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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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People want Bryan to succeed. I can't see how this is an hard concept to grasp. In August the WWE started a storyline that would, in a logical world, lead to Bryan get the title. Instead they pulled him off it and ignored it bringing Show, Cena and Baptista into it. They replaced Bryan with the kind of guys people were sick off.

Yes, Baptista can be used as a great heel, a big one at that but this wasn't the time or way to do it. It was obvious they wanted him to be a face and, of course that didn't work. They already had an heel, a history and a perfect ending. Instead they brought in Baptista. Why?

Baptista can make money, and he was a big star. But he wasn't needed now and it's obvious people don't want him there.

The story is already ruined anyway, now it's a case of seeing how much they can salvage or how much they ruin things further. They had everything set up to have a great Mania but they blew it. Oh well.
People also wanted to see Bryan and Orton which is a crap match and no better than Batista vs. Orton. If Triple H was given the title, which is probably the only title match that would make sense for Bryan from a storyline perspective, then I'm sure some would whine that Triple H is in the main event again. There isn't any winning with babies. Personally, I think WWE should just run with it and piss on Bryan fans some more. Once they stop, it's not like there'll be anything left to do.


Also the original meaning of X-Pac Heat meant people hated you out of kayfabe. They didn't boo you because you were playing a character. They booed you because you were a POS irl

Nope. They thought he would get Rock reactions. Because in their little pea brains, he's as big of a star as The Rock.

You can apply that to Batista perfectly :lol

Especially when he as brought back as a face
Two thoughts about the whole Styles Clash on Lionheart thing:

1: I get the feeling AJ should just stop doing that move, since he's wrecked 2 people with it since he's been on the indies, compared to like...2 in like 11 years of TNA

2: That being said, it's not really his fault. Don't tuck your damn head.
The WWE weekly clip highlight show they're gonna have on the network is one of Vince's best ideas, so much better than devoting 5-6 hours to the weekly shows since it has no filler. I'm just a sucker for weekly highlight shows like This Week in Baseball and NBA Inside Stuff.
Didn't see it mentioned yet but Ricochet became the first American born wrestler to take Dragon Gate's top belt the Open the Dream Gate Championship. That's a pretty big deal there.
The WWE weekly clip highlight show they're gonna have on the network is one of Vince's best ideas, so much better than devoting 5-6 hours to the weekly shows since it has no filler. I'm just a sucker for weekly highlight shows like This Week in Baseball and NBA Inside Stuff.

yep and Renee Young hosts it. she also does 5 questions with a random wwe star. this week was Barrett


Punk pls... So hyped for Monday now.

If Punk does surprise the audience and show up, I am going to be pissed if BNB doesn't enter to Cult of Personality first. He gets all the heat, less of a chance of being stabbed in the parking lot by a drunk Midwesterner.


People also wanted to see Bryan and Orton which is a crap match and no better than Batista vs. Orton. If Triple H was given the title, which is probably the only title match that would make sense for Bryan from a storyline perspective, then I'm sure some would whine that Triple H is in the main event again. There isn't any winning with babies. Personally, I think WWE should just run with it and piss on Bryan fans some more. Once they stop, it's not like there'll be anything left to do.

Bryan vs Orton is a way better match than Baptista vs Orton. Mainly because Bryan is one of the best wrestlers in the world and Baptista can barely wrestle for 5 minutes straight. The quality of those two matches isn't even comparable.

By "Bryan fans" do you mean the majority of the people that give them money every week? Yeah, great business decision to piss them off.

The truth is people will keep watching because there isn't an alternative, don't change the fact is that they could've made tons of money out of this but instead won't.

I don't get the motivation for doing things this way but yeah, the wheel will keep spinning. Doesn't change the fact that they lost (are losing) a great thing.


Didn't see it mentioned yet but Ricochet became the first American born wrestler to take Dragon Gate's top belt the Open the Dream Gate Championship. That's a pretty big deal there.

It's basically to set up the Open the Freedom Gate Title vs Open The Dream Gate Title. Probably just champion vs champion, but it would be cool if both belts were the same. It would certainly elevate Dragon Gate USA's status.
yep and Renee Young hosts it. she also does 5 questions with a random wwe star. this week was Barrett

Everyone who said she was awesome was right, she really is! I would try to expand her role, at least within the network programming if they can't do it for Raw and Smackdown. I'm not sure how devoted she is to pro wrestling but I could see her getting scooped up by ESPN like Coach and that former Smackdown guy (forget his name, he had glasses).
Everyone who said she was awesome was right, she really is! I would try to expand her role, at least within the network programming if they can't do it for Raw and Smackdown. I'm not sure how devoted she is to pro wrestling but I could see her getting scooped up by ESPN like Coach and that former Smackdown guy (forget his name, he had glasses).

More Renee on NFL gamedays



Bryan vs Orton is a way better match than Baptista vs Orton. Mainly because Bryan is one of the best wrestlers in the world and Baptista can barely wrestle for 5 minutes straight. The quality of those two matches isn't even comparable.

By "Bryan fans" do you mean the majority of the people that give them money every week? Yeah, great business decision to piss them off.

The truth is people will keep watching because there isn't an alternative, don't change the fact is that they could've made tons of money out of this but instead won't.

I don't get the motivation for doing things this way but yeah, the wheel will keep spinning. Doesn't change the fact that they lost (are losing) a great thing.
How are they not making money out of it as it is? You're going to have forgive me if you think I believe whether Bryan being in a title match at Wrestlemania against Orton of all people or against Triple H makes any difference in terms of what money WWE will end up making in the coming months since I don't. If anything, the match with Triple H is bigger since Orton is basically a joke. People will still tune in, they have no option.

This is why I simply can't agree with you. Your amazing plan for Wrestlemania is to substitute one shit match for another. In this case, I don't really see why WWE should listen to folks like you. Just like them, you have no clue what needs to be done. You have Cena being wasted with Wyatt when he should be facing Undertaker. The Shield and Wyatts which should have been saved for Wrestlemania. Lesnar who should be facing Batista instead of a decade old rematch. And you think simply putting Bryan in a match against Orton will somehow make this event so much better. It's not like we've seen that shitty program for several months already.

But sure, okay.
It's basically to set up the Open the Freedom Gate Title vs Open The Dream Gate Title. Probably just champion vs champion, but it would be cool if both belts were the same. It would certainly elevate Dragon Gate USA's status.
I just don't think the Japan office cares enough about the US product for them to do it just for that. He's been mega over there for a while and they love him. I do like the champ v champ setup and hope Ric takes it.
Only game I've got pre-ordered currently is Infamous - really looking forward to Driveclub and Destiny, as well. Nothing much else on my radar, at the moment.

I just don't think the Japan office cares enough about the US product for them to do it just for that. He's been mega over there for a while and they love him. I do like the champ v champ setup and hope Ric takes it.

If they do champion vs champion, there's no way Gargano wins it - either it'll be a draw/DQ, or Ricochet takes both belts.


I won't lie. Batista became kind of a turn-off to a movie I am still very excited to see despiste his involvement.

Seeing him gassed every week does not make me look forward to him being Drax.

Edit: that post came out weird because I could not bring myself to say anything resembling like I won't see the movie. I'm too much of a Marvel mark to not go see it even if I hated the entire cast, which I definetly don't.
Infamous and the Witcher are probably the only games I'm buying this year, and NBA 2K if they fix the anti consumer shit they put in 2K14, which I guess is unlikely.


How are they not making money out of it as it is? You're going to have forgive me if you think I believe whether Bryan being in a title match at Wrestlemania against Orton of all people or against Triple H makes any difference in terms of what money WWE will end up making in the coming months since I don't. If anything, the match with Triple H is bigger since Orton is basically a joke. People will still tune in, they have no option.

This is why I simply can't agree with you. Your amazing plan for Wrestlemania is to substitute one shit match for another. In this case, I don't really see why WWE should listen to folks like you. Just like them, you have no clue what needs to be done. You have Cena being wasted with Wyatt when he should be facing Undertaker. The Shield and Wyatts which should have been saved for Wrestlemania. Lesnar who should be facing Batista instead of a decade old rematch. And you think simply putting Bryan in a match against Orton will somehow make this event so much better. It's not like we've seen that shitty program for several months already.

But sure, okay.

I didn't say that was the only change I would made. I was talking about one specific match, one specific story so let's stick to that instead of keeping moving goal posts okay?

How can someone say Baptista vs Orton is better than Bryan vs Orton? I don't even think that Orton vs Bryan is the right match to have but it would still be better than the match with Baptista.

Mania will sell no matter the main-event, but they could've made more money if Bryan was in the main-event no matter the opponent and if they could've booked him in a good manner.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Infamous and the Witcher are probably the only games I'm buying this year, and NBA 2K if they fix the anti consumer shit they put in 2K14, which I guess is unlikely.

Is Witcher this year? That will be on my list too then.

I'm currently inbetween school and considering a part time job, so I've got a limited amount to mess with unless I decide to juggle school and work. And most the games I already play take up so much of my time that I haven't even finished stuff like Black Flag yet


Join the When Movement!



Batista isn't in ring shape because he hasn't been wrestling.

He will be in ring shape soon enough. Unless someone expects returning wrestlers to work house shows for a few months off TV until they're ready to go, I don't fully understand the criticism.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I bought Titanfall PC in a box to make use of my prime and to not use more of my bandwidth downloading it. lol pc games in a box.

Batista isn't in ring shape because he hasn't been wrestling.

He will be in ring shape soon enough. Unless someone expects returning wrestlers to work house shows for a few months off TV until they're ready to go, I don't fully understand the criticism.

Even when Brock wasn't in prime shape, he still went a long, rough match with Cena without having to constantly take breathers. When Rock got 'in ring shape' he was constantly out of breath.

Almost like these retired dudes should stay retired.
I think you guys are forgetting about the new Dragon Age game!

I'll wait on reviews. Fool me once, shame on Bioware. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times? Homie don't play that
Batista isn't in ring shape because he hasn't been wrestling.

He will be in ring shape soon enough. Unless someone expects returning wrestlers to work house shows for a few months off TV until they're ready to go, I don't fully understand the criticism.
I'm only weirded out about his face, he seems fine otherwise.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Batista isn't in ring shape because he hasn't been wrestling.

He will be in ring shape soon enough. Unless someone expects returning wrestlers to work house shows for a few months off TV until they're ready to go, I don't fully understand the criticism.
It's not too much to ask your main eventer of the biggest show of the year to go more than 3 minutes without gassing


Why are people hyped for that, I thought DA2 was the worst.

I dunno why other people are but I'm always hyped for Bioware games. I loved ME3 although most people seemed to hate it. DA 2 was disappointing though, I didn't think it was as BAD as most people seemed to think it was, I thought it had improvements in some areas over DA1 but then was really terrible in other areas


I didn't say that was the only change I would made. I was talking about one specific match, one specific story so let's stick to that instead of keeping moving goal posts okay?

How can someone say Baptista vs Orton is better than Bryan vs Orton? I don't even think that Orton vs Bryan is the right match to have but it would still be better than the match with Baptista.

Mania will sell no matter the main-event, but they could've made more money if Bryan was in the main-event no matter the opponent and if they could've booked him in a good manner.
In regards to the bold, who gives a crap? Seriously? Are you an investor? I'm sure WWE knows what's making them money and books themselves accordingly for the most part. Why is such a point even relevant?

And Batista vs. Orton is better purely by the fact that we're getting an interesting crowd reaction right now and Batista has gone full on Brotista. I'm sure I will find that more entertaining than a rehash of a program I saw a few months ago. Even if the crowd shit on the match completely, I'll still find it more entetaining and memorable. That's better than some generic and boring program between Bryan and Orton.

I can't believe I'm defending one shit program against another. Let's end it with this, since we're going this route, I sincerely hope WWE continues to piss on Bryan fans. At least that way, there's interesting TV from seeing a bunch of adults cry. There is entertainment value there that the product itself can't sometimes provide.


X-Pac heat is more than just "we don't like you IRL" heat- that kind of heat is awesome if you can leverage it (see: Edge.)

X-Pac heat is "go away, we're bored/sick of you" heat. It's really bad.because it means you're just stale.


Batista isn't in ring shape because he hasn't been wrestling.

He will be in ring shape soon enough. Unless someone expects returning wrestlers to work house shows for a few months off TV until they're ready to go, I don't fully understand the criticism.

Batista's 45 and was never much of a mover anyway. How much better can he get?


The WWE weekly clip highlight show they're gonna have on the network is one of Vince's best ideas, so much better than devoting 5-6 hours to the weekly shows since it has no filler. I'm just a sucker for weekly highlight shows like This Week in Baseball and NBA Inside Stuff.

Is this a real thing? What's it called and when does it start?
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