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Guerilla: Killzone: Shadow Fall's multiplayer is 60 FPS, singleplayer is 30 FPS

This is a megaton if true. Hopefully Killzone at 60 fps is as awesome as it sounds. It certainly will be interesting.

It was always day 1 though regardless of 30 or 60 fps. :)


Eric Boltjes coming back to Guerilla seems like the best thing that could have happened to them. Everything about the MP sounds great so far.
Wasn't it just 6 months ago that a 60FPS generation as the norm was a "pipe dream"?


Well, now.
Told you PC gamers arguing what these consoles are capable of using unfinished E3 demos of unfinished games on unfinished hardware to hold the fucking champagne. Well see how your shit 400 dollars of "PC hardware" hold up in a few years time.

rdrr gnr

Fucking excellent news. Doing everything 30 let's you do in SP; switch it up for MP. This and open world games are excellent next gen trends.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Doesn't feel weird going from COD to KZ2.

Have modern gamers lost the ability to adapt or something? Controllers, framerates, resolution...
Did you just call me a modern gamer? Damn.

But yeah, going from COD to KZ is not the same thing because the two games are completely different. This will be the same game, the same art direction, same weapons, same sound, but in 60fps. It'll definitely be weird.


I don't get this "we're targeting" line. Isn't this a technical design decision that should have been committed to along time ago?

Hitting a constant 60 fps at all times is very hard. You are dealing with tons of assets, that all need to come together in a playable level with AI, graphics shaders etc and they all have to precisely hit 60 fps. You have so many variables, that you can't predict ahead of time that for example an asset of 10 000 polygons exact with 4x 512x512 pixel textures and is used by your physics engine, will give you 60fps in a level. Its constant tweaking to see where you can scale back in for example graphical fidelity to provide you with 60 fps game-play (its much easier to scale back then scale up, if you have knowledge of how models and art works then you know what I mean) Also levels when they are developed are always changing, decisions are being made, new assets are created and put in.

You for example add in a field of grass, but that gives you bad performance because of the amount of polygons it draws, so you scale back on that and then another guy comes in and places in a detailed statue that is a main part of the story, so to hit that 60 fps you need to remove the grass and find some more recourse efficient ways to do the grass. or during game-play people are finding the grass useful, so the guy that did the giant statue needs to optimize that. It is a battle!

rope is being pulled from all directions.

Its like trying to hit an ant on a moving freight train with nothing but a pebble.

Its super hard and the only think you can do just under deliver in terms of graphical fidelity. Use the current gen consoles as target but render it on a higher resolution.

I mean you can do rough estimates but its impossible to give players a constant 60 fps experience while pushing graphics on a new console and decide that as a hard target ahead of times.

You are also dealing with different devkits when developing, specs changing (getting 8 instead of 4 gb of gddr5) diffrent versions of the SDK. its impossible to commit to a hard target, thats why they say, they are targeting 60fps.


30fps for SP.
60fps for MP.

I like this. it's like a nice balance. you get added visuals for the SP, where the eyegasms matter, and 60fps for MP, where you want more responsive controls and where eyecandy doesn't matter as much as you're gonna be playing the same maps again and again.


Shadow Fall MP trailer that dropped at Gamescom is the best stuff I've seen coming out of the next gen. Having it be at 60fps for MP is going to be amazing.
Told you PC gamers arguing what these consoles are capable of using unfinished E3 demos of unfinished games on unfinished hardware to hold the fucking champagne. Well see how your shit 400 dollars of "PC hardware" hold up in a few years time.

I don't see the need to finger point at other gamers on this board. :/


Dat launch day goodness! Now if only #DC can make it to their 60fps goal as well. Knack has co-op and is challenging at higher difficulties now it seems. Sony is actually trying to make me buy their games in November. -__-
I hope they realize that when they use this "targeting 60fps" line, it would only make the game's reception colder if they can only manage 30fps.

Maybe it's 30fps for single player (eye candy) and 60fps for multi.
I may have to just play the single player first, then get on multi only after I beat it. I won't be able to stand looking at it after having the superior feel of a higher framerate. That along with nice animation IS eye candy for me.
Dude my grandma suffered from framerate blindness in her right eye since child birth and I dont appreciate that demeaning tone of yours.

I apologize for offending you. It wasn't meant to demean people who actually can't see the difference but more of a shot at people who say they can't see the difference solely as a defense of a 30fps game when compared to a 60fps game.
Really good news for gamers. Hopefully it's a sign that shooter devs are actually considering the framerate and resulting responsiveness of COD is a possible contributing factor in its success. If shooters, like racing games, become somewhat commonly 60 fps on consoles, it's nothing but good news for console gamers.
I was still gonna buy the game but 60fps ??? Holly shit YES !!! Please Guerrila at least make it that way for the multiplayer.

This is great news if true !
this is exactly what I said and negative PS fans like Roboplato and others mocked me!

HAhahah who's laughing now hahahahahah

I knew the multi would run at 60 FPS

so far I have been right about Bend working on a PS4 game and Shadow Fall's multiplayer running at 60 FPS


this is exactly what I said and negative PS fans like Roboplato and others mocked me!

HAhahah who's laughing now hahahahahah

I knew the multi would run at 60 FPS

so far I have been right about Bend working on a PS4 game and Shadow Fall's multiplayer running at 60 FPS
To be fair you wrong like 90% time. :p


30 FPS was basically the only negative I could think of regarding Shadow Fall's multiplayer, so this is great news.

Guerrilla Games are good people.


I guess it is more related to the size of the maps... SP will be HUGE but the MP will be limited (no body plays MP in HUGE maps).


Oh wow, this is awesome. Go all out on the visuals in single player, and then a smooth 60fps for multiplayer. And it's not like the visuals in multiplayer are a slouch either! They look pretty incredible, in fact.



Make multiplayer 60 fps if possible. Single player needs to at least hold 30 fps at all times. I don't need 60fps in my single player games because chances are I'll only blow through the campaign once


I think some of you guys need to relax, aiming for 60 and having a stable 60 are two diff things. Lets not declare SF PS4 GOTY just yet.


I'd be in the dick
30 FPS for SP and 60 FPS for MP?

That's weird...

It is weird but I like it. That also means that the MP screenshots from GC are the 60fps version of the game. I can't imagine what SP will look like now.

this is exactly what I said and negative PS fans like Roboplato and others mocked me!

HAhahah who's laughing now hahahahahah

I knew the multi would run at 60 FPS

so far I have been right about Bend working on a PS4 game and Shadow Fall's multiplayer running at 60 FPS
I wasn't being negative. I'm shocked and very happy about this. They had just never mentioned anything but a target of 30fps and I assumed the extra frames in this footage was because they had optimized quite a bit since E3 and hadn't added in extra effects. I just didn't want anyone to get their hopes up for 60 when I didn't think it was going to happen since GG said they were aiming for 30.

60fps also trumps my desire for motion blur and DoF. Those things are great in 30fps games but if they need to be cut for 60 so be it.


Bad encoding? The UI trailer showed the game looking around 60 FPS before dipping once the action starts. Was probably hovering between 40 -60. Definitely above 30


This definitely runs in 60fps for a great amount of time.

So who is responsible for such a trailer fuck up? How can people that are in video business to do not see such fps drops, which hurt quality of footage, is beyond me.

Hmm actually it seems that fps is unlocked in this build, so when Yosp watched the godrays on the trees it run even faster than 60.


Junior Member
I think the distinction between SP and MP is a bit weird.

I would prefer an unlocked framerate for SP. I don't mind playing games which hover at around 40FPS. Beats 30 anyday.

I really hate that "target 60fps".
Except it's practically running at 60FPS already.
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