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So I realized Final Fantasy IX is approaching its ten year anniversary in America

Himuro said:
awwwwwwww shut the fuck up

Well FFIX on the DS would almost be guaranteed to be better than FFIX on the PS1 because of that.

It's not even the load times that were the biggest fault with FFIX. The battle speed itself was ridiculously slow.
Man God said:
You're mad at a game for having a ton of secret content? :lol

I can understand being mad at the guide which is worthless, but you're angry at a reward for speed running? Are you also butt hurt over Metroid ending screens? :lol
A lot of the secret content was found only by the use of a guide. Not cool.
Amir0x said:
I wish the PSN version fixed the battle loading. Instead, it made me thankful that we left the PSOne days behind
Shouldn't it? It's loading from the hdd, guess I wont be buying Blood Omen then.
Fimbulvetr said:
So at the rate that FF games are being remade on portables, when should we bump into 9?

Hell if I know. One of the reasons I wanted the DS was that once they finished off the FFAdvance ports they could move on to rereleasing PS game. But nooooooooo, they went backwards and started releasing from FFIII. (FFI and II, even, if you count PSP.) Bleh.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Himuro said:
People who put ds on par with psx or ps2 in terms of rpg output are whacko

Pointless discussion, since the SNES has a superior JRPG library.

Fimbulvetr said:
So at the rate that FF games are being remade on portables, when should we bump into 9?

Long-term contingency plan. Their PSX JRPGs will only be remade when their shares are like ten cents or something.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Regulus Tera said:
DS JRPGs are superior because NO LOAD TIMES.

I never even noticed load times as a kid on PSOne until I bought FF Anthology, and even then it was only 6. 5 was absolutely fine. I know replaying stuff now makes it feel ridiculously slow, but back then it was pure RPG bliss.
Good but didn't light a fire under me. Slow battles, meandering 2nd half, and Insta-Boss™ brand Final Boss dulls my enthusiasm over the great rest of the game.
Pureauthor said:
Hell if I know. One of the reasons I wanted the DS was that once they finished off the FFAdvance ports they could move on to rereleasing PS game. But nooooooooo, they went backwards and started releasing from FFIII. (FFI and II, even, if you count PSP.) Bleh.
FFIII on DS is a great port. The game itself is just meh.


Himuro said:
Meh. Usually when people say this they really only mean CT or FF6 and the best snes rpgs (aside from CT... Terranigma, Tactics Ogre, DQ5, FF5;etc) didn't even make outside of Japan (or in some cases Europe).

It really is no contest. PSX wins.

FFIII on ds is shit. The enemy number is awful. Horrible remake.

SNES had FE4. While that is more of an SRPG. It is the best thing in forever infinity until all time ends that are exist. SNES wins by pure sheer Sigurd sexyness. Oh and SMRPG too.


Hang on, we're comparing IX's long ass loads into every battle and disastrously slow ATB with ANY other single-player FF and saying IX isn't the worst?

:lol :lol :lol :lol
Magnus said:
Hang on, we're comparing IX's long ass loads into every battle and disastrously slow ATB with ANY other single-player FF and saying IX isn't the worst?

:lol :lol :lol :lol
So you're saying FFXIII is better than FFIX?


The first 2 discs worth of game were utterly fantastic, disc 3/4 though.... the plot has the second most catastrophic downturn in the entire series and the gameplay features reach a point where the technical limitations of the hardware become too much of an issue ( Where else in the series can you cast a buff and have its timer wear off before you get a turn because of in battle load times).

The first 2 discs though, man they were good. It's the most enjoyment I've had with any FF game post 6 playing the first half of this game. Arguably it's the last consistent FF game too, X had an interesting combat system and looked great for 2001 but has little else going for it(and the post game content was so bad it turned me away from the genre altogether for the better part of the last decade), XI was online and even for an MMO was just way to complicated and punishing to get into for long enough to get to the "fun" parts. XII was actually really well done but lacked focus, it's almost funny to think about but my issue with it isn't that it wasn't fun or anything, my issue is that there's TOO MUCH game in there. I've also heard its story collapses a bit towards the proverbial 11th hour but I put it on the shelf about halfway through. XIII is a fantastic tech demo but it's barely a game and again, I've grown bored enough with it's gameplay(what little there is) that it went on the shelf at the start of Ch.9. XIV isn't worth mentioning because it flat out isn't finished. This is disappointing on many levels (I was interested in it, if my ffxiv beta avatar didn't make that apparent)but until they "fix" the game for it's ps3 launch and throw out an expansion pack it's barely worth playing.

The future of the series doesn't look so bright either, FFversus will for sure have more game in it then standard XIII and I'd gather it will be better but to me it still looks the same as the last few entries in too many ways. I suppose it's simply too much to ask of square to cater only to my tastes and make a new expensive final fantasy game that is basically an HD version of FF6 but perhaps before I die it'll happen.


Himuro said:
FF9's battle load times weren't bad.

It was the battle SPEED that was terrible, which has nothing to do with loading.

Sorry, I guess I'm lumping both into it all. But shit, taking the loads on their own, they were atrocious. I'd stare at a black screen for 5-8 seconds sometimes as the droning battle music started up before the battle would load, and then the slow-ass camera panning around would begin.

Actually, I often assumed that the lengthy camera pans around weren't just stylistic but actually trying to hide the load of the battle engine, or something. Sort of like the door animations in the Resident Evil games.

Fantasy Final said:
So you're saying FFXIII is better than FFIX?


At battle loads and battle speed? Anyone with a pulse would say the same thing.

Battle speed is about the only thing FFXIII got right.


Himuro said:
FF9 on ds would be awful. DS has trouble making characters look like what they do on FF4 remake. I can only imagine FF9 on ds.

I'll take a 3ds remake of 7-9 instead.

But the ds games used fully 3d rendered enviorments if it was using prerendered backgrounds isn't there more polygons available for the characters? Plus I think there style was more of an artistic choice.

As for the game it's self it's not my favourite final fantasy but I do like it, wanted to replay it recently but my disc 1 is scratched and freezes :(


Whoever said IX got chocobos right in a way previous FFs just didn't (especially VII and VIII) was spot on. Hot/Cold was so much fun :lol in a way that VII's awful racing sim didn't even approach.
Fantasy Final said:
So you're saying FFXIII is better than FFIX?
I could go with that.

Yeah, the game has some incredibly bad load times. Don't think I could play the game these days, but then again I only played IX maybe a in 08 I think so whatever.

I really enjoyed the main cast though. Zidanne was a pretty awesome main character. I wish we would get more FF leads like him. I didn't like the "who am I type" crap though. It felt really tacked on because that's what jrpgs did at the time. Unneeded and stupid.

I really like the ability system though. Nice and simple. We need more systems like that.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Himuro said:
Complaining about psx era rpg load times while at the same time heralding modern rpg or even ps2 rpgs on some pedestal is the one big pile of dissonance. I can't wrap my brain around it, especially when Final Fantasy 12 in particular has lonnnnnnnng load times.

It's one thing to have to deal with load times once every six minutes in FFXII when you change areas and another to have to deal with load times every forty seconds because RANDOM BATTLES.

Himuro said:
Meh. Usually when people say this they really only mean CT or FF6 and the best snes rpgs (aside from CT... Terranigma, Tactics Ogre, DQ5, FF5;etc) didn't even make outside of Japan (or in some cases Europe).

It really is no contest. PSX wins.


Super Famicom's JRPG library is better than the PSX.


Gold Member
Nostalgia wise, I remember this one the fondest of the psx FFs. 9 was pure fun for me and felt lighthearted, something I really liked.

On a side note, just ordered the OST from square enix! Love this soundtrack.


Yep, great game. I had more fun with FFVII and FVIII, though. I also had more fun with FFX and FFXII. But FFIX is better than FFXIII.


I'd wait for a proper remake then. But if SE is complaining about HD towns this game will take 20 years. :lol

Hopefully it get a 3DS or PSP2 remake with the battle speed increased significantly.
I wonder...if the PSP2 will be backwards compatible with the PSP in some way or be able to play games like FFVII, VIII and IX from PSN.


Damn this thread makes me want to play FFIX again. I've already played it 5 times! They don't make JRPGs like this any more. :(


This game <3 <3 <3

One of my favourie RPG's. Played through it like five times and it never gets old. I love the character/overall design of the game. Plus, Vivi is awesome.
entrement said:
I'd wait for a proper remake then. But if SE is complaining about HD towns this game will take 20 years. :lol

Hopefully it get a 3DS or PSP2 remake with the battle speed increased significantly.

SE really should not touch this game. They would only tarnish it.
demosthenes said:
I wonder...if the PSP2 will be backwards compatible with the PSP in some way or be able to play games like FFVII, VIII and IX from PSN.

Any Playstation device from here on out will have full PS1 emulation so FFVII, VIII, IX, and Tactics will always be available to play.


Fantasy Final said:
FFX was awesome too, on par with FFIX for me. But after the S-E merger, yeah, downhill.
Eh, I didn't really care for X. The only thing that grabbed me was the overall presentation(CGI and graphics). They had some good tracks here and there, but the overall soundtrack was lackluster in comparison to past titles. Umetasu was burned out after IX, and the help didn't really add anything worth wild for me. Everything else was been there done that. Though I rather play through X 100 times than have to deal with the titles that followed after it. Good god, Square.
I thought IX was perhaps his weakest soundtrack. I also thought that was the general consensus as well. Well, I know that IX has the least amount of songs on my ipod compared to the others.
great game, played it when the 2004 olympics were on. :D i did hate the abnormal loading time (i came from playing ff7/ff8 on the pc, with minimal loading times) - it was reminding me of ff anthology and its atrocious loading times.

i just wanted to rush to the end, so i had severely underleveled characters .everyone died at the final boss, except for freya, because i kept having her "jump" so she would miss getting hit every other turn :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Rahxephon91 said:
I thought IX was perhaps his weakest soundtrack. I also thought that was the general consensus as well. Well, I know that IX has the least amount of songs on my ipod compared to the others.
I love IX's soundtrack, the only issue with it is that it has a bit of fat to it and a bunch of recycled themes.

But most of those themes are really awesome.
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