's locked down. So regrettably I tell Sturges to blow the place and off we go to watch a massive explosion with robot and son bits flying around.

Cut to the rooftop, Preston is all happy that we finally wiped out the menace that is the Institute, who apparently was a major problem for a small grass roots militia that had no association with them. Here is the really weird part though, I go to Dez at the Railroad HQ and she still wants me to help break out the synths from the Institute... you know the one that I sent to hell a few minutes earlier... so I go along with it confused as hell and she leads me back to Preston! Great, let's hope Preston has something cool to say. Well it turns out the shockwave must have given ol' Preston a bit amnesia because he is flabbergasted at the thought of us attacking the Institute, because the Minutemen have no problems with them... I'm at this point speechless and I figured something is fucked so I just complete the quest and Preston says let's build our army to fight those synth loving bastards...

Well there's more, apparently while I wasn't playing, my character found out that Danse was a mother fucking synth and is now quarantined at Bunker Hill because I somehow convince the Elder to let him live... I was shocked, this was literally the first time I heard this, it was from one of the Recon team members who just happened to bring it up after a completed quest. I'm just lost as to what happened with this whole situation and I don't know what I can do to fix it, I feel like I broke a huge part of the end quests for no fault of mine.

Sorry for the wall of text just wanted to vent and see if anyone else experienced anything like this.


Unconfirmed Member

That's fantastic. Like, even at best the endgame is super broken (I was also non-hostile to everyone at Bunker Hill and I don't even know why the BoS was there because I never joined them). But this is next-level broken.


I think there's only four, yeah. Either you side with the Minutemen, the Brotherhood, the Railroad or the Institute. From what I can tell, each faction will require you to wipe out at least one of the others. The Minutemen attack the Institute and have a quest to shoot down the Prydwen. The Railroad destroys the Prydwen and then attacks the Institute. The Brotherhood eliminates the Railroad and then the Institute. The Institute kills the Railroad and then shoots down the Prydwen.

I wish there was a way to force some of the sides to work together, New Vegas-style. I wanted an assault on the Institute with the Railroad infiltrating and evacuating civilians, the Brotherhood destroying the Institute and the Minutemen helping out. Kinda sad that something like that doesn't seem to be an option.

As it is, there is no 'good' or 'bad' ending. Which is good in its own way, but it's a shame there's no way to actually influence your ending aside from that one choice you make.

The Institute ending was the first one I completed, but it has you wiping out all the other factions. I wasn't satisfied with that ending at all so I went back and did the minutemen ending (Had a savegame just before that point of no return)

The only faction I wanted to see wiped out in the end was the institute, and luckily there was an option to save 'Shaun' before finishing.

I'm happy with that ending, not sure I want to see the BoS or Railroad endings seeing as though they have beef with each other.
That's fantastic. Like, even at best the endgame is super broken (I was also non-hostile to everyone at Bunker Hill and I don't even know why the BoS was there because I never joined them). But this is next-level broken.

I'm still getting quest after quest from the Railroad with the end goal of attacking the Institute, and even then they will randomly say stuff about how they are jealous that I took the Minutemen to attack the Institute. I think everyone's in on the joke and suddenly I'm going to go back to the HQ to a surprise party or something.
Fuck you shaun.
And this shitty plot too.
Also you were adopted.



But I sympathized with the Railroad because they seemed like a noble selfless cause. Right up until they started murdering all the scientists in the institute and destroy a extremely valuable piece of technology just to say fuck you to the institute.

The part at the end where she says "we wiped out the institute forever" I was like do you realize how long forever is?? Given even just another 200 years another institute will easily spring out of the ashes and this will happen all over again. The moral of Fallout is that violence as a means to a greater good always ends up in more violence and destruction. They needed to find a long term solution to integrating synths. Destroying valuable irreplaceable technology and killing scientists who are extremely rare in this world is so short sighted.

The Railroad ending just made no sense to me at all you get made director and you could influence the Institute from the inside and change how things are run to match what the Railroad stands for but no lets all attack their base and blow it up for good because reasons.


The Railroad ending just made no sense to me at all you get made director and you could influence the Institute from the inside and change how things are run to match what the Railroad stands for but no lets all attack their base and blow it up for good because reasons.

I feel like all 3 factions are completely stupid in the end. All 3 just delove into "kill everyone else" Really lazy and sloppy writing imo.


All the factions suck, I wanted an option to destroy them all and become the lone supreme ruler of the Boston Wasteland.

Went with Institute, because I figure that would be the one Bethesda put the most effort into the ending of. (They didn't)

The massive setpiece battle against the Railroad and the Brotherhood at the same time would have been cool, if the framerate ever went above 15 for the whole thing, which it didn't.


Just gave up on the game. Do not think I will ever finish it. This whole fraction thing is so mind-blowingly stupid. It is the opposite of role playing. You have to pick a fraction which all have stupid nonsensical goals. And then you have to attack the other fractions that are not really evil. No matter which one you choose you are an evil asshole.

I gave up when father told me to kill the leader of the railroad and there was no way to get around it even though I was the new leader of the institute.

Such a strange strange game..


Just gave up on the game. Do not think I will ever finish it. This whole fraction thing is so mind-blowingly stupid. It is the opposite of role playing. You have to pick a fraction which all have stupid nonsensical goals. And then you have to attack the other fractions that are not really evil. No matter which one you choose you are an evil asshole.

I gave up when father told me to kill the leader of the railroad and there was no way to get around it even though I was the new leader of the institute.

Such a strange strange game..

Finished the game today and while the game has a lot of good things going for it that bit is going to leave a very bad aftertaste in my mouth.

"Kill the Railroad"


"It has to be done. I order you to do it!"


Like wtf, you can't order me. I'm your father. And you made me the boss of this place. Oh and you are gonna die tomorrow anyway, so I will just sit that one out!

Welp. Killed them all. War, it never changes, or something.


Finished the game today and while the game has a lot of good things going for it that bit is going to leave a very bad aftertaste in my mouth.

"Kill the Railroad"


"It has to be done. I order you to do it!"


Like wtf, you can't order me. I'm your father. And you made me the boss of this place. Oh and you are gonna die tomorrow anyway, so I will just sit that one out!

Welp. Killed them all. War, it never changes, or something.

Yeah, it seems like Bethesda created this new dialogue system to mock the player. Just before the dialogue with father you are in a meeting were you get the dialogue option to not attack the BoS. But if you choose that option it is directly brushed aside by your subordinates. But but but I am in the directors seat..

And during all these missions with the institute I still have no idea of what they want. It is fascinating how bad the story of this game is.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Another dumb part of the game was Kellogg having all these cybernetic implants to extended his life and strength. Yet Father doesn't want to pursue these technologies further for everyone because he considers the combination of man and machine a bastardization. I held on to those items from Kellogg since I thought you could get cybernetic implants ala new vegas which would've been awesome.

It's just strange how the FEV study, artificial life, and genetically cloned gorillas are a-okay but implants are going waaay too far.
I didn't want to go into Fallout 4 comparing it to NV but the direct faction(and in some regards story) imping kinda forced my hand. It made me realize that there isn't much good about the main story of Fallout 4. I'm not gonna go into heavy detail but I want to address how Obsidian and Bethesda introduced their "Villians". When it comes down to specifics Legion and Institute are very similar in certain ways. Both have imploy zerg tactics with a minimal level of mercy for their enemies, both imploy a strong subterfuge/aggression campaign to scare the populace and gain inel, both have strong charismatic leaders who die of cancer... Military wise they are very similar, but I'm getting slightly off track.

How was the Legion introduced? They were introduced twice. The first time was a show of strength to impart the brutality and mercilessness of the Legion. This meeting was slightly deceptive from a story point of view, because it painted the legion in a half light. At the time you probably saw them as essentially nothing more than a large raider group. Aggressive ruthless etc and nothing shows this more at the time than the man leading the force at Nipton. Vulpes, spymaster of the legion, but when you first meet him butcher of Nipton. No its not until you get to New Vegas that the true horror of the legion sets in. When a disguised Vulpes strides up to you in the middle of the enemies capital. Death at all sides, no guard, just the clothes on his back and an invitation. At that point you realize that the legion isn't just brute force they also have a covert side that can weasel into anything. Confident to the point of insanity with no fear of death. Both sides of this legion are continually reinforced through questing. I contend that the introductions of Vulpes not only trumps anything Bethesda has written singlehandedly but stands against the whole of gaming in general.

In comparison, the institute should have matched this with the added benefit of hyper intelligence. Nothing comes close though. The show the subterfuge of the institute not by clever introductions or twists but by continually repeating that they are the "boogymen". They dont show the intelligence of the institute by say having the synthesis adapt to your tatics. They just spam and spam. They don't show the strength of the institute by having powerful foes that are extremely rare. Instead they hype up the story courser as that, but within hours after you kill the first dozens fall before you. B- for effort, I guess.
The BOS destroying the institute has to be the stupidest thing I've watched in ages. Like OK the railroad doing it makes some sense. They clearly don't have the manpower or resources to take/hold it, but come on the BOS does. I'm supposed to believe that they'd just destroy the most advanced scientific lab in possibly the world. Bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit. The institute has fucking teleportation compared to helecopters. Erase/destroy the third gen data and move the fuck on. Ridiculous.


Are you supposed to encounter Shaun-bot in the Institute ending? He showed up for the BoS and Railroad endings, but not the Institute ending.

I miss NV's "fuck all y'all, I'm going rogue" ending, because all the factions are kind of terrible in their own special ways.


Are you supposed to encounter Shaun-bot in the Institute ending? He showed up for the BoS and Railroad endings, but not the Institute ending.

He shows up in the minuteman ending as well. Essentially any ending which ends in the destruction of the Institute


Are you supposed to encounter Shaun-bot in the Institute ending? He showed up for the BoS and Railroad endings, but not the Institute ending.

I miss NV's "fuck all y'all, I'm going rogue" ending, because all the factions are kind of terrible in their own special ways.

I haven't got to the end yet but I read that he is in the advanced systems room, supposedly behind another glass case. Can you please confirm if that is true and if he can follow you like in the other endings? That may influence me to side with another faction. Thanks!
So I shot Shaun in the head as soon as he was revealed to be the leader. First off...I'm surprised that the game let you kill him there and escape. I thought he'd be unkillable or you wouldn't be able to draw you gun during that scene. However, the general reaction after you kill him is a bit strange...there is no reaction. When I come back nobody asks me how it went or if I found my son. Some sort of dialogue option like "I had to kill my son, he was the leader" or something would have made it a little less odd.


Has anyone come up with an explanation for how the game leads you to believe Shaun is 10 throughout the game until you meet Father?

When you check the computer after killing Kellogg it mentions how the "kid Shaun" has been handed over, he needs to hunt a fugitive (assuming Virgil) and secure Fort Hagen which is where you find him. Did these things take him 50 years? Was he walking around with the synth child Shaun? When you go to the Memory Den with Nick after killing Kellogg and delve in to his memories the doctor tells you that the memory where the Courser picks up Shaun is a recent memory, yet Shaun is supposed to be 60.

It really irked me when the twist came around that the game just spent a bunch of time seemingly lying at you to make their "twist" happen. No evidence I've found points elsewhere and makes the already poor story feel worse.


Has anyone come up with an explanation for how the game leads you to believe Shaun is 10 throughout the game until you meet Father?

When you check the computer after killing Kellogg it mentions how the "kid Shaun" has been handed over, he needs to hunt a fugitive (assuming Virgil) and secure Fort Hagen which is where you find him. Did these things take him 50 years? Was he walking around with the synth child Shaun? When you go to the Memory Den with Nick after killing Kellogg and delve in to his memories the doctor tells you that the memory where the Courser picks up Shaun is a recent memory, yet Shaun is supposed to be 60.

It really irked me when the twist came around that the game just spent a bunch of time seemingly lying at you to make their "twist" happen. No evidence I've found points elsewhere and makes the already poor story feel worse.

Kellogg immediately turned infant Shaun over to the Institute as a pure sample without any exposure to the wasteland. Kellogg was later travelling with fake Synth 10 year old Shaun around the time you are woken up by Father/original Shaun. I guess to draw you to Kellogg so you'd gain the ability to teleport into the Institute and visit "Father"/ real Shaun.

I still don't understand the kidnapping Wastelanders and replacing them with Synths, other than to give players a stupid reason to consider the Institute evil. There was no reason for it - the surface dwellers weren't pure samples like baby Shaun for the Synths experiments, they were most likely just executed after transferring memories to Synth replacements. But for whatever reason they couldn't program the Synths to act exactly like the original, so the replacements are pretty useless as spies since they would eventually be found out. Also, why kill innocent surface dwellers to replace them with Synths when most were in non-influential roles like farmer, traders, daughter of a trader, etc. The Institute would have been just as well off creating "original" synth humans to fulfill the same exact roles with made up history, it's not like the world was very well connected so they could easily create backstories for their Synths that could never be checked for veracity.


Kellogg immediately turned infant Shaun over to the Institute as a pure sample without any exposure to the wasteland. Kellogg was later travelling with fake Synth 10 year old Shaun around the time you are woken up by Father/original Shaun. I guess to draw you to Kellogg so you'd gain the ability to teleport into the Institute and visit "Father"/ real Shaun.

Does Father, who knows nothing about you besides whatever history has remained after the war, really expect you to find Kellogg much less be able to extract information out of him? I totally get why baby Shaun wouldn't have spent any time in the wasteland because they wanted an infant unaffected by radiation and all that... but why would Kellogg walk around with the synth Shaun? That part makes no sense to me.
Can someone answer this for me? I don't think I care about spoilers anymore so spoil whatever you want.

Is "side with the Institute" the "main quest" option? Because "Find Shawn" was very clearly the main quest but once you meet him it becomes the bog-standard "do this random shit for us" that Bethesda faction quests tend to be. I don't know if this is still part of the "main quest" or if I've veered into some side shit.


I totally get why baby Shaun wouldn't have spent any time in the wasteland because they wanted an infant unaffected by radiation and all that... but why would Kellogg walk around with the synth Shaun? That part makes no sense to me.
the entire reason father/shaun releases you out into the wild is the same reason why he lets synth shaun hang out with kellog/why robo-shaun exists at all
he's curious about the "what if" of his life while on the verge of his incoming death and is basically releasing chaotic variables out into the wild in a totally irresponsible and wanton manner as per the institute's retarded standard
this is made exceptionally clear in a non-institute end where he reprograms shaun to be your loving kid with some of his traits (a very strong knack for science)
it's just another one of those things that is interesting in concept and would be effective if the game wasn't so ham-handed about everything else

Does anyone think Bethesda could create DLC to get themselves out of this hole they dug themselves a la Fallout 3?
nah, the issues are fundamental to the entire third act and how things turn out- they'd have to remake a pretty considerable amount of game alongside dealing with a -ton- of variables
my assumption is that for any dlc that actually addresses your postgame decisions/requires postgame decisions it's going to be quite limited to your insertion point/starting point and that's about it


Okay I need some answers, I feel like my ending is stuck in some absolutely fucked state... here we go...

So I do the Battle of Bunker Hill quest, The Brotherhood of Steel, Railroad and Institute Synths are all fighting for the location, none of these factions are hostile towards me, so I just let it play out and do the objectives. All seems well, meet Father at the top of CIT and have a chat with him, apparently my only option is to shun the Institute, which of course blacklists me from traveling to the Institute, thus failing a bunch of quests.

So then I go talk to Preston to see what the rub is and he tells me we should attack the Institute, which I didn't think the Minutemen had a problem with until just at the that moment, but I digress. So we get everything we need to attack the Institute and go in, I fight my way through synths until I come across Father, who is on his death bed/iron lung thing and we get some shit out in the open and I tell him I'm sorry that it had to happen this way because I really irl didn't want it to happen like that, so I convince him to help me save the synths by shutting some down and go about my way, presuming I will have a chance to either say goodbye or help him later in the quest.

Well I put the bomb on the reactor and go back to John Travol.. I mean Sturges and he tells me I should wrap anything up I need to before this place is blown to hell, I think great, let me go drag Father's old ass down these steps or let me talk with him again. Wrong, I can't get back up stairs, everything's locked down. So regrettably I tell Sturges to blow the place and off we go to watch a massive explosion with robot and son bits flying around.

Cut to the rooftop, Preston is all happy that we finally wiped out the menace that is the Institute, who apparently was a major problem for a small grass roots militia that had no association with them. Here is the really weird part though, I go to Dez at the Railroad HQ and she still wants me to help break out the synths from the Institute... you know the one that I sent to hell a few minutes earlier... so I go along with it confused as hell and she leads me back to Preston! Great, let's hope Preston has something cool to say. Well it turns out the shockwave must have given ol' Preston a bit amnesia because he is flabbergasted at the thought of us attacking the Institute, because the Minutemen have no problems with them... I'm at this point speechless and I figured something is fucked so I just complete the quest and Preston says let's build our army to fight those synth loving bastards...

Well there's more, apparently while I wasn't playing, my character found out that Danse was a mother fucking synth and is now quarantined at Bunker Hill because I somehow convince the Elder to let him live... I was shocked, this was literally the first time I heard this, it was from one of the Recon team members who just happened to bring it up after a completed quest. I'm just lost as to what happened with this whole situation and I don't know what I can do to fix it, I feel like I broke a huge part of the end quests for no fault of mine.

Sorry for the wall of text just wanted to vent and see if anyone else experienced anything like this.

I knew Preston is a cuckoo but I didn't expect him to be MPD-level, needs to be hospitalized nut.

He for some reason now refused to talk to me, as in the option to talk has been greyed out. I suspect it's because I joined BoS. Strong is even worse. He doesn't want to follow me anymore. The thing is, I had NO IDEA that these characters have issues with each other.

Some fair-weathered friends these fuckers are, especially after I helped them. With friends like these...


Can someone answer this for me? I don't think I care about spoilers anymore so spoil whatever you want.

Is "side with the Institute" the "main quest" option? Because "Find Shawn" was very clearly the main quest but once you meet him it becomes the bog-standard "do this random shit for us" that Bethesda faction quests tend to be. I don't know if this is still part of the "main quest" or if I've veered into some side shit.

The faction quests are all part of the main quest, yes.
The faction quests are all part of the main quest, yes.

Damn, seriously? The quest design is basura after I got to Shaun. Everything is "fast travel here, kill dudes, come back". The gigantic tonal shift between the Institute and Commonwealth and forced teleportation everywhere has completely killed my immersion, not to mention being director of an omnipotent organization really renders the whole "walk along the wasteland countryside with hacked-together weapons and armor and nothing but your trusty dog" theme completely weightless.

So I can get to an ending just by switching over and doing all the missions from a different faction, or how does that work? The whole game just became a giant clusterfuck in like the span of an hour.
I knew Preston is a cuckoo but I didn't expect him to be MPD-level, needs to be hospitalized nut.

He for some reason now refused to talk to me, as in the option to talk has been greyed out. I suspect it's because I joined BoS. Strong is even worse. He doesn't want to follow me anymore. The thing is, I had NO IDEA that these characters have issues with each other.

Some fair-weathered friends these fuckers are, especially after I helped them. With friends like these...

Something is seriously wonky with the scripting of all that stuff.

And another thing to add to my mess, I suppose something happened to Glory, the Railroad member? I keep getting people say they are bummed she died or is gone or something and that they are sorry that I had to pick up the load of operations for the Railroad... but Glory is alive and well 5 feet away from the people that are saying shes dead or gone... I try and talk to Glory and she just gets up out of her chair and walks away without saying a word.

Also Cait decided to disappear on me, took her on a quest and notices she wasn't following me so I looked every were for her and it turns out she was sleeping in a sleeping bag at some bum fuck nowhere settlement I never visited called Covenant (had to use a console command to teleport to her.), which the people inside the settlement acted like they knew me and even had a bed for me to sleep in even though I had never been there and the location was undiscovered when I got there to show I had never been there.


Damn, seriously? The quest design is basura after I got to Shaun. Everything is "fast travel here, kill dudes, come back". The gigantic tonal shift between the Institute and Commonwealth and forced teleportation everywhere has completely killed my immersion, not to mention being director of an omnipotent organization really renders the whole "walk along the wasteland countryside with hacked-together weapons and armor and nothing but your trusty dog" theme completely weightless.

So I can get to an ending just by switching over and doing all the missions from a different faction, or how does that work? The whole game just became a giant clusterfuck in like the span of an hour.

Yeah it is really strange how the game changes so fundamentally and abruptly.

I did not like the beginning since it really locked you down to focus on finding your son. However, I started to enjoy the main quest line all the way to the twist.

But then within seconds after finding father it becomes obvious that he is an asshole without logic. For some reason it was a necessary evil to kill his mother/father and the institute is humanities last hope because they can build synths that can clean (right?).

And on top of that the next mission is to go kill/retrieve a random synth.

But, my son, we just reunited..


I beat it. It seems they've designed the main plot as an afterthought. There doesn't seem to be a main plot after you find Shaun outside of "the other factions must be eliminated". I went with the institute but they were all pretty terrible choice. Exploring the world was fun and the atmosphere was great but the plot is a huge letdown. I was expecting the institute to be cooking up some grand scheme of doom but in the end they simply wanted to build their reactor to be self sufficient. Since there is no grand conflict the game simply ends after you get rid of the competition. It's so anticlimactic and awkward.


I'm basically finished with the main story and I'm wondering if at any point I was supposed to become enamoured with any of the factions in this game?

I guess I like the Minutemen seeing as I'm the General and I've liked rebuilding The Castle and I suppose the Railroad are a group with good intentions. I feel like The Brotherhood and The Institute are the de facto grey areas/villains; The Institute more so, and that we'd pick The Brotherhood based on our infatuation with them from previous games (Cool Power Armour) or help The Institute based on the fact that our son is their leader and they have the most advanced tech and thus may be able to help the Commonwealth/The World the most.

I don't really like any of the factions and none the characters representing them stand out at all.

Honestly, I really don't care if synths have 'freedom', seems to me like the majority become a hindrance rather than a help. This topic has been done so much better in other games and media, Deus Ex for one.


I stuck with the brotherhood and just finished the main quest line tonight. After a certain point I felt like I was all in with the brotherhood but I didn't really enjoy that feeling. It's troubling that I'm reading other factions don't really feel much more rewarding.

Overall, I enjoyed my time with it. Unfortunately a glitch stole some of my thunder tonight. I had to enable no clip to move passed one of the mission gates on one of the last missions after banging my head against the wall for quite some time.

I'll probably duck my head back in when steam works gets fully integrated. I don't feel eager to go right back in. Definitely an interesting choice for Bethesda to hold back the credits.


i finished up the breaching institute part of the brotherhood side of the ending and it highlighted something that lord of castamere talked about
specifically, how utterly toothless the institute is as a presence throughout the game. they're fucking weak

like enemy synths are straight up star wars battle droid status jokes and even worse their heavy hitter that's clearly meant to evoke a terminator is literally just some guy with slightly improved health and a shit weapon rather than something that evokes tension.

it didn't really hit me until now but the way synths are used and the balance behind their weapons significantly devalues the institute threat to the point of where it's actually impossible to take them seriously.
the biggest issues are that you run into them way too early and way too often alongside having weapons that are 1/3 as effective as a bog standard laser gun- they come off feeling like cannon fodder and lose all their impact in the scope of the story as enigmatic high-tech terminator types

when i was just sitting behind liberty prime for 20 minutes watching synths teleport in groups of 5 only to instantly die like idiots drove it in so hard just how pitifully the institute is used in a villainous role within the story.
that the liberty prime bit was a repeat of fo3's climax made me realize that the enclave at the very least appeared to be a threat to some degree with their tons of vertibirds and emplacements- there was a really long stretch of stuff for liberty prime to kill and all of it was high-tech, high-end shit. it was a short jaunt that played itself, but it did it's job in selling you on a threat that the player alone could not face with all those added things.
meanwhile in fo4 liberty prime is stomping battle droids that show up every 3 minutes while he slowly walks towards an empty lot. there's nothing that really shows why liberty prime is actually needed in that stretch, nothing to sell that the institute is actually a threat in any capacity whatsoever.


I felt bad for convincing Dr. Li to join the Brotherhood only to kill her with my shotgun when I chose to stick with the Institute after all..
After reading most of this thread.
Let me get this strait.
There is no new vegas wild card type option where I say fuck all of you and I take the wasteland for myself/the people?
If thats the case then Ill stick with my first instinct which you can all see on the previous page.
Fuck Shaun.
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