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Hillary Clinton Is Getting Surprisingly Little Extra Lift From Blacks and Hispanics

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Junior Member
And those people can NEVER say how he wins the electoral college votes.
I swear any polling data that talks about national numbers should be banned from use when discussing presidential elections. Its a useless metric.
Democrats are taking the senate outside of a complete meltdown re: the clinton campaign. Not knowing this on your end tells us all we need to know about how closely you're paying attention
oh yeah right we all know those crooked democrats will get paid off by GOP senators and lobbyists and interest groups so the cycle can continue, quote me son

come on wake up brah, the best part is with Folgers in your cup
Did you think that about her vs Bernie as well? Because of rallies? Haven't we spent 8 years laughing at people who think this shit relates to excitement?

Please don't assume.

No, I mean anecdotally. Of people I know that vote only when someone inspires them. Otherwise they dont seem to. A lot of them dont seem like they'll turnout. I know way more democrats than I do republican, but the Republicans seem way more likely to turn out. Far more enthusiastic in my experience.

Its really all I have to go on, and I fully realize it doesn't mean much to anyone but me, but it is worrisome nonetheless.

Aside from what Aaronology said, I think there's too much of a progressive push from the left for her to ignore it. There may not be improvements in huge leaps and bounds but I do believe that we will see improvements over what the current status quo is.

It's also worth mentioning that a Trump victory will embolden many of his bigoted supporters and day-to-day life for minorities would probably suffer as a result, too.
Yall aint even trying anymore. Just chucking shit out into the ether.

Stay salty man.

Salty about what? I didn't vote for Bernie
or anyone
. Hillary Clinton has had a long career in government, but it hasn't necessarily been a good one.

Slightly OT, where is the thread for the Colin Powell email leak?


I swear any polling data that talks about national numbers should be banned from use when discussing presidential elections. Its a useless metric.
This. Wtf is wrong with people? This race only comes down to like 5 states. Everything else is pretty much irrelevant. I mean, how many of the states that Obama won will Clinton lose?
Bernie pandered to college millenials who take Philosophy 101 and think they know everything about the world while actually knowing jack shit.

If you really believed Bernie could wipe away all our college debt clean and magically come up with a perfect economy (Which he refused to share with everyone) and not think that's pandering...I don't know what to tell you.

Obama just gave Israel 36billion.. Yes, he could.
Polling is just a snapshot in time. Hillary is not Obama, but Trump is despised by virtually every non-white group in the country. Turnout could be down, or it could be the same or higher, but I'd bet money that Trump doesn't get the % of minority voters that McCain or Romney did.
You absolutely cannot ignore the massive advantage this gives in a presidential race, and as lopsided as Obama's lead over Romney's was in this area, the gap between Clinton's GOTV operation and Trump's is even worse:


Yep. My prediction for the election was decided a while back: take 538's final aggregate, then bump it 2.5% nationally in Clinton's favor. For swing states it will be more like 3-4%. Trump's organization and data analysis is pathetic, and it is going to matter.


I have to wonder though if the health concerns are really going to tank her chances. Not so much as an issue about health but rather and issue about transparency: plus that twitter video forced any information to come out at all. She never reveals information until forced. I'm not voting for Trump but I think this could be an issue for her look at what happened to Dukakis with a huge lead out of the convention that dwindled to nothing due to Willie Horton, the Tank incident and claims about his mental health.
I have to wonder though if the health concerns are really going to tank her chances. Not so much as an issue about health but rather and issue about transparency: plus that twitter video forced any information to come out at all. She never reveals information until forced. I'm not voting for Trump but I think this could be an issue for her look at what happened to Dukakis with a huge lead out of the convention that dwindled to nothing due to Willie Horton, the Tank incident and claims about his mental health.

The two sides are too far apart for some health concerns to make any meaningful amount of people say "well in that case I'm voting for the racist"


The two sides are too far apart for some health concerns to make any meaningful amount of people say "well in that case I'm voting for the racist"

Hate to be pessimistic but I don't know if that's enough given the enthusiasm gap. The majority of America is not racist but do young millenials actually turn out? i don't think either Clinton or Trump are going win in a landslide but I can see Bush v Gore part deux playing out due to idiotic youngsters staying home...I know 30 year olds that can't be bothered to lick a fucking stamp to vote in Portland.
I have to wonder though if the health concerns are really going to tank her chances. Not so much as an issue about health but rather and issue about transparency. She never reveals information until forced. I'm not voting for Trump but I think this could be an issue for her look at what happened to Dukakis with a huge lead out of the convention that dwindled to nothing due to Willie Horton, the Tank incident and claims about his mental health.

I think the difference is that Trump has done very little to actually pick up new support. Trump has to convince a lot of people to stay home or vote third party, while keeping his supporters amped up.

So right now, after a bad couple of weeks for Hillary, more people are telling pollsters they'll do just that. Most of these people will never vote for Trump, but aren't particularly excited about Hillary. That's fine: it's September. After the debates, and after a few more momentum swings, they'll have to decide for real. My guess is that enough of them vote Hillary for a comfortable win. A lot can happen, though, and no one knows for sure. This was just as true when Hillary had large leads last month.
Hate to be pessimistic but I don't know if that's enough given the enthusiasm gap. The majority of America is not racist but do young millenials actually turn out? i don't think either Clinton or Trump are going win in a landslide but I can see Bush v Gore part deux playing out due to idiotic youngsters staying home...I know 30 year olds that can't be bothered to lick a fucking stamp to vote in Portland.
Hate to be pessimistic but I don't know if that's enough given the enthusiasm gap. The majority of America is not racist but do young millenials actually turn out? i don't think either Clinton or Trump are going win in a landslide but I can see Bush v Gore part deux playing out due to idiotic youngsters staying home...I know 30 year olds that can't be bothered to lick a fucking stamp to vote in Portland.

How much of that is negated by the fact that Trump is doing historically awful, much worse than prior recent GOP candidates, with nearly every demographic other than white males? Trump is coming from so far behind that all of these little victories that are turning people into chicken littles are really just bringing him up from landslide territory.

Anecdotally, I can tell you there are many who won't.

Anecdotally, I know a lot who are voting and even a few who didn't vote in '12 because they are outraged at Trump. Anecdotally doesn't mean much.

I seriously feel trump will win

Democrat voters are the worst when it comes to actually fucking voting

In midterms, this is generally true. In Presidental elections I'm much less sure this is true, especially with a very politically active minority voting block.



I'm sure we can spin things like white chefs appropriating Thai cuisine into racism but come on...I'm talking about blatant racism here of the Alt Right brand. I.e. consciously and actively hating or discriminating on the basis of race. Obama rightfully won two terms with a broad coalition. I'm just worried enough of those folks
will stay home to tilt the scales by 1%.


Not surprising. Hillary comes across as non transparent and in the pockets of big comporations. Poor candidate who just doesn't inspire many.


Hillary's on video saying African-American youth are "super predators". That's the same type of rhetoric and 'phrasing' that was used by segregationists before and during the civil rights movement. It makes complete sense that she wouldn't be trusted to lead a nation with millions of minorities who are, to this day, still labeled as predators/animals/boogeymen/etc.
I'm sure we can spin things like white chefs appropriating Thai cuisine into racism but come on...I'm talking about blatant racism here of the Alt Right brand. I.e. consciously and actively hating or discriminating on the basis of race. Obama rightfully won two terms with a broad coalition. I'm just worried enough of those folks
will stay home to tilt the scales by 1%.
Whether or not the majority of white America is still as racist today as it has historically been throughout this country's existence is certainly debatable. If I asked you to tell me the decade you believe this stopped being true I doubt you'd be able to pinpoint a year or group of years. You bring up Bams but forget he was rejected by most of the white voting block.

I think I've brought us a little off topic, though!

I honestly don't see why anyone would be convinced minorities will stay home this November, given everything Trump has done and the groups that have rallied behind him. Black people specifically have a very keen sense of self preservation wrt Presidential elections. It's a wee bit silly to suggest that this trait is suddenly going to be switched off in the face of the most openly racist, xenophobic, fear mongering GOP nominee in modern history. Trump is the anti-Obama, and I personally suspect he'll drive turnout just on account of how deplorable his candidacy is.
Hillary's on video saying African-American youth are "super predators". That's the same type of rhetoric and 'phrasing' that was used by segregationists before and during the civil rights movement. It makes complete sense that she wouldn't be trusted to lead a nation with millions of minorities who are, to this day, still labeled as predators/animals/boogeymen/etc.
I feel that the super predator remark is brought up more by people looking for an angle to criticize HRC rather than individuals earnestly invested in and familiar with black issues and history. This quote has been addressed so many times already and yet here we are staring at it again, like an overly used chew toy that somehow keeps getting dragged out from the bin.


I feel that the super predator remark is brought up more by people looking for an angle to criticize HRC rather than individuals earnestly invested in and familiar with black issues and history. This quote has been addressed so many times already and yet here we are staring at it again, like an overly used chew toy that somehow keeps getting dragged out from the bin.

You're right. She was just joking, that's all.
I feel that the super predator remark is brought up more by people looking for an angle to criticize HRC rather than individuals earnestly invested in and familiar with black issues and history. This quote has been addressed so many times already and yet here we are staring at it again, like an overly used chew toy that somehow keeps getting dragged out from the bin.

This is disgusting, self-hating garbage. You should, in all honesty, be ashamed of yourself.

I've been arrested three times in just one year as a Black Lives Matter activist. I've been tackled, and shackled, and choked. I've lost relationships with dear family members for the risk I put myself at. When I say Hillary Clinton's comment was unacceptable, I ain't fucking joking around. I'm invested up to my neck in the black struggle, and I don't tolerate politicians who perpetuate the myth of black criminality that gets our children killed, nor African-americans who would excuse that behavior to their own detriment.

You are way too invested in this election, and you've lost your way. This shit is really sad. You better learn how to love yourself.
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