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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


What the hell is wrong with his waist?


I was at raw tonight, Ambrose and Rollins walked down the stairs right past me, so I patted Ambrose on the back. That was pretty cool.

Dark match was CM Punk coming out saying he was beat up but still wanted to fight someone. Axel/Ryback/Heyman came out, Lawler handed Punk a kendo stick which he used to beat all three with. Ryback also got a couple chair shots to the back, and Axel got a GTS to send the crowd home happy.

Pretty entertaining show overall, Punk got a
MEGA pop.


Damn, WWE youtube channel just keep uploading more good stuff. The 92 royal rumble, Owen/Bret Summerslam Cage match, they even uploaded the full Chris Jericho debut on Raw segment. Just some good shit they are doing
Damn, WWE youtube channel just keep uploading more good stuff. The 92 royal rumble, Owen/Bret Summerslam Cage match, they even uploaded the full Chris Jericho debut on Raw segment. Just some good shit they are doing

I love that I can watch official releases of this shit now without all the goddamn "WWF" censoring


"Chris Jericho is here to SAVE the W. W. -censored-!"

It really is nice to see old matches now without obscenes amounts of visual and audio censoring everytime WWF is mentioned

If only they were able to come to this agreement before they did collection releases like the Wrestlemania one. Just destroyed a beauty with its censoring.
"Chris Jericho is here to SAVE the W. W. -censored-!"

It really is nice to see old matches now without obscenes amounts of visual and audio censoring everytime WWF is mentioned

"The winner of the Royal Rumble this year, Brain, will become the NEW (silence) CHAMPION!"

Ugh, so disgraceful. Why doesn't whoever owns the damn licence realise that Fire Pro Wrestling Returns: HD Remix would do fuckin' gangbusters as a downloadable title?



WCW Monday Nitro 1/11/99

The only thing announced for the show is Nash vs Giant, with the loser getting kicked out of the MEGA nWo. That's what they're calling it.

TO THE MEAN BY GOD GENE. Flair comes to the ring to talk about what he did to handle the Eric Bischoff situation. As it turns out, Hogan is the champ, but he is also under contract until 2001. That means no Hollywood and no presidency. Well fuck, JoJo has been rehired. ABUSE OF POWER! JoJo announces the main event for Souled Out: Scott Hall vs Goldberg in a ladder match with a stun stck in place of a title. They then ask for the LWO to come to the ring. He wants them to get rid of the shirts for their saftey and rejoin WCW. Eddie is in the hospital with a broken leg due to the nWo (actually a car wreck). Rey is the only one not to take his shirt off. Flair then books himself in a match with Curt Hennig. Bischoff wasn't mentioned, but Tony tells us he's been relieved of his announcing duties and has been reassigned.


. Saturn comes out and wants a rematch with Jericho. Jericho and "Rufus" come out. Jericho will give him a rematch if Saturn agrees to wear a dress for the rest of his career. Saturn isn't down with drag. Saturn eventually agrees. This will happen at Souled Out, which is this weekend.

The Cat vs Saturn

Randy Anderson was going to ref this match, but Scott Dickinson told him that JoJo wanted him in the back. Dickinson pulls Saturn off of Cat and allows for a low blow. Cat attacks the leg and Saturn is not able to get back into the match for a few minutes. This is so weird. They went from having a real feud with each other to Cat being a side player in Jericho/Saturn/ref feud. Saturn hits a Superfly Splash despite having his leg worked on the whole match. The ref conveniently misses the pin. Jericho runs in with a SHOVEL and hits Saturn. Saturn bumps into Scott Dickinson. Saturn gets disqualified. Jericho comes out and spends a lot of time trying to put an ugly dress on Saturn. He eventually gives up.

It's probably close to 40 minutes into the show with commercials and the opening is just now playing.

. Bischoff's access card no longer works and someone is parked in his spot. LOL a security guard calls him "Mr. Bischoff" and when Bischoff asks if this guy knows who he is, the guy says "No sir". "You know my name". Awful. Bischoff apparently had to wait all day to meet with Flair. He bitched about Flair and Jim Ross running things in 1991 and not being able to draw 400 people. Flair talks down to Eric for what feels like an hour before giving him his new position: Ring crew.

TO THE MEAN GENE. God damn, are they just not going to do matches tonight? There is a cake at a table. Chavo and "Puppy" come out. I think it is his birthday. Oh, it's Pepe's birthday. We get a happy birthday singing for Pepe. Norman Smiley comes out and is upset that he wasn't invited. Chavo won't shake his hand. Pepe forgives Norman, though. Norman SWERVES both of them. Chavo gets thrown into the cake, slammed on the Japanese table, and Norman steals Pepe. He takes Pepe out back and throws him in a wood chipper. Pepe is dead! We have just witnessed MURDER!



TO THE LEVY'S. Sandman and Raven are playing back gammon. So good. I love it. Apparently, Raven, Jim, Saturn, and Kanyon went to high school together. Sandman doesn't like Kanyon. Raven wants to find his high school year book. Instead, he finds old pictures of Roddy Piper. "Shut up, Jim."

TO THE BACK. A bunch of bikers lead the Wolfpac in. The B-Team were already there. Apparently there was some miscommunication. I don't like motorcycles. I don't even like bikes. These bikers are the Hell's Angels. They come right to the ring.

Chuck Zito! Who gives a fuck. I can't tell if the mic is off or if the bikes are too fucking loud. What is the obsession with super loud bikes and cars? Hogan says he'll take on anyone in the WCW. Scott Steiner will face DDP tonight. WHITE TRAAASH. He's gonna fuck Kim hard after the match. The Hell's Angels were back up against the Atlanta Falcons. I can't believe they're back to doing big nWo promos where they don't even say anything besides "We're the nWo and just too sweet". Also, this is almost half way through the show with ONE match so far. No explanation so far as to why the nWo reunited and if the split was all a year long ruse to begin with or not. Did Hogan and Nash work out all of their issues? What about Hall and Bischoff?

Kaz Hayashi vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

A lot of flippy dippy bullshit. Kaz hits a diving karate kick. He gets sent to the floor and Rey comes out with a flipping senton. Lex comes out and beats up Kaz. He then tells Rey to take the LWO shirt off and he'll let him go. Rey won't take it off, so Lex attacks and rips it off. Rey fights back, but Lex is too big and strong. Torture Rack. Konnan briskly walks to the ring. He couldn't even run out. The rest of the Wolfpac come out and Konnan is attacked. They rip his shirt off, so I guess he's fucking out. This is definitely a show for the TV audience. This would be terrible to pay to see live and have 1 1/2 matches in an hour.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Lol. This is amazing to see how little wrestling they can get away with in a 3 hour show. The Giant is the guest. Giant was out of breath walking out to the ring. For real. Dude is huffing and puffing. He doesn't give a shit about being in the nWo anymore, and he's coming for the rest of the nWo after he tears up Nash. He also sounds like he has a serious head cold. Even more than normal.

Lenny Lane vs Booker T.

Booker makes quick work of Lenny.

They talk about their match of the century in the style of original nWo promos. Tony dropping logic bombs of how shit like that can air if Ric Flair is in charge of things.

Scott Steiner vs DDP WCW TV Championship

DDP has walking pneumonia tonight. Now, a lot of people could easily shit themselves after getting hit by Steiner on a good night. I'm not sure this is a good idea for DDP. Steiner shows his power, but DDP slaps him in the mouth. Swinging neck breaker. Buff gets in the ring, but the ref allows it. Atomic drops everywhere. DDP went for a superplex. Buff held Steiner in place and DDP went flying. Scott goes on extended offense. Spinning belly to belly. DDP pulls himself up BY HIS BOOTSTRAPS, only to get put back down with a Steinerline. Discuss this lariat! Scott comes right back with another Steinerline and tiger bomb. Face fuck! As in, Scott thrust violently into DDP's face. This pissed DDP off. Pancake Norton! Virgil comes out to hold the ref. Steiner shoves DDP into him. Buff then throws powder in DDP's face. Scott then shoves Virgil into a Kanyon Cutter, hits DDP with a chair, and gets the win with the Steiner Recliner. The ref had to literally climb over Virgil and still called the finish.



TO THE GOLDBERG. Tenay conducted an interview with Goldberg. Bill talks about making mistakes as an athlete and the ones who rise above correct those mistakes. The mistake of expecting a fair match with Kevin Nash will never happen again.

EARLIER TODAY. Eric Bischoff was putting the ring together under supervision from Klondike Bill. This goes on for what feels like 2 hours.

Recap of Starrcade and the FPOD.

Scott Hall vs Bam Bam Big Yellow

I'm not sure when Bam Bam got a contract. He had a one night only contract at the request of Goldberg, but it was made clear he wasn't an employee. Now he wrestles in random matches. Well, Tony brings up that issue and assumes that Flair went ahead and hired him. This is a Kliq revenge match. I'm sure Bam Bam was super hyped to leave the WWF because of Hall/Nash/HBK and then come into WCW and be in a program with Nash and Hall. Bam Bam misses a falling headbutt. Stalling suplex from Bam Bam. Disco comes out. Samoan drop. Disco has the cattle prod. Wrath shoves Bam Bam off the ropes. During this, Disco slid Hall the cattle prod. Bam Bam attempts Greetings from Asbury Park, but gets stunned. Hall wins.

TO THE GOLDBERG. Class begins on Sunday.

We're told that Wrath and Bam Bam continued to brawl, so a match between them has been signed for Souled Out.

Curt Hennig vs Ric Flair

After about a minute and a half, Barry Windham comes to ringside. David Flair also comes out. If I'm Barry Windham, Im' not scared of David Flair at all. Flair takes the top rope bump and gets put in the figure four. Flair breaks it up with an eye poke. Chops everywhere. Flair Flip in the corner sends Ric all the way to the floor, right in front of David. Flair suplexes Perfect back in. Hennig gets thrown out in front of David. Barry ambushes him. Flair loses his mind, slaps the shit out of them, and puts Perfect in the figure four. Barry breaks it up and the match is thrown out. David does a terrible trip and gets his dad a chair. Boy, David is going to be a great wrestler!


TO THE GOLDBERG. It's going to be WHO'S LEFT after Goldberg is done.

The Giant vs Kevin Nash

Winner gets to be the only giant in the nWo, but Giant already said he didn't want to be the in the nWo anyway, so I guess this is just a match. Kevin Nash was a former member of the "World Team Tag Champions". Buffer's intros are so long winded. Kevin Nash is a world resident due to his traveling with wrestling. You can't just say he's from Detroit? Isn't everyone a world resident? It was about a year ago when Nash dropped Giant on his head and we got to see it 900 times in slow motion. Giant gets the offense in the opening minutes until Nash hits a big boot. Body slam to The Giant! Another big boot. Giant makes a come back. Hall comes it and gets decked right away. The ref doesn't care. Stinger Splash! Power Bottom in the corner. Chokeslam to Hall. Nash grabs a wrench from under the ring, perhaps the same one Bischoff used earlier. The ref clearly sees Nash use it, but Nash makes the pin. Giant is out of the nWo. Bischoff came out to the announce table to celebrate. The rest of the MEGA nWo came to the ring. Cattle prod and spray painting. This was also Giant's last match in WCW and he got BURIED. JOIN US FOR SOULED OUT....uh, AND DON'T FORGET THUNDER THURSDAY. Lol, Tony almost forgot about Thunder.


A new feature of these reviews: DQ Count

DQ COUNT: 3 out of 7 matches


I'll never forget that day Pepe met his maker.

I felt bad for Pepe. The best part was Norman coming out, fans popping for him, then booing, and him saying he was a nice guy. Also, he corrected Gene on how to pronounce his name.

"It's Smi-lay, Geeen, get it right."
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