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Monkey chants aimed at black players in Krakow for Euro 2012

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Well there is a reason why Krakow is the second largest city in Poland and isn't hosting any Euro games. Wisla Krakow fans are some of the world's worst.


European racists. For example, try explaining to a Spaniard why the chinky eyes gesture is not appreciated by Asians. Try debating with the Dutch about their fondness for blackface. And for God's sake don't get anyone started on the Roma.

could you fit any more sweeping generalizations than you just did into one post? I'm pretty sure ANY racist doesn't think they're in the wrong. location has got nothing to do with it.


Uefa subsequently tried to deny that it was racially motivated, saying they had checked with the Dutch squad and had been told it was not thought to be of that nature. Instead, the official line is that a small part of the crowd was protesting about the fact that Krakow had not been made one of the host cities. Another theory that has been put forward is that Wisla's supporters did not want their stadium being used by anyone but their own club and were simply booing the Dutch players.

Van Bommel, however, responded angrily when it was put to him not everyone had heard monkey noises. "You need to open your ears," he said. "If you did hear it, and don't want to hear it, that is even worse."
LOL what a joke UEFA is...


Uefa and Fifa have fucked up massively in their choice of host nations for the European Champions and the World Cup. The Russian World Cup will face the same problems as the upcoming Euro's and I can see the World Cup in Qatar being an absolute nightmare logistically too.

The inspection panel found that Qatar met none of the requirements for a host nation yet they awarded it to them anyway. Corrupt pricks.


Well this really does not happen in North America.

So it happens in all of Europe? And no racist crimes or racist groups exist in North America? You're basing the whole landscape of racism in Europe on a tiny minority of football fans. Of course they're in the wrong, but you're making extremely sweeping generalisations.


Well this really does not happen in North America.

racism has many different forms. just because UEFA and FIFA (two of the most inept and corrupt organizations on the face of the planet, mind you) tacitly condone it doesn't mean it doesn't take criticism; I think there's been many critical voices of the racism. and let's not pretend like racial politics don't play HUGE roles in media narratives in north america. your original post was hugely reductive.


Lads, lets not forget that all football fans are rioters and murderers.

I really can't understand why we haven't all be thrown into jail for our heinous crimes.
It's an event that we have to wait every four years to watch and enjoy for a lousy month, yet we gotta put up with this shit? I don't understand the need to have countries with clear racism issues hosting sporting events that invite all sorts of nations to their turf.

How hard is it really?

"What do you got there for us Billy?"


"Ukraine huh? let's see...lotta backwards people there, skinheads that chant neo-nazi shit at stadiums and beat up tourists, half the French team is black, that can't be good... scrap Ukraine, what else you got?"
These people are beyond dumb. I am not even offended, it's just so dumb.

1) monkeys are some of the best animals on the planet.

2) we all derived from apes. the mere thought that it's a slur to conclude that certain people equal apes is retarded. it's like making fun of people for being human when you are human yourself. 2 + 2 - it's four! it's four! now go and close the door. because nobody wants to see your face no more.
They'll get a yellow card. Two yellow cards in one match = red card. You are out of the game and miss the next one. Two yellow cards from two separate games = you miss the next game.

That answered my question. So are players that concerned with being booked that they would decide to put up with this bullshit? Is the UEFA that fucked up? I don't know much about the organizations mind you.


So it happens in all of Europe? And no racist crimes or racist groups exist in North America? You're basing the whole landscape of racism in Europe on a tiny minority of football fans. Of course they're in the wrong, but you're making extremely sweeping generalisations.

Oh....just like most of EuroGAF does about the US? Ok. Sure....
Heard it on the radio a while back.

Can't find anything about it on the web though.

Maybe it was all bollocks idk.

People say a lot stuff about the bid e.g. no alcohol when there will be alcohol. Qatar's WC proposal was awesome. YouTube their video presentation. They actually did pretty well


Is this going to turn into another one of those shitty US vs Europe threads where it's virtually impossible to distinguish between genuine jingoists and people who are just taking the piss?
I don't know what a bollocks is, so I'm going to assume that it's racist. I wish Earth had 11 continents so I could bump Europe out of my top 10.
Oh my god, I honestly can't tell if you are trolling or are straight up stupid. I bet that you don't know shit about Europe. Hell you have probably never left the US. If you did you would know that countries in Europe(like scandinavia or UK) are as far from this as the US are.

And if you would have travelled you would have found shit like this in countries in most of the continents. But hey, you have a continent consisting of a handful of countries so you think that your country is better then others because you don't have other racist countries in the same continent(with loads of countries in between).


hey now isnt that a sweeping generalisation son bollocks racist

I've never made a sweeping generalization before.

It's great though. I can state it as fact and feel bulletproof about it even though I've just made a tool of myself.

But seriously come on people, let's not turn this into another US vs Europe thread. Let's just focus on how bad Europe is.

I'm sure it's fine there.

But that doesn't me that I, as a black man, am particularly excited. I can do racism right here in my own country.
racism has many different forms. just because UEFA and FIFA (two of the most inept and corrupt organizations on the face of the planet, mind you) tacitly condone it doesn't mean it doesn't take criticism; I think there's been many critical voices of the racism. and let's not pretend like racial politics don't play HUGE roles in media narratives in north america. your original post was hugely reductive.

There is nothing like this in US sports is what I mean. First time I ever heard about this type of stuff was like 5-6 years ago. I honestly never would have imagined that stuff like this happens in the 21st century. It's unthinkable in the US sports landscape that anything like this would happen. Any sliver of racism is stomped out immediately and you don't have to worry about racism when you attend sporting events. It doesn't even come up at all.

I'm not a gung ho patriot by any means, but I do get very tired of seeing thread after thread about stupid things in the US (the kid dressing up as MLK, tweets, etc) when none of these "issues" come close to what's going on in other countries. And all the "Americans are ignorant" comments are ironic coming from countries that can't put on a sporting event without a horrible display of racism.
I'm sure it's fine there.

But that doesn't me that I, as a black man, am particularly excited. I can do racism right here in my own country.

Dreams says you guys are cool, so I'll let it slide this time. Just don't let this shit happen again. I won't be putting up with anymore poppycock.


The best thing that could happen is if a "big" team all walk off the pitch if it happens. Completely pile the pressure on UEFA and see what sort of response occurs.

If the English, Spanish, Germans and Italians could group together and form some sort of breakaway organisation/European Supercup then the rest of Europe would soon follow. FIFA would die soon after and the corrupt bastards that awarded the Euros to Poland/Ukraine and the WC to Qatar (fucking QATAR!) and Russia would be out of a job.

All the money and talent is located in those 4 countries.It truly boggles my mind that irrelevant African/Caribbean representatives like Jack Warner and co have so much influence.

I know you're angry, but statements like these are not helping you're case
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