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Hardee's/Carl's Jr. CEO Andy Puzder will be named Trump's labor secretary

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Sou Da

I am genuinely curious. The people that voted for Trump, are they starting to see what is going on or are the fingers still firmly in their ears going "nanananana".

GAF, family members that voted for him, still with him?

Trump supporters are a cult, dude could tell people the sky is green and they'll go on twitter harassing anyone who says otherwise.

The millennial ones don't give a shit and the older hard labor voters are being told everything he does is the work of God.


The funny part is that he'll deflect the blame on to the Democrats or Al Qaeda or immigrants and they'll believe it and re-elect him in 2020. After all, he'll be better than whatever Democrat candidate steps up to be demonized.

And longer term, when Dems take the presidency again, GOP will block progress to roll things back, Dems take the blame for government not working, and people elect the GOP again to fix it (repeating the 2008 --> 2016 cycle).

So we got a brain dead neurosurgeon, a carnie owner, and now an owner of fast food franchises. His cabinet reads like people he knows offhand vs vetting people who are right for the job. Inwonder if Papa John was considered for this position?

Don't be silly, papa John is being considered for Secretary of State. Our pizza foreign policy will be second to none.
I think you're reading it wrong. It's not ranked well. The more right on the chart, the fewer violations.

Everyone else said what I was already thinking. Mike Judge is a prophet.
I'll admit it is a poorly done graph, but the larger bar means they have had a greater percentage without violations. So in this case it is number four.


At least I can take some solace in the fact that the globalist elites on the coasts will suffer less from Trump's policies than the working class suckers voting to MAGA.

Eat your heart out Team Alucard
Isn't the chart saying that there were no FLSA violations after their investigation?

The chart says that ~40% of the time where the US Labor Department investigated that restaurant chain, there were no violations found of minimum wage/overtime laws.

That's still a failing grade, and despite being in the top 5 it's a damning indictment of the poor treatment of workers suffered across the industry, and Trump just picked one of its top leaders to run the Labor Department.

So welcome to slave wage hell, America.
So we've got climate change deniers in charge of our environment, a WWE exec in charge of small business administration (who approved using all that Attitude Era money to fund a football league that lasted one season), and now a fast food mogul who doesn't want the minimum wage raised plus believes in automating more jobs.

This certainly looks like relief for "economic anxiety". Just going to be a bunch of rich folks with no experience in government (aside from a few) sending this country spiraling to hell.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I am a firm believer in automation and think it can't really get here soon enough.

With this guy in charge though I'm starting to think maybe we can put it off a little bit.

If you believe in automation, support the $15 minimum wage.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I am genuinely curious. The people that voted for Trump, are they starting to see what is going on or are the fingers still firmly in their ears going "nanananana".

What So Many People Don’t Get About the U.S. Working Class

For months, the only thing that’s surprised me about Donald Trump is my friends’ astonishment at his success. What’s driving it is the class culture gap.

One little-known element of that gap is that the white working class (WWC) resents professionals but admires the rich. Class migrants (white-collar professionals born to blue-collar families) report that “professional people were generally suspect” and that managers are college kids “who don’t know shit about how to do anything but are full of ideas about how I have to do my job,” said Alfred Lubrano in Limbo. Barbara Ehrenreich recalled in 1990 that her blue-collar dad “could not say the word doctor without the virtual prefix quack. Lawyers were shysters…and professors were without exception phonies.” Annette Lareau found tremendous resentment against teachers, who were perceived as condescending and unhelpful.

Michèle Lamont, in The Dignity of Working Men, also found resentment of professionals — but not of the rich. “ can’t knock anyone for succeeding,” a laborer told her. “There’s a lot of people out there who are wealthy and I’m sure they worked darned hard for every cent they have,” chimed in a receiving clerk. Why the difference? For one thing, most blue-collar workers have little direct contact with the rich outside of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. But professionals order them around every day. The dream is not to become upper-middle-class, with its different food, family, and friendship patterns; the dream is to live in your own class milieu, where you feel comfortable — just with more money. “The main thing is to be independent and give your own orders and not have to take them from anybody else,” a machine operator told Lamont. Owning one’s own business — that’s the goal. That’s another part of Trump’s appeal...

Trump's entire cabinet now literally looks like the stereotypical view of Ultra Americanism.
At least I can take some solace in the fact that the globalist elites on the coasts will suffer less from Trump's policies than the working class suckers voting to MAGA.

Eat your heart out Team Alucard

Alucard bit the bullet in the end and voted Hillary

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk

So this guy ran a company that 60% of the times they were investigated they were found to have violated labor law
Did you know? The ultra rich fully understand the lives of the working class and what to do whatever they can to help us.
The wholesome Christian chick fil a ... 60% lmao
The graph is confusing. The blue bars represent the percentage of investigations that didn't find violations. So, NYCmetsfan was correct (the company he cites has 40% non-violation rate, so, by deduction, 60% labour violation rate). However Chick-fil-a is the reverse, with 60% non-violation rate (and therefore 40%).

They really could have presented the graph in a better way though.

Isn't the chart saying that there were no FLSA violations after their investigation?

Alucard bit the bullet in the end and voted Hillary
Wait what


The graph is confusing. The blue bars represent the percentage of investigations that didn't find violations. So, NYCmetsfan was correct (the company he cites has 40% non-violation rate, so, by deduction, 60% labour violation rate). However Chick-fil-a is the reverse, with 60% non-violation rate (and therefore 40%).

The chart also doesn't say how many labor violation investigations that have happened. Would be nice if they just put down everything in numbers, rather than percentages. It really isn't that useful of a graph, ends up being overly confusing and without much real information.
A lot of rich people in his cabinet


I'm so glad I made this GIF.

EDIT: It's sad that when the Idiocracy comparisons first came up before Trump won, I thought it was just a silly exaggeration. Now though? It's actually looking pretty legit, and that's scary.
Blames millennials...
Stop it, the problem is the system. Voting should be a national holiday now, no if ands or buts. How the hell is colombus day a holiday but not Election Day. Not to mention that an effort really needs to be made to teach/invigorate the youth to vote instead of every 4 years you come around and beg for votes. Really needs to be a class throughout there time from 5th to 12th grade that teaches them about the political system. Emphasis needs to be placed on voting for positions besides presidency also.
Trump: This will prove to be a great time in the lives of ALL Americans...The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is YOU.


Department of Treasury: Steven Mnuchin
Chairman of OneWest, which was involved in a string of lawsuits over questionable foreclosures starting during the recession. They foreclosed on people twice as often as their competitors and are accused of denying services based on race.

Department of Transportation: Elaine L. Chao
Former VP of syndicated loans at Bank of America. Later given her start in politics through a special program at Citicorp to give top bank performers influence in national affairs.

Central Intelligence Agency: Mike Pompeo
Member of the Tea Party movement, supporter of the 2013 government shutdown, opposer of environmental regulation and President of Sentry International, an oilfield equipment company.

Labor Secretary: Andy Puzder
Chief executive of Carl's Jr./Hardees, one of the top 5 labor law violators in the fast food industry.

Department of Commerce: Wilbur Ross
Attempted to assist Trump during failed business ventures in the 90s but found only short-term success. Was involved and allegedly aware of the poor conditions leading up to the Sago Mine disaster that killed 12 miners and is under investigation.

Department of Education: Betsy DeVos
Served as a local precinct delegate in Michigan. Blamed Michigan's economic woes on overpaid workers.

Economic Council Director: Gary Cohn
President of Goldman Sachs. Criticized for creating products for hiding debt and extending due dates far into the future without addressing the issues that created the debt.

Secretary of Energy: Rick Perry
During a debate in 2011, he could not even remember the name of the Department of Energy but he knew he wanted to eliminate it.

Secretary of State: Rex Tillerson
CEO of Exxon Mobil who has been awarded the Order of Friendship by Vladimir Putin.
It won't matter, this country never fucking learns. We've been on these alternating every-eight-years cycles of Reaganomics for three decades and it's always a surprise to people when tax breaks for the wealthy don't end up creating jobs and boosting wages for the middle class.

This. Never change electorate, it's always a good roller coaster ride.


Hardee's and Carl Jr's make their billions off the backs of the poor and working class. Now that money has made this fool become more powerful. Solution: boycott these corporations who have CEO's that spout this kind of shit and get rewarded for it. Of course that actually means society has to pay attention to something.



I'm so glad I made this GIF.

EDIT: It's sad that when the Idiocracy comparisons first came up before Trump won, I thought it was just a silly exaggeration. Now though? It's actually looking pretty legit, and that's scary.

Was that warthog's name Napoleon?
Maybe this next 4 years will be a wake up call to America.

This is literally the only sliver of hope I'm clinging to. It's unfortunate it means the citizens of the country will have to suffer, but I think people need this punch to the gut to realize how much they fucked up.


Some things to consider...

Nearly all of Trump's appointees oppose the roles of the organizations that they now lead.

Trump has filled his cabinet with military generals.

This quote from Trump:

This quote from Bannon:

Rebel Leader

Some things to consider...

Nearly all of Trump's appointees oppose the roles of the organizations that they now lead.

Trump has filled his cabinet with military generals.

This quote from Trump:

the first one donald and fox were talking about the whole "welfare state".

Saying people are to lazy


Still unsettleing


I really want to know what Trump voters think of his picks so far.

They lack the clarity to acknowledge anything about this being terrible. They'll still find ways to blame Democrats when the ones who are still working get replaced by machines.
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