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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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This needs that fighting game treatment.


Is that just a jumping punch? I know RR is the next big star but they need to buff that move when he gets patched into his 2014 role.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Is that just a jumping punch? I know RR is the next big star but they need to buff that move when he gets patched into his 2014 role.

It's a dumb move because he should just spear the guy.

And the setup would actually be cool if he used it for the spear.


1) If they really want Reigns to have a "superman punch" they should have his opponent couched with one knee up and have him pop himself off of said knee for even more air on the punch and uses it to launch himself backwards.

Opponent is stunned from the punch, stumbles to his feet, and then catches a nasty fucking spear.

2) Shouldn't they make him like 'Thor' or something? It's already established that Cena is Superman. Plus, you could call his punch the "Hammer of the Gods" and sell foam hammers and shit to kids.


Remember when they highlighted the puck in hockey, years ago? Wrestling could do something like that with feet and hands to really drive home the idea of an impact move.

I mean, I hope they don't, but they could.


So not worth it
If it wasn't for getting my Diablo 3 Platinum I would've been almost solely gaming on my PS4. That thing is brilliant.

I've settled for using the DS4 for Diablo so it sorta feels next gen :(

Only have to loot another 1 million gold and I'm done. I hate grinding for trophies, but I'll be damned if I let one trophy stand in my way of getting a platinum one damnit!


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I still use my PS3 a lot, because the backlog of unplayed shit is almost 100 games large due in most part thanks to PS+ but I'm honestly done playing PS3 games unless it has DS4 compatibility. The DS3 was such a garbage controller, it is so hard to go back to it once you start regularly using a DS4.



NXT 10/26/2010

A random episode in the all Divas season of NXT. Halloween week. The first thing Cole says is that the show will be horrifying.

TO THE STRIKER. Matt brings out the Divas in their costumes. AJ is a Ninja Turtle, Naomi is the Hamburger Helper, Kaitlyn is Vickie Guerrero, Maxine is an Ice Queen, and Aksana is a devil. Aksana still has blonde hair, Maxine is still employeed, and AJ is still a loser. Naomi is currently in the lead and we have our first competition. Each woman will get 15 seconds to impress the WWE Universe. "Communism never looked so good." "Why doesn't Matt keep his comments to himself?" "I saw her on the the side of a, uh, a SPAM can." "What?" "Do you know what cold water does to a man, Striker?" "I need a shower every week after this show." "That's a better bump than she took in her match last week." This is already both the dumbest and most amazing thing I've ever seen. "Certainly giving me a splinter." Fucking gross, Matt. "What's Spanish for mediocre?" "Horrible." I don't think that's right, Cole. Naomi got booed to fuck. Kaitlyn easily won. "God, I'm glad we dragged this show on another 20 seconds."




TO THE BACK. Ted Dibiase and Maryse walk in the back and don't want to be there. "Hey, they feel like we feel!"

Naomi vs Maxine

Oh my, the women are wrestling in their costumes and Cole talks about how Back To The Future is way better than an hour of this show. Oh shit, they're actually going to watch Knucklehead instead of this match. "Tony, you're not supposed to read from the script!" I'm pretty sure Josh is eating candy or something. It's popcorn, actually. The YAKS fight around the table, ruining the movie for Josh and Cole. Cole is talking about Wolf Blitzer and sniper fire. Naomi hits a jaw breaker. Josh has never had Hamburger Helper and doesn't even know what it is. Naomi wins with a handbutt.

TO THE BACK. Godly and Aksana talk about their upcoming wedding. Aksana wants Goldy to stop worrying. An immigration agent shows up and says that Aksana will be deported next week if she isn't married.

Brie Bella vs AJ

The Bellas could still do Twin Magic in 2010. This is like the second hour second quarter hour main event of Raw! Josh really likes AJ. A hip toss gets AJ's mask off. Cole is busy taking pictures and texting. Brie is in control with a headlock. LARIATOOOOOOOOO!!!! AJ kicks out. Nikki had apparently been cunty lately because Brie moved to NYC. The sisters had been having some kind of disagreements or something. Series of kicks form AJ. FUCK Nikki's voice is terrible. Josh talks about spunk. Forced Twin Magic. Nikki wins. Primo takes his shoe off.


TO THE BACK. Ted and Maryse still want to leave. Ted puts Maryse in her place. Ted is here to get his belt back from Goldust. Maryse says since Ted is rich, he should just buy another one.

STAND UP FOR WWE! There were some political attacks on WWE, so they air a video of WWE Superstars blowing the legacy of WWE. DREAMS. DREAMS EVERYWHERE. Big Show is just a small boy from Macon, Georgia. Except that he's 7 feet tall.

TO THE STRIKER. Our next competition is a candy eating contest. Hornswoggle (dressed as a cowboy) is out to help for some reason. "I don't like Hornswoggle at all." Josh says Kaitlyn as Vickie is the most likely to win, for obvious reasons. Because Vickie is FAT! I feel like Kaitlyn probably IS the most likely to win due to having to eat more to keep her mass. Maxine ate the most and was declared the winner. She then started fucking with Hornswoggle. AJ didn't like it. She pushes Maxine, with Horny helping. Kaitlyn starts choking. Hornswoggle gives her the Heimlich and she spits her candy out on Vickie. Vickie starts to gag and the crowd chants PUKE PUKE PUKE. "Vickie's disgusting." VICKIE DIDN'T DO A FUCKING THING TO BE CALLED DISGUSTING.



TO THE BACK. Kaitlyn tries to talk to Vickie, who is flipping her shit over getting puked on. Dolph answers the door and hits on Kaitlyn.

Goldust/Aksana vs Ted Dibiase/Maryse

Cole buries pro wrestling and then Josh buries him for saying pro wrestling, because they aren't allowed to say that. Ted's music is maybe the single most inappropriate entrance theme I've ever heard. Lol, Josh shits on Cole for getting make up put on his bald spot. "You are awful. There's a reason you're doing this show." The women start out. Cole is super into Maxine, who isn't in this match. Maryse dominates Aksana. "Maryse is putting on a clinic!" "Calm down." Both dudes want a full bar for the Goldust/Aksana wedding. The match picks up when the men tag in. Ted throws off the bulldog. Goldy is thrown into the announce table. Maryse takes a few shots while he's on the floor and Cole cheers her on. Aksana does Goldy's drop down uppercut. Aksana pins Maryse with a small package! Ted gets the title and tries to leave with it. Aksana slaps the shit out of him and Maryse and Goldust is still in possession of the Million Dollar Championship.


NXT Season 3 is really to be listened to more than watched. It's amazing that not only does no one give a single fuck about this show, but they go out of their way to point out how they hate the show, the girls, the fans, and wrestling in general every chance they get. It's like the episode of Nash on color for Thunder, but for a whole season.
You make the rain fall

'Cause you're so beautiful that it's painful

Yeah, you told me that you were an angel

But I already know what you came for

You make the rain fall

i think Cena coming out made it even more obvious, really transparent how they were setting something up.

Basically this is why I never bought it completely. If he was really retiring, they would have let him have the spotlight alone, until maybe after he was done and everyone came out to give him a standing ovation.

Cena standing on the apron like a doofus just made me think "why is he staying? Something's gotta be up."


So between RAW's shitty christmas show and NXT being a clip show I have not watched any wrestling this week. Getting dem shakes.
WrassleGAF awards are good shit. strobogo with the well deserved win. glad NXT is getting its due as the best. New Japan may be great, but it also doesn't have a weekly free product!

lol @ Money in the Bank 2013 even being nominated for anything. it was pretty mediocre outside of the ladder matches.



Also, I looked at the TNA roster and man its really thin.

37 wrestlers in which of those 7 have not been seen on tv. The diva division is 7 and 1 of them is pregnant so its really 6 left.

You just made me look at their roster...Why the fuck is Quinton Jackson on there?
according to small Dave:

While this could change, right now they have a Batista vs. Orton match scheduled for WrestleMania. He’s actually been on the books to be at Mania this year for a few months, probably dating back to around the period the first rumors came out that he denied, about coming back.

Batista is expected to be in the Royal Rumble. If Orton ends up as the champion at Mania, then the original plan was likely for Batista to win the Rumble. If Orton loses the title, then the plan was likely for whoever gets the shot at the new champion to be the guy who takes the Rumble.

In theory, being 45 after a nearly four-year layoff should make him questionable, particularly since he’s had a lot of wrestling related injuries and it’s a very physically demanding schedule. The second is the physique issue, because a man whose main claim to fame was his physique, at 45, if the place is natural, would be questionable as well. But his name is big enough from his years on top to where he doesn’t need the freaky physique to be noticed.

HHH vs. C.M. Punk is now on the books for Mania as the climax of The Authority angle. Roman Reigns is a back-up plan for HHH’s opponent, but there was a Langston vs. Reigns singles match tease on TV this week, and I don’t see that taking place at the Rumble because that would seem way too soon, and the Elimination Chamber is a multiple-person main event. Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar is also still on the books for WrestleMania.

With all the top guys seemingly taken, that would still seem that Cena is in for something to do with Hogan in some form, since Cena should be involved if they do a Hogan final deal type of show. As of last week, Cena vs. Bray Wyatt, believe it or not, was the main event planned for the show. Vince McMahon stated to the writers and producers that “Cena is the main event until his time is clearly up. That man feeds us!”

That one I could see changing because it would require them to have confidence Wyatt has gotten over to that level, and right now that’s going to be tough. It’s great positioning for Wyatt when it comes to establishing him as a long-term top guy, although Miz was in a similar position in one of the biggest Manias of all-time, and look at how that ended up.

no plans for beloved Bryan.


Some early WrestleMania news:

While this could change, right now they have a Batista vs. Orton match scheduled for WrestleMania. He’s actually been on the books to be at Mania this year for a few months, probably dating back to around the period the first rumors came out that he denied, about coming back.

Batista is expected to be in the Royal Rumble. If Orton ends up as the champion at Mania, then the original plan was likely for Batista to win the Rumble. If Orton loses the title, then the plan was likely for whoever gets the shot at the new champion to be the guy who takes the Rumble.

HHH vs. C.M. Punk is now on the books for Mania as the climax of The Authority angle. Roman Reigns is a back-up plan for HHH’s opponent, but there was a Langston vs. Reigns singles match tease on TV this week, and I don’t see that taking place at the Rumble because that would seem way too soon, and the Elimination Chamber is a multiple-person main event. Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar is also still on the books for WrestleMania.

With all the top guys seemingly taken, that would still seem that Cena is in for something to do with Hogan in some form, since Cena should be involved if they do a Hogan final deal type of show. As of last week, Cena vs. Bray Wyatt, believe it or not, was the main event planned for the show. Vince McMahon stated to the writers and producers that “Cena is the main event until his time is clearly up. That man feeds us!”

That one I could see changing because it would require them to have confidence Wyatt has gotten over to that level, and right now that’s going to be tough. It’s great positioning for Wyatt when it comes to establishing him as a long-term top guy, although Miz was in a similar position in one of the biggest Manias of all-time, and look at how that ended up.

The booking is based on the idea Hogan won’t be able to do a match or pass the medicals. That still leaves a Bryan vs. Michaels spot open (as noted, everyone internally is being told Michaels will not work another match, as are friends of Michaels, but even so I wouldn’t reject that possibility 100%) as well as a lot of other guys not accounted for. Sheamus doing a heel turn could be a backup plan for Cena if they don’t think Wyatt is ready for that spot, but that would be tough to put as the main event. It’s a match that was done for months straight and as a main event program, and while it’s foolish to think that Mania has to be all new matches, Cena vs. Sheamus doesn’t feel like a Mania main event. Sheamus’ shoulder hasn’t recovered yet, which may cut into the time to get him over enough to be in that position, if that can even be done at this point, unless there was a great idea to heat him up.

One match that was earmarked for the show, Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust, to me would be a big mistake. The two wanted to do the match last year, and even had an angle put in place to start it, but Vince McMahon vetoed it. This year, the tag team was originally set to lead to a split and a match at Mania. The problem is, the two have ended up forming a good team and not only is it way too early to split them, I think splitting them and feuding wouldn’t work now, and may never work. Real brothers feuding only works when there is a story with real meat and believability to it (Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart). When it’s done when there’s no real good reason that people can buy (Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, and no, nobody believed Matt set fire to Jeff’s house and killed his dog) you can spend months building up a cartoon feud and the people will crap all over it. Plus, both have far more upsides together than either would separate for the time being, and for Goldust, it’s a career saver because once they split, no matter how good a worker he is, they aren’t going to push him as a single at his age.

Interesting stuff Bray vs Cena of course Cena is going over. Also, when everyone says no that means the match is happening because they keep teasing it.

edit: Beaten but the with stuff about Bryan the above poster "forgot" to post


An angle with Cena and losing to him at WM would kill the Wyatt family. That's not a very good pairing. Probably wouldn't be a very good match with Bray either unless he improves a lot.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I marked for the Headshrinkers. I remember when they turned 'face' and they were basically the exact same except they beat up heels.

Nowadays their face turn would be coming out doing a dance and making a twitter account

Need a modern day Steiners. Just constantly throwing mother fuckers and being dangerous as shit
Imagine like Rick and Scott against Hansen and Dr Death


An angle with Cena and losing to him at WM would kill the Wyatt family. That's not a very good pairing. Probably wouldn't be a very good match with Bray either unless he improves a lot.

Losing to Cena wouldn't hurt him that much (since everyone loses to Cena eventually), but the buildup would be horrendous. Months of Duck Dynasty jokes and not taking seriously a gimmick that people want to buy into. Would rather see Rock-Cena-Hogan than that.

Shield-Wyatts would be better. Two heel groups, but it'd be easy enough to cast Shield as face-ish compared to Wyatts. And it's something people want to see.



Also, I looked at the TNA roster and man its really thin.

37 wrestlers in which of those 7 have not been seen on tv. The diva division is 7 and 1 of them is pregnant so its really 6 left.
Roster size is fine considering it's not a company that runs four shows or however many it is for WWE. Even for WWE, with Raw, Smackdown, Main Event, and Superstars, they still seem to throw out the same midcard or tag teams we always see. Divas are another thing. Not enough quality, too much quantity.
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