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George Zimmerman went shopping for a 12-round tactical shotgun today~

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Known to those who believe that.

Well people believe the earth revolves around the sun because its fact.

Same shit here, unless following someone, escalating a situation, engaging an unarmed civilian who wasn't committing a crime going home and then shooting them in cold blood isn't murder.

Not Guilty =//= Innocent.

He's not innocent of murder, the jury just wasn't convinced he didn't fear for his life without a reasonable doubt and Florida self defense claim requires a huge burden of proof when it comes to the reasonable doubt issue.


Judging from the few post like yours, I can imagine in a few years people will take this shit a step further and start creating a story where Trayvon shot Zimmerman a dozen time before Zimmerman slew the 6 headed, 30 foot, big black beast.

Not sure wtf he was thinking taking that god damned picture.

And that shotgun is an expensive piece of shit. For home protection shotguns I'd stick with Remington, Mossberg, or Benelli.

But for real what god damn use could anyone ever have for a gun like that? Holy shit

Keep in mind that that shotgun will fire the same 12ga shells that mine will. And unless he's using slugs instead of 00 it'll have the same effective range as any 12ga shotgun. Just cause it looks like it's something out of a Halo game doesn't make it more lethal.

It shoots the same shit this shoots:


But for real what god damn use could anyone ever have for a gun like that? Holy shit

People that don't know shit about guns like you think it's an advanced military weapon when really it's just a normal pump action shot gun like any other. It's hilarious. And the reason AR-15 style rifles are so vilified by the current administration and ignorant people like you.
People that don't know shit about guns like you think it's an advanced military weapon when really it's just a normal pump action shot gun like any other. It's hilarious. And the reason AR-15 style rifles are so vilified by the current administration and ignorant people like you.

Pretty much. My state bans AR-15's that were already modified to remove certain features yet I can still get a ruger mini 14 ranch rifle that fires the SAME damned bullet with the same damned lethality. But cause it doesn't have a pistol grip it's magically "not evil".

If you really hate the guy, why do you keep giving him exposure?

I for one don't hate anyone. Not even George Zimmerman. I think the reason people talk about this even though they hate him and/or what he did that night is because it's a subject that wish to express their feelings about.

And this being a forum and all.....
Well, good. If I was one of the most hated and vulnerable dudes in my country because some people didn't like the outcome of a court case I was in, I too would send a message that I'm more than capable of defending myself.

(Typically I'm slightly left-leaning/centrist when it comes to gun control, but I personally am okay with Zimmerman having any weapon he desires considering the gaggle of hasty, agenda-driven folks who insist on placing a bounty on his head for no sound reason.)
i dunno why this is news.
He bought a gun.
Who the fuck cares?

First, who cares if somebody who has demonstrated such irresponsibility with a weapon that he left a teenager dead buys a gun? That's an especially dense question.

But, second, and what most people seem disturbed by most, is that Zimmerman is being treated as some kind of hero or celebrity to be posed with for pictures. All for doing nothing more than needlessly killing a black teenager.

And what I'm just now realizing is that somebody--either Zimmerman or the owner of Kel Tec--apparently passed this photo on to TMZ purposefully. TMZ's story does not claim to have been there, and it's not TMZ's photo. The photo was taken inside of the Kel Tec assembly plant.


Just seems in bad taste to pose in a smiling photo op with the son of a gun manufacturer not even a year after being acquitted in a high profile murder case. It's like OJ smiling in a picture with the son of the CEO of Buck Knives a month and a half after his trial.

I just wish the guy would vanish into obscurity instead of hearing about him every other week.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Just seems in bad taste to pose in a smiling photo op with the son of a gun manufacturer not even a year after being acquitted in a high profile murder case. It's like OJ smiling in a picture with the son of the CEO of Buck Knives a month and a half after his trial.

I just wish the guy would vanish into obscurity instead of hearing about him every other week.
A year? It's barely been a month


I dont get gaf at all. Once you own a semi auto you never go back
except for special occasions like heirlooms or joke purchases


Clothed, sober, cooperative
There's a fair amount of people who view him as something of a positive figure for "standing up for gun rights and self defense"

There's a fair amount of people who can't locate Canada on a map. There's a fair amount of people who think Obama is a secret muslin.


It's amazing how fast he dropped that courtroom weight and the hairdo the minute he didn't have to look defenseless anymore. There's nothing weird/wrong/etc. about being bald, but his hairdo combined with the weight definitely gave him a soft and fearful appearance. Baldness always gives off this appearance of strength, of stature and resolve, to me. I can't be alone in thinking that. This is all speculation of course.

Either way, best to just not give this guy any more attention.


Go away, George Zimmerman.

As Trayvon Martin’s parents headed to Washington for a protest commemorating the 1963 March for Jobs and Freedom, their son’s killer was touring the factory that produced the gun he used to kill their son, and posing for celebrity photos while he was there. Fittingly, celebrity gossip site TMZ broke the news of George Zimmerman’s visit to the Kel-Tec factory last Thursday. Trayvon Martin’s killer is clearly enjoying his post-acquittal right-wing folk-hero status.

Meanwhile, his brother jumped on the bandwagon of white grievance-mongers playing up the alleged racial angle of the murder of Australian baseball player Chris Lane, who was killed by three young men, two black and one white. “Mainstream media is side stepping the fact that one of the alleged murderers openly professed on social media to ‘hate’ white people,” Robert Zimmerman told the Daily Caller. “Which one of these three teens looks most like Obama’s theoretical son?”

I’m sorry, America, we’re stuck with the Zimmermans. They won’t go away. Rather than recoil from his status as the man who shot an unarmed 17-year-old, George Zimmerman is enjoying his celebrity, while Robert Zimmerman continues to collaborate with the right-wing media-entertainment complex to make his brother out to be the real victim in Sanford, Fla., last year – the victim, first, of “thuggish” Trayvon Martin, and then of civil rights leaders like the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, as well as Martin’s parents.

Somewhat surprisingly, Zimmerman’s attorney Mark O’Mara released a statement criticizing his client for his gun factory visit in harsh and vivid terms. “We certainly would not have advised him to go to the factory that made the gun that he used to shoot Trayvon Martin through the heart,” Shawn Vincent, a spokesman for attorney Mark O’Mara, told Yahoo News. “That was not part of our public relations plan.”

I don’t recall O’Mara playing up the fact that the 17-year-old Martin was shot, at close range, “through the heart” during the trial, but maybe he thought the dramatic statement might help distance him from what could be his client’s post-acquittal victory tour. (I should note Vincent’s statement to Reuters didn’t include those words.) With Yahoo News, Vincent continued: “We are George’s legal representation, but I don’t think he takes our advice on how he lives his life or what factories he decides to tour. We represented him in court. We got the verdict that we believe is just, and the rest of George’s life is up to George.”

Translation: Don’t blame us for whatever Zimmerman does next.

Part of what made the Zimmerman acquittal hard to take was the shooter’s utter lack of remorse for killing Martin. Even if you believed every word of his self-defense claim, it had to be hard to imagine having no regrets about the death of a teenager. Even Sean Hannity, who normally appears conscience-free, asked Zimmerman if he had “regrets” about getting out of his car and following Martin, which led to their confrontation and the boy’s shooting. “It was all God’s plan, and for me to second guess it or judge it,” Zimmerman told Hannity, his voice trailing off.

That’s the kind of cluelessness that would lead a guy to tour the factory that made the gun he used to kill Martin, and to pose grinning with a star-struck factory worker like he’s Frank Sinatra visiting a local trattoria.

It’s particularly sad that Zimmerman’s visit came on the eve of the 50thanniversary of the March on Washington, which was commemorated Saturday by a civil rights convening that included Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon’s parents. The issues of racial profiling, stop and frisk and “stand your ground” laws are animating a new movement for racial justice, and Martin has become a symbol of the way young black men are treated at the hands of police as well as vigilantes like Zimmerman. “Trayvon Martin was my son, but he’s not just my son, he’s all of our son, and we have to fight for our children,” Fulton told the crowd.

But to Zimmerman’s defenders, Martin is a symbol of predatory young black men, and Zimmerman is the hero enacting “God’s plan” to fight back. Not surprisingly, his brother defended his gun factory victory tour. “George is a free man and as such is entitled to visit, tour, frequent or patronize any business or locale he wishes,” Robert Zimmerman told Yahoo News. So don’t expect Zimmerman’s victory tour to end any time soon.
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