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Ridge Racer 7 info coming Friday... aka Wednesday (scans pg4)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
typo said:
You've lost it...

Okay I get it now page 4. I thought somebody was saying that this game looks so good that it could be PGR4.

Makes sense before I was told.

Doube D

how the hell can you people compare it to RR6 based on small scans of a mag?

is namco supposed to release direct footage anytime soon?


It doesn't really matter what they do with customisation, it will still end up the same as RR6 online - i.e. a build is found that enables high speed and continuous nitro. Even if the handling is shit, people will still master it (like the Ultranova). I seriously can't play RR6 online in the special class anymore. There's Ultranova masters out there that have about 10,000 races under their belt.


You can customize your machine in this mode -- a first for the Ridge Racer series. You can customize both in performance, tuning your engine and adding nitros, and exterior, adding stickers, bumpers and more. New stickers will be made available through future downloads.

Rage Racer.



icecream said:

Looks good to me. :D

I was just about to post that she doesn't looks as cute as she used to in that scan. hmm


How can Konami consider MGS:S testing and expect high sales #s?

When it came out of the XBox it was yesterdays news, and it wasn't optomized for the platform.


and you can compare that to direct feed footage?

i'm just saying that the scans aren't THAT small.
They are big enough to get a feel of where they are going with the course art for sure.
I like it - the art direction looks like its going to be better than the X360 version right now.
I think it's possible to tell that from the scans vs rolling footage.


VPhys said:
How can Konami consider MGS:S testing and expect high sales #s?

When it came out of the XBox it was yesterdays news, and it wasn't optomized for the platform.

Wrong thread... ;)

Well, about RR7, looks on part with the 360 version (I, for one, who liked the look of the 360 version, dont know why the hate...). However It seems there are some new races, no?


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
xaosslug said:
I was just about to post that she doesn't looks as cute as she used to in that scan. hmm

As we move towards a more "realistic" Reiko, she's become increasingly ugly, or as I like to call it, the "drugged" look. Reiko was at her best in R4, although her Rage Racer appearance comes close too.

I just can't get excited about RR anymore thanks to this new nitro thing.


RaijinFY said:
Wrong thread... ;)

I was responding to:

M3wThr33 said:
Does Konami think the same way?

Testing with MGS2:S and Twin Snakes?

llTll said:
pretty much. besides, i really think it has something to do with being loyal and money from sony or special treatment like for example less fees for these games.

but i highly doubt we will see any Metal Gear solid game outside of PS anymore. thus MGS3 was ps2 exclusive and so is MGS4

But lets not get way off-topic.

i am really intrested to see how the game changed graphicly, as the developers saying PS3 gave them their dream vesion of RR game or something like that back when it was annouced for ps3

perhaps I should have quoted :(


Hmm ... the replay shots with the cars look like they're going for a more realistic/less cartoony look than RR6. BUt the small environmental shorts look just like RR6.


Meh. Not even the city pics people thought were real-time turned out to be real-time. Namco sucks.


neo2046 said:


*faints while drooling over screens*.........

*recovers then faints again*

jett said:
Meh. Not even the city pics people thought were real-time turned out to be real-time. Namco sucks.

jett what the hell is wrong with you???? It seems you never get impressed with ANY Ridge Racer game ever! These graphics are the most delicious graphics the RR series, OR ANY OTHER RACING GAME FOR THAT MATTER, has seen to DATE!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you just sit here and bitch and complain about RR graphics all day long. Just leave the series alone from now on and let the REAL RR fans appreciate these new delightfully scrumptuous screenshots!!


Sure, the shots are nice in a "28 Days Later" kind of way.

But seriously, "best racing game graphics ever"? You're kidding, right?

Budda looks low-poly. The rail in that one shot looks embarrassingly straight and chunky...

Guess I'll have to lower my expectations for next gen. Again.


Kolgar said:
Sure, the shots are nice in a "28 Days Later" kind of way.

But seriously, "best racing game graphics ever"? You're kidding, right?

Budda looks low-poly. The rail in that one shot looks embarrassingly straight and chunky...

Guess I'll have to lower my expectations for next gen. Again.

Because everyone sits there and stares at distant trackside scenary AMIRIGHT?
Who would even think of zooming past it at 200KM a second right?


This game is gonna own. To any 360 owner who hasn't bought RR6 please go to Best Buy and do yourself a favor and pick it up for a measly $20 It's sooooo worth it.
Yea. I own the PSP game, beat it and enjoyed it, but was convinced that the nitrous+uberdrift combination was a concession to the portable hardware that would become stale quickly on a real console. I have almost 35 hours into RR6, though, and it's still a blast.

If the PS3 game adds back (optional) "classic" drifting, like it sounds like it might, it's going to be hard to resist.
Like too many games, people here shit and piss about graphics while ignoring whether the game is a blast or not. Ridge Racer at 720p 60fps online is a blast. The 360 game is great and this game should be too.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Meh. Not even the city pics people thought were real-time turned out to be real-time. Namco sucks

I'm fairly convinced that those old shots were realtime. They seem to match up well with the others in terms of lighting. The image quality received a boost when I re-sized them, though, but I think they are accurate.









sol_bad said:
Because everyone sits there and stares at distant trackside scenary AMIRIGHT?
Who would even think of zooming past it at 200KM a second right?

Didn't Namco tell us we were in for a huge upgrade over RR6? I seem to remember some pretty bold statements from them regarding all that the power of PS3 was allowing them to do. They set the expectations high, so I'm expecting to be wowed.

I'm just not seeing it in these stills, and if the upgrade was dramatic, I'd expect to.

Kobayashi, while not directly confirming a release at the PS3's launch in November, stated that the development staff's goal is to, as quickly as possible, convey to players the concept behind the PS3 hardware. Teramoto personally believes this concept to be "machine power," exemplified by the PS3's ability to deliver movie-quality visuals and sound.

The three developers didn't get too specific about what we can expect from RR7. Teramoto stated that thanks to the PS3's power, that even with the improved graphics the system still has juice to spare (which will be used for effects to help deliver a better feeling of speed).


I'm in no hurry. I'll wait for more screens and videos before passing judgement. I'm just saying, I'm not blown away at the moment.


dark10x said:
I'm fairly convinced that those old shots were realtime. They seem to match up well with the others in terms of lighting. The image quality received a boost when I re-sized them, though, but I think they are accurate.

honestly though, from those screen shots so far, its way better than the xbox 360 game in terms of graphics. you can feel more geometry [ sp?] than RR6 around the cars


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I also truly believe that the lighting is quite a bit better. RR6 was often suprisingly dull looking, for some reason. Certain areas during certain times were beautiful, but the majority of the tracks felt a bit flat (in terms of lighting). The best track, far and away, was the Aviator Loop segment (which is why I've posted several pics from it). I understand that they wanted different weather and times of day, but personally, I believe that cloudy weather can produce some of the most stunning vistas you'll see. I hope they do not produce any tracks in RR7 with the "dull" lighting.

Here's good lighting in RR6 (looks AWESOME)






Here's dull lighting in RR6 (looks kinda meh)







dark10x said:
I also truly believe that the lighting is quite a bit better. RR6 was often suprisingly dull looking, for some reason. Certain areas during certain times were beautiful, but the majority of the tracks felt a bit flat (in terms of lighting). The best track, far and away, was the Aviator Loop segment (which is why I've posted several pics from it). I understand that they wanted different weather and times of day, but personally, I believe that cloudy weather can produce some of the most stunning vistas you'll see. I hope they do not produce any tracks in RR7 with the "dull" lighting.

after those new screens, i think the game look the same lol. but yeah a lil better on ps3.
After looking at the scans, totally serious question:

Since Sony seems to be adopting the same PSP menu scheme, and presumably it will be overlapped onto the game screen. Looking at the RR menu design (as always a very nice set up) isn't the PS3's white text going to get lost when it appears over this particular menu? Is there any kind of QA or guidelines being made by Sony about this sort of thing? (Even if they grey out the screen, the white might still be a problem.) Maybe it'll come out in front of a black bar?

Anywhoo, the screens look good, and those 360 screens make me want to buy the game again after I'd given up on it a while ago.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
It's a shame that wicked blur effect isn't in game. :\

They use a different blur with nitrous, but the blur in those shots is much more subtle.
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