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Far Cry 3 announced (Ubisoft press conference, coming 2012)


staticneuron said:
It amazes me that there are actually people out there that like the sandbox elements so much that they are willing to overlook the obvious attempts to create empty filler that comprises the majority of farcry 2.

To me, it's because what you see as "filler", I see as exciting, incredibly atmospheric and unique emergent gameplay. I hate wasting time in games, it's probably the main reason why I stop playing something forever. I also don't generally play games without an ending (except some fighting games), because I always need a purpose to what I'm doing. So when I say that I liked those parts in Far Cry 2, I don't say it lightly. The game immersed me so much in its world that I wanted to "waste time".
BobsRevenge said:
I've beaten the game twice. I have something like 35-40 hours logged in the damn thing. As if I wouldn't have done this at some point. :lol

Yeah, that may be, but you can still distract them and hide from them and lose them even after doing that. You can't treat one quirk as if it disqualifies a whole argument. In general, the AI's vision makes more sense than most games that overly dumb down perceptive abilities.

I mean, people talk about the AI sucking, its really just quirky. The AI can be shockingly smart at times. If you shoot a guy in the leg he might crawl to the nearest tree and hide behind it with his pistol. I've actually lost track of guys who did this and almost got killed by them after I thought the battle was over.

The game was obviously unfinished, and I imagine if they had all the time they wanted the AI wouldn't have so many quirks. However, the AI can still be pretty damn impressive.

I see where your coming from and I admit you are right. The AI was smart. I was just commenting about the super awareness.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sounds interesting. Far Cry 2, like the original Assassin's Creed, delivered a very interesting concept for a game but failed to deliver on the content part. They simply didn't do enough with what they created and it became very repetitive almost immediately. It also lacked a true open world in that it was just a bunch of corridors divided by hills you could not scale. This appears much larger and open while offering a more interesting type of mission.

I would love to see CO-OP this time as well. I feel that may have saved Far Cry 2 as multiplayer games are repetitive by nature.


Am I the only one who didn't mind the respawns?

I rarely went the same way twice, so the respawns were usually about 48-72 hours apart.

The only thing I felt was missing was a lack of civilians and dangerous animals.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Ledsen said:
To me, it's because what you see as "filler", I see as exciting, incredibly atmospheric and unique emergent gameplay. I hate wasting time in games, it's probably the main reason why I stop playing something forever. I also don't generally play games without an ending (except some fighting games), because I always need a purpose to what I'm doing. So when I say that I liked those parts in Far Cry 2, I don't say it lightly. The game immersed me so much in its world that I wanted to "waste time".
Yeah, boating down a river at night and keeping a low profile to get out to a target was my favorite part of the game. It felt uniquely dangerous and tranquil in an immersive way.
staticneuron said:
I see where your coming from and I admit you are right. The AI was smart. I was just commenting about the super awareness.

Yeah, one of the things that Far Cry 2 did that most games don't is put the AI on a relatively equal footing with the player. For the most part, if you can do something so can enemy. This is most obvious aspect of this is the line of sight. Some people find it cheap that they can shot at from such a long distance because it's not something that we really see in games nowadays.


From what I've read so far:

No more checkpoints with enemies who respawn after three minutes.
Fast Travel (For those who want it).

On-screen mini-map.
No more weapon degradation.
XP pop-ups after every kill.

I'm cautiously optimistic about this one.


Weapon degradation was super dumb. A annoying gimmick. XP pop ups are something I dig, but I could see it being an easy fix in the options to turn off for people who don't like it.


Shurs said:
From what I've read so far:

No more checkpoints with enemies who respawn after three minutes.
Fast Travel (For those who want it).

On-screen mini-map.
No more weapon degradation.
XP pop-ups after every kill.

I'm cautiously optimistic about this one.

That sums it up pretty nicely, I completely agree with those points.

cackhyena said:
Weapon degradation was super dumb. A annoying gimmick. XP pop ups are something I dig, but I could see it being an easy fix in the options to turn off for people who don't like it.

What was bad about it? It punished you for picking up old, dirty enemy weapons or swimming with a weapon strapped to your back. The ones you bought and got from the weapons sheds degraded very slowly and almost never jammed. This encouraged you to plan your battles and bring weapons of your own, but allowed you the opportunity to improvise in desperate situations, albeit at a significant disadvantage.


I love FarCry2, I get that it has issues. I understand that the vision wasn't executed perfectly but I love it for what it is.


Enemy sight-lines were not unreasonable (100 yards?). Not to mention, cover worked. If my Jeep broke down with the enemy giving chase it was no issue at all to hop out and run to the nearest tree or behind the nearest hill. You were likely out of sight and could reengage them (or not) as you saw fit as they wouldn't see you.

Also, unlike 90% of shooters, sound actually mattered. People fire off 20 rounds with a MAC-10 or AK-47 and wonder why enemies were alerted to their location. Meanwhile, if you actually relocated after giving away your position, you could sit and watch while the enemy looked around for you at your old location.

Not going to argue the game was flawless, but FC2 really was one of those games where the "you're playing it wrong" argument holds considerable weight.

It took a 6 month break and a 2nd play through to realize that. I agree.


snoopeasystreet said:
Is this true? Having the map be a tangible thing in the game world lead to some of the most hilarious emergent gaming experiences I've ever had.

Look at the gifs in the OP.


Shurs said:
From what I've read so far:

No more checkpoints with enemies who respawn after three minutes.
Fast Travel (For those who want it).

On-screen mini-map.
No more weapon degradation.
XP pop-ups after every kill.

I'm cautiously optimistic about this one.

I'd add "boring as fuck yet again tropical pseudo-caribbean tropical island" to the Bad part. All I'm hearing sounds great, they're fixing what I didn't like about FC2, but then they dump the game into that shit setting yet again. It basically just killed half my interest on the game.


Personally I found myself ignoring vehicles most of the time and doing much of my traveling by foot, sometimes boat.

Which is also likely why I didn't mind the respawning checkpoints; they gave me something to do and added some complexity to the long treks.

That is to say, traveling just was part of the gameplay. You weren't "in between" missions and in "free roam" so much as you started a mission the moment you accepted it; travel and multiple checkpoints came with the territory.

For instance you start a mission, the first order of business was getting the next safe house. Second order of business was getting from the safe house to a gun dealer. From the gun dealer to the next safe house, and so on. That's already the game, ya know? The "missions" proper were secondary to traversing the landscape and dealing with random encounters.

I loved FC2. I'll be pissed if they fuck around with it too much listening to the whiners.

Yep. I loved it. But people like their simple, straight forward, predictable mission structure with their 15 hours of "story" mode. If that impatience ruins sandbox games for the rest of us, im gonna be feckin pissed.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Ledsen said:
GOTY 2012

followup to GOTY 2008


Seriously? You're going to be that insane to claim that? Far Cry 2 was a total hot mess. No where near GotY and I have no interest in Far Cry 3 until:

-They fix the spawning checkpoints
-The fix the cars (notable because of the RESPAWNING CHECKPOINTS)
-Take it back to the jungle Done, thanks Ubisoft! Africa wasn't bad, but I don't want it if it's going to remind me how shit 2 was.
-Give me Evolution-style attacks. Or at least keep it close to Far Cry 1's open levels.
FC2 had moments of greatness, but in a lot of ways it felt like Assassin's Creed, big world with a lot of filler and only a couple things to actually do in it. It was at it's best when you had to assault a base, using spreading fire to your advantage. It was at it's worst everywhere in between. It didn't help that the PC version was an obvious port-job with minimal attention paid to what a PC game should feel like.


Stealth never really worked for me.

As soon as I 'stealth' killed one enemy, every other enemy in a 10 mile radius would descend upon me with such precision I swear I must have had a homing beacon up my ass.

Oh, and they wouldn't even have to get close, they could just snipe me from 50 miles away with their God-like eagle vision.


DennisK4 said:

Pretty much hated by everyone else.

Forever alone.

In my love of FC2.

DennisK4 said:
Stealth never really worked for me.

As soon as I 'stealth' killed one enemy, every other enemy in a 10 mile radius would descend upon me with such precision I swear I must have had a homing beacon up my ass.

Oh, and they wouldn't even have to get close, they could just snipe me from 50 miles away with their God-like eagle vision.

This was my issue with every single Far Cry game. And Crysis.

It's also why I bought but never finished FC, FC 360, and Crysis. FC2 wasn't as set on stealth which is probably the only reason I beat it.


Sethos said:
The respawns killed the game for me. It killed the immersion and the sense of persistence.

Otoh. In that world, if it were real and a group in a guard post got wiped out, a faction leader would undoubtedly send a replacement group to guard the road again , no?

Granted perhaps not that quickly.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I’m just getting into FC2 and I had no idea what to expect. I just thought it was going to be much more of a straight shooter on a really open map. I was not prepared for what is almost a FPS-RPG. I’m kinda liking that, although I can tell the game is going to get pretty repetitive. Also a bit disappointed that the world isn’t quite as open as I thought it would be……….what do you mean I can’t climb to the top of that hill and scope out the whole island? I hate artificial barriers like that, especially in a game that tries to otherwise be so realistic in its openness. I’m taking it for what it is, though, and I’m usually pretty forgiving of flaws in games that can otherwise hold my attention with enough interesting open-ended exploration.

I’m glad FC3 is returning to a tropical island, though. I never played the first, and I was kind of hoping there would be more tropics in FC2.

question: is FC1 worth playing? Does it have anything on FC2?
DennisK4 said:
Stealth never really worked for me.

As soon as I 'stealth' killed one enemy, every other enemy in a 10 mile radius would descend upon me with such precision I swear I must have had a homing beacon up my ass.

Oh, and they wouldn't even have to get close, they could just snipe me from 50 miles away with their God-like eagle vision.
The camouflage pickup helped a little but yeah.

I was able to lose guys on occasion though, they'd go to my last known position and be spouting off garbage at me, trying to psych me out. Meanwhile I'd relocated to another position and was able to take them out. Always a cool feeling.

One of my complaints is what bulletsponges the enemies could be sometimes. I could accept having to put multiple rounds into everyone's chests if they were wearing armor, but usually they were just wearing wife beaters.


Klocker said:
Otoh. In that world, if it were real and a group in a guard post got wiped out, a faction leader would undoubtedly send a replacement group to guard the road again , no?

Granted perhaps not that quickly.

Exactly, within hours, not minutes or seconds.


Just the tranquil feeling it gave you of being solo in this huge forsaken place, under the stars with the wind whistling through the trees as a rain was about to start, with only the sound of your footsteps or a cracking fire or the puttering of your little boat motor. Ahhh so calming before your next firefight ^_^

and NO mini map


hey guys, remember the glitch that did not let you complete the game at all in Far Cry 2 that almost took them a whole 2 years of official angry message boarders for them to finally fix?

I really feel like i have to mention the silent blow darts that alert the entire camp of your presence as well.
Klocker said:
Otoh. In that world, if it were real and a group in a guard post got wiped out, a faction leader would undoubtedly send a replacement group to guard the road again , no?

Granted perhaps not that quickly.

If that world were real you wouldn't be funneled through rock corridors and forced to confront them over and over again either.


I don't get why they did the COD type skill points, it brings nothing to the game. The game itself without that is already amazing.


Far Cry 2 was a huge disappointment.

Just goes to show that a big open game world isn't always best. I hope this is more like the first game.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
DennisK4 said:
Stealth never really worked for me.

As soon as I 'stealth' killed one enemy, every other enemy in a 10 mile radius would descend upon me with such precision I swear I must have had a homing beacon up my ass.

Oh, and they wouldn't even have to get close, they could just snipe me from 50 miles away with their God-like eagle vision.
You had to shoot them in the head. Apparently when people get stabbed they scream or something.

lilltias said:
It's now safe for me to say that Massive Entertainment is working on Far Cry 3 too :)

And that's all I'm gonna say.
Hype x10.

<3 Massive. World in Conflict is one of the best games ever.


BobsRevenge said:
You had to shoot them in the head. Apparently when people get stabbed they scream or something.
no. Stealth kills did not work. No excuses. We've all played Metal Gear Solid and know how stealth is supposed to work in a game. The only stealth in Far Cry 2 is the jeeps that stealthly appear out of anywhere and run you over.


bangai-o said:
no. Stealth kills did not work. No excuses. We've all played Metal Gear Solid and know how stealth is supposed to work in a game. The only stealth in Far Cry 2 is the jeeps that stealthly appear out of anywhere and run you over.

lol. So friggin' true.


bangai-o said:
no. Stealth kills did not work. No excuses. We've all played Metal Gear Solid and know how stealth is supposed to work in a game. The only stealth in Far Cry 2 is the jeeps that stealthly appear out of anywhere and run you over.

so true

Edit: dammit Dipswitch...


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
bangai-o said:
no. Stealth kills did not work. No excuses. We've all played Metal Gear Solid and know how stealth is supposed to work in a game. The only stealth in Far Cry 2 is the jeeps that stealthly appear out of anywhere and run you over.
Headshots with silenced weapons worked without alerting people. Generally, the stealth in Far Cry 2 mainly works by distraction. Throwing a molotov and starting a fire, or something, then going in behind peoples' backs and headshotting stragglers that are still in your way.

You know, maybe thinning them out by dropping mortar shells on them first.

Going in at night helps a lot, and with rain even moreso.
Jeeps only appear out of nowhere if you don't pay attention.

There is literally no reason to ever get ambushed by a jeep unless you are already fleeing somewhere else.


lilltias said:
It's now safe for me to say that Massive Entertainment is working on Far Cry 3 too :)

And that's all I'm gonna say.

Wow! Fan vad coolt ;) If you have any say, please make the mini-map and XP display toggleable, and have the in-world map be there for those of us who prefer it :p

bangai-o said:
no. Stealth kills did not work. No excuses. We've all played Metal Gear Solid and know how stealth is supposed to work in a game. The only stealth in Far Cry 2 is the jeeps that stealthly appear out of anywhere and run you over.

Silenced head shots work perfectly. Just look at this video someone posted earlier.


Shurs said:
On-screen mini-map.
No more weapon degradation.
XP pop-ups after every kill.

I'm cautiously optimistic about this one.
You guys are so quick to nitpick little things about the game. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave you the option to turn off certain hud elements.


Fast travel kind of runs completely counter to everything that FC2 was going for. I didn't mind the bus system I hope this doesn't mean I'm going to be teleporting around like an Oblivion character.


Do we really need another jungle shooter though? I mean, I've played at least 10 in the last couple years.

That's another reason I'm a huge fan of FC2: it was a location that is massive (Africa is massive), but rarely do any games go there.

Edit: ha, I just remembered my FC2 jizzfest I created two years ago, which of course features some Dennis4k making me look like a fool.



BobsRevenge said:
Hype x10.

<3 Massive. World in Conflict is one of the best games ever.

Oooh, I have yet to play this. Bought it at the last Steam sale. Just three more weeks until the end of exams!
cluto said:
You guys are so quick to nitpick little things about the game. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave you the option to turn off certain hud elements.
If Deus Ex: Human Revolution taught us anything, it's that they won't unless we bitch about it endlessly on messageboards.


Gold Member
man i just played far cry 2 a bit again too see how awful it is :p

fucking angry africans can snipe you from miles away with a shotgun.
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