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So I realized Final Fantasy IX is approaching its ten year anniversary in America


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I bought this on PSN and haven't played it yet. Every attempt by me always stops in the first 10% of the first disc. It bores me. :/ I really need to force myself to sit down and finish it as it's (with the exception of 13) the only singleplayer FF I haven't completed fully yet.


Loved it. The cast is fantastic, gameplay is rock-solid and the locales are stunning.


Oh, and this shot is beautiful.
Amazing game. Apart from FF8 I've played 9 the most out of any FF. I never did kill the optional boss though. I got most of the final weapons though. Never hit 99 either. My most was like 75 or so.
Now I recall I downloaded it from PSN and have yet to play it. A friend really wants me to try this and reading though Himmy has strong feelings. As soon as the work ends I'll start.


After I finish replaying through VII, I'll probably replay this. I already played VIII a million times.
Best Final Fantasy. My main complaint is that Freya and Eiko felt underused and Quina and Amarant felt superfluous but otherwise I love the world, style and ability system.

I was thinking when looking at FFXIV how bland the races looked and that an MMO set in IX's past would be really interesting. If it was based in the middle of a war between the three great nations and you chose which side you started in it would have so much character.


My first Final Fantasy game and I loved every minute of it. Amazing game, I feel like buying and playing through it again on the PSN even though I already have a PS1 copy.
funkmastergeneral said:
Never played it, but I've been itching for a good jrpg to play. I have the PC version of FFVII and loved it, did this game ever make it to PC?
Nope, only FFVII, VIII, XI and XIV made it to the PC, IIRC. Just got buy the PS1 version then emulate it on your PC.
Amazing game. I got it for Christmas the year it came out, and I can still remember when I put it in my ps1 for the first time and saw the opening cinematic. I was blown away. An amazing game and one of the best ps1 games I've ever played.


Himuro said:
The greatest mini game in an rpg


This. Hours of pure fun.

I don't know what the hell they were doing in VII and VIII with Chocobos, it wasn't fun at all. But IX fucking nailed it.


The Amiga Brotherhood
My favourite Final Fantasy, right next to 7. Music and atmosphere is just second to none other jrpg.


Is this game still payable today? I remember the load times for the random battles being horrendous back in the day.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The gameplay is sooooo slow.

I'm not even complaining about the long load times before fights, no, I'm talking about the ridiculous amount of time it takes for the ATB bar to fill. Compared to VIII and VII it takes about three times as long on the highest setting.


I have so much love for this game, I can't understand why the games that came directly before and after it do nothing for me.
I love it and all but there are some bullshit issues namely all the secrets being there to sell square's playonline service. And screw getting Excalibur II.


entrement said:
Is this game still payable today? I remember the load times for the random battles being horrendous back in the day.
Using an emulator and binding a key to toggle framerate limiting on/off (aka: fast-forward button) solves the problem.
Took me a lot of time to finish this (played it on and off for over 2 years) but I really loved it overall. Some of my favorite characters in any game and a beautiful world. Wish I could explore this game as a full 3D continuous map.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Prime crotch said:
I love it and all but there are some bullshit issues namely all the secrets being there to sell square's playonline service. And screw getting Excalibur II.

You're mad at a game for having a ton of secret content? :lol

I can understand being mad at the guide which is worthless, but you're angry at a reward for speed running? Are you also butt hurt over Metroid ending screens? :lol
I only enjoy this game when I'm drunk. And after 2 hours I feel compelled to watch old episodes of The Muppet Show.

Knowing that it's almost 10 years old just reminds me that FFX is 9 years old. @_@
I was excited back then (was 19) when they announced that they were bringing back the old school fantasy setting, and they had a nice promo with "Return of the Crystals" from previous FFs.

Unfortunaly, the game didn't deliver.
The setting was better than VII and VIII, but oh god the rest was dull.


My favourite FF. Every game since has taken itself far too seriously. Love the little throwbacks, like garnets cloak, vivi etc. Steiner is an amazing character, one of my favourite characters in the whole series.

the OST is amazing and the title cutscene always gets me hyped. I want to be your canary... Oh god, list could be endless. Just so much charm, one of the best worlds in a game ever.


Can't play this game anymore. The random battles are corrosive with the fucking insane loading times.

I wish the PSN version fixed the battle loading. Instead, it made me thankful that we left the PSOne days behind

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
The setting is incredible.

The plot takes a turn for the worse after disc 3.

The horribly long load times make it unplayable.
damn... I miss that little block of time when we got 3 ridiculously good quality FF's (among other stand-out Square games) in a 3 year span. :(


Apart from the slow-battles, I thought everything was pitch-perfect. Music, setting, characters, story, etc... They don't make games like this one anymore UNFORTUNATELY.

/salute FFIX/OP

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
TheJollyCorner said:
damn... I miss that little block of time when we got 3 ridiculously good quality FF's (among other stand-out Square games) in a 3 year span. :(

While 9 is technically my least favorite installment after the SNES era you are definitely right that being a kid with 7-Tactics-8-Chrono Cross-9 back to back to back to back to back(you can throw Vagrant Story in too) was the golden age of JRPG.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Amir0x said:
Can't play this game anymore. The random battles are corrosive with the fucking insane loading times.

I wish the PSN version fixed the battle loading. Instead, it made me thankful that we left the PSOne days behind

I was playing it just yesterday, the battle loads are blessedly brief compared to the actual speed of battle.

It might take ten seconds to load a fight but it takes fifteen to twenty seconds to fill up the atb bar.
worldrevolution said:
While 9 is technically my least favorite installment after the SNES era you are definitely right that being a kid with 7-Tactics-8-9 back to back to back to back (you can throw Vagrant Story in too) was the golden age of JRPG.

You are so awesome.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Fimbulvetr said:
You are so awesome.

I actually had to edit it to include Chrono Cross. Hell I'd personally throw Front Mission 3 in too.

And Musashi as the poster above said..also Legend of Mana..Threads of Fate..not so much.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Himuro said:
I'm still waiting for Legend of Mana on psn.

Definitely a game I'd love to replay as an adult. I don't have my physical copy with me and I never played it again after my initial run almost a decade ago.

KRIST I FORGOT XENOGEARS TOO. And I'm only counting Square here, not stuff like Wild Arms, Legaia, Ogre, Suikoden etc etc.

Seriously. PSOne = JRPG. I know DS has a great library too but it's just..different.


worldrevolution said:
While 9 is technically my least favorite installment after the SNES era you are definitely right that being a kid with 7-Tactics-8-Chrono Cross-9 back to back to back to back to back(you can throw Vagrant Story in too) was the golden age of JRPG.
Oh, man.

Square needs to ditch their HD CG-movie shit and just make 3DS/PSP games. One FF every year, Kotick that shit up.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Man God said:
I was playing it just yesterday, the battle loads are blessedly brief compared to the actual speed of battle.

It might take ten seconds to load a fight but it takes fifteen to twenty seconds to fill up the atb bar.

I would be able to oversee this if the encounter rate were not Famicom-like.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Himuro said:
Suikoden 1+2

Again stealth editting as I walk down memory lane. Grandia popping in my head too. Lunar. Albert Odyssey and Dragon Force on my Saturn. Don't make games like those anymore..
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