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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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Jamie OD


You remember how the American Wolves won the TNA tag titles on a house show, because no one in Japan knows who the fuck the BroMans are? Well, TNA went and added the BroMans to the Wolves vs Hayashi & Kondo match anyways (making the house show switch entirely unnecessary) and, whatsmore, they just pinned Kaz Hayashi to win back their tag titles


The post below is the best guess for why this happened that I've seen so far.

-TNA realises the predicament they got themselves into a few weeks back.

-the TNA right hand decides "hey we'll solve this issue by getting flights for the BroMans, problem solved."

-the TNA left hand decides "hey we'll switch the titles on a house show, problem solved."

-they switch the titles and then right hand says to left hand "why did we switch the titles??? BroMans are going to Japan, we booked their flights!" Left hand says to right hand "what???? when did we decide to do that?"

-so we end up with the Wolves having the belts in Japan, which is what W-1 were looking for. And BroMans are needlessly booked for the show. So they just make it a three way and switch the belts and hope we'll all forget about it. Which we will because we couldn't care less about TNA.


So how many people has AJ Styles hurt with his finisher now? Off the top of my head, I can think of Frank Kazarian, Roderick Strong, and Lionheart. Am I missing anyone?
Is this a real thing? What's it called and when does it start?
This week in WWE is the proper name I think, I'm not sure when it's regularly scheduled to be on but you can just watch it on demand right now. Put back the schedule to yesterday and you'll find it.
There's also Stevie Richards and Sterling James Keenan (Corey Graves in NXT), although neither were seriously injured. SJK's in particular was very scary, iirc, damn near folded him in half.

Jamie OD said:
The post below is the best guess for why this happened that I've seen so far.

Sounds plausible. It's amazing how WCW-like TNA really are - too many cooks spoil the broth, and all that.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
So how many people has AJ Styles hurt with his finisher now? Off the top of my head, I can think of Frank Kazarian, Roderick Strong, and Lionheart. Am I missing anyone?

It's not his fault though. The only thing the person taking the move has to do is not tuck their chin. Even the divas, many of whom are not as well trained as those that have been injured, when taking Michelle Mccool's Faith Breaker, didn't hurt themselves.


Oh wow, this Lionheart dude says his neck is broken in two places.

It's not his fault though. The only thing the person taking the move has to do is not tuck their chin. Even the divas, many of whom are not as well trained as those that have been injured, when taking Michelle Mccool's Faith Breaker, didn't hurt themselves.

But it's a finisher that doesn't let him protect his opponent. When he has such a bad track record of hurting people with it, maybe it's time to switch to something else. It doesn't even look that great.


I got Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning on sale some time last week and am clocking an amazing 228 hours in the game. On my fourth or fifth playthrough and planning at least another three before I move on. I never thought I would love this game so much.

Kingdoms of Amalur is the only Dragon Age I'll ever need.

Jamie OD

Sounds plausible. It's amazing how WCW-like TNA really are - too many cooks spoil the broth, and all that.

TNA may aswell still be WCW. I am convinced if WCW never died they would have done the exact same stuff TNA did from 2002 onwards. The Jarretts buying them out, the weekly PPVs, the Impact Zone in Florida, the Spike TV slot, hiring the ex-WWE guys, etc. Just make something up about WCW going dark from 2001-2002 and it would be as if they never ceased to exist.


Even when Brock wasn't in prime shape, he still went a long, rough match with Cena without having to constantly take breathers. When Rock got 'in ring shape' he was constantly out of breath.

Almost like these retired dudes should stay retired.

Brock's a demigod, let's be fair.

Batista's 45 and was never much of a mover anyway. How much better can he get?

It's not too much to ask your main eventer of the biggest show of the year to go more than 3 minutes without gassing

Batista is not going to develop into a marathon runner during his run, but he will improve from where he is now. Will he still get winded after 10 minutes by Wrestlemania? Probably. Will he have more stamina than he does now? Undoubtedly. Athletes need to get in sport shape, and he's not there yet. The one perk v. Rocky is that Batista is going to be on a heavier workload leading up to Wrestlemania, so that will help.

Punk could come back after three months off and he'll get winded quicker than he did in the past. It's natural.
Watched some old PPVs around '06 and '07 as I barely remember anything about that period, was Vince ready to make that dude Bobby Lashley a star? He was featured in a lot of PPVs, even had some championship matches against Cena. Personally, I thought he kinda sucked besides the fact that he was built like a tank... atrocious speaker too.


I got Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning on sale some time last week and am clocking an amazing 228 hours in the game. On my fourth or fifth playthrough and planning at least another three before I move on. I never thought I would love this game so much.

Kingdoms of Amalur is the only Dragon Age I'll ever need.

I played it for like 8 hours and stopped playing. I don't know why really, didn't think it was a bad game or anything. I'll probably return to it someday


Watched some old PPVs around '06 and '07 as I barely remember anything about that period, was Vince ready to make that dude Bobby Lashley a star? He was featured in a lot of PPVs, even had some championship matches against Cena. Personally, I thought he kinda sucked besides the fact that he was built like a tank... atrocious speaker too.

Bobby Lashley sucked. I couldn't believe the push they gave the guy. He probably also only god his push because he was big.
Watched some old PPVs around '06 and '07 as I barely remember anything about that period, was Vince ready to make that dude Bobby Lashley a star? He was featured in a lot of PPVs, even had some championship matches against Cena. Personally, I thought he kinda sucked besides the fact that he was built like a tank... atrocious speaker too.

He was getting the John Cena forced push. They made sure everybody in WWEECW jobbed to this guy and the commentators always had to build him up in his matches like something they had never seen before. They sacrificed everybody to this guy he probably would have been WWE champion if he hadn't left. Thankfully he walked away for some reason.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Lashley left WWE not long after I started rewarching so I haven't seen much of him besides the Bathurd meme.

I also remember people saying he looked like a bald and muscular Wayne Brady.


WM2000 is the worst representation of the Attitude Era I've ever seen. It's every shitty part about it crammed into a 3 hours and 21 minute long show. And it just looks cheap as fuck, considering it's in the Arrorhead Pond in Anaheim. How did that happen? Anaheim already hosted WM12 4 years ago at this point.


Bobby "The Dominator" Lashley has actually been successfully working his way up the Ultimate rankings at the age of 37. I was really hoping to see him fight Dave "Brass Body" Bautista before Bautista retreated to the world of fake sports entertainment.


There's nothing fake about how entertaining WWE is, dream!

WM2000 is the worst representation of the Attitude Era I've ever seen. It's every shitty part about it crammed into a 3 hours and 21 minute long show. And it just looks cheap as fuck, considering it's in the Arrorhead Pond in Anaheim. How did that happen? Anaheim already hosted WM12 4 years ago at this point.
You're in trouble for ignoring Madden


I've only been watching the last weeks worth of shows with about ten years in between, so humor me here while I attempt to write wrestling....

If I were booking WM I would clean up this current uninteresting mess they having going in the mainevent by having Bryan and Triple H open the show.

Once the bell sounds they would face off in the middle of the ring nose to nose. I would stress Trips to show just how much bigger he is physically than Bryan by flexing. They would lock up with Bryan being thrown into the ground and backed into the corner with relative ease a few times.

At this point Trips would request a mic and basically make a joke out of Bryan claiming he's clearly out of his league by thinking he has any chance of beating the 47 time world champ at WM. In fact, Trips is so confident that he'll win tonight that he'll give Bryan a money in the bank contract to use for his world title shot if he's able to win, but only if he agrees to stand down for the foreseeable future and let the big boys battle it out at the top.

Are you happy with that, Trips will propose to the audience.

The crowd erupts into chants of YES, YES, YES!

Bryan will remain all business in the ring; Trips will extend his hand as if to say, we have a deal, now let's shake on it.

Bryan accepts and shakes hands. After a few shakes Trips draws Bryan in clotheslining him with his left.

The bell sounds for a second time singling that the match has officially been restarted. Bryan get's beat down for a bit with Trips predictable normal spots.

They go through whatever routine they've already worked out and eventually Bryan comes out the victor.

[rest of the show]

World title time. Batista and Orton make their way to the ring. Before the bell rings to get them started Vince's music hits. He makes his way down to the ring and announces that this years WM was supposed to be a huge achievement for him and the company three decades in the making. However, the mainevent is lacking and that he is hugely disappointed in both Orton and Batista's ability to make the fans care about the world title. So in light of this he's making the match a three way dance with CM Punk being introduced as the third participant.

Punk would obviously carry both Orton and Batista the entire match and come away with the win. He'll get his little Wrestlemania moment before Bryan Daniels music hits, and he makes his way to the ring with his title shot contract in tow.

They do about fifteen minutes, but instead of having Bryan pull out the win, I would have Punk win and win clean. I would then build a summer program around the two of them just having quality matches towards Summerslam.


In regards to the bold, who gives a crap? Seriously? Are you an investor? I'm sure WWE knows what's making them money and books themselves accordingly for the most part. Why is such a point even relevant?

And Batista vs. Orton is better purely by the fact that we're getting an interesting crowd reaction right now and Batista has gone full on Brotista. I'm sure I will find that more entertaining than a rehash of a program I saw a few months ago. Even if the crowd shit on the match completely, I'll still find it more entetaining and memorable. That's better than some generic and boring program between Bryan and Orton.

I can't believe I'm defending one shit program against another. Let's end it with this, since we're going this route, I sincerely hope WWE continues to piss on Bryan fans. At least that way, there's interesting TV from seeing a bunch of adults cry. There is entertainment value there that the product itself can't sometimes provide.

I was mentioning money because they aren't doing this for the show itself since this story isn't want people want to see. So if they are doing this to make the most money I'm discussing if this is the way to do it.

I'm glad you enjoying watching people not get what they want, it's your choice. I watch WWE for the show itself and for the wrestling part of it so I want the best product I can get and while the crowd taking the piss on Baptista is interesting it isn't better than a well crafted product that I can enjoy weekly.

But you aren't clearly interested in discussing this in any meaningful way so this is my last post to you to.


Bobby Lashley sucked. I couldn't believe the push they gave the guy. He probably also only god his push because he was big.

I used to like him back in the day, he was big but also pretty athletic from what I can remember. He could've been a star.

Or maybe I was just a dumb 13 year old kid who didn't know shit.


Why didn't I get WM14 to review instead of WM1? I have something to say about almost every single part of this, good or bad.
And Batista vs. Orton is better purely by the fact that we're getting an interesting crowd reaction right now and Batista has gone full on Brotista. I'm sure I will find that more entertaining than a rehash of a program I saw a few months ago. Even if the crowd shit on the match completely, I'll still find it more entetaining and memorable. That's better than some generic and boring program between Bryan and Orton.

Your pushing your personal view of the situation as though that is what the majority of people should like. Batista vs Orton in 2014 should not be headlining Wrestlemania period. Orton vs Bryan would have been a better choice for storyline and wrestling purposes. It was not the best choice but, it is better than Batista vs Orton.

I can't believe I'm defending one shit program against another. Let's end it with this, since we're going this route, I sincerely hope WWE continues to piss on Bryan fans. At least that way, there's interesting TV from seeing a bunch of adults cry. There is entertainment value there that the product itself can't sometimes provide.

It would be stupid of the WWE to continue to waste Bryan's popularity
but, they will so you will probably get your wish. The only reason they are paying his popularity any attention now is because Punk took his ball and went home.
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