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Disney pulls Maui costume

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This is Moana's costume, still for sale why? Because it's a dress.


With that said, not all instances of feeling offended carry the same weight. Where do you draw the line? You don't get to say "I'm offended" and then expect for that phrase to act as an end-all, be-all to anything and everything. All this mentality does is cheapen legitimate causes.

It's simple, don't use skin tone to sell a costume. I've already said ways they could try to get around it, but it's still commodifying a culture. Maybe just not try to make money off everything? A kids movie isn't a legitimate cause, so who cares? Disney complied, move on.


It's simple, don't use skin tone to sell a costume. I've already said ways they could try to get around it, but it's still commodifying a culture. Maybe just not try to make money off everything? A kids movie isn't a legitimate cause, so who cares? Disney complied, move on.
Not everyone feels the same way you do. That's life, move on.

Doesn't that sound fucking condescending? Maybe not everyone feels the same way as you?
It's simple, don't use skin tone to sell a costume. I've already said ways they could try to get around it, but it's still commodifying a culture. Maybe just not try to make money off everything? A kids movie isn't a legitimate cause, so who cares? Disney complied, move on.

I think intent matters, and I don't believe this was an instance where things were done maliciously or mockingly. But, maybe we don't agree there.

I don't personally care about this costume. But, I do worry that this willingness to start an online angry commotion at anything remotely misconstrue-able as racist/bigoted/hateful will just push our media to just go all-white again and not wanna engage or dabble in anything ethnic.

I'd love to be wrong.
I think intent matters, and I don't believe this was an instance where things were done maliciously or mockingly. But, maybe we don't agree there.

I don't personally care about this costume. But, I do worry that this willingness to start an online angry commotion at anything remotely misconstrue-able as racist/bigoted/hateful will just push our media to just go all-white again and not wanna engage or dabble in anything ethnic.

I'd love to be wrong.

I think this is plausible. Perhaps not "all white" but definitely sterile.


I think intent matters, and I don't believe this was an instance where things were done maliciously or mockingly. But, maybe we don't agree there.

I don't personally care about this costume. But, I do worry that this willingness to start an online angry commotion at anything remotely misconstrue-able as racist/bigoted/hateful will just push our media to just go all-white again and not wanna engage or dabble in anything ethnic.

I'd love to be wrong.

9/22/2016. remember the maui costume that removed all minorities from all media forever and shit


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Eh, looking at the costume I kind of get it. Anything where the costume changes the person's skin tone is kind of errrrrrrr, and I can see something like that becoming a very slippery slope. It's easy for me to see white parents looking at the skin tone, and the kids being like "I want it to match!" and them putting the kids in black face because white people gonna white people. To be fair, I imagine that was a concern ahead of time, and that they were very careful how the did the costume. There were enough decorations(like the tattoos) to give it a decent illusion as a shirt, and they put it on a girl to try and get ahead of the 'no gender' costume idea. It is tough to tell if the outrage is from a vocal few that would be offended at any costume or if the people making the costume just didn't think things through enough.

To people who are 'good,' just keep in mind that the formative things of a lot of people's childhoods are from marketing pushes. Transformers, any disney movie, any cartoon, had a huge impact on kids in part of their marketing, where there were toys and commercials and coloring books and all sorts of things to reinforce the product in your mind when you aren't actually watching it. I think everyone here can agree that they really want this movie to be successful, and for it to inspire more movies like it, and part of that is going to require successful marketing push(i.e. joe smoe parents buying the toys for their kids). Sure, the kids will go see it, but what will engrave it in their minds are the toys, and the coloring books and yes, the halloween costumes. I'm sure that Disney has a bunch of other marketing items planned for this movie, and I'm also sure there are some executives who are looking at this controversy as a sign that stuff like Moana is too risky and want to wait few years to try again. Similarly, I can see controversy coming in the future on the other side with stuff like 'why isn't there a white version of XX for my daughter?!'

TLDR; So I guess what I'm saying is wow look at this clusterfuck.


I am curious about the Moana Halloween costume now. We know that people wearing American Indian, Asian, Asian Indian, and Arab garb without darkening their skin is still somewhat offensive.

How do we allow white kids to idolize and emulate their PoC heroes without being offensive?

I mean, it's white people's own fucking fault, from Al Jolson to Mickey Rooney. It's a bummer that kids in today's slowly-changing world are paying the price.


Goddamnit gaf you know the damn tattoos are the costume. And the easiest way to portray that is by making the skin a part of the costume. They could have tried to be racially impartial by making various skin tones, but then they would have gotten backlash for changing the color of the character for sure.


They aren't allowed to sell costumes for the other ones, so they just keep churning out white girls like from a mold.

man, are you taking Disney's pulling of this costume so hard because you were planning on wearing it to a Halloween party or something, dog?

Polynesian people weren't happy about it. Disney listened. I don't see how that's a negative

edit: I see me and Gordon are on the same page
Find it funny how many outraged people there are in this thread, especially going to hyperbolic lengths that this is a slippery slope about other minority characters or how we can't get diversity/inclusivity in our culture anymore thanks to this decision. Reminds me of the Dead or Alive, Overwatch, or Street Fighter "censorship" threads, cause some just really hate things getting pulled due to PC/outrage culture even though it was the company's own decision but people can't seem to respect that :p

It's not enough to be disappointed in the decision, gotta play the blame game and have your go at some boogeyman.


I think intent matters, and I don't believe this was an instance where things were done maliciously or mockingly. But, maybe we don't agree there.

I don't personally care about this costume. But, I do worry that this willingness to start an online angry commotion at anything remotely misconstrue-able as racist/bigoted/hateful will just push our media to just go all-white again and not wanna engage or dabble in anything ethnic.

I'd love to be wrong.

Intent doesn't matter. I'm sorry, but you can do a racist act withouit meaning to be. It happens all the time. What you're supposed to do, is accept it and move on, and maybe not do it again. Not litigate what was in your heart. Don't care about your heart, can't change your heart, but I can tell you to not color your skin like my people because it brings up a long history of racist shit. If you still want to try to litigate, that just says you care more about having access to make money off people/their culture than the culture or people.

Goddamnit gaf you know the damn tattoos are the costume. And the easiest way to portray that is by making the skin a part of the costume. They could have tried to be racially impartial by making various skin tones, but then they would have gotten backlash for changing the color of the character for sure.

Or just not try to make money off of it. Hard I know!


Are all you dudes in here fun sized? Why are you so up in arms about a children's costume? Are you a children? Do you need an adult?
Maybe it fits all the shorties

People been cosplaying characters with tattoos forever. Skin tone wasn't included in the package or required
oh sorry what was the earliest date so i can mark that as the end of minorities in media

Y'know what's not funny? Companies and business thinking twice about dabbling in diversity and different cultures when this sort of trigger-happy outrage is the norm and seemingly the default, first reaction for some online. But let's just laugh it off and pretend it's not an issue that might be hurting the very cause its supposed to champion.
The costume is pretty much impossible to sell in 2016 without some kind of outrage. Keep the skin color, it's racist. Remove the skin color, you're erasing culture. I think if Disney learns any lesson from this movie it'll be to make sure that non-white characters wear more clothes. Because the movie is only ever a fraction of the game plan. These things are always about selling products. And this costume may not have earned them an extra hundred million but the issue people have with it will certainly be considered the next time a movie like it is on the table.


Y'know what's not funny? Companies and business thinking twice about dabbling in diversity and different cultures when this sort of trigger-happy outrage is the norm and seemingly the default, first reaction for some online. But let's just laugh it off and pretend it's not an issue that might be hurting the very cause its supposed to champion.

This is some disingenuous shit. You're essentially saying that Disney won't make more diverse stories because they were rebuked for this. But what you're implying is that DIsney must be able to make money off the culture, or its not worth their time to make the story. Fuck that. If that's the case, good. I'll watch Boy instead.
Y'know what's not funny? Companies and business thinking twice about dabbling in diversity and different cultures when this sort of trigger-happy outrage is the norm and seemingly the default, first reaction for some online. But let's just laugh it off and pretend it's not an issue that might be hurting the very cause its supposed to champion.

Disney is still gonna make serious bank on the Moana dress, which is still for sale....

And all the other merch...

Again this was Polynesian people raising their concerns and Disney going yup point well taken....


"Well, people gave us negative feedback about this one piece of merchandise, I guess we'll NEVER MAKE A MOVIE LIKE THIS AGAIN."

Are you people high?
For what it's worth, in this context "many" doesn't necessarily mean "most". All it really means is "enough that we don't want to spend resources dealing with the PR headache".

Vocal minority or actual majority? Hard to tell.

Dude a Human Right's Commission waded in... it's enough to be significant.


Intent doesn't matter. I'm sorry, but you can do a racist act withouit meaning to be. It happens all the time. What you're supposed to do, is accept it and move on, and maybe not do it again. Not litigate what was in your heart. Don't care about your heart, can't change your heart, but I can tell you to not color your skin like my people because it brings up a long history of racist shit. If you still want to try to litigate, that just says you care more about having access to make money off people/their culture than the culture or people.

Or just not try to make money off of it. Hard I know!

Wtf does making money on it have to do with anything


I wonder if putting an ethnicity warning on these types of costumes would be a solution. There are certainly some Maui kids who would want to dress up - so if Disney could put a warning or label on the box advising about the nature of the costume and who it is intended for, that would prevent an inadvertent racism while letting Maui kids have a strong character they can dress up as for Halloween. Perhaps the leading stores that sell costumes (Walmart etc.) could train their clerks to make sure the costume warning labels are followed strictly, and potentially refuse sale in some cases. This system could be extended to other costumes.


Disney is still gonna make serious bank on the Moana dress, which is still for sale....

As long as no white girls wear it.

Big Dog

Honestly, none. That fact people participate in a day that mocks different cultures and religions/beliefs is gross.

Im sorry that you feel so hurt by a children's day to dress up and have fun costuming around. Are there real Jedi and Sith somewhere who will be offended when someone wears a brown robe or a Darth Vader mask?
"Well, people gave us negative feedback about this one piece of merchandise, I guess we'll NEVER MAKE A MOVIE LIKE THIS AGAIN."

Are you people high?

Dude..they already cancelled Black Panther. Can't have white kids running around saying they're black ANYTHING!
I know what the difference is, I am not that stupid. But I don't see how it is automatically racist. As a kid, we used to dress up as Indians for Fasching too, usually as the "good guys" against the evil cowboys. Some kids painted their skin a bit as part of the attire. There was no bad intent, and the concept of race didn't factor into it.

Yeah and the Aussies who dressed up in black face a couple years ago weren't intending to be racist either. Doesn't change the fact it was. Intent doesn't matter, racism through ignorance is still racism. That doesn't automatically make you a bad person but you should try to learn from it.

Just wait a minute. The movie's not out yet. Someone will complain. It is like rule whatever about the internet about there being a porn version of anything.

If it exists on the internet, someone will complain about it.

And it'll be the END OF THE WORLD IF THEY DO!


Disney is still gonna make serious bank on the Moana dress, which is still for sale....

And all the other merch...

Again this was Polynesian people raising their concerns and Disney going yup point well taken....

People don't care about facts. Only blaming those damnned SJWs for ruining something else yet again

"Well, people gave us negative feedback about this one piece of merchandise, I guess we'll NEVER MAKE A MOVIE LIKE THIS AGAIN."

Are you people high?
You know the answer to this question



"Well, people gave us negative feedback about this one piece of merchandise, I guess we'll NEVER MAKE A MOVIE LIKE THIS AGAIN."

Are you people high?

don't you understand? the entirety of moana's profit and disney's plans for having movies that star minorities hinged on this costume. without it, they'll realized that minorities don't want movies starring them, they just want to complain and let out the most recent outrage culture pc sjw agenda that's actually regressing what they claim to stand for. this was basically the little rock nine of halloween costumes.


Wtf does making money on it have to do with anything

All your excuses about the suit go away if they didn't pull the trigger on it. Instead they tried to make as much money as possible, which is usually good, but this time they used someones culture and skin color to do so, and in the end, the answer should've been no when the initial sketches came up.
This is some disingenuous shit. You're essentially saying that Disney won't make more diverse stories because they were rebuked for this. But what you're implying is that DIsney must be able to make money off the culture, or its not worth their time to make the story. Fuck that. If that's the case, good. I'll watch Boy instead.

They're making a product. To make money, given that they're a business. They're not gonna make a movie (and the merch that comes with it) free just cause it's highlighting and spotlighting a particular culture.

Also, culture is a commodity. Music, books, stories, outfits/garb, food, etc. (all things that fall under culture) have been sold and shared with profit since, what, all of history? The fact that these aspects of culture are commoditized is what enables for these things to continue to be created, shared, and passed down.
Being sarcastic, but if we're talking the male one off the market, we should take the female one off too. Still cultural appropriation.

Again huh?
Her's doesn't come with skin to wear...

Tiana's dress has been sold for ages no one cared because it didn't come with fucking skin to wear.


They're making a product. To make money, given that they're a business. They're not gonna make a movie (and the merch that comes with it) free just cause it's highlighting and spotlighting a particular culture.

Also, culture is a commodity. Music, books, stories, outfits/garb, food, etc. (all things that fall under culture) have been sold and shared with profit since, what, all of history? The fact that these aspects of culture are commoditized is what enables for these things to continue to be created, shared, and passed down.
Yes, which is why they should make a good movie. Wow, so because white man has traded on everyones culture, its obviously ok now! Good to know. Oh wait, the people who the culture belong to are denigrated for looking like the culture while whites are able to wear them like outfits. It's almost like there's something wrong with that.
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