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Helix - Season 2 - Fridays on SyFy - Play God. Pay the Price.

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Hunky Nostradamus
Very intriguing premiere. Reminded me a lot of Resident Evil 4 (and Resident Evil in general, with the whole "same but different set up" - the island being pretty much the exact same thing as the ice base: isolated, little to no communication with the outside world, can't be extracted for two weeks, etc.

I was also surprised by the 30 year (!) time jump. I didn't read any of the press releases or reviews (because I heard there was a twist and I didn't want it spoiled) so I really was surprised by that. I'm actually very interested to see how they balance the two storylines. (and with a 30 year time jump, if the show is renewed for a third season, will season 3 take place 30 years after season 2? reboot the cast?)

Also, I'm hoping Julia's S1 finale time jump backstory will be explained - why is/was she working in a leadership (?) position within Ilaria?

Other thoughts:

Furthering the Resident Evil comparisons, S1 was set in a facility in a cold climate with zombie(ish) things (Code Veronica X) and S2 is set on an island with a cult, the members of which wear robes, carry torches, and live in a big old building (4).

Texas Stereotype Bro is kool. I like that he's got a strong personality - something the entire cast of season one, sans Doreen, lacked. And it seems as though the writers have given the S1 cast members some actual personality traits. I don't remember Sarah being so...aware? And Peter is a bit more "take charge" than he was in S1 (understandable though considering he was a fucked up monkey zombie for most of the season).

Speaking of cast changes, kind of disappointing they replaced all of the minority characters that were killed/written off in season one with caucasian ones.

The cinematography has improved quite a bit. The shot with the skulls in the forest was nice.

All in all I thought it was an exciting start to the new season. Good job ivy!


Wait Ivy works on this! Definitely will check it out. Don't know a thing about it but that poster's pretty intriguing.
Great episode.

I'm glad they kept the original credits music. I always liked it, so that was nice. I also liked that they kept the generally upbeat music that shouldn't fit but somehow works perfectly.

Couldn't agree more with Ratsky, there was very strong and I dare I say deliberate RE4 vibe throughout this entire episode. Man, if they can keep that vibe going for a few more episodes...this will officially be the best show ever. It's certainly more RE than the RE movies themselves have been...

The infected guy - looked a lot like the infected from The Last of Us. Nice. Great game to get some inspiration from, if that is indeed where the inspiration for how the infection looks like came from.

Jordan Hayes = Good Lord. But only guest starring? She's not a season regular? Say it ain't so, Ivy. So it ain't so...

More than a little bummed that a some of the more interesting characters from season 1 didn't make it. Sergio, for example, would fit in perfectly with the current arc, shame he's no longer with us...

That fast forward. Not sure how I feel about it, the last show to attempt it was terrible, but I'm open to seeing how it goes. The effect used to jump back and forth was very nice.

While it's probably too early to say, what are the chances we find out what Julia did when she was head of Ilaria or does Ilaria no longer exist in this reboot?

Alan! And he's rocking an epic beard.

Evil cult status confirmed. It really is RE4.

Overall, fantastic episode and really big improvement over season 1 in every single aspect. Setting, story, character acting more realistically (within reason), the jumping back and forth I'm not so sure about, but I'm willing to see where it goes.
I was also surprised by the 30 year (!) time jump. I didn't read any of the press releases or reviews (because I heard there was a twist and I didn't want it spoiled) so I really was surprised by that. I'm actually very interested to see how they balance the two storylines. (and with a 30 year time jump, if the show is renewed for a third season, will season 3 take place 30 years after season 2? reboot the cast?)

Yeah, I went in blind as well and thought that was great. That's why I almost never read press/reviews for things I am certain I'll watch. I love it when a show surprises me like that.



So they swapped out the webisodes to be released (it has to do with the bombing in Paris, which, ya), so this is someone else's. Check it out. Again, all canon. I believe my first episodic content is next week.

Wallenberg and Pozniak are also characters this season.
Is S1 canon? Nobody ever replied in the other thread and from the promos i have seen it looks like maybe a soft reboot.

Gonna watch the first episode after i run to the store.
Can someone please remind me of the major plot points and ending of the first season? My memory is bad, and I fear I've forgotten one or two things.


Can someone please remind me of the major plot points and ending of the first season? My memory is bad, and I fear I've forgotten one or two things.

The arctic base is blown up, the 16 year old assassin takes Julia away in a helicopter to Ilaria where in a time skip she's the head of some board of immortals. Alan and Peter meet up in Paris to blow something up related to Ilaria.

All in all a solid start. Kind of confused with how things got to where they are now after the first season's finale. The massive time skip could either prove to be cool for this season or the next..we'll see.


Subete no aware
So I was wondering how all that dumb immortality stuff would be handled, and having what seems to be a 30 year time jump for that particular storyline makes some sense. At least it makes it much less of a concern, presumably!


So I was wondering how all that dumb immortality stuff would be handled, and having what seems to be a 30 year time jump for that particular storyline makes some sense. At least it makes it much less of a concern, presumably!

They're like Tolkein's elves, basically.


The season 2 premiere really felt like the Resident Evil 4-ification of Helix, for virtually every aspect of the story except for the time skips. So far, this is a good thing. Was a little disappointed that there was no Jeri Ryan head in the Previously On, but such is life. The editing/pacing was a bit spotty in the first couple of scenes, but everything got a lot more solid soon after.

Also any episode of a SyFy series that doesn't end on a musical montage gets big points from me. Could be a solidly entertaining season ahead. Hope the numbers look good ivy.

edit: damn you, ratsky. Plagiarizing my Resident Evil thoughts before I could write them and and whatnot.


Hunky Nostradamus

So they swapped out the webisodes to be released (it has to do with the bombing in Paris, which, ya), so this is someone else's. Check it out. Again, all canon. I believe my first episodic content is next week.

Wallenberg and Pozniak are also characters this season.

Cool, will watch later.

I really enjoyed the opener. Random guess: Caleb is Alan and Sarah's son.

Oh yeah! Maybe! I was wondering what happened with the whole pregnancy storyline they threw in at the last minute in the S1 finale. That would be pretty cool.

Waiting patiently for the numbers la la la la la la la la la


The infected guy - looked a lot like the infected from The Last of Us. Nice. Great game to get some inspiration from, if that is indeed where the inspiration for how the infection looks like came from.

I thought so too. The new infected types are very reminiscent of the cordyceps zombies from The Last of Us.


We talked about The Last of Us a lot. And no numbers from ANYONE until Tuesday. Meh. And I talked a bit about Resident Evil, but never in a RE4 way, which is a great game and I totally see the parallels now.


We talked about The Last of Us a lot. And no numbers from ANYONE until Tuesday. Meh. And I talked a bit about Resident Evil, but never in a RE4 way, which is a great game and I totally see the parallels now.

You might get some DVR numbers at least by Tuesday then, unless they are that delayed.
Great start! I'm looking forward to more, and getting answers to season one questions: Where's the baby? Why have the brothers switched roles? Who are the silver eyed people?


We talked about The Last of Us a lot. And no numbers from ANYONE until Tuesday. Meh. And I talked a bit about Resident Evil, but never in a RE4 way, which is a great game and I totally see the parallels now.
Yeah, that first guy with the stuff growing out of his mouth...definitely thought about TLoU. And the fact that it happened within 3 days is really horrifying.


Helix 2: Lost

The 30 years later bit was a big surprise and I'm interested in the cult storyline. Definitely stays on my watchlist.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
As I said before, I see definite shades of The Wicker Man and possibly The Island of Dr Moreau, but a lot of the latter comes from the glimpses in the previews. Seems like Moreau with a twist, but we'll see what this cult leader is really up to.

Weber looks like he's having fun, so that'll help keep me interested. Decent start to the season, with some intriguing plot ideas.

Jordan Hayes = Good Lord. But only guest starring? She's not a season regular? Say it ain't so, Ivy. So it ain't so...

IIRC, that was her credit for season one as well.
That was really good. Definitely a step up from any of the Season 1 episodes that I watched. Like the new location and the creepy-ass cult. Like Peter Farragut. The thirty year time skip was quite nutty, I liked that. Gives everything an air of futility.

I liked how they depicted the time skips


This episode was pretty fun, but let's be honest: first episode of season one was good as well and the show just became worse over time.
I like the setting much more in season two, though. First season was almost all corridors, so spending much of the episode in a pretty jungle was a nice change.

I loved that almost all season one mentions were quick shrugs "yeah, that happened, anyway...".

Funky Papa

That was surprisingly good. I'm somewhat amazed by how they managed to push the crazy pedal to the floor without fucking up like it happened during the second half of S1. Sure, the cultists look is a bit trite, but I guess the showrunners were going for the Resident Evil 4 vibe. Which they definitely nailed. Dare I say, it looks like a better Resident Evil derivative than any of the actual movies. There's also a little bit of The Last of Us in the infection (that hardened pus -yuck), so I can only guess the writers are videogame fans. Neat.

Random musings:

  • This show has some very, very pretty promotional art. Those posters and cards are just stunning.
  • I'm very happy they kept the track of the original title sequence. Cool.
  • I'm not enterely sold on the new title sequence, but it may grow on me.
  • Cinematography feels considerably more solid. Props and sets, too.
  • I actually had to read Mile's post to recognize bearded Alan. I suck at this.
  • Ivy, that was your chance to sneak #JeriRyanshead into the "previously on Helix" intro and you failed us. YOU FAILED US.
  • I actually enjoyed the time skips a great deal. They were well handled, although I wonder if the show will be able to interject them into each episode without breaking the flow.
  • Is Julia's prostethic finger robotic? It looks like she was able to move it when she tried to escape.
  • Gosh, Jordan Hayes and Kyra Zagorsky are so pretty.

That was an exceedingly strong premiere for a show that ended its first season making one of the most catastrophic, unintentionally hilarious messes I've seen in a very long time. I don't know if the season will be able to keep up through the rest of the season, but it certainly looks promising. Nicely done.
I really enjoyed the opener. Random guess: Caleb is Alan and Sarah's son.

Isn't this supposed to be a year after the finale? Seems unlikely she has had time to have a baby AND travel so often to various hot spots that she has earned a nickname for it. Hopefully the pregnancy is never mentioned again and that storyline is allowed to die in peace.

Funky Papa

(Is the ItsHappening Ron Paul gif banned?)

dont do it :/

Wait, is it really banned?

Anyway, get into the new hotness:


The premiere deserves it, btw. Send my hi5s to your pals at the writing room, Ivy.

Somebody should make a #JeriRyanshead version. My jiffing talents have limits.
Isn't this supposed to be a year after the finale? Seems unlikely she has had time to have a baby AND travel so often to various hot spots that she has earned a nickname for it. Hopefully the pregnancy is never mentioned again and that storyline is allowed to die in peace.

The pregnancy was brought up in the 'previously on' section so it is definitely in play. In any case, I may be wrong but I don't know if they specified how long it has been exactly. Ivy would probably know if it was specified yet. The only thing I know for sure is Alan was shown looking at that Ilaria building 10 months after the events of season one in last years finale.
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