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Killzone Shadow Fall is the best looking next gen launch game


People are being stupid as fuck in this thread or trolling season has begun.

Watch the entire 1 GB video. It's impressive visually and they are bringing back a lot of the things which made Killzone 2 MP great. Controls are tighter and recoil still needs to be added. I feel that both Killzone and BF4 will be both fun MPs which will provide a different teamwork like experience. To me it will definitely be more fun and interesting that spray of duty ______
I would hope SF sp looks alot better than the mp, the mp for SF was pretty but nothing really impressive or different from what I see when I game.


Tears in the rain
I tried to look this up, but never found anything but if this is confirmed, this game is totally my first PS4 game: Will there be bots for multiplayer?

Ain't nothing better than bot matches with my friends. If this is in...Yeah. Won't be able to resist.
It looks awesome, totally agree that it's the best looking launch game so far. I'm picking it over COD and BF4, i feel like guerilla is going to really be able to do a lot of things as a 1st party that will give them an initial head start. looks like the shooter to have at launch to me.


I think BF4 looks like a cross gen game. After playing it on PC I see some marginal improvement. KZ looks absolutely next gen. I have no trepidation in calling this the best graphical showcase for next gen thus far. Infamous also looks amazing at times.

Even with playing games like Metro or Crysis on PC, KZ Shadowfall really impresses me and this is only MP we are seeing at 1080p/60fps.
So you've played BF4 on the PC since yesterday, when you were judging Killzone to be the better looking game based off of off-screen Youtube video of Battlefield?


hide your water-based mammals
So you've played BF4 on the PC since yesterday, when you were judging Killzone to be the better looking game based off of off-screen Youtube video of Battlefield?


I've played maxed out BF3 and have seen the BF4 footage running on what looks to be PC. I've had this discussion with a strictly PC centered friend and he agrees. He doesn't think much of consoles but I agree with his opinion on BF4. It looks nice. I'm judging both on equal footing.

LOL? Spare me your half assed "fucking shameless" comment as well. If you want to talk about it hop on GAF mumble or Steam. I will tell you and articulate well enough. I don't mince words nor will I insult or passive aggressively taunt.
kill zone looks average compared to battlefield. the scale of that game look incredible.

tough look kill zone really. with battlefield and COD out aroun the same time it will get over looked.

Not everyone can buy everything and I would miss kill zone over the other 2, because I know what my friend will be playing

We haven't seen a single clip or picture of the console version of BF4.


I fucking adore this stupid goddamned trend of discounting any game completely and utterly, simply for not being 60 fps.

The ridiculous rejection of reality can be astounding sometimes.

Accepting 30 fps is a rejection of reality. 30 fps does not resemble reality. No game that runs at 30 fps can truly say that it has realistic graphics.


Maybe it is, I don't know, I find it hard to get too hyped for Killzone, I am moderately interested. Battlefield looked the most impressive to me but I think that was running on some PC at about 3K resolution.


hide your water-based mammals
We haven't seen a single clip or picture of the console version of BF4.

What was that cam footage? Pc? I'm genuinely curious as that's what I was under the impression of. AMD said it was running on their 7970's so my opinions are derived from that. I run the games maxed on SLI 670's right now and have modded LOD settings alongside fov so I do stand by my words on how I find BF4 an incremental leap (although destruction looks better) but I'm not sure if it's as graphically packed as KZ. The fact that I'm saying that about inferior HW on PS4 compared to PC is complimentary enough to KZ.


Yes it is, by far. And that's just the MP footage which is supposedly going to be 60fps as well. The SP is going to be mind blowing.


Agreed. Shadowfall's MP is the most next-gen looking game yet.

SP looks great, but it hasn't wowed me yet. The OWL stuff looks cool, though.


thanks for the laugh
i dl'd the video and it appears to be an exercise in "lets throw as much shit as we can at the screen and create a blown-out blurry particle orgy and see how many GIFs get made". which looks far from "good". i don't think the low bitrate and 30fps encoding helps, but i guess i should wait for direct-buffer grabs before passing judgement.

it'd be like having to play a michael bay movie.

i was going to post some screenshots but i can't be bothered to field another thread full of complaints that i'm deliberately trying to make the game look worse by screencapping the footage we're all talking about.


I've played maxed out BF3 and have seen the BF4 footage running on what looks to be PC. I've had this discussion with a strictly PC centered friend and he agrees. He doesn't think much of consoles but I agree with his opinion on BF4. It looks nice. I'm judging both on equal footing.

LOL? Spare me your half assed "fucking shameless" comment as well. If you want to talk about it hop on GAF mumble or Steam. I will tell you and articulate well enough. I don't mince words nor will I insult or passive aggressively taunt.
So you haven't played BF4 on PC?

Thats not mincing words, that's just straight up lying.
KSF looks great graphically but BF4 and Titanfall look way more fun to play. You know how people say Crysis is all graphics and the gameplay sucks/ is boring? That's Killzone to me. While its very pretty, Killzone just does absolutely nothing for me from a gameplay standpoint.
Maybe it is, I don't know, I find it hard to get too hyped for Killzone, I am moderately interested. Battlefield looked the most impressive to me but I think that was running on some PC at about 3K resolution.

That was the original showing of BF4, what you have seen now is just 1080p. Plus even when you saw the original showing of BF4, you only saw it in 1080p anyway. I wouldn't want to see it in 3k because I'd be forced to add 2 more gpus to my computer lol

bob page

It definitely is, but that doesn't mean I approve of the overuse of particle effects everywhere (especially the gigantic muzzle flashes).

Also, the OP said best looking- not most fun to play. I don't know why people are dragging gameplay into this thread.


i dl'd the video and it appears to be an exercise in "lets throw as much shit we can at the screen and create a blown-out blurry particle orgy and see how many GIFs get made". which looks far from "good". i don't think the low bitrate and 30fps encoding helps, but i guess i should wait for direct-buffer grabs before passing judgement.

it'd be like having to play a michael bay movie.

thanks for the laugh


so many ignorant post on this thread ill just avoid pointing out which ones to not derail the thread, and yes OP, killzone does look amazing, specially for a launch game, some people don't understand that launch games are created with an idea of what the final hardware is gonna be so as a developer you don't really know how far can you push the system, what trade offs you can make, im impressed to be honest, just look at the first uncharted and look at the last uncharted, or the first ratchet and a crack in time, or look at halo 3 and than look at halo 4, its easy to talk the talk ill tell yaaa....
What am I supposed to be looking at?

To be honest, this looks pretty much like almost every game on PS3/360.

If this is what next-gen is offering, I'm glad I'm skipping it.

Might want to get your cataracts checked.

What was that cam footage? Pc? I'm genuinely curious as that's what I was under the impression of. AMD said it was running on their 7970's so my opinions are derived from that. I run the games maxed on SLI 670's right now and have modded LOD settings alongside fov so I do stand by my words on how I find BF4 an incremental leap (although destruction looks better) but I'm not sure if it's as graphically packed as KZ. The fact that I'm saying that about inferior HW on PS4 compared to PC is complimentary enough to KZ.

Cam footage? I know the PS4 version was shown recently behind doors.


I think BF4 looks like a cross gen game. After playing it on PC I see some marginal improvement. KZ looks absolutely next gen. I have no trepidation in calling this the best graphical showcase for next gen thus far. Infamous also looks amazing at times.

Even with playing games like Metro or Crysis on PC, KZ Shadowfall really impresses me and this is only MP we are seeing at 1080p/60fps.

Exactly how I feel. I have played and experience all the top/ high end games on full settings at 1080p/60 fps and yea they looks incredible.

BUT KZ:SF ( even though it's still compressed) looks better than these games to me ( C3, BF3, METRO:LL and whatever other games there are).

Yes I haven't played BF4 but from what we have seen ( yes compressed videos still, so in a sense similar to KZ:SF) still doesn't look near it graphically and that is the PC on ultra settings... Obviously it's unfair to compare them though since the scale is different for each.

I am a PC gamer first and foremost nowadays but saying this looks like a standard PC game on high is just silly.
Gameplay wise it might look boring, but graphically and technically? nope


hide your water-based mammals
So you haven't played BF4 on PC?

Thats not mincing words, that's just straight up lying.

I'm judging things from the same sources you have. It's not my fault Sony has released a very nice 1GB video vs what EA's shown. Even at parity and with crappy youtube encoding KZ looks better but that doesn't shame or discredit BF4. I'm very impressed with both and want both. I'm mighty impressed with KZ due to it doing what it's doing on what's look at as inferior to PC HW (which it undoubtedly is). It just shows how well a closed HW architecture of a PS4 can work wonders. This is just launch stuff too.

After this post I really can't clarify any more. I want both games in the end.

I should have been clearer on noting I have played BF3 on PC but I was assuming I didn't have to clarify so I do apologize for that. The wording is definitely off. I still think BF4 is a marginal improvement to 3 as in a game like TitanFall shares a similar cross gen double edged sword give and take.


I take it this is your first generation transition.

Launch titles always look significantly worse than games released later in, and honestly if you think this looks bad I think you might be clinically blind.

People should go back and look at some of the launch 360/PS3 games.
KSF looks great graphically but BF4 and Titanfall look way more fun to play. You know how people say Crysis is all graphics and the gameplay sucks/ is boring? That's Killzone to me. While its very pretty, Killzone just does absolutely nothing for me from a gameplay standpoint.

Considering GG is basically first party Crytek you have a point. Killzone might be better looking than BF but we don't know yet. BF is running at 60, with 64 players, in much larger environments, with destruction, and has to be designed for multiple systems.


I tried to look this up, but never found anything but if this is confirmed, this game is totally my first PS4 game: Will there be bots for multiplayer?

Ain't nothing better than bot matches with my friends. If this is in...Yeah. Won't be able to resist.

Yes, there are bots.
KZ is the most visually impressive launch game by far. I don't see any comparing to it. Everyone talking about games that look more fun to play, what does that have to do with the visual quality of this game? We have all heard the KZ is boring argument before. This thread isn't about the gameplay.


Not a big multiplayer guy in general, but this game looks amazing, when I watched that 6 minute video, other than Infamous SS, it's first real "next gen" footage I feel like we've seen. Ryse looks good, but it feels very plastic-y as well, like a lot of what I've seen coming from the XBO. Second Son and Shadow Fall look more substantial and somehow.

Interested to see how things play out at launch, it seems like Sony 1st party games have only gotten better looking and performing from E3 to GC, while stuff like Dead Rising 3 and Ryse look less impressive than they were a few months ago when we saw them the first time.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Accepting 30 fps is a rejection of reality. 30 fps does not resemble reality. No game that runs at 30 fps can truly say that it has realistic graphics.
Based on the way lighting and depth of field interacts with the view port I think it's safe to say they are targeting the look of a film. Not to suggest that 24 fps is a good choice (it's out of sync with the refresh rate), but running at 30 fps doesn't mean it can't display realistic visuals.

People should go back and look at some of the launch 360/PS3 games.
Heh, yeah, I think that would open a lot of eyes. Very few of them have aged even remotely well.


The MP footage sure has sparks and nice lighting tech, but it doesn't look very good to me. Some of the gifs posted are borderline unreadable and epilepsy inducing, reminding me of the bad stuff of CoD games. In short: can't see shit sir.

Neither does the scale or the weapons shown impress me at all. Their technical target is very commendable though. 1080p and 60fps (if achieved) will make the game shine performance and IQ wise for sure.


hide your water-based mammals
The MP footage sure has sparks and nice lighting tech, but it doesn't look very good to me. Some of the gifs posted are borderline unreadable and epilepsy inducing, reminding me of the bad stuff of CoD games. In short: can't see shit sir.

Neither does the scale or the weapons shown impress me at all. Their technical target is very commendable though. 1080p and 60fps (if achieved) will make the game shine performance and IQ wise for sure.

This is the very nature of why the TC made his proclamation. It's very impressive and this is just multiplayer so bare that in mind. The SP should be pretty amazing looking, needless to say.
i dl'd the video and it appears to be an exercise in "lets throw as much shit as we can at the screen and create a blown-out blurry particle orgy and see how many GIFs get made". which looks far from "good". i don't think the low bitrate and 30fps encoding helps, but i guess i should wait for direct-buffer grabs before passing judgement.

it'd be like having to play a michael bay movie.

i was going to post some screenshots but i can't be bothered to field another thread full of complaints that i'm deliberately trying to make the game look worse by screencapping the footage we're all talking about.


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!


LOL. Which game is which? Had the UI not have been different for each gif, I would just assume it was the same game. Fucking next-gen.
People who (probably) haven't played a Killzone game sure like telling others how boring and generic they think Killzone looks...

This game looks so pretty. GG are wizards.
I tried to look this up, but never found anything but if this is confirmed, this game is totally my first PS4 game: Will there be bots for multiplayer?

Ain't nothing better than bot matches with my friends. If this is in...Yeah. Won't be able to resist.
There are bots. They're featured in some of the newer screenshots (characters have [BOT] in front of their name). Not sure if you'll be able to play against bots with friends though... you couldn't in Killzone 3, sadly.
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